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10-12-2021, 09:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2021, 10:03 AM by Suronjon. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Hello Readers,
Here I am going to share a unbelievable real life story, where a simple Bengali widow house wife mother went to abroad country for the first time in her life with her younger sister, and started living a complete different modern advanced lifestyle there. I hope you would enjoy her journey...
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10-12-2021, 10:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2021, 10:49 AM by Suronjon. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
HI my name is NEEL. NOW I am going to share the real life story relates to my own mother and MITIN aunty. She is not other than my mother’s loving younger sister. My mother parts will come in later , this story started with my Mitin aunty when she went to USA for the first ever time for studies.
She was 36 year old self depended woman. She works in a multinational corporate firm in NEWYORK. THOUGH once upon a time my aunty went in states only for higher study but she got settled there after getting decent job. She lived had shifted into NEWYORK permanent basic now. So as per as carrier choice was concern, MITIN aunty has lived almost 11 years outside INDIA.
She is the youngest sister of my mother. AT THEIR CHILDHOOD they lost their parents. Then she was just 11 year old. She spent her college and college life from our house at KOLKATA. SO she had very special bonding with us. She spent 1 and half year in CANADA to complete HER MBA from CANADA’S international business college. THERE SHE lived as paying guest inside my father’s relative’s house. She came back home twice from there at the middle of her course. After complete her course she got a placement in NEWYORK from that international business college. Whenever she decided to settle in usa as per as job is concern, my mother could not keep her decision from her heart. At the same stage my aunty got a decent job from a global brand head quarter. The salary would be 2 lakh in Indian currency. My father came in the middle and gives her permission to go and live her own life. Then she was just 25 year old. In that time she went there but never come back our place again. Somehow she got involved in such a busy work life that contract with us became irregular day by day. At the beginning she called my mother daily basic. After few weeks it turned around in to twice in every week. Few months later, my aunty got time for call us twice in a month. And now day she calls us only for single occasion in every 3 months.
I was too younger in age whenever she shifted in to the STATES as per as her job was concern. But I understood day by day my loving aunty went far from our touch. Within few months my parents lost their hopes because they got the information, that she already made a personal space out of her working field. 2 months later she sent few gifts and her latest photo from there. In picture we clearly noticed that she shorten her long curvy hair and straighten her hair. She looked very dashing in stylish gins and shirt.
After 1 year I don’t know why even today she stopped call us temporarily, NOT ONLY SHE STOPPED CALL US BUT SHE Did NOT PICK UP OUR TELE CALLS. My parents began feel tension of her in that time. Though she could not have time to call us daily basic but she did it one or two occasion in every week then. Suddenly she stopped calling for 2-3 weeks then. That was very out of the thought of my simple parents. Even my father started preparation to go NEWYORK to visit her in her place.
But he could not able to do it then because he had not get visa in time.
4 weeks later one day , my aunty sent a significant letter to my parents. Then my father just got his visa from the United States embassy, after reading that letter their face became color less within couple of minutes. I don’t know whatever she wrote down in that letter even today but after that day my parents had stopped calling my aunty in her private number. The only thing I came to know that she would unable to come back home this puja carnival because she has already committed to somebody else to go a holiday tour to CAYMAN ISLAND.
Mom and dad was furecious with her that decision, they also stopped phon call to my aunty , Then I realize that it is sure that my aunty did something terrible wrong which hurt my parents. Aunty’s decision could not make my parents happy at all. They could not call her after that day whenever she made her decision of not coming home during puja carnival. Though they did not maintain any contact with her but my aunty could not forget us. That wise e my aunty sent her heartiest loving wishes and gifts to us especially in the new-year and bijoya dasami.
Few years later I came to know from my mom about her real life secrets whatever she confessed in that long letter. That my aunty started live in together with a non residential INDIAN origin photographer whom name is DANIEL. He is 31 year old then, he was Christine in religion. AFTER start live in NEWYORK my aunty met him in nearby music library. They began to meet each other in regular interval. Within 2-3 months she had fallen in his love. So 6 months later he gave my aunty direct proposal to came with him and start live in at his own place. After spent some days together they would plan for their future. In the middle Daniel spent such a quality time with my aunty. He met her every day after her working hour. Then they visited together in some parks , pubs and food courts together. He introduced her with his friend circle. Those friends were very modern and braver than my aunty. In that period Daniel introduced smoking cigarette habit to my aunty. From very quick she began smocking daily basic with her partners. He tried to took her inside her place plenty of time but somehow my aunty was not ready to doing this on that time. One day certainly Daniel spoke about his personal family history after hearing her family at KOLKATA. Daniel’s had not any relative or parent got alive. His father was from south India. He came in newyork at late 70’s. he married an American TEACHER NAME SHELLY AND changed her religion too. Before they passed away both of them saved sufficient moneys in the bank for his son. And he got that apartment from his mother’s root.
Whenever she got such proposal she got surprise. Then DANIEL DID SOME MAGIC AND successfully make her convince in this case. Actually he badly needed some woman like my aunty in his daily life. He needed my aunt’s presence both in private and business self. Then aunty thought that His apartment was much closer than her own place as per as office was concern. It was just 35 minutes drive from the city. Her previous place was 55 minutes drive from the city though my aunty was not ready to take such bold steps. She already knew all about DANIEL’s past. Once he lived there with her ex girl friend. They shared same bed with each other under same roof. They promoted very fast in that realationship but it was not last still end. And just 1 year ago they got break up from their relationship. She was very cheap kind of women afterall. Whenever she met Daniel for the first time she worked in a night club. After 1 and half year stay together that lady dumbed Daniel in very dirty way. She got job in the professional modeling world.
She said yes to his boy friend and shift in his place. In that time my aunty began lying to my parents, actually she had not such guts to prest he truth near my parents. She needed Daniel’s company because she truly loved his boyfriend so much. He was so important person for my aunty to survive inside a new country and in a new unknown city among unknown people.
So she shifted in his apartment but start sleepin inside the different bed room in daniel’s place. Daniel did not like this at all. He wanted to catch my aunty inside his breath. He planned a new trap for his poor INDIAN middleclass educated girl friend. He wanted to make my aunty fully trained in the American western modern lifestyle.
To be continued...
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12-12-2021, 10:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2021, 10:37 AM by Suronjon. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Mitin aunty easily beleived her partner and start live in with Daniel. At the 3rd weekend of their livelin DANIEL THREW a private PARTY at his place. He arranged that party on my auntie’s honor. There he invited his 15-20 close friends to celebrate that party. It was total surprise package for MITIN aunty. She became surprise after see that arrangement after return back from her office. Daniel BOUGHT A SEXY WESTERN PARTYWEAR COSTUMES FOR MY AUNTY. HE also invited some of his known female friends and collogues in that party.
Just after Aunty came back in the apartment her partner hold her hand and guided her at middle of the party, then Daniel placed a valuable Ruby ring in her middle finger and announce he want to start a new life with my aunty. All friends shouted in cheers, they began to congratulate her in that occasion. As per as his instruction those girls took my aunty for change her costume and entire look up for that party. They never heard her one single requests then. Within 15 minutes MITIN aunty came infront of all with a changed hot and beautiful look.
She looked so different in that dress. Some of their friends gave her hot compliments that she might be a famous professional model one day if she want. A friend named ZYRA told my aunty after touching her sexy arms and backward skin,
oh Mitin, you have such beautiful skin, look at this how smooth is it. Why don’t you put attractive tattoos on it, its on matched very perfect your beautiful body.”
Aunty kept quite in reply but her partner gave answer for him “ yes zyra, you are right, give me some time, I would convince her to draw hot sensual modern sign tattoos for me, and I would took her near you in that time. You should know better what kind of tattoos go perfect with her body shapes and skin.” aunty could not say anything in that point. DANIEL MADE SUCH A MAGIC ON HER SHE NEVER DISAGREE WITH Any of this ARGUMENT THEN.
The guests were very much impressed with my aunt's look and her sweet gesture, Some of his friends gave direct proposal to DANIEL, " Hey why don't you try your beautiful livelin partner in pro level modelling? He also assured them he should try his level best to make his partner a pro model.
After that conversation somebody played party music in very loud volume, slowly and slowly the situation reached totally out of my auntie’s hand. Wild Celebration began with LOUD WESTERN pop music and hard drinks. Daniel and company arranged all risky elements to make MITIN a permanent member of their party animal group.At first they serve beer and scotch can in everybody’s hands. Aunty did not take any liquor can then but 30 minutes later whenever DANIEL and company opened Champaign bottle, they brought her in the centre again. They did not hear any her words. They opened Champaign bottle on her body and poured half of bottle inside her mouth. She had not habit to take liquor. She lost herself completely after that drinks. She lost her normal sense after drink Champaign. she joined in dancing with his partner and his favorite friends.
In that scenario, Daniel had not get so much trouble to pushed my drunk aunty on his bed. He made her totally undress and sleep over her sexy body, In that night my Mitin aunty had no power to resistance, she could not able to save her virginity for marriage. She had to give her every thing to her partner in that night. He touched every spots of her body and make my aunty almost his obedient sex slave.
Yes, she lost her virginity (it may be happen for the first time in her entire life) on that night. Next day she missed her office for the first time in her carrier. She was not such a condition to go for work on that next day. His boyfriend spent all the day with her and could not allow her to go outside from the bedroom. They did sex almost all the day long. After spent the day with great sensual love spirit my aunty began physical sexual involvement with her partner. On the next day morning, hangover was gone out of her body and mind. Whenever she got her normal sense back it was too late for recover from that situation. Because not only Daniel took her virginity on the bed and he took some secret photos of their privacy moment inside their apartment. Most of those pictures were solo hot naked sensual photos of my aunty. After showing her some private moments exclusive photos from his computer device, DANIEL SAID , I am sorry MITY WHATEVER I DID WITH YOU AFTER TAKE ADVANTAGE of your helpless situation, I had not any other option except doing sex with you, because you were looking very sexy and hot on that party night. So I have not any option, I could not stop myself, I really love you baby. You look more beautiful day by day. After sex you look very hot laying down on the bed like sex diva, I could not stop myself to took your these photos then."
"please don’t get upset, I love you baby, don’t live so far from me. I need you badly MITY. I know it, We are very different from each others in nature, but I believe my ability, I should make you my woman very soon. Listen up MITY From tonight we slept together forever, NOBODY SHOULD make separate us with each other.….
AFTER SAYING these DANIEL gave a warm long and close hug to MITIN aunty. That was start of my auntie’s characterize and natural downfall. She could not recover herself from there. She believed his word with very simplicity. His partner took the charge from there. He started decide all te decision of my aunt’s upcoming future life. Day after day she TURNED HERSELF into a complete changed woman as per as her boy friend’s choice was concern. His partner taught her every ins and outs of his own modern American free lifestyle. Within very few months of live in together she was much more comfortable with his modern days free thoughts and bold lifestyle. She started wear modern western stylish dresses as per as his partner’s satisfaction. Actually she did not know how to say no to him. She was completely hooked by his smart experienced live-in partner.
At the same stage she suffered from her moody big man boss in the office. Daniel and her boss both gave her new challenging tasks in her daily life. Her boss and boyfriend both took some advantages from her and fulfill their works from my MITIN aunty. Her boss gave her important assignments one after another and making her busy since very late in the evening. She did the office job quite nicely without giving any complain. SHE WORKED VERY HARD IN THAT PERIOD. That wise she got promotion and got a car from office.
n that day of promotion she returned back into her place much earlier (1 hour and 40 minutes before than average home arrival time) than other days. She planned that she would finish her dinner quickly and going to sleep as soon as possible. But whenever she arrived in the home she did not get proper rest after work through all day long. Daniel liked party whip, clubbing and time spent with his friends, after live in at his place my aunty became an obedient companion of his evening business. She made his evening colorful after fulfill all his desires. That wise he never allowed her to take night shifts in office. After coming into his hook she also gave him priority day after day. At that particular day he did same with MITIN aunty. Within 30 minutes of return back home she left the apartment for attend a party.
In those days, Most of the evening her partner made her reminder 1-2 nights before about their next party, dates and night outing. He made her very busy in their nightlife experience one after another event. she had to go with him in his places for enjoy the late evening hours with the friends. Coming back from office most of the days she got only 30-45 minutes to get prepared for outing with Daniel. It’s like a daily highly rated dates. After working hard this night outing events became a usual part of her daily life. Minimum three nights outing occurred in every week. At beginning she got lots of trouble with this lifestyle but day by day Daniel made her usual habit of living in such a swag style. She changed her normal food diets and normal schedule to maintain this modern lifestyle. He had parties to attend most of the nights in some friends place or inside some night clubs. They got their dinner outside most of the time because they had not stamina left for cooking foods after return back home. Most of the times they returned their place in late night. Only thing my aunty did after coming back her place , that she set her alarm clock for the morning, and let her body down on the bed beside his live in partner.
Her live in partner came very close of her body and put his hand inside her night suit. He played with her sexy body without any intereption, In that way she fallen asleep within 2 minutes. Next day morning she found herself almost seminude beside her partner. Daniel always prepared good quality breakfast for her, because of that healthy breakfast MITIN aunty restored her energy for work.
My aunty retuned back home with a tired body language but to make her partner satisfy most of the time she took a quick shower and change her costumes and went outside with him to attend those parties. Whenever she returned back home, she was exhausted after warm Daniel and company’s evening. Then her body was reached up top in sexual heat in the night. She lost her normal sense and let down on the bed in semi nude mode for having sex. Then She allowed her partner become naughtier and bolder on the bed. DANIEL liked get her partner in that kind of situation again and again.
He took her inside 2-3 rave party in that period with out make her inform, in that kind of party female members were very little in numbers than male. There every 4-5 guys got just one woman in their group while dance. At the beginning she only watched their dance from the distance but from the second time she began participating dancing with very active energy. She disliked that kind of party but Daniel could not allow her escape from there so easily. There my aunty found her so much comfortable among those modern party animals. There she came in touch with his male friends with very close. Daniel made her drunk badly so after getting drunk she lost her normal sense of justify right and wrong. Then they took my aunty inside the nearest suit of motel, which were normally at the same building of the bar and pubs. where doors were normally remain open and a do not disturb board hang on the door. They took lots of advantages from my aunty inside those cheapest and usable rooms in the pubs bar and hotels. They made her busy at their adult fun business. In that way those friends changed the weekend habits and simple nature of DANIEL’S HOT AND HAPPENNIG INDIAN GIRL FRIEND.
They got attached with each other s body and taking liquor and smoking elements together. At the beginning though she felt very helpless as per as her old culture and education was concern but after losing her control near DANIEL AND COMPANY she began a great impact in their nightlife entertainment. She did not disappoint them at these party hours. Some time they spent lots of time together in some popular sea beaches of THE CITY. WITHIN very short period MITIN BEGAN WEAR beachwear swim costumes as per Daniel and company’s intention.
Daniel successively made a healthy and happy sex life with my aunty. After 4 months of living a restless busy modern life with her boy friend she faced a unique problem for the first time.
She went for a routine heath check up in her company recommended doctor’s clinic. After sharing same bed with DANIEL through more than 3 months INSIDE THEIR APPARTMENT my aunty got pregnant of one month’s baby. It was very normal result because Daniel did not use condom though last 1 month. Not only that he did not use condom but he did not allow her sex partner to get escape without having sex even in her hell weeks.
During period weeks though aunty had no mood to sleep with him but his sex alcoholic partner could not ready to compromise.
He said her ,“come on baby, I love you, I need you, you know it I cannot live without having sex with you.”
After coming in his sweet romantic words my aunty forget everything and continuously satisfying him on the bed as good as possible. JUST before coming back in INDIA SHE got that pregnancy news. Naturally Indian trip was cancel.
DANIEL AND aunty both were not ready to take baby’s responsibility then, she got very miss response after giving that good news, at first he was ready to give birth to their baby but few weeks later he took my MITIN aunty to an another doctor for a special check up. Then aunty already set her mind to give their baby birth. She was not ready to use abortion. There was nothing option remained in her hand in that moment. Then she was ready to confess all her secret affairs with DANIEL NEAR US but DANIEL stopped her in the middle.
He bought some time from her. Aunty gave him 2 weeks more to think about it. So within that period Daniel did another illegal path of solution their problem. Without informing my aunty, He arranged a big money client for her baby. He got number of that man from one of his old day’s friend who was a doctor. In the secret manner he ran much illegal business inside his hospital which was non bell offence in USA. Not only he did abortion for single and unmarried woman he successfully created tube baby into another woman’s body who want to be a mother of a healthy natural baby. He also arranged surrogacy mother's, He prepared paid mother to pregnant and delivery. That man looked for baby for many years but he did not such ability to make his 34 year old wife pregnant by his own. So he appointed a specialist doctor to sort out his needs.
Doctors appointed Daniel in that case. Actually Daniel had very bad track record in this case. He did it before in his past life. He made her ex girlfriend pregnant and transfer their baby to another woman's hand against decent amount of money. He decided to do the same in that case. Inside a pub they fixed a meeting at midnight. There they speak about the compensation money and set up the deal. Though this man, Daniel got all arrangement to sell their baby to another whealthy couple, in that way, they don't need any abortion or liabilities of a unplanned child, My aunty was unable to know anything about the deal.
But Daniels demand was very high, that wealthy couple who needs baby, they lost interest, because doctor arranged another candidate a 24 year old Brazilian woman for their help, So Daniel had not any option left except abortion. He made all arrangements with the doctor, one fine evening, he gave sleeping pill in my aunt's drink.
whenever she fallen asleep DANIEL did not waste any time directly admitted my aunty inside his friend’s hospital. She was admitted into the special unit for 3 days. Whenever she got her sense back , job was done successfully.
Daniel told her everything after she returned back in their place. Her heart was broken down after hearing all the incidents. She cried like a wounded baby all night long.
2 weeks she could not talk with Daniel for this incident. Even she tried to leave his place then but Daniel did not allow her to go from there. He gave her direct threat if she left him he must attempt suicide and before suicide he should publish all their privacy moment’s photos and a video which was recorded by the hidden camera of their bed rooms in the public site.
After that blackmail she had to live there but she lost her believe in trust word.
Few weeks later, Daniel arranged a holiday trip to CAYMAN Island. It was needed for their relationship’s future. Though aunty was not ready to go there, THEN she had planned to visit her home town at the month of puja carnivals. Actually she understood what the mistake she did to start live in with a man like Daniel. She came and live in her old places in NEWYORK. Then she wanted to come back India permanently after resign from her job but her naughty and bed partner did not allow her to do whatever she want. He came at her place and took my aunty with him again in his place. There he successfully made my aunty convinced for that trip. Within 7 days of return back in daniel’s house she wrote that long and significant letter to my parents. In this letter the first sentence was that she would unable to return home while puja carnval. And she decided to settle at states permanently with his live in partner.
(To be continued..)
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Part Three
My Mitin aunty was well tbangd, after getting abortion she got no chance to escape from Daniel's hand, she had to go in Kayman Island with him.After that trip my auntie’s life came in to total new direction. She started tranform herself to perfect partner of Daniel
. Whenever they arrived at GYPSY grand CAYMAN VILLA in CAYMAN ISLAND, MITIN AUNTY had to strip off completely and she ALMOST did not put any cloths on HER body for the whole week they were there. At that time period SHE was passing through from her prime sex age, she had her best tits and sexy body shape in those days. Her partner made her so much busy in sexual intercourse.
It was full with spiffs and boozes throughout all the day long. They did the sex on the bed, in pool and in the living area. Neighborhood couples and room service porters watched them fucking even in the garden area. Best view they had when they lubing up auntie’s naked body throughout the day with sun lotion. Daniel did magic again in his simple innocent Indian partner. He began his mind game from that trip. There my aunty came totally under his hook. As expected she never came back in her normal life again after this unforgettable trip. Within a months of that CAYMAN ISLAND trip aunty took some revolutionary decisions of her life one after another.
She took such life changing decisions after getting Daniel’s full efforts and continuous support from the back. Finally she made her mind prepare to leave her well reputed job and join DANIEL’S photography field and party event management business. In that time she never thought twice acted as an amateur model in some low budget assignments. After believe his words Not only that she was ready to submit her Indian pass port near Daniel but she got agreed to change her identity too. Making that man satisfy my aunty applied for green card which is the identity papers of general residential American citizen. It’s seemed she would not come back to her home country and settled there permanently. She got membership cards of their night clubs, spa and beauty clinics for PERMANENT visits. She usually visited spa twice in every month. It gave her lots of meditation to live a busy modern life. She got the first experience of visiting spa from the trip of CAYMAN island. The secrets behind her admirable beauty were visiting spa and beauty clinics.
After that aunty related conversation with my mother couple of years passed very quickly, we were not able to know that my aunty and Daniel were married or not…. In her letters, she shared her best wishes to us, and same time she sent us gifts in our birthdays, she has been never indicated about their marriage. We were unable to know how did she live her life, but two years ago scenario was changed. I luckily found her Facebook and instragam account, From that day I became a secret admire of her beauty and modern lifestyle. Without inform my parents I sent her friend request, she accepted my friend request. She felt delightful to come back in touch with me again after many years. After that we began chat twice in every week. Few weeks later I also become mutual friend of DANIEL AND his co. they accepted me into their social group named NY wizards. I watched her profile pictures in face book. Every week she changed her profile picture. Yes Daniel kept his commitment very well. I saw that he had convinced my aunty for drawing tattoos on her body. I watched at least 2 star and cancer sign tattoos on her arms sleeve and shoulder. After become professional model Photographer’s live in partner it was very usual aspect after all.
After watching her via social network site, I noticed many changes in her. What I saw her in my childhood days, most surprise thing was that that old simple innocent face was missing. Her face indicates that through last 10 years she had turned into n experienced mature spoiled modern INDO-AMERICAN woman, WHO already had FACED MANY darkness in her life. Though she hidden her pain and struggle with a fake smile and attractive makeup but I understand at the first observation that she hide many secrets things with her fake smile. Most shocking thing is that she learned saying lie in every subjects. Actually she never know that I knew some of her secrets already from my mother, whenever she said about her lifestyle facts , I have noticed many miss matched from my mother’s description. I believe my mother words more in this case because I know it very well she cannot say lie word anytime.
The Latest picture whatever she posted in her profile that was fabulous. She looked completely like semipro model in dress, looks and makeup If I am going to compare it with her old picture, there was nothing remain same with her previous day’s look and nature. She became much more horny and sexy year by year. She was much more comfortable in stylish western outfits. My aunty never got shy to expose her sexy long legs and mature arm sleeve. As per as her face book timeline is concern my MITIN aunty was much more comfortable in front of other mature boys and girls who liked party and dance season very much. Most of her event photos are not open for all show. Restriction was also on in video files. I never said her to allow me to show this private content because I respects her privacy space. Everybody has rite to protect their privacy space content from public or friends circle.
I found some hot beautiful photos from her public friend’s album. There she gave some photos where she wore sexy raveling western slim fits. At those western slim fit cloths She looked much younger than her actual ages. Though she looked liitle bit busty in this picture but it was perfectly match with her sexy mature body shape. In some images she exposed her sexy cleavage and mature breast shape openly. She is getting bold in the case of exposes her hot assets through her stlish outfits day by day. Now days I came to know more details about her personal life. She completed 1 year professional photography course as per his partner’s request and got pro A GRADED fashion magazine part time photographer job.
At same time,She involved rest of time in their personal party event management and photo studio business. After spending lots of time with alcoholic persons in the profession she became regular alcoholic woman. Before going for the sleep she takes hard drinks almost daily inside the home in very small and limited number. She took little extra from her normal limit of hard drinks in the party or week end events nights after coming in the spirit with her modern friends. Though she decreased the current amount of cigarette smoking much more than earlier days but she needed 10-11d cigarettes daily.She has got that nasty addiction from Daniel AT THE FIRST year in NEWYORK.
She earned decent moneys from that modeling and event management job. Last year They bought a farm house in nearby country which is 144 km drive from their recent apartment. They normally visited there with their friends to enjoy the weekend party. Even DANIEL shoot couple of professional photo seasons inside that farm house. My aunty was present there in every occasion. Then she posted another bold pictures of her in her profile. In the picture my aunty did work in the kitchen wearing just apron and panty on her body. She looked so much porn actress in that picture. I found over 2000 likes on this sensual picture. After few weeks aunty deleted that particular picture from her profile.
Daniel and my aunty both are very interested to meet me personally in their place. They invited me if I want they sent ticket and other papers to come in NEW YORK CITY. I would come there to travel or doing my post graduation whenever I want. They believed that one day they would meet us especially me. I also want to visit their place and spent couple of days with them.
In the chat I realized they are so much modern and having helpful friendly nature. But one thing I have to say that my aunty is a changed woman after living in NEWYORK. SHE is not racist as my childhood MITIN AUNTY any more. Daniel and company made her a complete different modern friendly flirty type woman in last couple of years. Her dress code , style, culture changed dramatically manner. It’s seemed she never born in educated middleclass Bengali family. Her dresses look up, event related posts and the huge number of male friends proved that changes very easily. As per as face book post trend is concern and the style and words she maintain while chatting, I think so that She might involved in many physical affairs along with DANIEL at same time.
I have not get any clear cut evidence about her amateur level modeling but her dress code style statements and spoken gesture were very similar with a semi pro model. And after she become pro phographer she worked in plenty of pro modeling assign ment as a lead photographer along with some big names. So there is nothing to surprice if I would come to know about her amateur modeling carrier. She might be change her name in that case. I am looking regularly to some American modeling agency and fashion magazine site to get a missing link of my aunt’s modeling.
To be continued...
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Two years passed very quickly after my Mitin aunty settled in USA with her live in partner. Some way we lost touch with them. They came close after a sudden incident.
My father passed away in a sudden accident. He had great habit of mountaineering. He went twice in a year with his friends for this habit. In that time he climbed up to mount KANCHANGHANGHA. We tried to stop him but he could not hear any our words anytime. He went out with his team but never able to come back home that time. His full team went missing after a terrible ice storm.
My mother was broke up mentally after this sad accident. She came under mental shock. She stopped talking and going in totally silent mode. In that moment I informed my MITIN aunty for my mother. I knew it very well that she was the only one who can make my mom recover from the tragedy. My thoughts were absolutely right.
She came in OUR PLACE in my single request. After coming here she proved myself right. She did something magical my mother came back in the normal situation. My mother accepted her like a mother met her daughter.
All previous incidents decision and mental gaps were just gone out in a single moment. They met with each other in such a manner that nothing happen in their relationship. That was such an emotional scene for me. Aunty took charge of our house from the first day she arriving. I really appreciated her whenever aunty stopped my mother to fulfill a ***** widow’s gesture and its rules. We got one good information from my aunty that Finally she got married WITH her live in partner DANIEL 1 YEAR AGO. Slowly and slowly my mother recovered from that tragedy. Thanks to my MITIN aunty.
In that way 2-3 weeks passed very smoothly after my aunty took the charge. But I had to leave for my college hostel very soon. My father’s dream that one day I would become a good engineer like him. But I study inside my country and work inside my country as per as my father did. So I had to leave my mother to follow up my father’s dream. My mother also wanted it. But I was not ready to leave her alone in our place. I knew it very well my auntie’s visa period also come to end within 3-4 weeks, so she would has to leave the country very soon. I fall in great dilemma in that period. Then my MITIN AUNTY came in front with the solution.
At first she invited HER life PARTNER Daniel in our place. He responded our invitation with very urgency. We met him first time so we were excited and happy to get him among us especially my mother SREELEKHA was very much happy.
Daniel also made us impressed with his simple and friendly behavior in very short time period.He brought many expensive gifts for us. After know he was full alcohic and regular smoker My mother had to allow him to Drinking and smoking inside their room.
Within 1 weeks of Daniel came my father’s shradha(post death ritual ceremony) took place. They took such an active part to arrange that my father’s ritual CAREMONY. Most of the expenses carried by aunty herself.
Just after my father’s SHRADDHA MY AUNTY c hanged some basic nature of my mother’s daily lifestyle. She said my mother openly,
“oh come on di bhai, you has lived your entire life for your family, you did many sacrifice for us but it is enough, you have not rite to waste your life anymore. Now you must live not only for us but you will have to live for your own happiness. You will have to be modern self depended woman like me. There are many good works opportunity for women like now days. You should have to get all the fun what a life needs. I will trained you as per as my choice.”
Mom was delightful to hear her younger sister’s wishes, she encoured her with a shiny smile.
She continued “at first you need a complete makeover, I will change your entire look, if you get this, all men will die on your beauty. you should shorten your hair little bit shorter, its make your look more sexy and hot. After that you should have to try modern outfits like me. You should be modern and having cool attitude to live rest of your life. If you earn all this points you should start new life changing carrier in business. Just Come with us di bhai one time in our place, then You should assist me in my business jobs in own professional teritory. Actually I needed honest and loving woman like you in my profession. ”
My mother replied “ what are you saying MITIN, is it possible? Look at my age. What will people say if I do all the things whatever you want in my this age.”
Aunty assured her “ don’t thought about the outside world, I don’t care about what people says, its your life, don’t waste it anymore after your son dispatch for the hostel you should feel alone. It is the only solution to overcome your boring lifestyle after our leave.”
Mother: I shall not forget my husband’s loss. I can not think my life has any meaning without having his presence.”
Aunty: oh come on didi, if you forget smiling and enjoy your daily life and just go for a motion. there was no meaning to live such a stupid way. Time would cure all your mental problems if you want to start a new life. You have to become a self depended woman like me.
At the same day, My aunty took my advice in this case, I also got agree with her. My mother struggled too much for our future, now she had enough rites to enjoy her rest of life.
After that day my aunty began her tutorial to my simple mother how to become a modern woman.At the beginning my mother could not ready to change her lifestyle and mindsets so easily but MITIN AUNTY AND her partner DANIEL kept their patience and get success very impressive way.
At first she convinced her to wear colorful modern dresses. She did not allow my mother to live a normal widow woman life. She bought some sleeveless salwar pajama kurta tops, shirts, trousers leggings for my mother. Though my mom could not ready to try those modern soft material dresses in outside. But inside home my aunty was successive to convince my mom to wear night suit & salwar-kurta in place of sari blouse. As per as her request was concern mom began wore 2 sleeveless western night suit whichever were brought by Daniel as a gift. He also bought some branded t shirt, underwear and perfume for me.
Though my mother was ready to stay alone in our place but my aunty could not agree to leave her alone in our home. Then my aunty said us about their plan. They both wanted my mother would stay with them in their place. They wanted I left my house and live in hostel as per as my study was concern. And another stage my mom went with them in their place at NEWYORK. SHE would stay with my aunty still my vacations come and I returned back home. Whenever my vacation starts my mother came back in her place. All the papers or visa would arrange by Daniel.
Mom felt in serious dilemma in her sister’s proposal. She took few days of time for thinking near them. Within that period DANIEL and aunty came more close of her lifestyle. They tried to escort my mother every time even in front of me. Especially Daniel got very close of my mother. Every time he admired my mother’s beauty and friendly nature very openly. One day I heard their private conversation, there he said , "YOUR SISTER LOOKS MORE BEAUTIFUL in real life than those pictures you sent me. She looks hot in this kind of nightsuit WHATEVER YOU brought for her. It will very poor if a beautiful woman like your sister spent her rest of life alone. It will impossible. She has no right to waste her life. We must have to do something and get her with us in our NEWYORK flight.
Then Aunty replied “you are very much right. We should take her at our place verysoon. And what about her beauty, you don’t watch her younger age pictures, if you saw it you might be fall in love of my sister.”
Daniel : okay mity lets try my luck one time more… she has such a beautiful body shape and natural face. She may ideal for my next photo season. Mity my darling, please talk with her… she should become a free self depended woman if she join us in our business….
Aunty: no dear, I don’t think it would be great idea, my sister could not match herself with semi-professional modeling.
Daniel: please believe me, I have seen great protentiality in your sister….
She would be a great model for home daily uses products….
AUNTY: YOU ARE REALLY very smart , you don’t ready to escape any beautiful woman to make your model, even my sister will be added on this model category.
Daniel: I need your help….
Aunty: okay, how can I say no to you… but I have one request for you. Please don’t do anything mess here… give me some time , I would make her convince to join our profession whenever she will arrive in our place. if you try some naughty trick here she cannot get agree to stay with us in our place, So I did not get opportunity to talk with her face to face about our future. I know my sister very well, I would make her convince very soon , then she will all yours…..
Daniel hugged my aunty and kisses her chick and say that wise I love you so much, you never makes me disappoint.
After that serious conversation, they kept our home environment so much normal and energetic. At the same time they managed my simple mom take under their control day by day. Daniel’s presence made my aunty more moderate. She began wear more reveling modern outfits especially post evening hours and in the morning she came out to the drawing room and kitchen area without having any innerwears. Daniel was alcoholic person. He did not take liquor in first couple of days. After my father’s ritual work took place he did not keep his patience so longer.
He took permission of taking alcohol inside the house near my mother. In that moment he was getting more frank with my mother. So she allowed him to taking liquor inside house as an extra special favor. It was happened first time inside our house. Though she had plenty of doubt about this decision but finally Mother said yes to him. So he started taking liquor after dinner inside bed room. After spent some time with my mother MITIN aunty also joined him. At the beginning days Mom was so much uncomfortable in front DANIEL particularly in that post dinner season. One main reason behind this was that He usually becomes topless after the dinner. There was only a sort in his body in those moments. And another reason was that he took hard drinks and cigarette without close the door. Liquor and cigarette’s smell came outside from their room. Aunty wore her reveling western night gown in that time. After taking hard drinks they got passionate sex seasons almost every night. They also did smoking 2-3 cigarettes in this time before go to sleep. They were very open-minded about their dress code and sexual approach. They did not hide their business from us. We were very much aware whatever they done inside their room. My mother got shame because of their open minded lifestyle. She felt uncomfortable because of my presence. In that time they exposed their body as much as possible. I said it previous occasion that Daniel was in topless mode. Aunty also exposed her sexy leg-side, backward and skin up to knee without having any trouble. My mother understood everything but never say anything because of my presence.
She worried about the effect arise in my mind because she knew it very well I becomes younger in the age.
2-3 days later whenever she thought deeply about her future living place after I will leave for the college hostel, Then Daniel did another plan to make my mother totally out of thoughts. He wanted to take the ultimate decision about her future living place and lifestyle. He did not ready to give her any other option except leave our house for a long time. So he started playing his role whatever he played plenty of occasions in his life even in the case of his present life partner. He tried to getting closer of my mother.
He helped her in the kitchen and the household works. He made her company in the daily shopping. Even he did not miss the chance of utilize my mother’s back muscle pain. He gave her direct proposal of giving massage. He did this proposal in front of me inside our drawing room. Though my mother refused his service after coming in shame for my presence he did not stop his effort. Unfortunately my aunty joined him in this secret game in that moment. She gave him full support in this case.
My aunty could not hear her any requests.
One day, She took my mother inside their room for the massage. After enter inside the room they almost forced the door in my face, before do it she told me please dear, you should have to stay outside. Your mother is feeling shy just for your presence. I did not show any further interest to go inside after hearing that fact from aunty. I did not watch that rare view how he massaged my mother back and shoulder side with his imported branded body oil. They almost kept my mother in their grip for the next 1 hour. After 1 hour she got relish and come outside with a different body language, she was only in her petty coat in that moment. She looked very much hot and sexy after getting that body massage. Her face became red in shame. She could not able to stare at my eyes in that moment. Aunty took her quickly inside her room because her back shoulder arms and legs became very much oily, her arms and legs were shaken up in excitement. Then she needed an immediate shower in bathroom. Aunty helped her to take this shower. At the same time she shaved her body’s hair using her imported hair remover.
After that massage almost every day my mom got a well rated body massage from DANIEL inside her own bed room in their choice. After massage Daniel came outside from her bedroom and she went for taking shower inside the attached bathroom.
On the very next day they planned new trick for my mother. After dinner I watched tv in our drawing room, my mother was busy set our beds. On those days, we slept each other’s nearest room. There was a door between our rooms my mother visited my rooms whenever she want. On that night we just follow the same routine before go for sleep but we could not able to sleep in correct time. My aunty went inside her rooms. After some secret conversations there she brought my mother outside after kept her hand. Passing me goodnight message she went inside their bedroom with my mother. I got surprise because After the dinner the time was 10.30 pm, then Daniel became topless mode and start taking liquor and smoking already inside their room. They entered inside the room, I also followed them but DANIEL shut the door in my face with mysterious smile. Before do it he said me there was some adult business and works will going to occur here. It’s our privacy moment so I must be go outside of these.
After shut the door I clearly heard the sound of pouring liquor in empty glass. At the same time bedroom’s TV switched on. Daniel asked his partner for playing a special DVD to get some fun. After playing dvd. he increased the volume in higher level. I could not hear anything what were they talking inside the room. Then I left that place.
Mom was spent 2 and half hour inside that room with them. I did not know whatever they did with my simple mother. I got hints on the next day morning that they watched a romantic thriller hollyood movie which was full of one after another bold and passionate adult scenes. My aunty did not make my mother any chance to get escape from there until the movie was come to an end. She came outside after getting drunk and sleep beside me after coming in my room. She slept after coming very close of my body on that night.
My mother did not like alcohol but MITIN AUNTY could not ready to leave her on that night. She smartly convinced her simple sister for taste their branded liquor with them. She had not any habit of taking alcohol before that day. She felt tipsy after get 2-3 small pegs of hard drinks. Her hair clips were open and night suit’s knots were little bit loose. As per as the front button of her night suit was open More shockingly she exposed her inner bra openly for the first time. In that time I used to sleep at the same room with my mother after that great tragedy. I did it because Mother cried so much in silent mode inside her room whenever she got alone. But that night for the first ever time she was not in sad mood. She slept down after coming very close of my body like childhood time. I got her sweet body smell from very close.
For the first ever time I got some sensual manhood feelings with my own mother’s beautiful body. I began fantasize about her beauty and hotness from that day. But I did not have any courage to touch her private body parts and I could not want crossing my limit. I was happy to see my mom in new transformed look. In that time I saw some major difference in my mother’s earlier normal body language. Her lifestyle was changed by Daniel and my MITIN aunty slowly and slowly step by step.
To be continued...
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nice start...plz continue with Bengali ones too
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Merry Christmas ?? to all my Thread readers..and Xossipy readers..☺️?
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Merry Christmas ?? to all my Thread readers.
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My mitin aunty was highly influenced by her live in partner's words. She started prepare my innocent mother as per as his choice is concern. After having her first ever liquor experience my mother followed up the same routine after the dinner. Both occasions aunty came took her inside their bed room. More surprise elements she spent more time with them behind the closed door. Mom came back toward her room in very late night. Every time she was drunk.
In my presence they did more physical touches to THEIR loving SISTER. Mitin aunty did close hug for 3-4 occasions every day. DANIEL ALSO HOLD HER ARMS and touches her shoulder and back whenever he got opportunity. He intentionally sat beside SREE AFTER come as close as possible from her body. My mother did not support his close body trick at the beginning but he took as a challenge. My aunty understood that my mom had got problem for DANIEL’S physical attachment. She said her that it was his normal habit going close to woman body. Take it as a normal gesture.
After that explanation mom had nothing to say. She got plenty of touches from DANIEL all over the day. Especially after start body massage campaign Daniel got his licence to touch her body. Mom felt shy watching at my eyes whenever Daniel did this naughty tricks.
ONE DAY I heard a parts of their conversation from the outside of their room.
My mom said “no no, it is not right MITIN , PLEASE stop doing this. It's wrong, if someone come and watch me to do these I fall in such false positions.”
Aunty replied “ oh come on didi, don’t talk like a child, after all watching porn movies is not crime, it provides lots of adult fun and lifestyle knowledge.”
Daniel said “ yes, I am fully agreed with MITY, YOU can also applied those moves and techniques from these high quality porn, oh jokes apart…”
Mom said “ no no its very wrong. You should carry on but leave me in this things. it will become nice addiction, if it is continue in that manner.”
Aunty said “ oh didi, please take it easy, why are you sit like this, you are not doing any crime. We bought this original content from the market, its nothing illegal and pirated. So please make yourself comfortable, you can put off your night suit if you want…”
Daniel: yes, come on sis, put off your dress , take some fun from this outstading a grade porn. show us how you look only in your bra and panty.
Mom: no no, it is not possible. Please leave me….
Aunty: oh didi, lets watch on the screen, the model also wearing just a stripped bra and she exposes her breast navel and leg side with lots of confidence. Okay I must do it first, if I do it , you shall have to do it too. understand?
Mom: mitin what are you doing? Are you going mad, Pls don’t do it.. what is DANIEL thinking?
Aunty: don’t get shame in front of this man didi. He becomes your family member already. He never mind anything he spent half of his life watching these element, it was very much normal in his country…
Then I heard the drink pouring in to the empty glasses sounds.
Mitin aunty said,
Come on sis, Before doing this fun we must take drinks…
Mom: no, you have been known it that I don’t like this alcoholic smell any time. But you don’t hear any my words….So I have decided I never take liquor.
Aunty: it will make you so much comfortable in front of us. We should come more closer each other after having this drinks. So you should have to take it. Its my order… come on DI BHAI… DON’T SPOIL THE SPORTS… Just do it.
2 minutes there was complete silence. After that Aunty said: there I am going fast…..
Daniel made clapping at her bravery and sporting gesture.
30seconds later, aunty said “why are you shook your head down, just look at me, my job is done, now its your turn my loving sister..
Daniel: come on sis, it is a challenge, show her that you can do it.
Aunty said “come on didi, lets expose your sexy mature breast near us…”
Mom: okay I will do it, but do not spread this outside of the room…
Aunty: yes yes , that s like my good girl, I love you sister…
Mother : oh I can’t believe it that I am doing this in front of you and your husband….
Daniel clapped more excitement on this time, he was waited for so long time to watching this view. Mom fulfilled his naughty desire at the end and make him happy.
He said many admiring sentences one after another to my mother about her sexy beautiful breast side. daniel :I must be said that you have lovely breast even in your mature age… beautiful….you have maintained really beautiful shape, plenty of men would die to play with your assets… because every men needs mature rip breast with a sexy cleavage like you.
You would make my night…..
Aunty: I should teach you everything my sister, there is not any argument on this topic, you have to come with us, I don’t know whatever you feel to leave this house but after that meet I will not stay there anymore without you.
Daniel: same word also goes with me. Come with us, we should live together at the same apartment. Now you are a member of my family. And whenever your son will live in college hostel then there will no meaning to live alone. You will have to come with us, it is final.
I heard liquid pouring sound in the empty glass again. mom sad MITIN DON’T GIVE ME MORE DRINK I COMPLETED MY DAILY QUOTA ALREADY. Aunty replied oh come on, there will nothing wrong if you take an extra peg of drinks.”
2 minutes later mom gave her reply, you made me in deep trouble, I need some time to take decision. BUT IT IS VERY MUCH CLEAR I shall not live anymore without you. After hearing this sentence I came back in my room. I did not know how longer my mother was stayed with them inside that close door. Mightbe she stayed there with them through late night hours. I left that place with a great curiosity in my mind. I did not know what decision my mom take after this proposal.
To be continued..
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29-12-2021, 09:56 AM
Part 6
After that night, Aunty and Daniel took my mother into full day outing. She went outside of our home after many days. She did not create any further trouble in their plan. They successively convince my simple mother to joining them. I GOT LOOSE MOTOIN so I stayed at home and leave my mother into their hands. They took that opportunity and make her mind more confuse.
They spent such a quality time together in that outing. They did shopping and watching a Hollywood movie in the multiplex. They left the house after finish their break first and return back in very late evening hours. My mother got so much closer of them after that outing. After that day out she began prepare her mind seriously for leave the country. She was ready to live into their city for few months.
They got very close with her day by day and cannot get my mother alone for a single hour. If she stay at her place she definitely missed them very much.
Few days later My aunty convinced my mother to wear stylish salwar- top, kameez in the place of saree blouse. She bought some good modern sleeveless salwar kurta top, t shirts, stylish modern nightwears, jackets, moderate innerwear sets for my mother in that period. After start wearing sleeveless salwar top my mother SREELEKHA’S entire look changed. She looked much younger than her real age. She looked more attractive and hot than old dress code. she looked more beautiful as well as. In that time I LOOKED Daniel watched at her beauty in the lusty eyes. After dinner they made my mother an obedient companion inside their room in daily basic. Aunty pushed my mother inside the room , Daniel closed the room at the same time. Then their privacy hour began. Normally they shared personal adult jokes and watching porn videos with the soda- alcohol in that period. I did not like this after night meeting from my heart but I had nothing to do in this case, because my mother went there joining them by her own. One night I stood behind the door again after their night meeting start.
I heard again liquor pouring tune in the Empty glasses.
my mother said “ it is not fair MITIN, YOU WERE so bad. Make me drink this poison on every night. I must say, It got a very nasty habit day after day. So I decided that I don’t eat liquor more from tonight.”
Aunty “ oh come on didi, we are drinking in limit, it made our heath’s cell active, it gave us good sleep, it is totally accepted by today’s modern doctor’s. it is a part of our healthy food diet. Take it dear without any hesitation, you body’s attractiveness would increase. We can show the difference even from now, others should watch the difference very soon. ”
Daniel: sis come on don’t think any think , you should become hornier day by day. This high quality branded hard drinks have been increased your body seduction power. You will see, if you do whatever we say, perfect Men will come in numbers in upcoming years in your life…” Mitin aunty surprisly support heri partnersyopartner's point of view.
She said, " you are a free bird Didi, you would do whatever you want, live your life , it will be beautiful and colorful if you would open your window...”
They gave her such a friendly company and new attractions that mom changed her mind of staying at our old place. It was possible after facing our continuous efforts. Another way they made my mother dream of a new free modern lifestyle. I also said her clearly you should have to go with them in their place. Actually I wanted my mother would be happier. It would possible if she got their company in her daily life. It was hard realty reality that their company help my mother to overcome the great tragedy of her life in every single moment. DAY BY DAY SPENDS MORE TIME WITH THEM She came out from the tragedy, the loss of her loving husband, my father.
Finally, she agreed to visit with her sister and brother in law in their place at NEWYORK. Daniel AND aunty got happier person after getting my mother’s confirmation about live in NEWYORK. They had some special planning with my mother whichever we could not imagine then, particularly my mother. She believed so much in their words. One thing I did before her leaving that I handover my old laptop to my mother. I did it because we can keep contact via online connection.
I noticed one significant thing whenever my aunty did packing for my mother. She did not allow her to take a single set of her favorite and comfortable dresses, which were sari blouse and other light color salwars, in the place of her normal dresscode she put all newly bought modern cloths in her luggage. She got those particular dresses which my mother usually did not like to wear every time. Sleeveless Salwar TOPS, THREE quarter sorts, body tight kameez, full leggings, shirts , t shirts, kurta even 2 sets western gowns, two set trousers, denims were bought for my mother in very quick margin. New innerwear sets also bought by them in very quick margin, I got a little view of those innerwear sets, innerwear were semi transparent and very moderate. Most significant thing was that DANIEL chosen the color of those and paid the bill of those cloths.
I got surprise because my mother was not comfortable with these kinds of cloths. Their point of view was not other that her sister would get her suitable dresses after reach in NEWYORK. Last few days they made my mother so busy in preparation trial and other works that I did not get proper chance to spend quality time with my mother. She got her passport and visa such a quick interval. EVEN THE NIGHT BEFORE MY MOTHER LEAVE THE COUNTRY aunty took my mother from our bedroom and go inside their room to sleep. For the first ever time she share same room and same bed with MITIN AUNTY AND SAMUEL. I had not any clear idea what happen inside their room on that night. I did not have any chance to chat with her on this subject with my mother or MITIN AUNTY, it was very much possible, that theyh threesome sexual adventure on that night, because my Mitin aunty searched for condom just before go inside of there room, my innocent mother transformed herself as their obedient sex partner from that night. I did not know everything in details because they left our house in very early morning and go to the airport.
In that morning I watched my mother standing in front of my eyes for the last time. She looked very smart and refresh in her new look. Then she wore white half sleeve t shirt with a black white check scarf and brown cotton trouser, WE gave a close hug to each other. Tears came out from our eyes. My mother was more emotional in that moment. They were in hurry so we could not waste much time there. Everything happens so much quickly that I could not control the situation in proper way. SAMUEL and MITIN aunty got success in the primary stage of their plan. They had something big business thoughts about my mother.
To be continued...
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