Adultery A Wife's anxiety (Completed)
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Very erotic story, well written with great character development!
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may be she can file a case of sexual harassment
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Smita n Janki

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(29-06-2020, 08:35 AM)twinciteeguy Wrote: may be she  can file a case of sexual harassment

If they have courage to go legal .... These stories Will be on news portals not in adult forum

banana banana banana banana banana
[+] 1 user Likes kamdev99008's post
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Hi Bro
Just finished reading your last update.

Very well narrated the dialogues and the organized characterization. The way the character speaks, we can see the personality of the character. 

Also the way male & female reactions having faced the same situation is well described. 

Now as Husband (Mahesh) came to the rescue of his wife (Swetha) and the predator (Shiva) is not a person who let the hook off so easily on his prey (Swetha), it is quite interesting to see how mahesh is going to send him (Shiva) off permanently from their life.

Kudos bro.
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
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(28-06-2020, 04:47 PM)NovelNavel Wrote: Expected some more wild and hot encounters with shiva. Disappointed that affair ended in two days.

Sorry about that. As I had mentioned before, this was the first of three stories under the thread name of Three Short Stories (in Tamil). Hence as the title of the thread suggests, the story is not very long. Moreover if the Swetha character was involved in prolonged illicit sexual behaviour, it would not fit the narrative here as far as the way her character is depicted.
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Thank you all for your comments and support. I am working on the next update and hope to post it by tomorrow.
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Episode 19

Look at the mess I’m in I thought deeply perturbed. I thought there was no escape for me from this horrendous situation but I was wrong. Once again, my husband came to the rescue.
My husband face was very calm, there was almost a smile on his face. Shiva had expected my husband to be shaken and begging him not to do what he, Shiva, had threatened to do, but seeing his calm state a little fear seemed to creep back on Shiva’s face.
“If she,” my husband pointing at me,” had approached any of my other friends they would have advised her and tried to patch up the problem between us. They would have been very concerned our marriage was in trouble, that’s how true friends behave.”
I hung my head in shame on hearing this.
“But you came showing your teeth and wagging your tail like a dog. Then itself I knew that something like this can happen. We had all tolerated you as a friend even though we knew about your character and what a despicable man you are because we have known you for a long time. That was our mistake.”
“Well so what? What can you do about it? Everyone will only doubt your manhood and think your wife slept with me because you cannot satisfy her,” Shiva said contemptuously.
My husband gave a snort of derision. Hearing this Shiva was taken aback. My husband didn’t seem any bit concerned on hearing what Shiva had threatened to do. I too was wondering about that. A little hope flickered in me that my husband would settle this matter without any issue.
“If you want your body to be floating in a river or lake then go ahead, I would like to see you do that,” my husband replied calmly.
“What? You’re threating me? I’m not scared of you. I can protect myself.”
Even I became scared. God, let my husband not physically harm him or even kill him because I was an imbecile. If it becomes a security officer matter everything is ruined.
My husband was unflustered. “I won’t have to do it. Someone else will.”
Before Shiva could open his mouth and say anything my husband continued,” Don’t think I’m going to hire some killers do my work, I’m not a snivelling coward like you.”
I could see the confusion on Shiva’s face. He didn’t even react to how my husband belittled him.
“You know Sabeesh don’t you,” my husband said with a crooked smile on his face.
Hearing this name all the blood drained out of Shiva’s face. I was confused I didn’t know what was happening.
“You know what he is and yet you dared to sleep with his wife.”
Now I began to get an inkling of what had happened. This Sabeesh must be some sort of a influential man, either very rich or a gangster leader of some sort or both.  Looks like Shiva had not been able to keep his pant zipper closed with that person’s wife. From the way Shiva’s had become ashen-faced in shock in seconds indicated that If it became known to that man, it would indeed be a death sentence for Shiva.
“Our friend Guhan had sent a photo of which he had taken showing you with your hands around Sabeesh wife’s hip, taking her into a hotel. He also happened to be there at that time and he took the picture on an impulse,” My husband said showing Shiva a photo from his mobile phone.
“Guhan sent the photo to me one day, remarking that you must be crazy to have an affair with the wife of that fellow. I usually would have deleted it but something told me to keep it with me thinking it could be useful one day and now sure enough it is.” “Shall I send the photo? I’ll also give him directions to find you.” My husband smiled wickedly.
Not only was Shiva’s face drained of blood, his hands were trembling now. All his arrogance, self assurance, all disappeared totally. For having enjoyed that Sabeesh wife’s body he may have to pay for it with his life. People like Shiva, when they get an opportunity to bed a woman don’t think of the repercussions. They think with their penis first.
It was Shiva who was begging and pleading now,” please, please don’t do that.”
“You spineless son of a bitch, you spoke so big just now why are you grovelling like a wimp now.” It was now my husbands turn to turn the screw.
Even when my husband scolded him like this, he, dare not show any anger. He was like a beaten dog. If any of the wives he was banging were to see him now they would not recognise this pitiful grovelling man.
“Please I beg you, forgive me. I won’t interfere in your life again.” Shiva was almost crying.
“You better not, now give me your phone,” my husband said.
I didn’t quite understand why my husband wanted that. Shiva quietly handed his phone to my husband. My husband fiddled with it for a while and handed it back.
“All your connection with my wife has been permanently deleted. Now even if you say anything about her, I would say you are lying because I beat you up for trying to misbehave with her. I know you wouldn’t dare do it anyway but I don’t want you to have anything of her.”
My husband was not hot headed or irrational in his anger like me. He thought of everything.
“I know if you still said something bad of Swetha, quietly, thinking you can get away with it, some people may have doubts that something may have happened between you and her but knowing your reputation they would probably think that what I said about you misbehaving was probably what had happened.”
“If anything like that reaches my ears .. you are a dead man.” Or I could save all the trouble and just send the photo to him. I’ve not decided whether to do that or not.” My husband seemed to relish seeing Shiva stricken with fear so he was making him suffer.
“Please, I’ll fall on your feet if you want, don’t do that.”
My husband looked at his face and laughed out loud.
“Now onwards I don’t want to see any display of arrogance in front of any of our friends. I want you to be very diffident when you are with us. I will order you to do things and you will obey like a good little servant you are.”
Shiva’s face was pained on hearing my husband speak but he knew he was completely under my husband’s thumb and had to do as he says. The only escape for him would be to resign and go and start afresh somewhere else. That wouldn’t be easy for him. Reluctantly Shiva shook his head in the affirmative.
“One more thing, no more of this fucking around with other women. If I even get a smell of that, you know what is going to happen.”
Shiva opened his mouth as if wanting to protest but thought better of it. He just stood as if awaiting his next instruction from Mahesh.
“Now you good for nothing bastard, get out of my house and don’t you ever dare show your face here again.
Shiva walked out like a beaten dog with its tail between its legs.
Now there was just the two of us in the hall.
My husband had not only done what was necessary in getting Shiva out of my life permanently but he had also saved our family name from being dragged in the mud. Now, even if we could not reconcile, I can at least carry on my life with dignity. It won’t be a happy life without my husband but at least I would not be pushed to suicide because of the shaming of my family. It was now I who should speak. I was so nervous. This is going to be crucial for my future happiness. So many unexpected things had happened in the last few months. My belief that my husband belonged to me and me only was shown to be a lie. Also, my thought that except for my husband, I would never permit anyone other man to touch me had become false too.
There was this very real situation that the time had come for us to decide if there is a future for our marriage. I also knew that to save it, I had to take the initiative. One thing gave me a little confidence I could do it. It was his action to protect me that gave me that confidence. It seems like he still cares for me. After all the things I had done I was embarrassed to see his face directly and talk but there was no other way than that if I were to succeed.

As the door had closed as Shiva had left I felt a great bit of relief that one big problem had been resolved. Now it was left for me to speak with my husband. All this while I had said what I wanted to say to my husband indirectly in what I said to Shiva. Now I had to talk to him directly. I have to articulate my feelings to him to his face. My future happiness depended on it. I now looked at my husband's face. He was looking at me. Our eyes locked. I took a deep breath before I began. 
[+] 5 users Like game40it's post
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Very interesting. Though she hurted her husband very badly, he saved her and protected from any damage being caused. Will she apologize and seperate mutually. Waiting for the next update.
[+] 2 users Like NovelNavel's post
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Suddenly this foolish bitch repeats my husband again and again and she forgot of him and humiliated him. At least he is manly.
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Smita n Janki

[+] 1 user Likes twinciteeguy's post
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Yes...that's it. Nicely done though the final chapter is yet to come. Whether they will reunite or get separated or stay in the same house as strangers for the sake of their child....questions.

Line by line, frame by frame nicely clps portrayed.

Waiting for the conclusive ( that is what I think or may be the writer has got something other in his mind ) part
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 1 user Likes Uday's post
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I think happy ending....
[+] 1 user Likes paamu_buss's post
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Wonderful. As husband being first culprit and only person to make his wife repeat his act, he font have any right to reject her. Considering the child, they will not think about divorce immediately. Will they patch up? Hope so.
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Episode 20

When I started talking my voice was tremulous, no matter how much I had wanted to have control over my emotions.
I looked at his face and said, "If you tell me to leave the house and don't ever come back because you don’t want to see my face anymore, I won't be angry at you or make a scene here for that because I know my actions certainly warranted that decision from you."
I was looking at his face to see what his reaction to this would be.
He asked in response, "Do you want to leave this house?"
I was taken aback by this question from him. "No, never that, that would be my misfortune,” I said with my voice cracking in consternation.
"Then why are you saying this in the first place?" He asked me calmly.
I was confused. Looks like he won't make this easy for me. I had shamelessly indulged with his ‘friend’ in all the sorts of sex, something that a woman should reserve only for her husband. Wasn’t that enough of a reason for him to drive me away from his home.
As I started saying,” but I had done this terrible thing, I have betrayed you an….,” he interrupted me.
“Were you the only one guilty of that?”
“Even so, how can I do the same thing in return, isn’t that completely wrong?”
Even as I said those words my actions seemed very strange to me. Instead of pleading to him to forgive and accept me, I was giving him reasons to reject me altogether.
He had a small smile on his face. I was amazed at seeing it. After all that I have done how can he still look at my face with that smile. That was not a mocking smile but a smile of affection, something I didn’t expect? All I thought would be was a look of disgust when he saw me.
"Swetha, do you still want to live with me?" he asked me. I realised that this was a genuine question. He was not just playing with me.
Hearing those words from him lifted my heart .. there was still hope for me. My heart soared with happiness.
"If that happens, I am truly blessed. My happiness would know no bounds .. but would you forgive me even after all that I had done?"
He would surely have seen the relieve, joy genuineness of my emotions in my voice. Instead of answering me he asked me a question instead.
"Why did you get so intensely angry with me? You even gave me an ultimatum, either I allow you to do in return something like I had done or a divorce if I was unwilling to." "You were ready to leave me then but now you say that you would be blessed if our marriage continues."
Before answering this, I thought deeply, my words must be coming from my heart and coherent.  He waited for my reply, he didn't rush me. Then I started talking slowly.
"I myself have been thinking the same thing about this. Up until now, I've searched for the answers using only my brains.”
“And now?” he asked.
"Now when you asked me this, I looked for the answers in my heart."
A smile flickered on his lips on hearing this. "So, are you clear now?" he asked.
I looked into his eyes and said," Don't think I am blaming you again, but you are the reason for it."
His eyes narrowed when he heard this. "Are you saying because I betrayed you?"
"No that was the effect, not the reason."
He was puzzled at what I was trying to get to.
"It's all because of you. Your display of love and affection for me. You filled my life with complete happiness. All of your actions made me feel special."
"I forgot my parents, I forgot my relatives, I forgot my friends. For me, you were my world."
He slowly began to understand what I was trying to convey. I did not avert my eyes from his penetrating gaze. He needed to feel the integrity in my words. It was very important if my marriage was to be saved.
"With all that, I too believed I was everything to you, but .. but when I saw the incident that day (even now I couldn’t say the words having sex with another woman). My whole world came crashing down in front of my eyes." Even now I felt the sharp stab of pain when those images passed very briefly through my mind.
I started to cry slowly now. That memory still had that impact on my heart. I was embarrassed at my display of emotion at this point and tried to suppress my tears. I slowly looked up at his face with redden eyes. He had a look of empathy for me.
“Because I had such great, unmeasurable love for you, my pain was just as equally great.”
“I lost all sense of balance then. Only feelings of anger and humiliation took turns to torture me. I was not open to reason…” I struggled to convey the state of dejection and turmoil I was in.
I quickly continued lest he think something else,” I’m not trying to justify my actions. I know there is no justification for that. Two wrong can never make a right. I will accept whatever punishment that comes my way.”
“I know I am not worthy to share your life. I don’t even have the right to beg you not to reject me.”
“Now it’s for you to decide. One thing is for sure. If you send me away from your life than that life would only be hell for me. I will just be a shell of a person but then I deserve it for what I had done. I will learn to accept that too.”
I looked deeply into his eyes as there was one more very important message to convey to him.
“All that I did with Shiva was in a blind, irrational fit of rage. He meant nothing to me. For me, he never matched you in any way. He can never be the man you are.”
With that I had said all that I had wanted to say. My fate was in his hands now. We had been speaking while both of us were standing.
“Come Swetha, come and sit here,” he said as he went and sat on the sofa.
I walked slowly to where he was sitting and very hesitantly sat beside him, a bit sideways and facing him. He kept looking at my face for a few seconds and all the while my heart was beating very fast. I felt that he was thinking very deeply before speaking. Suddenly fear attacked me, what if he was thinking about how to reject me without hurting my feelings too much. Even as I tried to control it, I started shivering now. He opened his mouth to speak.
He took my hands in his hands as he began to speak. My hands were still trembling. As if he was trying to reassure me, he gently squeezed my hands.
“Swetha, are you not aware that in our society the reaction towards men and women is different for the same sin of adultery?”
“Even if a man continues to sleep with different women, as long as he takes care of his wife and children properly our society expects the wife to tolerate everything. At most, they will advise the man to change his ways.”
“God forbid, that the man actually reforms later, the wife is then expected to be very grateful for that happening. No one would admonish the man, rather they would praise him for mending his ways.”
I now, without raising my bent head, just raised my eyes and looked at his face.
“Not only that, the man’s family and the wife’s family would welcome the change with great happiness and the man doesn’t face any consequence for the horrible error of his ways.”
“However, if it was the wife who had done that mistake even once in her life, there is never going to be any forgiveness for her.” He paused for a few seconds,” I realise there are some instances .. in very limited, rare cases, where the wife is forgiven but those are really exceptions. Even if forgiven, she would be reminded of her action whenever any small conflict comes in her life.”
“She would be scolded as a prostitute, a whore, woman of low morals etc. The pity is it won’t happen only in her in-law’s house but even in her own house.”
What my husband says was very true but what to do. That was the fate of women in our society. I, however was still not sure what my husband was trying to convey to me.
“Our society which gives so much value to the pain and humiliation of the man does not give any consideration to same type of suffering of the woman,” my husband continued.
“Swetha, you have lived with me for so many years, did you think I am also of that same type?”
I didn’t know what to answer to that so I just kept silent.
“I know very well how deeply you loved me. Wouldn’t I have realised that you would have been as deeply wounded as I have been later?”
Hearing my husband say how deeply he was wounded was like having a spear pierce through my heart. I just wanted to grab him and hold him to my chest consolingly, but as the guilty person on trial here I was unable to do it.
“Swetha, I have lived so many years with you, I know how deeply you cared and loved me. When I broke that trust you had in me, I know how very badly I had hurt you.”
My husband was laying out the reason why he had tolerated so much. He could feel my genuine pain and yet I had wanted to inflict that pain on him to make him realise how he had hurt me, when there was no need to do that. He already had realised that.
My husband continued. “What I did was the primary reason for all that followed, if not for that the thought of doing what you did have never ever entered your mind. Yet you are sitting here as the only person who is guilty. Where is there justice in that?”
My tears were falling freely now. They were falling on his hands that were clasping my hands. The emotions that I had been controlling all this while were not in my control anymore. Only one thing kept coming to my mind again and again. What a real man he was. Caring, able to accept his own errors and see the good in others. My god yes, my dear husband was going to forgive and accept me back in his life again.
“Now, Swetha, the question is not whether I forgive you and accept you, to do that I should have been someone who had not done anything wrong myself, but whether you are willing to forget everything and we start our life afresh.”
I couldn’t control my emotions any further after this. I buried my face on his lap. My tears were wetting the pant my husband was wearing. My body was shuddering as I cried. I felt his sympathetic hand on my head, consolingly petting my head. It made me truly realise how gifted in life I was. My husband respected my feelings … no, no .. respected women’s feelings so much. How big hearted he was to forgive me even after all that I did to humiliate him. That I had acted in such a demeaning manner was killing me now.
So many men would have arrogantly said that they can do what they want, just on the basis that they are men. They would have told us, you women ought to know your place and not question them in any way. Here however, my husband is saying he doesn’t even have the right to forgive me because he was the one who made the mistake in the first place.
He raised my head up and looked at my face with a kind smile. I was amazed to see there were tears on his cheeks too. He too had been holding his emotions in check for so long. We held each other cheek to cheek. Our tears mixing as one, the way we are not two persons anymore but one. Nonsense flowed from our mouth as we attempted to outdo each other in consoling each other, but there was so much meaning in those nonsense. I didn’t know how I was ever going to forgive myself for having hurt this wonderful man.
I kissed him on the lips and said,” I don’t know how to make it up to you. I have been a terrible wicked, horrible person but this I will tell you, I will die before I ever hurt you again.”
“Shh…. Don’t talk of the past darling, we only have our future to look forward to.”
I cried and laughed at the same time not really knowing what to do at this time but my Mahesh did. Yes, after a long time I could call him my Mahesh again in my heart.
He scooped me what up in his arms. I wrapped my hands around his head, laughing.
“Hey .. what are you doing?”
“Something I have not done for a long time,” my darling husband said as he carried me towards our bedroom.
I buried my face in his chest as if I was a new bride but my lips were smiling broadly.
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Only the epilogue (Episode 21) is left in this story. I will do that tomorrow or the day after at the latest. 
[+] 1 user Likes game40it's post
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excellent ending, truly man of courage and conviction
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Smita n Janki

[+] 1 user Likes twinciteeguy's post
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kudos rock.

you answered all my questions through Swetha & Mahesh...thanks Big Grin

Do you have any plans to translate your other story " He    She     Husband"
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 1 user Likes Uday's post
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Wowwww... Excellent narration. .. great and perfect finish
You are master storyteller. Please start a new story. Don't go for translation. Translation always have more expectations. Thanks so much for the story
[+] 1 user Likes NovelNavel's post
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I will wait for epilogue.

the story seems forcibly concluded to happy ending till now... Just like pink jasmine (my wife,  why did she betrayed me)
In this story... Betrayal of  husband was a Secret but proven guilty and he felt it... He never tried to defend himself. Also he never tried to resume his betrayal even secretly.. Or humiliate his wife himself or by his fuckbuddy. Even he let free her wife to fuck anybody for revenge, just to avoid divo divorce or seperation.

On other part ...........
her wife...  She betrayed him openly, to take revenge/payback. by blackmailing him to divorce/seperation..... 

But .......
why she humiliated him by getting fucked herself in her husband's presence and knowledge.
also encouraged her fuckbuddy to humiliate her husband by praising shiva's sex libido
And the worse...  When she allowed shiva to initiate sex in front of her husband evening.
According to your feminist advocacy....
Shweta, an usual socially deprived wife...

When she didn't digested the sudden knowledge of husband's secret betrayal....
You think....she can digest such worsed behavior, degradation and humiliation ....she imposed on her husband.

Then why you are imposing such unrealistic and illogical foolishness on mahesh... In the disguise of goodness/greatness

Don't say... There are no logics in fictions...  You imposed a lot of feminist logics to conclude a happy ending.

Let it be a fucktale... Just a mindless sexescapade...
Conclude it logically
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Waiting for epilogue..... Eagerly
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