Do NOT post illegal stuff to the forum.
NO undera̶ge, NO bea̶stia̶lity, NO ra̶pe, NO i̶n̶cest.
Here's full list of ILLEGAL stuff:
- Posting underage material will get you instantly banned and reported with detailed logs.
- Any privacy violation, harassment, blackmail etc will be reported with detailed logs.
- Personal details (real name, passport and driver ID, Social network accounts, Emails, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and similar accounts, phone numbers and other information which allow to identify person in real life).
- Revenge porn, doxing. Our site cannot be used for any personal revenge scenarios. Do not attach to forum images/videos or do not post links to other sites contain revenge porn.
- Bestiality photos, videos and/or links on other sites contain similar content.
- Scat photos, videos and/or links on other sites contain similar content.
- Rape photos, videos and/or links on other sites contain similar content.
- Incest photos, videos and/or links on other sites contain incest photos or videos.
- Requests with access to password protected albums, accounts, links, etc. We are not hackers forum. Members of forum can't give you similar information.
- Advertising of escort services.
- Advertising of prostitution and human trafficking.
*Don't forget to check our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to avoid misunderstanding.
This kind of material is strictly forbidden! The posts contain forbidden information will be removed or not approved by moderators and users will be deleted and reported.
Please do not post aggressive, abusive, insulting, rude, trolling posts against other members of forum. This forum is not a fight arena or place for revenge, please respect other people.
Only post your content once and to the most relevant forum. There is no point in hijacking others threads, start your own instead! Don't bump your own threads.
Content/account removal requests:
If you want remove content that you posted to the forum, or you want to remove your account, you can send the request using this instruction:
If you found some hosted on this website or linked on other sites content that infringe your copyright, you (or your agent) may send a notice about removal request of your content. Please read our DMCA page here: DMCA information page
Xossipy don't have any official related chats or communities in Hangouts, Telegram, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp or similar accounts in any other messengers or social networks. Any group, communities etc created by third parties.
If you found any content that break rules listed above please report to us through 'Report' button. Check this instruction - HOW TO DELETE?
Reported content will be removed from the forum as soon as possible.
NO undera̶ge, NO bea̶stia̶lity, NO ra̶pe, NO i̶n̶cest.
Here's full list of ILLEGAL stuff:
- Posting underage material will get you instantly banned and reported with detailed logs.
- Any privacy violation, harassment, blackmail etc will be reported with detailed logs.
- Personal details (real name, passport and driver ID, Social network accounts, Emails, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and similar accounts, phone numbers and other information which allow to identify person in real life).
- Revenge porn, doxing. Our site cannot be used for any personal revenge scenarios. Do not attach to forum images/videos or do not post links to other sites contain revenge porn.
- Bestiality photos, videos and/or links on other sites contain similar content.
- Scat photos, videos and/or links on other sites contain similar content.
- Rape photos, videos and/or links on other sites contain similar content.
- Incest photos, videos and/or links on other sites contain incest photos or videos.
- Requests with access to password protected albums, accounts, links, etc. We are not hackers forum. Members of forum can't give you similar information.
- Advertising of escort services.
- Advertising of prostitution and human trafficking.
*Don't forget to check our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to avoid misunderstanding.
This kind of material is strictly forbidden! The posts contain forbidden information will be removed or not approved by moderators and users will be deleted and reported.
Please do not post aggressive, abusive, insulting, rude, trolling posts against other members of forum. This forum is not a fight arena or place for revenge, please respect other people.
Only post your content once and to the most relevant forum. There is no point in hijacking others threads, start your own instead! Don't bump your own threads.
Content/account removal requests:
If you want remove content that you posted to the forum, or you want to remove your account, you can send the request using this instruction:
If you found some hosted on this website or linked on other sites content that infringe your copyright, you (or your agent) may send a notice about removal request of your content. Please read our DMCA page here: DMCA information page
Xossipy don't have any official related chats or communities in Hangouts, Telegram, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp or similar accounts in any other messengers or social networks. Any group, communities etc created by third parties.
If you found any content that break rules listed above please report to us through 'Report' button. Check this instruction - HOW TO DELETE?
Reported content will be removed from the forum as soon as possible.