Life must go on************ Completed
(01-08-2021, 09:46 AM)Saikarthik Wrote: Bro in scene 21 you mentioned Sofia name is she another character with Stella or typo mistake...
Are you planning happy end or sad end bro

yes. name got changed...Typing mistake
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Scene 23 - Athens: Monday Morning- Two day prior to Auction

Sofia and Bobby reached a restaurant. There was a man waiting for them. Sofia’s arrival has become a blessing for Bobby due to her proficiency in Greek. Her mother is a Greek. Bobby didn’t find anyone speaking English. Bobby can handle German but the very few German speakers found in Greece.
Bobby & Sofia sat on the opposite chair of his table. Sofia hand over an envelope to him. Person opened the cover and asked Sofia.
Full amount?? Bobby didn’t understand their language.
Yes. Sofia replied.
The auction will take place in tulips casino hotel.
Sofia started talking with the person in Greek language.  
Sofia gives brief about their conversation to bobby in regular intervals.

As per the information from the person, Sofia explained the modus of operation by the casino.

Modus of operations by the Sedx/

1. Customers who received the invitation for auction will check in hotel as normal guest.
2. They must buy the casino chips for minimum 100k USD and above.
3. After purchasing the chips, customers will get a login password to enter the bidding platform from their mobile applications
4. Special broadcast of girl’s ramp walk will telecast in their room TV Screen.
5. Customers can bid for the girl appearing in the TV screen by login into the platform.
6. They can bid up to the value of the chip purchased by the bidder.
7. Once the girl is sold, the purchaser must come to casino and spend their chips equivalent to the bidding value of the girl on several gambling options available in casino. Due this process, it is very complicated to distinguish between real and fake player in casino. Every person in Casino will appeared to genuine players of casino.
8. After the completion of spending the chip, purchaser can redeem his balance chip. Sedx will delivery the girls to the purchaser location.
9. Modelling ramp location will be unknown to the bidders. 

It is impossible to find the location details or trace the girls. Only the bidder can guide him to Anju, Bobby understands. Identifying the bidder is much more difficult than finding the girls. Bobby got broken after losing his confidence. 

Sofia continues to ask several questions to the person.

What is the way to find a girl attending the auction? Sofia asked the person in Greek

No way. They are big mafias. Interpol can't reach their location so what can you do?????? Let's assume that we found the girl's location. You need a complete military to enter their guarded compound. I can guarantee that the location is out of this country. Man replied.

How about attending the auction?? Bobby asked to Sofia, and she translated to the person.

The man looked at Bobby and gave a smile.

Who wants to enter???? Does He wants to enter?? He asked in Greek by pointing Bobby.

Yes…. Sofia pointed Bobby and asked.

You need invitation. Moreover this is million-dollar game. Can you afford it???person asked.

There was no answer from both.
I need to go. You got enough information for the money given. Person said
Wait please. Sofia requested him.
Is there any chance to get the details customers who purchased chips from casino?? If we got it, we could sort the purchaser details by value and narrow down the potential bidders. Bobby said.

That is impossible. We can’t get the mass list of customers. If we get the selling value of the girl, I can try to get the detail of the customer who spend the same amount in casino. Person replied.
That will be a great help. Bobby said.

5k USD will be my reward for help. Still how you get the bidding value, I can't help you ??? Person asked

5 K Agreed. I don't have an answer to your second question. Bobby said.

This is happening on Wednesday. One of the most crowded day. Chances are very minimal. I wish you best of luck. Man gave the best wishes and left the area.

Bobby and Sofia check in to the tulip hotels. They got the booking for Monday & Tuesday. Wednesday is fully booked.
They found the casino can afford nearly 5000+ customers at a time. It is not possible to monitor peoples. Bobby tries to keep his confidence. Sofia’s support gave him some relief to overcome his tensions.
Even though, Bobby tried his best to keep maintain the confidence. He started losing towards the end of Tuesday.
Oh!!!!! Shit!!!!! It is Liam uncle………………Sofia moved to the corner.
How is he??? Bobby asked…
He is my father friend. I hate him...He is a No1 hypocrite. I don’t want to fall in his eyes. Sofia said.
When she explained about Liam, Bobby asked Sofia. What is purpose of his Visit????
Oh!!! Do you think he came for auction? Sofia asked.
Yes. I strongly believe. Is there any other reason justify his visit??? His character is perfectly matching for a bidder. Bobby said..
What is our plan???Sofia asked.
Bobby looked at Sofia…
Please don’t tell me to meet him…Sofia said…
I will tell because my situation demands……. Bobby said.
Please don’t think it’s your own issue. We will meet him. Sofia.
We??? Bobby asked…
You are going to get introduced as my BF, neither the uncle will strip me at first sight… Sofia said…
Both planned to tackle Liam……………………….
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great buildup
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Scene: 24 Yacht

Anju can’t see anything other blue waters around her. Boat reached near the side of the yacht. Anju can see the old man staring at her from yacht. When his eyes met her eyes, she looked down.
Anju, why you are changing your eyes?? Why are you letting your fear to control you?? You are already prepared yourself to face the worst. Why are you fearing? Anju said to herself.
Anju gained her confidence and looked at the man. She found him giving instruction to his men. Suddenly, two men came towards the entry lounge of yacht and helped Anju to enter safe.
Anju found the black man walking towards the old man. They had a quick chat before the boat person returns. As soon as the black person enters, the boat went.
Anju was standing the lounge area.
Old man remains at same place by staring at her. She found the fear in the eyes of staff while looking at their boss. By seeing the fear in eyes of staffs standing beside her, Anju felt like losing the confidence built by her. Suddenly she reminded about the words of Stella. ‘’ Bobby’s life will be in danger until the task is completed. Kindly ensure to deliver the best to agency selecting you. I know that you are very clever girl and understand things without explanations’’.
Anju, keep calm. You have no way to come out. You have decided to face the worst. All you must do is to keep your confidence. Anju regain her strength. She made a pleasant gesture on her face and looked at him.
Madam. That’s our boss. Go near and greet him. One staff told to Anju
Overcoming the discomfort due to the lustful look of old man on her body, Anju started walking towards him with a smile on her face.
Welcome to our Yacht. Oh!!!!! No… Unbelievable…. You are gorgeous. Much beautiful than in video…Old man appreciated her by holding his hand on her cheeks
She stood in front of him by looking down. His hands were caring her cheek. Soon his fingers started holding her cheeks hard. His fingers started entering her cheeks. She started getting pain.
She raised her face and look at his face for mercy…
Good…I like to see your face looking at me always. Understood. Man said in hard voice
Yes sir…Anju said..
Call me Mike…He said..
Anju nodded her head….
You name??? Mike asked..
Anju. She said..
What sort of name is that? You are the queen of ocean. I will call you my white shark. You are more gorgeous than the one in ocean. Mike said..
Yes..Anju replied.
Good…Come, let go inside my white shark. Welcome to my world. Now onwards, consider this as your new home. Mike said to Anju…
As soon as when Mike indicated, a lady staff came with hot towel and wiped her face. Anju stands idle.
Please don’t take tension. Please feel free. They are always at your service. You are the queen of this sea…… You need to be as clean as a shark. Mike said,
After the lady wiped her face, a staff came with a juice in tray. Mike took the glass from tray and bring the glass towards Anju’s lips. He kept the glass tip in between her lips. Anju got the taste of the juice. She tastes something different in the juice. She didn’t open her lips.
You must be tired of that boat ride. Have it…This is a special orange juice. You will get refreshed. Drink…..Mike said.
Anju can taste some difference in orange juice. Anju hesitated to take sip.
Before waiting long, she felt the pressure getting to increase in the pushing of glass. She found his eyes getting red on anger.
Drink. Mike said…..
Anju hold the glass above his arms and drank the juice full.
As soon as she finishes the juice, Mike kept the glass on the tray, Servant took the tray and left the place.
Even though some difference in taste, she felt a relief from her thirst after drinking the juice.
Ok Boy’s. Waiting is over. Let’s show the sea to our guest. Let’s sail………. It’s the time for showing what is waiting for her in this sea. … Mike said to the few servants waiting.  
Within few minutes the yacht started sailing. Anju stood in the deck while Mike giving instructions to his staffs. She started getting some energy feeling after the drink. Once the yacht started sailing, Mike came near to her.
Are you feeling better??? Mike asked.
Yes Mike. She replied.
That drink was an energy booster. Your tiredness will go soon. There is lot of fun waiting you. You must need energy to enjoy it…. Mike said....
Come, I will show our yacht. Mike put his hand on her shoulder and walked. When his hand rested on her shoulder, Anju realized his strength of Mike. She couldn’t move away from him. She surrendered to him without any protest.
He introduced his staff and captain of yacht. Anju can see the men crews staring at her body without getting noticed by their boss.
Ok Boy’s, everyone back to work. Let’s give some privacy for us.
Anju found the staff rushed towards the downside deck of the yacht. Only Mike and Anju left in the open deck.
After they left, he pulled her towards his body. Anju couldn’t resist her in front of his strength.
Her body got disappeared inside his hands. Due to his height, her face couldn’t surpass his chest. Her face pressed on his chest… The fragrance of his perfume barged into her nose… Along with the tightening of his grip, her face pressed more into chest. She adjusted her nose to get the oxygen.  
Is this your first time in Sea?? Mike asked.
Yes.. Anju said.
Don’t worry. Everything has a first time…You will be used to it by tomorrow. You may find some sickness today, but you will be alright by tomorrow. The medicine which gave you along with juice will help you to protect against the sickness. Mike said.
Anju can feel his hands started moving through her back freely.
What happen to your hands?? Mike asked.
She understood the command, she hugged him too… Her mind has already accepted her surrender. She can feel some changes happening in her body. She started feeling some ease in her head. Some sort of energy and relaxation happening to her body.
His hands cared her ass….After few minutes, he released her.
He held her hand and walked till the bow of the yacht. He made her stand at the edge of the yacht.
You might saw Titanic. Consider this as titanic and we are Jack and rose. We will recreate the scene. Mike said.
Anu didn’t reply to him.
Your dress is dirty. Remove it… Mike said…
Anju turn towards him and gave a look……
Did you hear??? Mike asked…
Yes….Anju said..
Don’t worry. No one will come until my command. . You are my white shark. White sharks don’t have dress. Mike said….
Anju knows that there is no choice for her. She removed her dress. Mike took the dress and thrown into sea…
She stood in her Bra and panty in front of him…. He came near to her and placed his hand on her bare skin…
You got a very smooth skin… Mike said..
His hands travelled over her boobs and stomach…Anju stood idle without closing her eyes. She can see the debauchery in his eyes. His eyes suck every part of her body. When his hand touched her pussy, she felt a sensation. Anju’s body got a shiver…
My girl started enjoying…Mike said..
She has prepared her mind to consider the sex as bang but when she lost her control, Anju felt ashamed for losing her control. She decided to control her mind in getting any sort of distraction. Due to the positive gesture from her during his hand rubbed the pussy, he didn’t withdraw his hand. He continues to rub her pussy. His finger made a gap in between her thighs and took the comfortable position for rubbing her pussy lips above panty. Anju can feel some sensations on her body. She tries to give the command to her mind but some sort of movement inside her head started distracting her. Soon she realized that the energy received after the drink started controlling her body. Her legs slowly spread little and gave more space for his fingers to move. Mike increased the speed. Anju’s eyes got closed.
A lady staff came running near to him. Mike looked at her in anger. .
Mike took his hand from her pussy. Anju opened her eyes with the disappointment.  
One Mr. XXX is speaking to captain. He wants to talk with you. Lady said.
What the hell he wants now??? Old man asked himself. Ok. Inform the captain to connect my room.
He started walking towards his room.
Anju found an irritation in sound and behavior. His irritation and anger came out as shouting on his staff.
Idiots!!!!!!! Do I need to tell everyone about treating my guest?????… Make her comfortable in spa till my return…He shouted at staffs…………
Anju got scared after watching his anger.

Inside Mike Bedroom.….

Before picking the receiver, Mike made him calm down.
What the hell you want??? Are you nuts?? Don’t you know that you are not supposed to call me???  You know that I don’t like to get disturbed. Next Sunday, I will anchor at Shkoder. We are supposed to meet over there. Don’t you understand????? Mike shouted at the person.
Sir.. There is a problem. Man said.
What problem?? Mike asked…
This is regarding to your agent. Those bastards leaked my identity. I don’t know whether they leaked your information also. I believe they will leak your information too. Man said the Mike.
What are you telling??? I didn’t understand. Tell me in detail. Mike said.
The man explained the old man about the visit of a young man introducing him as personal assistant of a powerful don. They want the girl purchased by him. They are ready to pay 300K USD extra from the purchased rate. Money will be delivered within two days. He should deliver the girl to Athens untouched. He also informed that the person approached him informed about the madness of his boss on the girl and his Boss intension to close the deal calmly rather than using his own way of dealing. He also informed that he is under the surveillance of the gang.
I am sure that your agent has leaked this information. Man said.

No. Mike Replied…

Sir. Please believe me. They know every detail about me and the girl. There is no way of getting such information without the support of your agent. I guess, the gang behind the girl is very powerful. Probably, they got the information by threatening the agent. We can’t underestimate them. Man said…

Mike stood idle for a while…
Sir. Please do something. My life is in danger. Man said…

Mike wants to tell him that go to hell, but he didn’t get the courage to ignore the treat. He was sure that the agent will not reveal the identity unless some strange incidents. He got confused about his next step.

Sir……………………..Why you are silent?? Man asked.

No. I was thinking about the next action. Mike said.

Shall we return her against the money?? You got a good profit. From his words, I understood that they are even ready to pay more. Shall we bargain with them and close this deal…Man asked.

Are you sure about the person is not connected to Interpol?? Mike asked.
No Sir… He is an Indian origin. Man said.

You are afraid of Indian don???????Mike laughed…

No Sir. They are not Indians…The man made me talk with his boss and his secretary. She is Greek lady.  Both are speaking French & German, is boss. They are surely Europeans.  Man said…

He. He… Mike laughed.

Sir. Please don’t ignore it. If they reached me with in few hours, they could reach you also. You are in middle of ocean. No one will be there to help you. I feel this girl has some back up or have the magic to attract peoples. Is she that much worthy????Man asked…

Mike wants reply to him that she is worthy but due to tensions, he couldn’t speak properly.

I will give a number. You must inform this incident to that person?? Mike said....

Sir, please don’t bring me in middle of this. They are clear about maintaining the secrecy about the meeting and their actions for breaching the terms. I can talk to the person and finalize the amount. My suggestion is to forget her………..Man said….

Are you listening to me?????????????? Mike got raised…

Sir.. With due respect, I am telling. Please don’t take the chance. There is something happening behind us. Do you want to end your life for one girl??? Man said.

They may be Interpol officers. Just tell them go to hell!!! Mike said…

They are not Interpol officers…I am sure…Interpol person will not focus on a particular girl. I think, we should call the person and negotiate???? Man asked.

You just keep in touch with him. Understand more about them. Mike said.

If they got any doubt, my life will be in danger. I request you to spare her. You are only benefiting from this deal. Man said…

You speak to the man and find out more…Mike said…

After the call, he got completely angry on Sedx. He thought of calling them but thinking about possibilities told by his person, he decided to calm down…

He got into double mind. One side, he got scared about the potential threat to his life on other end of losing Anju...

He decided to toss a coin and decide...

Took a coin and toss it. 

Result Choose Anju....

Before he felt happy, he got a doubt in his mind about the checking the luck for one more time. He decided to go for best of 5.. Still the coin gave the result favoring of keeping Anju...

Even after two attempts pf tossing favors the possession of Anju, his mind keeps on correcting his thoughts. His logical mind was pushing him to choose the resale of Anju...

His mind forced him to think about the several advantage of the resale deal. His ego didn't allow him for accepting the truth that he got scared.  

He stood in his bedroom with a confused mind...

[+] 4 users Like ktmguy2019's post
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Superb update bro... waiting to see who will take anju
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Really it's going great interesting...
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Scene 25 Athens:

Bobby along with the local informer whom they met in restaurant, is following the car of the person spoke with Mike.
Bobby got a call in his number from Sofia. He attended the phone.

Are you still waiting outside the Yacht club???? Sofia asked.

No..We are following his car. Bobby replied.

What is the purpose of his visit in a Yacht club??? Sofia asked the local informer in Greek.

Madam. His car entered through visitor entrance of the club means he is not a member. His car didn’t stop at entrance for long time, means he is an authorized representative of a member of the club. Taking the clue from his background check, we understood that he doesn’t have the capacity to spend 700k USD for a girl. He went to meet his boss at the club. Either his boss was present at club or may be sailing at sea in his private yacht. This man went to contact with him through the communication system in club. I believe that his boss is sailing in international waters. If his boss yacht is sailing in the waters of Greece, that man can contact his boss through mobile. So, the highest chance of his location is at Icarian Sea because Cesme port is nearby. Cesme port is one of the most frequent & safest ports used by the drug traffickers. Cesme is near to Izmir and Izmir is the home grounds for several international cartels. There is no better place in earth other than Izmir to keep the girls safe. I am sure that all the girls participated in auction would have stationed at Izmir and its nearby places. If my calculation is correct, the girl might be delivered into the yacht. If that happen, technically we don’t have any scope of getting her back. There are many ports in Europe, they can sail to any destinations. Which all ports we can monitor??????It is an impossible task. Man said…
Sofia doesn’t have any reason not to believe his words. He is very good at his work and experience. She purposefully didn’t support the person’s assumptions because she wants to try until last minute and the informer help is very vital for their search. Sofia knows that the informer is helping them for money, and he wants to close the case at the earliest.

Why don’t Anju available in that club?? Sofia asked.
That place doesn’t have an ambience for such filthy works. They are very reputed clubs. All such naughty works will take place in sea.
What are you guys speaking??? Bobby asked…
He was telling that the person whom you met might be a representative of the actual person spending money. Many rich personalities are using dummies for such naughty works. Anju said.
That means, Anju will be at the yacht club?? Bobby asked
I asked, as per our informer there is less chance for that. That is a decent yacht club so bringing Anju is practically impossible. She will be in some other locations. Anju said.
We can get the details of his boss from the person whom we are following?? Bobby asked.
Suddenly the car which they are following diverted from highway towards another road.
Madam. They are moving towards ABC town. That town is the territory of Sicilian Mafia. We can’t follow them till that town. We don’t know whether they noticed our car?? If so they are leading us into their trap. At the most, I can follow them till next junction. If they are proceeding further towards their territory, we must return. Please inform your friend. Driver said.
Ok. Sofia. said…
Sofia explained to Bobby.
Sofia. Tell him to drop me here. I will catch a cab and follow him. It is very important to find his hide out. I can’t lose him. Bobby said…
Gamo………………………. Fuck……………. The driver said…
Before Bobby could realize, their car started going reverse ….
Before he bends down, he found the car which they are chasing has stopped near to another car and two men standing with a gun.
All sudden, he pushed Bobby’s head down and turned the car. Luckily the car did not skid. Bobby heard couple of bullet fire hit on their car. The man was an expert driver. Due to a double road, he could turn the car. As soon as the car got turned, he drove the fast. Bobby lifts his hear after couple of minutes.
Are you alright??? Sicilian Mafia ‘s happening???? Sofia’s word was continuously repeating over phone.
This is just a warning fire. They don’t have the intension to shoot us down. They will track down this vehicle soon. I need to change this car soon. Please make your friend understand that it is better to forget the girl and leave this place.  Neither both of your life will be in danger. I suggest you for exiting this country by today. I will make necessary arrangements for your safe drop at airport. Man said…
Sofia didn’t reply to him.
Bobby. How are you?? Are you alright???? Sofia asked…
I am fine… Bobby replied…
We don’t have a choice now. We can’t expect the help from our person. Let me contact my friend and find some alternative. Sofia said.
Bobby has understood few words from her conversation with the informer.
Sofia. I want you to leave this country at the earliest. Please don’t say any objections. I can’t lose you also. Bobby said…
Bobby. I can understand the reason for these emotions. I am safe but you are not. I can’t leave you in danger and leave tis country. Let me come back to you. Sofia said and disconnected the phone.
The informer has called someone and later his car reached a garage. They changed the car and continue their journey.
Sofia called them after 15 minutes. She spoke with the diver.
Bobby. I need to call someone urgent. He is taking you to me. We will meet at the point. Switch off your mobile and destroy the sim. Sofia said to Bobby.
After her call got disconnected, he followed her instruction. The informer has already switched off his mobile. After an hour journey, they reached a house in middle of a huge land. After an hour, Sofia arrived in a car.
They settled the informer balance before he left. After his departure, a person arrived and moved them to another place….

Bobby has already broken. He understand that he is not going to get Anju. He started think like practical person. His presence will only endanger Sofia's life. He decided to return for the safety of Sofia... If his meeting has end up in receiving a firing at him, he knows the situation after they traced him & Sofia. 
He starts his plan to discourage Sofia...…

Same time Sofia was eagerly waiting for his friend's call to give some happy news to Bobby. She didn't inform Bobby about  the progress happen after getting the information about the yacht club.  
Scene 26 ABC town…

Two cars have stopped in front of a house. Couple of peoples were waiting for them outside the house. People waiting for him greeted him with respect. The main person came out of the car in angry.
Why you shoot them???? Person asked
Don’t worry sir. It is just a warning sign for all incoming persons to our territory.
Cool down Mr. XXX.…A person sound.
Mr. XXX found a person approaching him. Along with him, everyone greeted him.
We will talk business rather than finding mistakes.
Mr. XXX got scared after talking with Bobby and his boss. He contacted his friend who is associated with Sicilian Mafia for arranging a private security until the safe return of Anju. Bobby has told Mr. XXX for paying the double amount 1.4 million. He plans to take 400k and give balance for Mike. After contacting with Sicilian Mafia, he got a greedier plan.
Mr. XXX talked with Sicilian boss and planned to kidnap Anju from Mike’s yacht and blame the gang searching for Anju behind the kidnap. Mr. XXX will pay 400k for the cartel for his security and kidnapping Anju. Sicilian Mafia has a gang of peoples in Mikonos Island which is closer to Mike yacht location. After agreeing to the terms he paid USD 50k as advance to the gang.
When the eyes of Sicilian boss getting brighter after seeing the Anju’s picture and videos taken during the show, Mr. XXX warned him.
Please ensure the complete safety of her. No one should touch her. Mr. XXX warned.
Boss agreed his terms with half mind. Even though he agreed, he couldn't convinced his desire.

Scene 27 Yacht..

The girls took a long time to prepare Anju. After the bath and body treatment, the lady staffs make her to wear a knee light night gown on top of a sexy lingerie and Bra. The V shape of front side has kept it open till her cleavage.
They were laughing and talking during those times. Anju stood in front of them like a robot who follows the master’s instructions.
Anju remain in bedroom for some more time until the staff came and invite them for dinner. She was expecting Mike at the table but surprisingly she didn’t find him.
The dinner was arranged in deck of the yacht. Strong Breeze from sea fulfilled the wish of the staff serving her dinner. Even after she put her effort to hold her gown tight, the hardness of wind and small carelessness made her sleeves open from front.  The staff couldn’t take his eyes from her sexy boobs for few seconds. Immediately Anju covered her boobs, but she got stunned due a huge slapping sound. Her eyes got closed due to sudden shock. When she opens her eyes, she found the staff has fallen in ground and mike is kicking him mercilessly.
Bastard. How dare you???  Mike continues to kick him. Anju found few others came running towards the scene. They didn’t stop Mike. They waited until Mike finished.
Throw him in sea… Mike shouted…
Anju got afraid by seeing the blood coming out from the nose and mouth of staff.
She couldn’t stop watching for long. Doctor inside her rise.
What are you waiting for??? Get him the first aid…. Anju shouted….
No one moved. Her language or afraid of Mike. Anju didn’t understand. She bends down to help him.
Mike held her hand and pulled back and gave a tight slap on her face…
Bitch…. You are my slave……. I will show you what slaves deserved to get treated…. Mike roared.
When the Mike attention turned towards Anju, the other staff took their companion and rushed towards the down deck.
Take her to our special room…. Mike shouted at the ladies…
Anju was still in shock and pain. She tasted her blood from inside cheeks… Anju tried to protest their move for first time…
When she uses her force, she understood the strength and behavior of ladies. They pulled her towards down deck. Anju tried to protest but she couldn’t win against them. When she entered the room. She got shocked. The room was full of BDSM equipment’s. Mike entered the room after couple of seconds.
Despite after Anju’s protest. They locked her hands and legs in an equipment. They removed her dress in ease. Anju stood nude in front of them. Both girls removed their dress. Anju got scared by seeing the scar on their body.  
After locking, both girls came near to Mike and start undressing him. Anju found the girl, blowing his dick and make it erected.  Another girl brings a flagellum and hand over to Mike.
Anju started begging him for forgiving her…. Mike reached near Anju. He touched his dick tip on top of her navel. He squeezed her breast for few seconds before went to her back.
When she heard whip sound made by Mike, she cried loud….
Don’t worry. I will not hit you hard until you started enjoying…. His dick entered her ass hole and touched her butt. When Anju produced the sound of dislike, she got a small flick. Even though the flick was small she felt pain…
Please Mike………. Don’t hit me………..Anju cried………….
Don’t worry. You will not get pain…
Anju didn’t understand his words until she found one girl coming with a syringe. She injected a drug into her body. After few seconds, Anju felt like her body is getting numb. She felt like her voice is not coming out of mouth…When her eyes got close, she got a slap at her face. She didn’t feel pain. Her eyes started getting close.
Suddenly she found few men entering the room. One of them pointed the gun on Mike. They looked at all three girls in the room and compared with the photo available with them. When they found Anju, they instructed the girls to untie Anju. As per their instruction all girls got dressed.
They locked all the staff inside the room and left the place with Anju and other two girls in multiple speed boats.

Anju can see that she is moving far from the yacht. Both boats are moving fast in side by side...

she closed her eyes.. She found a happy life of Bobby with Sofia.. She pray to god for giving a wonderful life for both.....

She could feel the hands of the person holding her arms slowly entering on top of boobs...

She want to protest but the drugs effect made her to fall into sleep.

[+] 3 users Like ktmguy2019's post
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great.. waiting for more..
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if this the end of the story, then i am disappointed big time. It seems like a rush job. You simply wanted to get it over with.
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(08-08-2021, 09:49 AM)Dreamybuzz Wrote: if this the end of the story, then i am disappointed big time. It seems like a rush job. You simply wanted to get it over with.

Its probably the end of the current part/post ... The flow is otherwise going good..
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pls post the next parts dude..
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Eagerly waiting for your update
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The story line has completely different from readers expectations. That was the the reason for stopping the story. I can change the climax to a happy ending but that will not be the way, i wanted the story to go forward. That is the reason for ending the story. Next is the time gap for each episode will be high.
I thanks all positive and negative comments/ suggestions. Thank you readers. I am posting the earlier written extension of this story...
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When Anju woke up, she found her in a hospital bed. She can’t find any bystander. When she tries to wake up, she felt very heavy in her head. Suddenly a nurse came near to her.
How you feel now? Nurse asked.
Anju’s head was still paining. When she tried to move her body, Nurse said.
You need rest. Take rest. You will be alright soon.
Anju didn’t understand what is happened. Her final memory was ‘’ few men drags her into a boat’’.
Are you under the custody of some other gang? She didn’t feel relaxed every after being in a hospital.
Suddenly the door opens.
Anju look at his face like seeing a ghost.
Bobby walked near to her with a smiling face.
Anju still looks him like a ghost. She never thought of seeing him again in her life.
Bobby….Bobby….Suddenly she started crying like child…….
Bobby sits near her in bed. Anju
Her effort to get up got failed again.
Anju… Bobby called her Name. His voice was filled with his love and affection towards her.
Anju doesn’t know how to thank him for saving her. She wants to tell many words but words were not coming out of her mouth. Bobby placed his palm on her cheek. Anju took it his palm in her hand and started kissing all over.
Suddenly the door opens.
Oh!! Love birds you have full life in front of you. It is the time to exit this country soon. Sofia’s words broke her kiss.
I know, both of you find me as disturbance but security officer is waiting outside. Let’s finishes the formalities so that she can get temporary papers to exit this country. We need to submit in Indian Embassy today. Sofia said in laughing tone.
Anju also smiled back. She doesn’t know how much feeling happy after seeing one by one person.
Bobby. Please explain her, what to tell in your local language. I will manage them for half an hour. Sofia said.
I do…. You wait outside. Bobby said…..
Sofia went outside by giving a mischievous smile at both.
Do it fast.. Sofia said and closed the door.
When Bobby turns his face towards Anju, he found the invitation in her face to kiss.
Bobby wants to explain the whole story, How Sofia’s friend helped them to save Anju but he can’t ignore the invitation.
Bobby brings his lips towards Anju. Both lips met each other in passionate way..
[+] 2 users Like ktmguy2019's post
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the story ended in a very bad taste (if its the end)..
[+] 1 user Likes longindian_axe's post
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(01-10-2021, 05:50 PM)longindian_axe Wrote: the story ended in a very bad taste (if its the end)..

From a doctor to being a concubine. Story should have ended long ago but the writer took this step to drag it further i guess
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The ending of story is really heart breaking and depicting the reality of human trafficking
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I am only hoping that this story goes forward and Anju would finally see a reunion with her true lover..
[+] 1 user Likes longindian_axe's post
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