Thriller The Impact of Lust (Completed)
Awesome, thrilled to know what happened in condo.
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Once again you nailed it Mr.Writer. Mix of all Humor, Thrill, Romance, Investigation Talk everything in update.
Can we expect A lengthy intense steamy big bang Dhamaka Lovemaking Session B/W Prakash-Prema in Next Update?
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Interesting and hottt
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Thrilled bro
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It's not fair buddy to stop in midway
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superb update
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Waiting for update
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When can we expect an update?
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very nice
 Pl read n comment 
All Pic r copied fm NET and will be removed if anyone has any objection
Smita n Janki

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(15-07-2021, 08:20 PM)Losliyafan Wrote: Awesome, thrilled to know what happened in condo.

(15-07-2021, 08:33 PM)BukkaaReddy Wrote: Once again you nailed it Mr.Writer. Mix of all Humor, Thrill, Romance, Investigation Talk everything in update.
Can we expect A lengthy intense steamy big bang Dhamaka Lovemaking Session B/W Prakash-Prema in Next Update?

(15-07-2021, 09:00 PM)Ragasiyananban Wrote: Interesting and hottt

(15-07-2021, 10:36 PM)sakshisanthosh143 Wrote: Thrilled bro

(17-07-2021, 01:13 PM)Roudyponnu Wrote: It's not fair buddy to stop in midway

(17-07-2021, 08:49 PM)Ananthukutty Wrote: superb update

(19-07-2021, 08:37 PM)Chitrarassu Wrote: Super

(22-07-2021, 10:50 AM)sakshisanthosh143 Wrote: Waiting for update

(23-07-2021, 08:25 PM)twinciteeguy Wrote: very nice

Thank you everyone, your comments are much appreciated. I have been writing the update for the last three days and have just completed it.
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Episode 19 

Prema stole glances at Prakash who was looking straight ahead as he drove his car through the midday traffic. His strong set jaw enhanced his manliness. Prema was pretty sure they both had the same thing in mind. Seeing his new condo was not only the right excuse but the perfect place to shed their clothes and get into bed. Since the murder and consequent investigations Premavathi was not ready yet to take him to her own love nest. Though of course she was sure to take him there too one day. She took a furtive glance at his groin. She couldn’t help but speculate how well he was packed there. In fact, that had been one of her primary preoccupation the last couple of days. Well all will be revealed pretty soon she thought. From all that she had seen of him she believed that she won’t be disappointed in that aspect too. Prakash was one of the best-looking guys she had ever (or rather going to) been with. Some instinct told her that this was going to be a deliriously exquisite afternoon of sex and her instinct had very rarely been wrong. Her fingers were itching to reach out to the front of his pants but she controlled herself with difficulty. She didn’t want him to think of her as some cheap whore just waiting to spread her legs for him. She was thankful that the midday traffic was not heavy and so they should soon reach their destination.

“Luckily it’s not peak time now and the traffic is tolerable,” Prakash said as if reading her thoughts.
“Yes, lucky for us. Is your place still far?” She asked him.
“No, we’re almost there, we’ll be there within ten minutes.”
Only ten more minutes Prema thought happily but she was careful not to outwardly show her happiness. Let him not see how eager she was to have his naked bodies on top of her between her spread legs. She hadn’t been this excited since the first time she cheated on her husband. All these thoughts were getting her panties wet. She blushed thinking that he would easily see the wet line on her sheer satin panties when he stripped her off her clothes.
“Prema did I mention it earlier? You look very attractive today.”
She was pleased that he had noticed the effort she had taken at the beauty parlour to look beautiful just for him. “Why thank you kindly … but am I only attractive now?” She said teasingly, unable to hide the happiness in her voice.
Prakash glanced at her and smiled as he replied. “I’ve told you before you are one voluptuous woman but you look especially sexy today.”
Prakash gently squeezed her fingers with his. She felt an electric current pass through her body at his touch. Is this what that is often referred to as ‘the magic touch’ she wondered. He didn’t let go of her hand. He placed her hand over his thigh as he drove on.
Now he does this Prema thought wistfully as she caressed his thighs with fingers. If he had done this earlier I would have my hand inside his open fly by now. She rubbed his inner thigh with the tip of her fingers slowly moving upwards. There was no need for pretence anymore between them. Their actions clearly indicated what they were here for. No need for small talk, they can get at each other as soon as they get to the privacy of his condo. Her fingers reached the top of his zipper. She could feel the swelling there. It seemed like his cock was already in a turgid state. She was not the only one who had been sexually aroused. She held the hard tube covered by his clothes and squeezed it. Their eyes met for a couple of seconds. More was conveyed between them in that glance than words could have. Prakash looked down quickly at her fingers that were squeezing his erect manhood. Prema’s fingers were not long and elegant as Mounika’s fingers but nevertheless were sexy enough. Prakash saw the fresh coat of glossy red nail polish on her long fingernails. He smiled to himself as he knew that she had her nails done like this just for him. It will be arousing to see those fingers pulling on his erect male flesh he conceded. A woman taking so much of trouble for him was sure to make every effort to sexually please him. He needed it as it has been now just over a week since he had had that fabulous fuck with the delectable Mrs. Mounika Jayakar in his own bedroom. Thinking of Mounika immediately caused him to recall how her tight, wet pussy walls had gripped and milked his throbbing cock as it spewed out his seeds. His cock jerked in Prema fingers as those thoughts crossed his mind. Prema mistook it to be jerking because of her caressing.
“Patience baby .. I’ll take care of you soon,” Prema cooed, her voice dripping with passionate promise.
As Prakash’s car reached the main entrance of the condo complex, the guard there recognising the car opened the gate for him. Even with the tint on the car windows he could make out the woman sitting beside Prakash. This was a different woman from the one Prakash had brought in sometime ago. This too seemed to be a woman who was older than Prakash. The guard had seen Prakash’s mother and father before so he knew that neither of these women could be his mother. They also couldn’t be call girls he was bringing to his condo. The women had the rich classy look of high society women. Prakash must be quite the playboy he reasoned. He was picking up women from his class of society and bringing them here. The last time he had spent over an hour in his condo with the woman, he wondered how long he would be with this new woman. They also seemed to be older women and so must be some other men’s wives, or maybe widows or divorced women .. who know with the high class society behaviour. Anyway, these are matters from much higher ups, best to keep my nose out of their matters he cautioned himself.  He saluted as the car drove in to the basement parking.
As they got into the lift there was no one else inside. Prakash pulled Prema to him and hugged her. Prema was not expecting him to start here itself and was pleasantly surprised. She put her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.
“Is this why you brought me here?” she smiled mischievously as she spoke.
Prakash had his arms around her waist. “Yes .. isn’t this why you came here with me for?”
Prema thought of denying it first but then thought why pretend. We both desire each other so let’s be open about it she decided.
“Yes, you handsome rogue, I wanted you from the first time I set my eyes on you.”
Prakash didn’t know it yet but Prema had no illusions about herself. She was very different from say a woman like Mounika. Mounika and women like her are those who generally believed in being true to their husbands. They try to avoid getting involved with any other man because they think it is morally wrong to do so. It is only at a moment of weakness or when some man had been able to arouse their suppressed desires that they end up betraying their marriage vows. Even when they have strayed in most cases they do so only with that man who had been successful in seducing them. Just because they have lost their chastity they don’t go about sleeping with many other men discriminately. For them to betray the marriage vows they had considered sacred is no small thing. The new licentious relationship they are involved in must have meaning. They generally tend to have feelings for .. even deep love in some cases for their seducer. This is another reason for feelings of guilt in seeking sexual fulfilment with an adulterous lover. When with their lovers they forget everything in the rapturous pleasure they indulge in but when back to the reality of husband, children and family they suffer bouts of guilt. This was another reason why most adulterous relationship eventually die off. After the initial excitement wears off, the feelings of guilt start getting stronger till the relationship breaks off completely. When this doesn’t happen in a few cases is when it becomes problematic or dangerous. The family breaks up when the woman divorces her husband or runs away with her lover. More dangerous is when the spouses (and sometimes even the children) are killed by the adulterous lovers.
Prema however was from another category. She was a promiscuous woman who constantly sought pleasure from different sexual partners. In a way she was addicted to sex. She sought the pleasure she didn’t get from her husband from her many lovers. Truth be said she would probably have cheated on her husband even if he had sexually satisfied her. She would probably thrive in having variety in her sexual life. Women like her don’t have those feelings of guilt that they are betraying their husbands. It can maybe even be said that making a fool of their husbands gives them almost as much pleasure as the sex act itself with their lovers. In another sense they should also be pitied as they can never emotionally connect with any man. Everything is transient, even the pleasure they get from their lovers. They can never truly feel satisfied in their lives. Only the degree of temporary satisfaction varies from lover to lover. Prema believed that she was going to have one of the better sexual experiences with Prakash.
They lip locked in the lift itself. They were both very experienced kissers and there several wet sounds of their parted lips coming to grips crisscrossed again and again. Prema was pressed against the wall as Prakash’s body was smashed against hers. They were so engrossed in the kiss that they did not realise the lift doors were opening. Realising this suddenly they quickly parted to see a couple in their mid-thirties were looking at them open mouthed in shock. The man was still in shock and it was the woman who seemed to have recovered first.
She desperately tried to hide the smile on her lips as she asked,” Is it going up or down.” As she said that the woman’s eyes were automatically drawn to front of Prakash’s pant. Prakash could see the speculation in her eyes as she sized the tent in his pant.  What she was noting was certainly up and not down. Prakash looked at the woman who was so boldly appraising what she was seeing even though what was possibly her husband who was standing besides her. She was a tall woman who was possibly seven or eight kilograms over her ideal weight but she was attractive enough. Prakash filed this piece of information in the back of his mind. Prakash looked at the floor they were in, it was the third. They were to go to the fifth floor.
“It’s going up,” he said to the woman as their eyes locked.
“Oh, carry on then, we need to go down to the car parking,” she replied.
“We intend to, bye,” Prakash said as he pressed the button to close the lift doors. He noted the woman licking her lips as the lift doors closed.
Prema looked at Prakash sheepishly, her face flushed red in embarrassment. Prakash laughed out as he saw her face.
“What?” Prema asked not understanding her reaction.
“Look at your face,” he replied with a broad smile still on his lips.
Prema quickly took out her vanity mirror from her handbag and had a look. She was shocked and embarrassed at what she saw. Her lipstick was smudge badly over her lips by the fervour of their kissing.
“Oh my god, how awful. What would that couple think of us,” she lamented in deep shame.
“They would probably be envious that we are on our way to a bout of love while they have to go somewhere tedious.”
“It’s all because of you,” Prema said as she playfully hit him on his chest with the bottom of her fist,” couldn’t you have waited till we got into your condo.”
“Your lips looked too tempting to resist,” Prakash said as the lift doors opened at the fifth floor.
Luckily no one was waiting for the lift on that floor and soon they were in his plush apartment. No sooner they got in they were in they were engaged in a passionate kiss. While devouring each-others lips they quickly and desperately started undressing each other all the while with their lips still locked together. They stumbled along together towards his bedroom leaving their clothes strewn in a row starting from the living room and leading towards his bedroom. When they reached inside his bedroom he only had his boxers on and she, her panties. The room was dark with the heavy curtains covering the windows. Prakash switched on the lights and the air conditioner. Since they had finally stopped kissing he was able to see her plump breasts for the first time. Even though she was younger than Mounika there was slightly more sag to her breasts than with Mounika. However, they were still sexy to see and not yet become misshapen. She liked that his eyes were looking at her body appreciatively.
“You don’t mind do you, I’d like the lights to be on. I want to be able to see you as I fuck you,” Prakash said,
“I would like that, I want to see you too.”
Prakash saw the wet line on her panties and smiled roguishly. She’s oozing so much, she really needs my cock in her Prakash thought to himself. He pulled her close to him and placed her hand over the front of his boxers. She grasped it eagerly and was kneading it with her fingers. He pulled the bottom of her panty to one side, without taking it off and inserted his middle finger inside her wet pussy.
“Ooaahh…,” she gasped as his finger invaded the most intimate part of her body. The grip of her fingers on his cock tightened.
Prakash started finger fucking her as he saw her eyes swoon as pleasure swept through her. She grabbed his hand at the wrist by her other hand but did not stop his hand from moving back and forth. Prakash started kneading her breast, playing with her erect nipple as he continued to finger her.
“Aahh..  angg.. angg.. angg…,” Prema moaned in pleasure. Prema had been in a state of arousal for so long that she was rapidly approaching her climax.
“Faster baby… faster oohhh….,” Prema moaned, eyes closed and head thrown back facing the ceiling.
Prakash moved his head to her breast and started licking her nipple. Prema started groaning more loudly. She thrust her chest out trying to push her breast into his mouth. He avoided doing that, teasing her some more.
“Prakash .. please darling .. please.. suck me,” she begged in blissful agony.
He teased her for a little while longer before taking her swollen nipple in his mouth and started suckling her rapidly. Now two of his fingers were rapidly rubbing inside her moist quim. Prema’s hips started thrusting up hard on his fingers. Her sticky fluid had totally coated his finger, dripping up to his knuckle.
“Ohh baby yes… mmm…. Yes.. yessss….” Prema’s body jerked as she orgasmed.
Prakash let her recover from her high which took a couple of minutes. She smiled at him gratefully but her eyes were still glazed with lust. This is a woman who has a great appetite for sex Prakash thought as he looked at her lust filled eyes. She eagerly pulled down his boxers, yearning to see his manhood for the first time. She was not disappointed at the rod that sprang out from its captivity. It was just the way she imagined it would be and just the way she liked it, long and thick. In her many experiences she had seen cocks that were longer and/or thicker. She also knew from experience that an extraordinarily long and thick phallus does not equate to immensely satisfying sex. Very often it only leads to uncomfortable sex but Prakash’s cock was ideal for her. It was satisfactorily thick and long but not such that she couldn’t involve in enthusiastic and vigorous coupling. She held it in her cool fingers, slowly stroking the hot flesh appreciatively.
“Do you like it Prema dear, not disappointed are you,” Prakash said naughtily.
“Which women would be disappointed with a beautiful specimen of virile manhood like this,” she said with sincere appreciation.
“Glad you like it.”
“Wish Yogeshvar had something like this.”
“Yogeshvar?” Prakash didn’t recognise that name immediately.
Prema looked at his face,” my husband,” she smiled,” he’s only a little over half of this and appreciably thinner.”
Prema knew men’s psychology very well. They get aroused when their manhood compares favourably to that of their rivals in matters of sex. Especially if that rival happens to be the husband of the woman they are mating with. Sometimes she used to say things like this to arouse and please her lover but in this instance her appreciation and comparison was sincere.
“Stroke me some more Prema I really like how your fingers are playing with my cock.” Prema had gone to the extra trouble of doing her nails up so that it would be sexier to see when she gave him a handjob. Why waste that effort. It was indeed quite sexy to see her soft fingers with painted fingernails stroking his throbbing cock he acknowledged. She pulled his foreskin back and rubbed her thumb over his cockhead. She gently held the tip of his cock around the palm pad of her middle finger as her fist slid up and down over his sensitive skin. Her skill in the way she stroked him showed of her vast experience of pleasing her lovers.
“You like how I’m doing it Prakash,” She asked him knowing fully well that he did from seeing his facial expression.
“Oh yes, that feels good, very good.”
She knelt in front of him on her knees. “It’ll be even better when it’s in my mouth,” she said with wicked promise as she licked his exposed bud as she continued to shake his cock.
He held his cock in his hand and painted her lips with his dripping pre-cum. She snaked out her tongue to taste the sticky wetness he had left behind. Finally, she opened her mouth widely as her full lips encircled his thick girth.
“Suck me you married whore … suck my cock,” Prakash moaned as he gently fucked her mouth.
Prema’s head started bobbing back and forth as his cock slid in and out of her mouth rubbing and pulling her lips in and out along with its movement. Her tongue washed over his cockhead as it slid inside her saliva filled mouth. At times it would hit the back of her throat as it slid in deeper from time to time. In a few minutes Prakash realised that his cock was in the mouth of an expert cocksucker. This was a mouth that had known the taste of many different cocks and knew how to please them. This had a different feel to when Mounika sucked on his tool. There was a certain amateurness, a lack of great experience in it. It had a certain thrill in knowing a woman who was not very experienced in giving a blowjob making every effort to please her new lover, the man who had plucked her purity. The blowjob by each of the two different type of women had its own merits.
“You’re a good little cocksucking slut Prema, do you suck Yogeshvar’s puny cock like this?”
She shook her head as if to indicate no while still sucking on his cock. Prakash would never talk like this when having sex with Mounika. She would find it offensive to be called a slut or whore and she wouldn’t appreciate her husband being belittled. She was already feeling guilty as it is. But Prema would be thrilled to be called like this. She would be highly aroused when her husband is humiliated as she gets fucked. Prema inserted the tip of her middle finger inside his anus as she sucked him. His cock jerked in her mouth as she did this. He let her suck for a few more minutes before he lifted her up and threw her on the bed. She pulled her panty off getting ready to be penetrated by thick cock.
Prakash opened her legs and buried his face between her thighs. He rapidly sucked on her inner labia while letting his tongue probe in her moist opening.
“Prakash.. Prakash .. darling… aaa….”
Prakash started slurping on her juices as he sucked her cunt.
“Honey … I’ can’t stand it .. fuck me… fuck me now,” Prema wailed. She needed his cock deep inside her cunt now.
Prakash turned her around and pulled her to the edge of the bed and pulled her hips up to make her go on her knees. He rubbed his cock on the entrance of her pussy, coating his cockhead with her love juice. He thrust in his cock into her waiting pussy letting her inner walls pull in his searing flesh eagerly. He shoved in till the front of his groin was mashed against her soft buttocks.
“Yes, baby, fuck me, fuck me hard,” Prema exhorted him.
He pushed his hips in hard, the force of his movement pushing her face into the soft mattress.
“angg… angg… anggg….aahh…. aanngg….” She was continuously moaning as he thrust in and out of her cunt.
“Yess.. harder… push in faster … hhgghh… push your big cock in hard baby.”
Prakash slapped her arse as he ploughed her fertile cunt.
“Aw.. aww… yes… fuck… in .. more,” Prema raised her buttocks for him to push in deeper.
A few more minutes of rapid piston like fucking and Prema came once more. She slid and laid face down on the bed. Prakash turned her over. She moved up to the middle of the bed and spread her legs for him. He placed a pillow under her buttocks as he moved between her spread thighs. His cock was dripping wet with her love juice.
“Come darling.. take me again, fill me full with your big cock,” she invited him in undiminished passion. She had already come twice, she needed still more. He was everything she had hoped he would be … and more.
He plunged his cock deep inside her cunt and slid on top of her. They started fucking with passion. Kisses and bites .. sucking and scratches … humps and groans. The bed creaked with the force of their fornication.
“Fuck me darling.. fuck my married pussy…”
Hump… your cunt is so wet you slut… your poor husband is a fool for trusting your cheating cunt.”
“aaggh..  aagghh… aaggh.. aagghh.. that bastard has never fucked me as good as you… that asshole should see your cock ploughing my cunt and learn.”
The bedsheet was creased badly as they squirmed violently in pleasure. Sweat glistened in a thin sheen on their bodies. Their bodies wetly thudded against each other.
“I’m near… faster baby … faster… aagghh.. I’m coming… faster … yesss… fill my cunt with your seed lover… fuckkk…aaahhhh….”
Prema came in a tremendous orgasm the joy which she had ever felt one time only before this with a special lover who had long left her. As she spasmed in joy she felt him shooting his virile seed inside her. This was her fertile period. If only she hadn’t had her tube tied he surely would have impregnated her today.  
Gowranga was in a celebratory mood. His men had made a successful drugs heist. The man who had made it possible was sitting right in front of him. He rarely had his men see him in his house but today he made an exception. The only other person in his gang who he had allowed in his house was Bogan but he was already dead, killed by Balveer gang. Now Arun, Bogan’s brother was sitting in his hall. He had misjudged Arun. He was capable of replacing Bogan, whom he had deemed un replaceable.
“Wonderful job, Arun. I’m very happy. Balveer doesn’t know what hit him.”
“Yes, boss everything went smoothly.” There was slight mocking tone in his voice that Gowranga failed to notice. “You were so scared to go for it, it was only on my insistence we successfully did this raid,” he thought sarcastically to himself.
Gowranga called out to his wife. “Deepa, bring the yellow bag from the cabinet.”
Arun had been aware that Gowranga’s wife’s eyes had been on him. He could not discern the reason for her interest in him. Was it curiosity, was it resentment that one of the henchmen had come to her home or any other reason?
Deepa brought the bag her husband had asked for. Gowranga reached inside and took out two bundles of notes. “There is twenty thousand rupees here, one is for you, the other bundle is for your men.”
Arun knew the value of the heist they did yesterday was worth more than seventy to eighty lakhs. He was giving them a paltry twenty thousand. Maybe his brother Bogan would have been happy with bonuses like this but not him. His ambitions were much greater. He considered Gowranga to be weak. His actual strength had come from the loyalty of his brother Bogan but when Gowranga had refused to assist in getting revenge for Bogan’s death Gowranga had lost Arun’s loyalty. However, it was not just a matter of killing Gowranga and taking over. There were still men loyal to Gowranga. He needed to get everyone if not at least most to his side before acting decisively. He needed to find and use every weakness of Gowranga. That’s when an unexpected fortune came his way. His eyes had unexpectedly met Deepa’s eyes as she was staring at him. She immediately gave him a fleeting coquettish smile. He was experienced enough to read the meaning of that look from a woman. This is when he really took notice of her. She was a woman around forty, slightly overweight on easy living. She was a mildly attractive woman. He gave a furtive smile in return. This was an unexpected Gowranga weakness he could exploit to his advantage.
Deepa felt her heart race. She knew all of her husband’s henchmen. She was a frustrated woman whose needs were neglected by Gowranga. He was more interested in spending time with his many mistresses than with her. When he was alive Bogan was the only one who used to come to her home but he was a completely loyal lieutenant to her husband. She would often see his brother Arun waiting for him outside her home as Bogan met with her husband. He looked rough but also had a certain animal magnetism about him. Deepa whose needs were neglected by her husband used to satisfy her needs by fantasizing about the different men she saw as she masturbated. Overtime Arun had been a frequent figure in her fantasies. She would imagine that while her husband and Bogan were engaged in conversation Arun would sneak in and have sex with her secretively. She used to have very satisfying orgasms when playing out this fantasy in her mind. But truth was they were just that fantasies that were unlikely to become reality. Today for the first time he had come into her house. The sight of him had caused a thrill within her. She couldn’t help feeling excited. What caused her heart to race was that he too seemed to be interested. She never imagined that he would be interested in an older woman like her. Would this be the only time he would come to her house or would it be a more frequent occurrence like with Bogan she wondered. She realised what she was thinking was filled with danger. But her husband was away from home so often that opportunities were aplenty. Would Arun sneak in and ravish her as she always had imagined. She tried to calm herself from the excitement she was feeling. She was unaware that if Arun was going to sleep with her it would be to seek any advantage he could to get rid of her husband. Other than that he had no desire for her whatsoever. 
[+] 5 users Like game40it's post
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Lovely update
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MR-Writer Kudos to u, u r very thorough about ur story, u know it completely very well. But Narration is awesome, can we expect
4-Divya_Rajesh/Poorvith any of above next?
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Awesome dude
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As usual, a great update.
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Hot update dude
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PrakashPrema too hot
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WHen we can expect next update?
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Waiting for more updates
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