Adultery Mom's mystery (Completed)
I felt ashamed of myself for the erection that I had while watching that man playing with mom's body. But at the same time I had some mixed feelings of anger and astonishment and curiosity about my mom's response too.

I had known my mom to be the most strict and Conservative woman, I have ever seen or known. Even grandma was softer at times when it came to disciplining us, but mom was always strict. So I really wondered, what made Mrs. Smita, my mom, who was 37 then, to moan and willingly be a part of that infidelity. Little did I know that, she was not the one being controlled but the one who was controlling the situation.
My father, Kapil had a taste for literature and arts. So, obviously his friend circle was of elite men and women who had similar likings. My mom liked listening to music mainly while taking care if household chores and in leisure time she would try her hand on keyboard we had in our home. And Since she knew she cannot play great, she made me join a tuition at young age. I also picked up well and could play almost any song after listening to it once ir twice. Mom was proud of me for that. My younger sister Veena too was learning classical dance. 
Father was happy with my mom for this.
I never knew how their interpersonal relationship waa like, because fir us kids it was very much normal. Even after I hit puberty, I had never thought of their physical relationship. Although I liked elder women, especially of mom's age, I never looked at mom as my object of lust. Veena and I had quite an age gap. I had heard mom talking to her sister in joking way that Veena's birth was accidental. My Aunt also taunted on that, saying that even Veena could have a younger brother or sister, had my mom not gotten the copper T fitment. Sensing that I was coming to that room, the topic ended there itself. 
My father used to visit nearby city frequently and used to bring some or the other friend with him to have a maifil at home including literature reading, music listening. Basically, it was mom-dad's attempt to create healthy environment for us to be able to enjoy art and thereby life in bigger picture. 
I personally enjoyed the music part of such maifils. Mom used to be the typical hostess during such events and used to be in kitchen cooking for guests. After the literature, guests used to enjoy heavenly food made by mom. Earlier, it was not clear to me, but as I grew up, I could sense that my Mom was eye candy for dad's male friends. They never left any chance talking to her, eying her and pleasing her in whichever way possible. 
When I was in my 9th standard, I remember one such magil clearly, where there was a young fellow in the friends group. He must be around 25-26...But was very smart looking, highly intellectual. He knew almost everything. His first impression was such that any one could fall for him. Even I liked him. He had sense of humor, knowledge of many languages, he wrote excellent articles and poetry and importantly he knew how to play keyboard and few other instruments too. 
In that first ever maifil, he had played few of famous songs on keyboard. I was impressed, so was mom.
After his performance, he got up and bowed in front of his audience. I couldn't help but notice that he too, like other friends of dad, was little more nicer to mom. I think, he was the first friend of dad, who had praised her openly for her beauty and hospitality. 
Other friends only praised her cooking.
However small this difference may seem, it had started creating it's impact on all of us and especially on Mom.
I believe, dad was never possessive about mom, because he had taken for granted that no one will go after her, given her conservative dressing and she too won't go after anyone given her shy nature.
But this 'taking mom for granted' proved to be expensive to him. 
From that day onwards, whenever such magil happened, he was there. He ensured to compliment mom every time. He snapped pictures of all and used to upload on their common whatsapp group. Mom was part of that whatsapp group too and so she used to have that glow and smile even on the next day of the maifil. I don't know if dad ever noticed this change, but I definitely did.
Mom, who used to be very cautious while dressing and in her overall appearance in front of guests, had started becoming little more open so to say and her dressing, though didn't change drastically, but had become little more comfortable and less careful.
For instance, earlier she used to ensure her saree pally is tightly secured. But nowadays, it was ok for her to have her pally singular, even if the saree was little transparent and her blouse neck & her surprisingly flat tummy was visible.
I had caught this new young man, named Chandra, eying mom shamelessly on such occasion and praising her beauty on top of that. Mom used to act as if little embarrassed, but she actually liked that and Chandra understood that very well.
Chandra also started visiting us even when there was no maifil and especially when dad was not around. Mom used to wear punjabi suit at home and was usually without any dupatta. But she always ensured to keep her hand at her chest whenever bending down to pick something or serve anything to any outsider. But Chandra was exception.
He used to feast his eyes on little visible skin of moms cleavage during his solo visits.
He used to make some excuses and made mom bend more than needed, just for such glimpses.
Mom was probably aware of that, but she still fell for his excuses. She was probably liking it. 
I recall one such occasion.
Mom had worne a chiffon saree, light blue in color. She had contrast dark blue blouse on it. Till that time I had not noticed much, but I thought mom didn't reveal her navel while wearing saree. But that particular day was different. I also saw her navel, hidden under her transparent pally for the first time. 
She had not pinned her saree. That too was a surprise for me. She gave Some tea and biscuits to Chandra. Deliberately making 2 trips to the tea-poy. First time, she kept tea tray and looked at him, smiled.
He too smiled and stared at her lips, chin and the open neck region visible so far.
Then his gaze went down and got caught in folds of her tummy created due to her bending. When he again looked up, mom moved only one eye brow asking for his compliment. If she was not my mom, even I would have felt tingling in my groins. I am sure Chandra felt that tingling and he adjusted his posture and as if to hide his hard on, he too bent a little forward, bringing his eyes closer to mom. He again gave an observant look at moms body and made some gesture, I could not see.
Mom smiled at that and went back to kitchen to bring biscuits. I could see Chandra staring at moms voluptuous figure and especially the waist skin visible due to saree and her proportionate but awesome round ass.
He adjusted his crotch and was ready for her next trip towards tea poy.
She came, bent and placed the biscuit plate on table. Same moment her pally drifted and fell. The sigh sighed by Chandra was audible even to me.
I was hiding on the upper staircase, from where I could get almost exact top view of mom. It was first time that I also had got ti see her beautiful cleavage. She was fair in color, if not white and the unrevealed body of hers was even fairer than her face. 
Her tight blouse was making her boobs bulge out and I also noticed that the first button was undone, very unusual for mom. 
I could also see a small black mole on her left breast upper part. She was not breathing normally and that added to the erotic nature of the scene.
Chandra spoke for the first time that day, as if controlling some unbearable pain
"Ohhh..... woww...You look beautiful Bhabhi."
And after a small pause added, 
"That mole is a killer one"
Mom then noticed, or acted as if she noticed it then, the nature of her pallu and exposed skin. She then very slowly got up and adjusted it.
I was surprised to hear her reply,
"You always compliment me no matter what..
But today you are being little naughty"
She giggled at her own comment and went in to bring some more snacks she had prepared. She was deliberately slow while going in kitchen. I couldn't help but notice an extra sway in her hip movements while going. When she returned, she had some mischievous look on her face. I believe Chandra was constantly looking at her. When she reached the tea table, she paused and there was some movement of her hand O couldn't see. She bent again to keep the snack plate on table, her pallu drifted again and her cleavage was on display again.
Suddenly, "CLICK" 
Mom was surprised by that sound and looked up in astonishment. 
Her eyes growing big and mouth wide open.
"CLICK, CLICK" another camera shutter sound and Chandra simply showed her photo to her. Before she could say anything, Chandra took the end of her pally which was on the tea table and moved it completely away, so as to clearly see her folded tummy.
Then he clicked one more photo and mom straightened up at that.
Chandra was now staring at her sexy deep navel. I also couldn't help but think that mom had a very nice figure and her navel was kind of cute. Chandra clicked one more and showed it again to mom.
Before mom could say anything, he started explaining some Sanskrit verse from some old erotic poem.
He said, "as per a sanskrit verse, a beautiful lady like you should proudly flaunt her beauty and bodily assets. " There was stress on the word 'bodily'.
"Else who will flaunt it? A Kubja? (The one who has bent spinal bone, which doesn't allow her to stand in erect posture, that way she is always in bent position).

I could clearly see mom flattered and embarrassed at the same time at his comments.
He continued,
"Don't worry bhabhi, I will not share these photos to anyone, these are purely for my collection. But I must tell you, you are looking sensuous without your pallu."
That made mom realize her state and she immediately adjusted her pallu.
Chandra said,
"Bhabhi, you should really do some photoshoot. You will leave behind any supermodel." 
Mom just shied at that comment but said nothing.
Chandra had the snack item while mom sat in the sofa that was in front of Chandra.
Mom said, in a low voice this time,
"Do you really think I am that beautiful?"
I understood this over the time that ladies like their praise. Probably mom wanted to hear it from Chandra. I then recalled events in our life and realized that dad was not so vocal in praising mom. I assumed he could be covering that up in physical ways...But was not sure of that. I had some friends at school who used to explain in detail about their mom dad's romance and discussions/ moans during their intercourse. I used to feel uneasy at that not because it was strange, but because I didn't have any such thing to share. 
Anyway, Chandra replied, showing her photos to her,
"Look at yourself in these photos bhabhi. 
You are not just beautiful but also..."
He paused and mom bent little forward while seated in order to hear the pending part of his sentence.
"But also??" Asked mom.
He acted as if he is hesitant.
"Don't be shy, you can say whatever you want. I won't mind really"
"Bhabhi....You are not just beautiful but also very hot n sexy bhabhi"
Mom's reaction surprised me more than Chandra's words had angered me.
Mom said, "oh...You really think so?"
She smirked, and relaxed on sofa as if to show how proud she was at her sex appeal and continued, 
"I guess you are right...But honestly...You haven't seen much to say that" 
Mom was expecting some more praise, it seemed.
Chandra said, "i guess I can gauge if the rice is cooked or not just by checking one or two grains." 
Mom genuinely smiled at that comment and said, "you really are smart. But honestly, I do not believe I am hot or sexy as you say."
Chandra then took his reply to next level,
"Bhabhi, if I stand up now, you will immediately get your answer" 
That was something unexpected for mom too. But she also surprised him by saying
"If that is so, I would like to see how long has been my effect on you. And I dare say, it is fair for me to also see something" 
Chandra was taken aback by that but not losing his presence of mind said, 
"Yes you are right. But you see, the effect was created when you were bent down serving me tea. I can show the effect only that state."
The look on mom's face could have got anyone's wicket.
She smiled at first, then took her lower lip under her teeth and said, 
"If you insist" and removed her pally still sitting. Her flat tummy got some folds at side in that sitting position. She raised both her hands and took them behind her head and removed the hairpin to let flow her silky, shiny black hair on her shoulder.
Then she got up and took the empty tea cup from the table and then looked straight in Chandra's eyes and asked him 
"Now you can stand up, I believe"
Chandra first shifted to the front of soda and then stood up. Mom had a surprised look on her face.
Chandra then said
"I need to use your washroom." And quickly went to washroom.
I was still looking at mom who had straightened up and adjusted her pally but was still thinking deep.
Her thoughts were broken by Chandra's coughing sound which he made ti get her attention
"I will take your leave bhabhi.
I hope Kapil will get upset if he comes to know that I was oggling at his sexy wife"
Mom replied, 
"Don't worry, Kapil is aware of my effect on his friends already, and..." She paused a bit and that "and" was utterly sensuous that I am sure Chandra might have got another hard on at that
He asked "and??"
Mom said,
"Kapil won't know of your today's visit. I owe you that much for those lovely photos you took" and winked.
Both me and Chandra were stunned at that reply from Mom.

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great start man
[+] 1 user Likes Lustkingalone's post
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Nice start
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nice start
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Great start ...... keep it up .............
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Hai bro wonderful start nice story .
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Great story. Eagerly waiting for the next update
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good start please continue
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Good start bro... is it going to be an adultery story though would love to read an incest stuff..
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Good start
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Please update
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After reading this update i would say first thing ,i done is subscribe your story
,then i would say you got talent of writing
Eagerly waiting for next updates
[+] 1 user Likes peter171's post
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Waiting for the update .........
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Sorry for keeping my readers waiting.
I am stuck in a family function and not getting enough time. Will see if I can post next update by tonight or max late by Monday night.
Thank you all for your comments and patience.

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good story
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Bro keep this story as a pervert story alone..plz make. Some scene mom fucking others infront of son
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NP ........ carry on ..........waiting .........
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Hello bro DP_Lolver,

I very much liked the story and heartily thanking you for putting this nice efforts. A couple with art as an important ingredient of their life... Looks so devine and dedicated pursuit. But the natural instincts don't fade away in air of purity... So many of the friends of the dad gathering for mehfil has something more than pure artistic pursuit to be regular visitor. And that is to do with the mother of the house, smita... The smitting beauty..


Especially if mother is sensual and feels that her sexual / romantic needs are not met.


bro I request you to keep writing the way you are doing so far.... You are a highly skilled writer for sure.
Like erotic stories? check my Profie
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"Don't worry, Kapil is aware of my effect on his friends already, and..." She paused a bit and that "and" was utterly sensuous that I am sure Chandra might have got another hard on at that
He asked "and??"
Mom said,
"Kapil won't know of your today's visit. I owe you that much for those lovely photos you took" and winked.
Both me and Chandra were stunned at that reply from Mom.


Chandra was dumbstruck at the effect mom had on him especially her last comment. It took him a moment to really sync in with what exactly has happened. 
He knew, he was flirting with a married lady who was flirting back. He also came to know, she was open about her hotness being appreciated by males other than her husband and she spoke about it with him, casually.
But the last comment, that she was going to keep this visit of his a secret from her husband....That was something unexpected but what he hoped for. It often becomes unbelievable, when you really and easily get what you want. I could know Chandra's inner joy after it synced in. He became bold at that new knowledge and said, 
"Bhabhi, we can discuss in length & breadth of the sanskrit poem I just shared with you earlier. " He gave emphasis on 'length & breadth' and mom gave a very seductive smile at that. 
If I were Chandra, I could have quickly grabbed mom into a tight hug or a passionate lip lock. But there was something about Mom's aura. No one dared cross any boundary unless it was okayed by her. And so, even Chandra was cautious not to overdo anything and go with mom's pace. Little did he realize that by doing that he was being controlled by Mom.
Mom replied, with a casual laugh in the beginning, "length is already seen by me. I don't think breadth is that significant" 
It was as if they both were talking indirectly for a third person, but they both knew what exactly is being spoken and we're into that game now. So, mom had played her move and now it was Chandra's turn. He too was game now. He said
"I understand that, but you know, I can reach deeper when it comes to fathoming hidden treasures (he probably stared at mom's crotch while saying this) of exotic poems"
And he added, which he thought was a brilliant move
"And you Bhabhi, are one such exotic poem to me"
Mom, broke his heart in her next comment.
"You know, poets usually put their pen names at the end of their poems?
So, you will do well to understand that, so called exotic poem you are calling me, is actually 'penned' by Kapil." She gave emphasis on the word 'penned'.
She was so in the game and this was giving her a kick. By that comment, she had literally made 'KLPD' (khade Lund pe Danda... Hitting an erect dick with hammer) for Chandra. 
But Chandra was ever hopeful. He said
"I know and I understand. But poets use larger books. So, the pens only might fall short of ink and poet may want to change the pen. I am that pen, you can try whenever you feel" saying this, he was about to leave, when Mom made her final comment
"I hope the pen is strong and has enough ink for writing an epic" 
That was first time, I started looking at mom what she was...A purely sexy , utterly beautiful and confident 'female'! Hell yeah, I wanted to witness more such interactions of her with dad's friends, even with dad.
At that time, I recalled one of my friend shamelessly telling us his mom's assets and how he saw her changing dress and how he could see her naked boobs. Listening to his story had made me hard. But I could not visualise myself in his place. Peeping on mom while she changes? Hell no...If she found out, she would beat shit out of me, just by her sharp gaze, let alone actual beating. 
So, I resigned to just observing her such interactions and also made a note to myself not to tell any of this to any of my friends.
I knew, even they liked to watch her secretly. If I told any of this to them, they might try their luck with her and I would not have wanted that. I was probably being protective of her or possessive about her. 
But on that day, I couldn't help but wonder, 
Why mom behaved the way she did.
And why was it only with Chandra.
Was it only with Chandra? Or it was me who accidentally found this one with Chandra a d was she having similar conversations with other friends if dad? 
The more I thought the more mysterious it became to me. 
One mind was telling me to forget the mystery and just enjoy it's result.
But the other mind was pushing me forward to find out the mystery.
Obviously, I chose the later. I was about to go on a journey to find out the mystery. 
Still, I did not feel hard at all...It could be due to mom's strictness and also due to the fact that mom had always taught us to be respectful of others and especially ladies. That was so carved deep down me, that I didn't dare to think about any dirty thoughts about any other lady Forget about having such thoughts about Mom.
But I was definitely curious about her behavior.
I was determined to find out more. I knew the risks involved in it and had also made my mind to tell the truth to Mom if at all confronted by her. 
The first step I decided to follow was to observe her, that was going to include lot of things which my friends at school would think hot and sexy. To me, it was kind of a science project. So my focus was to observe, collect data and then derive some conclusion.
What were my inputs?
Major input was mom herself.
Her dressing sense, the changes in it, her behavior, changes in it, her talks with males, including dad, his friends and as a matter of fact, me as well. Is there any hint in her talk which could indicate some off the track activity or its invitation. 
These were main focus areas for me and that had actually become quite an amount of work, considering the discrete nature of the mission.
I started with mom's wardrobe.
I wanted to know details.
I made a secret diary and kept it in my wardrobe in the hidden drawer. 
The first page read-only

Mrs. S's mystery.  (Didn't want to put actual name there, Mrs S too was obvious one actually, but I had decided to burn the diary once I derive conclusion)

Breasts- 34 (85cm) (actual reading from her bra)
Waist- 30 (again actual one from her panty)
Hip?? - 36 may be. (My guess)
Height- 5'7"
Skin- wheatish, fair, non oily, soft.
Most attractive part- breast and rear (off course)

Hobbies- literature, playing piano in free time, being strict almost all the time (:-P)

Objective of study-
Find out Mrs. S's sexual advances, if any, outside her marriage.
And to find out her thought process behind it.

After I wrote that first page, I felt like I was on a lifetime adventure.

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