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Judge Choudhry had asked Rudra to substitute for him at a formal dinner because he had been called out of town unexpectedly. The Judge knew that Nikita had been looking forward to the party for a long time. She had bought a new dress, shoes and she had even gotten a new hairstyle. The Judge didn’t want to disappoint her after all her preparations.

At first, Rudra declined but the Judge could be very persuasive when he wanted to be. Rudra’s refusal wasn’t because he didn’t want to be with Nikita. In fact, it was just the opposite. Rudra had found himself becoming very attracted to Nikita over time. The feeling appeared to be mutual and Rudra knew that that combination could be very dangerous. Still, while they had flirted, nothing had happened up to that point. However, Rudra knew that if he was with her too much, things could change. He didn’t trust himself around her anymore.

Rudra had reluctantly agreed to escort Nikita after some friendly arm-twisting.

The evening of the party, Rudra arrived early and was uncharacteristically nervous. He brought a stuffed animal for Soni as he had done almost every time he visited since she was very small. Rudra liked Soni. She was a smart and rambunctious kid, almost a tomboy. She had a lot of traits of her mother, including her good looks and sassiness. Over the years, he had spent a lot of time with her and had, in fact, babysat on many occasions.

Soni and he were in the living room when he saw Nikita coming down the stairs. Immediately Rudra knew that he was in trouble. Nikita was wearing a blue sequenced gown that was form fitting and cut almost to her navel in the front. He didn’t have to stare very hard to see the inside swells of her creamy breasts. From his position, he could see her silky thighs below the short hem as she walked slowly down the steps in her high-heeled shoes.

Rudra didn’t realize that he was staring as she walked toward them, her breasts swaying freely under the gown, her nipples already hard.

“Sorry. Have you been waiting long?” Nikita whispered as she walked up to Rudra and kissed him gently on the cheek.

Suddenly Rudra was surrounded by her sweet smell. He could feel his face turning hot as if he were embarrassed. “No… uh… uh… you look… wow!” he stuttered.

“Thank you! So you like it?” she asked as she spun around.

Rudra almost gasped. The back of the dress was open, almost all the way to her buttocks. In fact, Rudra got a glimpse of the crack of her ass as he looked down—she wasn’t wearing underwear. Suddenly, he was quite flustered.

“You look quite dashing too in that tuxedo,” Nikita observed as she scanned Rudra. Then she frowned when she saw the bulge from his weapon. “Do you have to carry that?”

“It’s a habit. I’ll leave it in the car.”
“Thank you! Shall we go?” Nikita said as she took Rudra’s arm. “Soni, get to bed in time.”

“All right Mom,” Soni said indulgently. “Bye Rudra Chacha,” Soni said and kissed Rudra on the cheek and ran off with her stuffed animal.

The party might have been very boring except that Rudra was with Nikita. He had a very difficult time not staring at her all night. He was caught several times with his eyes on her cleavage. His face would color when he saw her eyes on his and a smile would cross her lips.
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After the dinner, when the band started, the two of them danced almost every dance. The closeness of the sexy woman, her perfume and soft body had an impact on Rudra. He tried to be a gentleman but when he wrapped his arms around her, there was no place to put his hands except on the soft skin of her bare back. He also tried to keep his body a safe distance from her but she insisted that he dance close. The feel of her soft breasts pressed to him was driving him mad. Several times, he had to excuse himself, and sit down when he felt himself getting excited. He made the excuse that he needed to rest. That was an obvious lie. Rudra was in the best shape of his life.

Neither of them paid too much attention to the amount of liquor they were drinking until they walked outside to leave. The cool air made them both feel a bit woozy.

When they arrived home, Nikita invited Rudra inside for a nightcap. If he hadn’t drunk so much, he probably would have refused. However, between the alcohol and the sexy woman, Rudra was lost.

The trouble started when he and Nikita were sitting comfortably on the sofa. There was soft music on the stereo and a roaring fire in the fireplace. They were talking quietly one moment and then the next thing Rudra knew, their lips were pressed together.

Almost without a conscious thought, Rudra’s hand went to Nikita’s breast. God, how he had longed to touch them all night, he thought. Nikita moaned in response and shifted slightly, letting his hand slip inside her top. It was Rudra’s turn to moan as his hand covered the soft breasts that he had been staring at all evening. Within seconds, Rudra felt Nikita’s hand on his thigh. As their passion increased, the hand moved upward.

“Nikita,” Rudra hissed as the hand reached the tent in his pants. Rudra was powerless to stop her when she reached for his zipper and pulled it down. A second later, her hand was searching inside his underwear for his throbbing penis.

“Oh God,” Nikita moaned when her hand circled his large shaft. Nikita was breathing heavily as she caressed Rudra’s substantial penis. It felt huge in her small hand. Suddenly, she had to see it. She struggled a bit but soon she had his pulsing shaft out of his pants. “Oh my God,” Nikita moaned as she held his penis in the glow of the firelight. The head was swollen, the skin stretched so tight that it was almost purple. She marveled at the helmet shaped crown. Then, her hand began moving slowly up and down the shaft until there was a sparkle of clear juice bubbling from the head. Nikita used her thumb to spread it across the stretched skin. She thought his penis was beautiful, although she didn’t have much to compare it to.
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Rudra was paralyzed with excitement and fear. He knew this was very wrong. The Judge was his friend. Still, he could not stop what was happening.

Like a moth to a flame, Nikita’s head dropped toward Rudra’s penis. She could smell his excitement as her lips neared the swollen head. Her tongue came out and she licked the clear juice bubbling from the slit. She heard Rudra moan. Then her mouth opened and she took the large plumb inside. Now they both moaned as she began to suck.

Neither Rudra nor Nikita heard the giggles from Soni as she stood in the shadows watching the two on the sofa. Soni thought that she knew all about sex. However, the sight on the sofa was burned into Soni's mind forever. She couldn’t believe that her mother was sucking on her Rudra Chacha’s penis. It was so nasty but oh so exciting. She resolved that one day she would do that to Rudra.

It didn’t take very long for Rudra to feel like he was nearing a climax. The booze, the warmth from the crackling fire and the mouth of the sexy woman had all conspired to bring him to a peak very quickly. Rudra reached for Nikita’s head to pull her away. He knew that he had to stop her. However, when he tried, Nikita ignored him and sucked harder, moving her hand up and down the shaft with even greater speed. “God Nikita,” Rudra groaned as he felt his balls begin to tighten. “Oh Gooooddddd!!!” he hissed as his hips lifted from the sofa.

Nikita moaned excitedly as a long string of Rudra’s juice squirted into her mouth. It had been a long, long time since she had tasted or felt a man’s cum in her mouth. Nikesh was good to her but he was not much of a sexual partner. Nikita had loved oral sex from the time she gave her first blow job. However, when she got married, Nikesh had discouraged it. He preferred straight sex in the missionary position.

Rudra felt like he was going to pass out as his penis throbbed repeatedly and sent his cum hurling deep into the beautiful woman’s mouth and down her throat. There was nothing he could do to stop it now.

Nikita couldn’t believe how much sperm Rudra was producing. It poured into her mouth like a fire hose and she struggled to drink it all down. Juice from Nikita’s vagina was pouring from between her sex lips as quickly as Rudra was pumping his into her mouth. She squeezed her legs together tightly, squishing her swollen lips between her thighs. Before the last shot from Rudra’s penis entered her mouth, Nikita had her own little climax.

Ten minutes later Rudra was rushing out of the house embarrassed and mortified at what he had let happen.
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this is an amazing start and wonderful... looking forward to the more of updates
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That was the last time had seen Nikita until today…

Nikesh Choudhry’s estate was magnificent. It hadn’t changed a bit in three years. Rudra knew that Mr. Choudhry couldn’t afford the estate on his salary. He had inherited a great deal of money from his wealthy parents. However, while the Judge had plenty of money, one wouldn’t know it from the way they lived beyond the large house. They didn’t drive around in fancy cars and they only had one servant. She was an old lady who had worked for the Judge’s family for years. She cleaned the house and kept it orderly but was rarely seen by anyone but the family.

As Rudra stood nervously at the door of the house holding a stuffed animal in his hand, he wondered why the Judge wanted to see him. While they hadn’t been close in the last couple of years, they always kept in touch. However, the relationship from Rudra’s perspective was strained. The Judge often asked Rudra to come to his house and couldn’t understand his refusals. This time however, the request was more like an order and somehow seemed urgent.

Suddenly, the door opened and Rudra saw a pretty young girl staring at him. Rudra stared back at her as if he didn’t know who she was.

“Well, are you going to stand there all day or coming in,” Soni said with a big smile.

“Soni?” Rudra asked as he looked at the pretty girl. She looked like a younger version of Nikita.

“Yes!” she answered and suddenly jumped into his arms, squealing in excitement. “Where have you been?” she practically screamed.

Rudra stood dumfounded as the young girl hung on his neck. Finally he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her to him. “Wow… you’ve grown up,” Rudra said as she pulled away.

“I’m going on nineteen now.” Soni said.

“Wow,” was all that Rudra could say.

“Is that for me?” Soni asked as she looked at the stuffed animal that Rudra held in his hand.

“Uh… yes… uh I guess,” he answered, feeling foolish now bringing a grown girl a little bear.

For Rudra, it had been like time had stood still. Soni was still a little girl in his mind and he could still see the two of them playing board games on the living room rug.

“Thank you,” Soni bubbled and hugged Rudra again.

This time Rudra was very much aware of the large and soft breasts pressing to his chest as he hugged Soni back.

Nikita walked up behind the two.

Rudra reluctantly pushed Soni back. “Hi Nikita,” he said sheepishly as he looked over Soni’s shoulder at the pretty woman.

“Don’t I get a hug too?” she said and stepped toward him as Soni moved to the side.
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Rudra hugged Nikita, feeling her soft body press to his. Now, he was surrounded by the sweet smell of the two women. Suddenly, he regretted waiting so long to visit. It had been foolish and childish. He and Nikita were both adults and could have dealt with what happened in a mature way, he thought.

“It’s been too long Rudra,” Nikita whispered as they embraced. Then she pulled away as if to appraise him. “You haven’t changed much,” she smiled. Nikesh will be down in a minute.” Nikita and Soni took his hands and pulled him toward the living room.

Rudra sat on the sofa and the two women sat across from him. To Rudra, Nikita didn’t look like she had aged a day since he saw her last. She still had a beautiful face with short hair and pretty eyes. Today, she had on a low cut white cotton V-neck top that showed the soft swells of her breasts, which still looked firm. Rudra wondered if she had had them enhanced. Suddenly, Rudra realized that he had been staring and looked up to see Nikita watching him just like the night three years ago. When he looked into her eyes, he almost became hypnotized. Oh! She is gorgeous, he thought.

“So, where have you been?” Nikita asked, a little smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

“Busy with lots of work.” Rudra said, averting his eyes and looking at Soni. She was a spitting image of her mother. However, she had brown hair now. Rudra guessed that she colored it to be different. She was wearing a tight pull over sweater and her own firm breasts stood high on her chest. Rudra could see her hard nipples pressing through the thin material. She definitely wasn’t a little girl anymore.

“Oh Rudra Chacha, let me show you my yearbook,” Soni said with excitement.

“Soni, Rudra has business with your father.”

Rudra smiled at the young girl’s enthusiasm. “That’s okay Nikita, I’ll make some time after the Judge and I are done.”

Soni smiled brightly and stood up. “Let me go and get it out of my closet,” Soni said and rushed off to her room.

Suddenly, the room was very quiet as the two looked at each other nervously.



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Very interesting...
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They both started to talk at the same time then stopped and laughed.

“Nikita, I’ve been a fool,” Rudra said. “After… after what happened… I… I was so embarrassed.”

“I know. So was I,” Nikita said. “Sometimes things just happen Rudra. It wasn’t your fault.”

“God Nikita, Mr. Choudhry has been like a father to me and I felt so bad but I wasn’t man enough to face you. I made it worse by acting stupid.”

“That was a long time ago Rudra. There is no harm done.”

“No harm done about what?” a loud voice said from the doorway.

Rudra turned to see Mr. Choudhry in the doorway. “I was just apologizing to Nikita for not visiting sooner.”

“She deserves an apology,” Nikesh said as he walked over to Rudra, holding out his hand.

Rudra stood up and shook his hand and then the two men embraced warmly.

“Nikita, if you will excuse us, Rudra and I have some business and then he’s all yours.”

“Certainly,” Nikita said and then added, “You’re staying for lunch right?”

“Well, I hadn’t planned on it.”

“I insist,” Nikesh said as he led Rudra to his study.

As Rudra and Nikesh entered the study, Soni was searching through her closet for her yearbook. Her room was the typical teenager’s. The walls were covered with posters of rock and movie stars, clothes were lying around the room, and the bed was unmade. However, there was one neat spot. That was where Soni had neatly placed all the stuffed animals that Rudra had brought her over the years. As she was rummaging through her closet, she came across a photo album. Inside were the photos that had been taken of her and Rudra. They started when she was an infant and stopped when she was almost fifteen. Soni felt a little chill run down her spine as she picked up the album and thought of Rudra. Now he was back.

Soni pulled the album out and took it to her bed. She lay down and began to thumb through the old photos. When she got to the page where she and Rudra were in their bathing suits at the pool, she stopped. She loved those photos, although she looked so skinny. However, that wasn’t what fascinated her about the photos. It was Rudra in his tight swim trunks that she liked. She could see the distinctive bulge in his shorts. In fact, she could see the ridge below the crown of his penis and his large testicles. Another chill went through her.

Soni lay back on the bed and closed her eyes. A fantasy jumped into her mind. It was one that she had used to masturbate a hundred times…

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In her fantasy she could see herself kneeling at his feet. Her shaking hands would reach up and pull his tight swim trunks down, letting his already hard penis spring out.

Soni opened the snap on her shorts and slid her hand down her stomach and across her soft pubic hair. Her breath caught in her throat when her fingers touched her wet and swollen vagina.

A moan escaped Rudra’s lips as she opened her mouth and took the swollen head inside. He tasted so sweet. She sucked him gently, her hand cupping his large testicles. She could feel them squirming in her hand. Inside were millions of little sperm, waiting to travel up the long shaft and into her mouth. She looked up with dove like eyes and saw Rudra staring down at her with pleasure on his face. His hips began to move back and forth, forcing the large stick deep into her mouth.

Again Soni moaned as a finger slipped between the lips and into her waiting hole. Slowly she began to move it in and out. She could hear the squishing sound as her finger became coated with her thick juice. Her other hand slipped under her top to grasp her breast. The nipple was already rock hard.

Her hands reached out and grasped Rudra’s strong buttocks, helping him to plunge his penis in and out of her willing mouth. She felt him reach down and pull her tiny top off before grasping her breasts. His hands were strong, almost harsh as they kneaded her soft flesh. She could feel her juice soaking through the crotch of her bottom.

“Oh yes, fuck my mouth,” Soni mumbled aloud as her finger continued to work in and out of her hole. “That’s it! That’s it! Give me all that hard cock.” Soni felt her body beginning to tense as she neared her climax.

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Nice reposting.......
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Better to post non erotic ones.........
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(07-10-2021, 09:01 PM)Blue Bull Wrote: Nice reposting.......

Was this posted in this forum before !!
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Don't think so.... amending my comment.....It's not a repost here..... Sorry......
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(08-10-2021, 07:45 PM)Blue Bull Wrote: Don't think so.... amending my comment.....It's not a repost here..... Sorry......

Thanks for the information ...

Nothing is there to be sorry about !! Namaskar
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Slowly Soni pushed her head down, forcing Rudra’s penis to the back of her throat. She took a deep breath as she pulled him forward. A loud moan came from above as Rudra’s penis slid all the way down her throat until his balls slapped her chin. Suddenly, she heard Rudra moan that he was going to cum. She pulled his penis from her throat. She didn’t want his cum to go down her throat without her tasting it. Letting the head rest in her mouth she continued to jerk on him. Another moan came from his lips as his penis pulsed and sent his sperm pouring into her waiting mouth. God, it was so sweet she thought as she swallowed time and again.

Soni bucked her hips from the bed. She spread her legs wide, bracing herself. A loud moan escaped her as her body began to convulse in climax. Her hole pulsed and squeezed around her probing finger as she shook in pleasure.

It was always the same fantasy for Soni. The fantasy worked quickly and every time. Within seconds she collapsed onto the bed in exhaustion. God, she wondered what the real thing would be like, as she pulled her drenched hand from between her legs. She was going to have to change her shorts before she went back downstairs.
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Chapter 4

“Thanks for coming on short notice Rudra. Can I get you something to drink?” Nikesh asked.

“Yes, please,” Rudra said as he took a seat on the large sofa. Rudra looked around the room as Nikesh made them drinks. It had been a long time since he had been here, but not much had changed. There were law books piled on desks and the shelves were filled from floor to ceiling.

Nikesh walked over and took a seat in his favorite chair. “It’s been a while Rudra. I’m glad you could make it.”

“It’s great to see Nikita and I can’t believe how Soni has grown.”

“She certainly has. She gets like her mother everyday; stubborn and a little wild I’m afraid,” he said with a worried smile like a nervous father. “Listen Rudra, I’ll get right to the point. I need your help.”

“Sure, anything,” Rudra said sincerely. Suddenly, he was very concerned. This seemed serious, he thought, as he took a sip of his drink. He stared at his long time friend and could see that he seemed tense. Rudra knew Nikesh took pride in not showing what he was thinking. He also noticed that he looked much older than the last time he had seen him. He looked pale, even frail. It was somewhat of a shock. He had always been a big, strong man and he was rarely sick. Rudra could see his hand tremble slightly as he took a drink. He suddenly realized that Nikesh looked ill.

“Rudra, I’m sitting on a big case that involves the racketeering. There are some big names involved here; very powerful people with mob connections.” Nikesh suddenly looked uneasy, taking a quick drink.

Rudra knew that Nikesh always had the toughest cases and, in fact, he seemed to revel in them. This one must be something really big for him to be asking for help, he thought, as he waited for him to continue.

“There is a rumor that they—these guys—are going to put a contract out on me or my family.” Again, Nikesh paused to let what he had said sink in.

Rudra’s security officer trained mind jumped into action. A million thoughts went through his head. However, he knew that he had to think clearly and act calmly. The situation seemed identical to his, almost ten years ago. “Why don’t you have security officer protection already?” Rudra said immediately. He hadn’t seen any patrol cars or men in uniform around outside.

“I’m getting to that. I said that it is a rumor so far. However, I can’t afford to take a chance. One of the problems is that the bench wants to sequester me for the duration of the trial. I’m okay with that but I know Nikita and Soni will rebel. They would never stand for being cooped up for an extended period of time—maybe weeks. Besides, there isn’t much time…” the Judge said and hesitated. “Preliminary arguments start tomorrow.”

“Well, Soni and Nikita don’t have much choice,” Rudra said firmly.

“Ah, spoken like a man that hasn’t lived with two women for years. I told you they were stubborn. That’s where you come in. I want you to protect them!”
“Me! Why not just have the security officer do it?” Rudra said, his voice raised.

“Because I trust you Rudra,” Nikesh responded calmly.

“I don’t deserve that trust. Remember, I was the one that couldn’t even protect my own wife.” Beside, Rudra thought, I can’t be trusted to be alone with your wife.

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Keep it up.....
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