Adultery Betrayals & Sacrifices...
Interesting...nice plot, let's see how the story moves ahead

by the way apologies for my ignorance in the "Betrayals &amp, sacrifices" I don't get the meaning for "&amp" Please enlighten me Smile
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
waiting for next dear
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please update bro
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
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Betrayals & Sacrifices :
Update 4- A Short Look-back

I don't know what was the family environment when my family used to be the Jamindaar Family. Because I never grew up in a big house full of servants. In my early years, as I started to understand my surroundings, we lived in a small house. My father used to work all day in the rice fields that I am sure owned by some other farmer. During the off seasons he used to do various other manual jobs. He could do almost any work with his hands. Although he was mainly a farmer but everyone talked with so much respect to him.It was unusual as how a mere farmer who doesn't have his own land to cultivate gets so much respect where ever he goes. There was rarely anyone around the village that my father has not helped in some point of time. I was confused as why we lived so poorly in a shabby hut when we had relatives in the Jamindaar Family from the next village? Why my father was not living with his parents and siblings. Why all the kids my age have only one mother but I had two? 

Mahendra Lal Das was the son of Jamindaar Jatindra Lal Das, and he was my father. The middle name Lal seemed very lame to me so I just scrapped it in my S.S.C. registration. My mother Mrs. Supriya Rani Das was unable to get pregnant after so many years of the marriage.After the sixth year, my father was forced by the whole family and even my mom to get married for the 2nd time to my step mom Mishty Rani Das. My grandparents and uncles used to insult and treat my mother very badly around the house. What a irony it was when my mom got pregnant at the third month of my father's 2nd marriage. My father wanted to get out of the venomous environment of the Jamindaar household and start a fresh life. He along with his two wives and a unborn son moved out of the Jamindaar house to the next village. My father had no interest in any of my grandfather's money or property. He vowed to provide for his family with his own hard work. My father was religious. He was a follower of lord Krishna and Mahabharat. So he named me Arjun after the best archer of the Mahabharat ARJUN, Son of Pandu & Kunti. I was born 8 months after he moved to the new village.
After my birth, our little family was full of fun & happiness. But my father wanted more. He wanted to provide a better life for his family. While working extra hard in the village he somehow managed to save some money to start a small business. With some help from one of his childhood friend and cousin he went to Chattagram City, (the Commercial Capital of Bangladesh) and started a small tea stall. With a lot of effort and hard work his profit in the stall started to increase gradually. During this time he used to visit us in the village once every week. Two years later he took all of us to the city to live with him. I was six years old then. The tinshed semi finished 2 rooms house was rented to us by Razia's father Md. Yousuf .,.
My father enrolled me in the nearby school. I met Razia there and later learned that she was our houseowner's daughter. Both of us instantly became friends and visit each others house regularly. Even when I was a kid I excelled in games and sports. Later down the years I started to love boxing and weight lifting.
It was happy few years for our family. Then there is always some darkness after sunshine. It was 8 years after my birth, my stepmom Mishty died while giving birth to my twin brothers Nokul & Sahadev. ( My youngest brother thought that his name sounded ancient, so he insisted that he is called Dev and we had to accept that). Although she was my stepmom, I was always pampered by her. My mom was the strict one with me, so if I wanted anything special I used to go to my Mishty Maa( Sweet Mother). Me and my father were very sad at her death. But it was my mother who was devastated most at her death. Over time the two of them became like sisters. My mother mourned her death like someone has killed her own sister. My mother could not grasp the idea of losing her sister, her friend at the age of only 27. My mom took Nokul & Dev as her own and we never felt that any of us was step. We three brothers were as close as they come. My brothers always came to me with any of their problems. They respected and loved me. They are very sweet kids. But if anyone says anything bad about me, they would see a very different side of my brothers. Amd for me, I was their big brother. It was my duty to look after them. I was always there for them. I would not have hesitated to take a bullet or two for them. I loved them.

Maybe that's why it is so much difficult for me now. I feel like totally betrayed by the people I love. Because I expected only love from them, if hurts much more deeply now. I feel like a part of me is dieing when I am trying to hate them.

Ok, man... Enough wimping. I have to be strong now. I have to be smart. And most of all I have to think of my wellbeing for the first time in quite a long time.
[+] 8 users Like worldlover's post
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great recap of family intro................

now we are eager to know more about the present situation and arjun's reaction plans
[+] 2 users Like kamdev99008's post
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feelings of hurt nicely written
 Pl read n comment 
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Smita n Janki

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Betrayals & Sacrifices: 
Update 5- Friends In Need-

When we entered Razia's flat Shohel and Murad was already there on the sofa having some tea and watching TV in the drawing room. We greeted each other. Razia went inside her room to freshen up and change into something comfortable. I went to the washroom in their drawing room myself and freshened up. Soon everyone was in the drawing room. Murad & Shohel inquired about my injuries and I told them about it in short. They asked Razia what was so urgent that they had to meet immidietly. Razia told them what happened. Both of them were stunned and was silent for some time.Then Shohel spoke up.
(S for Shohel, M for Murad, R for Razia and A for Arjun)
S: You guys know that I am a family lawyer. I have seen a lot of things over the last few years. I have seen spouses cheating each other so often that anything barely surprises me any more. But you just surprised the hell out of me. Any other women I might have believed, but Binisha? I don't know her like you or Razia, but Arjun I think I read people well enough. This is my job. But now I don't know if I am as good as I think in reading people. And your brothers are the one she is cheating with? It's crazy.
A: I have heard more than once today that Binisha can't cheat on me. But believe me guys if I didn't see with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed myself. 
M: So what do you know about all this? Maybe she is not willingly doing this. Maybe she is. You don't know how long this has been going on. You don't know why they are doing it. Do you even want to know? Everyone involved  here is your family. How do you want to proceed from here?
R: I think you should try to find out how it all started. She obviously loves you. You love her. You should atleast find out why she cheated on you and then take some actions.
A: She loves me? I don't want to know what she would do if she hated me.
M: It's better to have information anyway. Knowledge is power, right?
A: How are we going to find out anything? All of my family is in it. It's not like they are gonna tell everything if I ask nicely.
S: First we have to go through everything you know. Did you find anything unusual when you are home for the last few weeks? Any suspicious glances, any whispering, anything...
A: Actually no. I did not see anything unusual. I normally....
Suddenly my mobile started to ring. I got  it out of my pocket and it was Binisha (my wife) calling. I did not want to talk to her right now but Razia told me to pick it up and talk to her normally.
B: Hey Jaan(beloved), how are you? 
A: I'm fine. What are you doing? What are everyone doing?
B: Mom is in the prayer room. Nokul & Dev are studying. I just finished tutoring them. I am just sitting in our room now.
A: Ok. You tutioned them for so long today. What's up?
B:  Nokul has a test tomorrow in his coaching center. By the way, it's already 8.30. Where are you?
A: I came to meet Razia & Murad. I am sitting next to them right now.
B: Wow, give the phone to Razia, I want to talk to her.
I handed the phone to Razia.
B: Hey Razi, what's up girl? How's your hubby, son & in laws? 
R: Fine. My parents took my son to visit them for a few days. My husband and in laws are also good. They are watching TV in their room. Tell me about you.
B: I am just the happy housewife. Everything's great.
R: Yeah, you sound too happy?
B: What does that supposed to mean?
R: Just kidding girl. See you next Tuesday. Don't be late for the monthly check up. Bye.
B: Bye, Good night. Give the phone to my hubby pls.
A: Ok, I will be there in a hour. Bye.
B: Ok Jaan, see you then.
That was the end of the conversation. She sounds so happy. I don't know if I am the one that making her happy in her life now. I am wondering about the long tution of my brothers. She normally finishes around 6. I saw her at 4 pm in the afternoon. Was she tutoring them at all? 
S: Ok Arjun where were we?
A: Huh... What?
S: What were you saying before the call?
A: As I was saying, I normally return home around 7 spend some time with my family, watch some TV, Have dinner and go to sleep. I have not seen anything amiss.
S: Ok, today is Tuesday. You keep your senses sharp. See if they are trying to gesture each other while you are in the room. I think I can arrange something to help you get more information around the house.
A: Ok. Guys, am I a stupid idiot? Am I a fool to live with them all and not know what are they upto?
M: You just trusted them and didn't have any suspicions before. Because thats what makes it a family. Trust.
R: I know how many sacrifices you made for them. I am your best friend. We are all your friends here. Don't worry.  We are here for you.
A: Ok guys I have to go now. It's almost 9pm.
S: Yeah I will also be going now. I will call you guys tomorrow evening and let you know what to do next.
R: Hey wait. Both of you are having dinner here. Do you think I will let you guys go at this hour in a empty stomach?
A: Razi it's ok. I really have to go now.
S: Me too.
With a smirk Razia said,
R: It's funny that you think I am asking for your opinions. Wash your hands and move to the dining room. I will just take 5 mins to get everything ready.
We finished dinner and went to our respective ways. As I was getting on the taxi my phone ringed again. After telling the driver our destination I picked up the phone and it was Nokul on the other side.
Nokul: Nomoskar Dada(Respecfully greeting elder brother). How are you?
Arjun: fine.
N: mom wants to talk to you. I am giving the phone to her.
Mom: Baba(Son) where are you? Why are you late today?
A: i went to meet Razi & Murad today.I am coming in half an hour.
M: Come quickly dear. I don't know why but have been feeling bad whole day. I have been missing you today. I am feeling like you are in some kind of trouble. Please come soon.
A: Ok mom. Don't worry I am alright. See you.Bye.
Here we go, so much love for me. My mom loves me so much.Or is it all just an act? How can a mother help her daughter in law to mantain affair with other family members. Can I trust anyone of them right now. Murad says there is no family without trust. So are they my family now?Can I ever trust them again? Only time will tell.
[+] 7 users Like worldlover's post
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Nice work, keep going  yourock
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 2 users Like Uday's post
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good narration of emotions
 Pl read n comment 
All Pic r copied fm NET and will be removed if anyone has any objection
Smita n Janki

[+] 1 user Likes twinciteeguy's post
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Even without any big episodes, you made me attached to this story... Very well written.. kuddos to you, brother.. take your time and enjoy the life.. but please try to update frequently... Hace a nice day ? yourock  clps
[+] 1 user Likes Desmond Miles's post
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great developments.................

binisha is expecting him...........and called when he missed his normal routine

and more called.............and said she is feeling something bad today.............. is it mother's love she is sensed his accident
or arjun left some indicative about his presence in daytime there................unknowingly

let's see what's next.................

plz update fast........... and give big updates...........if you can

your story is excellent............. because not feeling as a cuckold tale
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Story is very nicely carried
[+] 1 user Likes bobby's post
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(06-08-2020, 10:11 PM)kamdev99008 Wrote: great developments.................

binisha is expecting him...........and called when he missed his normal routine

and more called.............and said she is feeling something bad today.............. is it mother's love she is sensed his accident
or arjun left some indicative about his presence in daytime there................unknowingly

let's see what's next.................

plz update fast........... and give big updates...........if you can

your story is excellent............. because not feeling as a cuckold tale

Yes, I in agreement with Kamdev
Your story and narration is superb and touching the hidden emotions of wife and mother calling him when he missed the routine without any prior information and mother sensing some thing bad either it may be the accident or the incident of betrayal or could the watchman told about his visit and his condition and they are acting to cover it up....keeping us guessing
The better part is the true feeling of a husband on betrayal and not showing the cuckold nature.

Yes, please give some big updates....if possible
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 3 users Like Uday's post
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(07-08-2020, 02:04 PM)Uday Wrote: Yes, I in agreement with Kamdev
Your story and narration is superb and touching the hidden emotions of wifeyv and mother calling him when he missed the routine without any prior information and mother sensing some thing bad either it may be the accident or the incident of betrayal or could the watchman told about his visit and his condition and they are acting to cover it up....keeping us guessing
The better part is the true feeling of a husband on betrayal and not showing the cuckold nature.

Yes, please give some big updates....if possible

I would love to give bigger updates.I have the story figured out as to which path I want the story to go. But typing in a mobile takes too much time. That's why I don't give bigger updates. Please bear with me. Hope all of you like the story. Thanks for your support. Thank you all.
[+] 2 users Like worldlover's post
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(07-08-2020, 04:33 PM)worldlover Wrote: I would love to give bigger updates.I have the story figured out as to which path I want the story to go. But typing in a mobile takes too much time. That's why I don't give bigger updates. Please bear with me. Hope all of you like the story. Thanks for your support. Thank you all.

Hey buddy 
I liked the theme of the story. 
Anyways if you have problem with typing use AUDIO To TEXT  TRANSCRIPTION tool or learn how to do it.
[+] 2 users Like Theflash's post
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Nice thread
[+] 2 users Like rimpikhatun's post
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(07-08-2020, 04:33 PM)worldlover Wrote: I would love to give bigger updates.I have the story figured out as to which path I want the story to go. But typing in a mobile takes too much time. That's why I don't give bigger updates. Please bear with me. Hope all of you like the story. Thanks for your support. Thank you all.

no issues worldlover...
keep going with continuous updates even though they are small
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 2 users Like Uday's post
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Betrayals & Sacrifices: Update 6- Home Sweet Home - Part 1

"He is not doing good, he is hardly walking around. I'm afraid if Binisha & Supriya aunty will figure out that he knows something." Razia said to Murad. "He must calm himself otherwise they would surely suspect something. Or he is injured, he could play that card also." answered Murad.
Murad & Razia was discussing about Arjun inside their bedroom.
Razia said to Murad again," He was always very calm and collected even from childhood. Surely he was always the biggest kid in the class but he always used to stand up beside the weaker & frail kids. He is always saving someone or another. Do you know that in my H.S.C. final exam we were in a accident. I could attend that exam only because of Arjun. He got late by one hour in the exam hall trying to help me." "That's the exam he failed in? Trying to help you? Asked Murad with a worried expression. "No, actually he got A+ in that one. He was very good in English. It was the last two exams that he could not attend because his father died. He never failed in any classes before that." Razia answered.
Murad spoke," He is like coconut huh? Looks tough & hard from outside but soft & sweet inside. Razia smiled at her husband, "He doesn't only look strong, he is strong. You know, back in college Arjun alone thrashed 4 guys to save Shohail & his then girlfriend." Murad answered, "Baby I know Arjun is strong. I attend the same gym as him. I am also quite strong don't you think?" Razia teased him and said, "So you think you are strong? Then why don't you switch off the lights and show me what a tiger you are? Murad smiled and said, What about not switching of the light and still show you that I am a Royal Bengal Tiger?
Earlier that day, 6.30 pm, inside the Das Apartment...

Supriya Rani Das(Arjun's mom) & Binisha Rani Das(Arjun's wife) was in the prayer room. They were reading some verses from the Holy Bhagabat Gita. After they finished Binisha looked at her mother in law and could sense that she was worried. She asked her mother in law...
Binisha: Mom are you okay? You look worried.
Mom: Yes I am. 
B: About what, mom?
M: I am having a nagging feeling in my heart today. I don't know why but from today morning I am having some restlessness. I don't know why I am missing Arjun today. I made Dev call him in the morning just half an hour after he left this morning. I know he is very busy. But please call him...
B: Mom it's alright. You know he doesn't like when we call him at work without any good reason. Anyway, he will be arriving in half an hour or 40 mins anyways.
M: I know but I am still having this feeling, I can't describe it.
B: (With some hesitations) Mom we are betraying him like this,  may be your conscience is troubling you.
M: What are you saying Binisha? We are not betraying him or anything. We are not doing anything to him, we are doing it for him. I want only what is best for all of my children including you. We are doing it for Arjun.
B: (With a sigh) I know mom. I love you.
M: I love you too dear.
B: Ok mom I will go to Nokul and Dev's room now.
M: Go, Dinesh(the 2nd shift watchman) will call if Arjun returns.
B: Mom, Nokul has test tomorrow. I am just going to tutor him now.
M: Oh.. I thought... sorry you go. Tell both of them to study hard. I will be in the hall in front of the TV.
Binisha entered the twins room. Nokul was writting on his study table and Dev was draying a sketch on the bed although their was a lot of space in the study table. Binisha sat on a empty chair beside Nokul and asked him,
B: Nokul did you finish the problems.
N: Just one remaining boudi( Sister in law), it will also be done soon.
Meanwhile Dev got down from the bed on tiptoes, got behind Binisha, hugged her from behind and pressed both of her breasts at the same time. Binisha was startled and she jumped up from the chair in a flash. She became angry and asked Dev.
B: What are you doing? I told you both that don't try to do anything nasty when you are studying. Now I am here to help you both in your studies.If you do anything else today I will not allow you to touch me for a month.
D: Sorry, I won't touch you now.
N: I have finished the problems boudi. 
B: Ok let me see. Dev get back to your sketches
D: Ok boudi.
After some time they got done for the day and Binisha returned to her room. She looked at the clock and saw that it already past the normal time Arjun normally returns. Or he calls if somehow he is going to be late. But why didn't he call today? Binisha then called Arjun and talked to him and Razia.
Arjun's mom was trying to watch tv but it didn't feel good today. When she saw Nokul join her in the living room she asked him to call Arjun. She finally felt a little good after talking to her son and knowing that he was soon returning....

To be cont.....
[+] 7 users Like worldlover's post
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To make them study well she is is allowing them to fuck well to not to have distraction. Nice family. I did not get a bhabi like this when I studied, still I passed with good scores. I have missed something good. Big Grin
[+] 3 users Like fuckandforget's post
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nice update
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