Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
Chapter - 43

Desai had told Meera that he would talk to me later. For the entire day, I waited, wondering what kind of twist he might be planning to bring into my life. His phone call came, eventually, in the evening.

"Krish... I owe you an apology," Desai said straightaway.
I gripped my phone tightly and asked, slowly, "For what?"
I wasn’t sure if he was apologizing for what he did to Nidhi in my home or for stirring up trouble between Meera and me.
“Meera must have told you about Nidhi, didn’t she?”
“Yeah, she told me,” I replied, keeping my voice steady.
“I’m sorry for making you doubt Meera,” Desai continued after a brief pause. “I never intended to become a troublemaker for you. It’s no secret that I love Meera, but I only want her to be happy. I don’t want to come between the two of you.”
I said nothing. My mind was stuck on his words momentarily. 'It’s no secret that I love Meera.'
“I’m not a good man, Krish," Desai said, his voice softening. "I haven’t kept the promises I made to her. And I can’t forgive myself if I continue pretending I belong in her life, despite everything. I can fool others, but there’s no point in fooling myself anymore.”
Desai sounded defeated, but strangely, it didn’t make me feel better.
“I’ve moved on from Pune. Finally. I think it’s best we don’t meet like we used to. It’ll be easier for all of us. My only regret is that I shouldn’t have revealed Nidhi’s name. I could’ve told Meera what happened without dragging her into this.”
I hadn’t thought about that before. He could have confessed without mentioning Nidhi’s name. Not that it made much difference now – Nidhi had already told me herself.
“That night, you know... it helped me make this decision,” Desai continued. “I wanted to tell Meera about the incident right after it happened, out of frustration, almost like retribution. But I couldn’t bring myself to confess, because you know, I didn’t want to face her wrath, to be honest. These aren’t the things you want your dearest ones know about you. But now things have gone to the extent that without the truth Meera's marriage would be in trouble. That’s never been the intention.  I’m sorry for creating such a big mess.”
“I get it, Desai,” I finally said.
After the phone call ended, I went to Meera. I wanted to share Desai’s reasoning with her.
“He was scared to tell you about Nidhi,” I said. “He thought you’d be angry. But you didn’t get angry when he told you, did you?”
I paused, and then added, “he blackmailed her, didn’t he? Just because he was frustrated, that doesn’t give him the right to use a girl from his office.”
Meera shook her head gently, as if she didn’t entirely agree. “I think he blackmailed her to get the truth, Krish. He suspected you were cheating on me with her. I don’t see much fault in that. But, of course, it took a different turn when Nidhi offered him favours. That’s when he lost his footing and his frustration took over.”
Her willingness to defend Desai didn't surprise me. I remembered how Nidhi too had spoken about him with admiration, even though he had exploited her.
Still, I wasn’t enjoying how Meera was taking Desai's side.
Meera went on, “Krish, I’m not in a position to judge him. I’ve fallen for provocations in my past, haven’t I? I have slept with men willingly, when maybe I should’ve said no. After all of that, how can I stand here and judge Susheel? You know, I’m actually relieved that something like this happened. It gives us a clear reason to draw boundaries and keep him away. I’m not angry… I’m just glad it's over.”
She reached for my hand and looked into my eyes. “I want you, Krish. You can call me greedy, I’m okay with that. I just want us.”
I couldn’t help but nod at her. Her words, and the way she was looking at me, relieved, not only calmed me down, but also made me realise she was right.
It wasn’t anger that I needed, it was clarity.
Later, when I went out for a walk, Meera accompanied me. She wore a white round-neck T-shirt that subtly revealed the contours of her bra, yet she looked elegant. As we greeted a few neighbours at the gate of our apartment complex, Meera unintentionally grabbed my palm. It seemed like a simple gesture, but it felt special to me. This was the life I wanted – to be accompanied by my better half on a simple street walk, to be held by her, to be loved. To be loved at home and on the street, everywhere. The intimacy we share with our partner – the flesh, the sweat, the breath – comes only after these simple moments.
Desai had the latter, but he failed to achieve the former. He could never take a walk with Meera on the street, holding her hand. That was why he actually failed.
That night we made love. It was slow and deliberate, with both of us pausing at the chances to savour the moment of unveiling each other’s bodies. Every time our eyes met, we shared a smile. I controlled my usual urge to devour her lips, opting for gentle, brief kisses instead. Even when I entered her, I moved slowly, despite the urgency in my mind. I asked her if she wanted me to speed up.
“No, this is perfect. I like it,” Meera said.
We remained in our embrace, as I moved in and out of her in an unhurried pace. Neither of us tried to get wild. I didn’t move my lips below her navel, and she refrained from touching my dick with her hand, except for a moment when I slipped out of her during our lovemaking. Later, when I collapsed next to her after having a great climax, she leaned in and kissed me softly. She kissed my lips, forehead, nose, and every other part of my face.
“I love you, Krish,” she whispered.
That night, as in the evening, I was reminded of what it truly means to be loved. This kind of love was what mattered most in a man’s life.
From the next day, we returned to our respective offices. For Meera, it was just another day at work. But for me, it felt like a fresh start.
As I walked into the office, I was greeted with warm smiles and heartfelt welcomes from my staff. They had missed me during my eight-week absence following the accident, and their genuine happiness to see me back was apparent. A cake with "Welcome Back, Krish" written on it was brought out, and we cut it together. It was a touching experience, knowing how much my presence had been missed.
Though Nidhi was at the forefront during the cake-cutting celebration, she seemed shy when she came to greet me. She avoided direct eye contact; her cheeks appeared turning red just because of facing me. But despite her shyness, I could see the relief and happiness in her eyes. She seemed genuinely glad to have me back, and I gave her a reassuring smile, hoping to ease her discomfort.
Later, Nidhi found a moment to speak with me privately. In a voice barely above a whisper, she asked me how things were at home. I told her Meera and I were doing fine. There was a brief pause before Nidhi hesitated and asked, “And… what about Desai, sir? Is he still…”
"He left for Mumbai," I said quickly. "He's not coming back."
Nidhi's eyes widened slightly. "Really?"
"Yes," I continued, "And you know, he confessed everything—what he did with you—to Meera before leaving. It's over now."
Nidhi was surprised to hear that.
“But why did he confess to her?”
“There was some confusion between us…” I cleared my throat. “…because I had heard some noise from Meera's room, you know, when you and he were there. I thought it was Meera and Desai. When I shared my doubt, Meera didn’t feel good, and Desai also felt bad because he knew the truth. So he confessed and cleared the air between Meera and me.”
“But you said you have seen them in bed…”
I couldn’t believe I was now talking about my intimate secrets with my staff. But there was no other way.
“The more I talk about it, the more complicated it would sound,” I said. “I have seen them in bed, yes, but I had let it happen. It was for fun, I don’t know if you understand but such things exist in our life. It was a thing in the past, Nidhi. Like a couple of times… it’s not like a regular thing. We did it for fun… that’s it.”
Nidhi was unable to take her eyes off me.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to get into your private matters… I just…” She hesitated.
“It’s okay, Nidhi. You have the right to get into my private matters. Because you shared first. You know, when I went home yesterday, I wanted to confront Desai. But he had already confessed to Meera, so it was not needed.”
“So you are on good terms with him again?”
Nidhi’s question was something I had been avoiding for the last twenty-four hours. Am I still on good terms with him again?
I had fears that he was trying to steal my wife, but he was not.
I thought he had seduced her to cheat on me, but he had not.
I doubted that he was trying to separate my wife from me, but instead, he played an active role in reuniting us.
I believed he was a person with a hidden, dark side when Nidhi told me about Desai. However, Desai proved otherwise by confessing to Meera, even though he knew she would hate him.
He had told me he would leave us alone the moment I wanted him out of my life, and he did just that.
Given all this, there was no reason for me to hate him. There was no reason for me not to be on good terms with him.
“He’s a special person. He knows how to make things happen. And he knows how not to let things become broken. Are you not on good terms with him, Nidhi?” I replied to Nidhi, looking straight into her eyes.
Nidhi looked into my eyes thoughtfully. “Yes, you are right about him. That’s why I am not able to accuse him of anything. There are no bad memories.”
There were no bad memories, but there were memories.
Desai had stayed with us long enough to make it difficult for Meera and me to erase him from our lives. I often saw Meera carrying three plates to the dining table at dinner. Even when we were home, at the back of my mind, I always felt Desai was still in his room. When I pressed the favourite button on the TV remote, it always brought up Desai’s favourite channels first. The wall-hanging paintings he gifted us still adorned the walls. During our evening walks, our neighbours frequently inquired about our missing friend.
His favourite mug with his initials remained in the kitchen cabinet, and sometimes I found myself reaching for it out of habit. On the small bookshelf in the living room were a couple of books he had given Meera. Occasionally, Meera would hum the tunes of songs Desai loved to play in the evenings. The little bonsai plant Meera had placed in his room – which he had joked about needing absolutely no care – still thrived there, needing no attention. Even the sofa set he regularly sat on continued to remind me of his time with us.
Everywhere we looked, there were traces of Desai. He had woven himself into the fabric of our daily lives, and unravelling his influence would take time.
These memories, combined with my sudden return to professional life, ensured that our restart was slow. Our night-time union remained tender and unhurried, though we made love every night. A week later, it came to a natural pause when her monthly cycle arrived, and it took us more than a week to rekindle our intimacy.
Yet, neither of us talked about Desai in our bedroom. I believed that, in time, things would regain their natural rhythm, and I hoped that we would soon share perfect moments of passion once more.
The following week, a serious issue arose at my office. One of my security guards at a high-end apartment complex was caught helping an outside gang smuggle valuable items out of the apartments under the guise of routine security checks and repair works. The client was furious and threatened to terminate the contract and sue Vicky Security Services for negligence.
It was an unprecedented crisis for me. In desperation, I ended up dialling Desai.
"I suggest you hire a private firm to conduct a thorough investigation. Find out how it happened and why it happened. Based on this, implement new protocols to convince both you and your client that nothing of this sort will happen again," Desai advised.
I did exactly what he said. After the investigation, I sought ideas from other agencies and implemented policies to put all our security guards under strict scrutiny, both on and off duty. I also personally met with the client to salvage my company’s reputation.
The crisis demanded my immediate and undivided attention, keeping me on my toes for many weeks. There was little time or energy left for my personal life.
The passionate life I had dreamed of with Meera was not unfolding as I had hoped. Our intimate moments became more sporadic, and when they did occur, they felt more like a routine than the spontaneous and loving encounters we once had. The emotional and physical exhaustion from work bled into our personal lives, turning our nights into a predictable sequence of hurried sex. Within a month, our sex life had devolved into a monotonous routine, devoid of the excitement and tenderness that I wanted to define our relationship. But there was still hope that things would be better soon, and I held on to that belief.
When the trouble at my office was finally settled, Desai asked me to share the policies I had implemented. He appreciated them and expressed interest in using them for his own agency, which was almost ready to inaugurate in Mumbai. I was more than happy to oblige.
One afternoon, when Nidhi left early, I asked if she was going on a date. She smiled and said, "Probably." After she left, I checked my computer for her old video, which I had forgotten about. But it was gone. Desai had apparently deleted it. Initially, I was disappointed, but then I felt good about it. It meant that what Desai had told Meera during his confession—that what he did with Nidhi was an act of frustration—was true. He had no plan to continue blackmailing her.
The next day, when Nidhi returned, I asked her about the date. She said it went well.
“I hope it was not just well, but a hot affair,” I commented daringly.
Nidhi blushed. “Probably, yes.”
Her expression told me everything. Her date was indeed a hot affair, filled with wonderful, orgasmic sex. I was jealous. Not because my staff was having sex, but because her experience was triggered by Desai. I felt she would be thanking him in her mind.
The following Sunday, Desai's Security Agency in Mumbai was inaugurated. When Desai invited us for its celebration, I asked Meera if we should skip it. She initially suggested that I go alone, but then, almost as an afterthought, she agreed that we should attend together.
“Let’s not make a scene,” she said. “I don’t want him coming back to us and saying we deserve a treat.”
I smiled in agreement.
The event concluded with a cocktail party. Meera wore a beautiful magenta dress that exposed a nice view of her cleavage and accentuated her beauty, while I opted for a suit. We both looked good, and I felt confident being there. However, as soon as Desai arrived, I was eager to see how he would react to her. There was a spark between them that I knew would never fade. Desai looked dashing in a grey suit, his long brown hair giving him the appearance of a celebrity straight out of a stylish action movie. Even I was in awe, wondering how he had reinvented himself to meet the demands of success. Here in Mumbai, dealing with high-profile clients, he exuded an aura of someone who could attract them all.
As Desai greeted us, I noticed how effortlessly he commanded the room. He approached us with a warm smile, his confidence radiating. "Krish, Meera, I'm so glad you could make it," he said, his voice smooth and inviting. Meera blushed slightly as he hugged her lightly, his hand barely brushing her back. He then hugged me with genuine warmth, "How are you, bro? I am so happy to see you. Welcome, Krish."
Throughout the party, Meera and I enjoyed our share of attention from the crowd. Yet, I couldn't help but notice that Desai’s interactions with Meera were now purely professional. He had mastered the art of being charming without crossing any boundaries, a perfect gentleman. There was no lingering touch, no secretive glances. He was sticking to his words. He had left our lives.
Meeting him for the first time after his departure confirmed that Desai was no longer part of our secret life. The cocktail party was a success, and we mingled with his elite friends and acquaintances from Mumbai. But beneath the surface, my mind was a whirlwind of emotions.
At the party we also ran into our old friend Piyush. Meera was embarrassed to face him, aware that he knew about her past affair with Desai. But Piyush greeted us warmly, and spoke in his usual jovial mood, quickly easing the tension. When he made a few jokes about Desai, teasing about how he claimed he would leave all of his business in Maharashtra to settle down at his hometown in Karnataka, only to start a new venture in Mumbai.
"Desai never misses an opportunity to make money," Piyush quipped, making Meera and me laugh with the flow. "But we all like him; he's our friend, right?" Piyush added, wrapping up the conversation on a positive note. Later I wondered if his remark was aimed at our ‘special friendship’ with Desai. I even wondered if Piyush thought that my wife was still sleeping with Desai.
After the party ended, we returned to the hotel room that Desai had arranged for us. I didn’t know how, but I was horny by the time we reached there. Strangely, I was not enthusiastic about having sex with Meera. Exhausted from standing for nearly three hours, Meera went straight to sleep. I decided to take a shower, and as I stood naked under the warm water, I felt the itch to grab my member. It was erect.
I couldn't help but remember the moment when Meera and Desai met that evening. I wondered how she had felt. The last time she met him, she had the opportunity to have sex with him many times. I counted the times Desai had had sex with Meera in those three days. Friday night, immediately after she had sex with me. That night he had given her a fabulous, nonstop screaming session. Then Saturday morning in the kitchen, when I had gone out for a drive. A quick one, but still wildly entertaining, for sure. Countless times of filling her with his sperm.
I closed my eyes and jerked myself off, my vision filled with imaginations of how he had done it.
That night in Mumbai was just the beginning. After returning to Pune, I found more pleasure in masturbating. It was convenient, needing less energy. The sex between Meera and me became less frequent.
A few days later, Desai phoned to thank me for providing the policy input to build a robust security system for his agency. I thanked him back, acknowledging it was his idea in the first place. We spoke for half an hour, discussing our respective lives over the past month and a half. This call marked the beginning of our renewed professional discussions. Over the next three months, Desai and I kept in touch, sharing ideas and updates.
Desai often mentioned how tough it was to move on from us. He confessed that losing our friendship had created a void in his life.
"You two had become a family for me," Desai even admitted emotionally once. He then made a heartfelt request. "Include me sometimes, for lunch or something. I promise I won't create awkward situations or make things difficult for you."
When the anniversary of Vickey Security Services approached, I was planning the celebration and asked Meera if we should invite Desai. Meera made a face, clearly indicating her disapproval.
We celebrated the anniversary at the office by conducting lectures at a few colleges. We also hosted a party for major clients and security officer officers in the city. However, we did not invite Desai.
After setting up his business in Mumbai, Desai decided to take a vacation in Kashmir. When I learned about his trip, I suggested to Meera that we also take a break and travel somewhere. But she had a busy schedule ahead and couldn’t take time off. A month later, Meera finally made herself available, and we went for a small trip to West Bengal.
Our days in West Bengal were uneventful yet serene, bringing a sense of normalcy back to our lives. We went to Darjeeling to explore the beautiful tea gardens and then went to Kalimpong to enjoy the charm of its streets. We ended our trip at a resort at Sundarbans. In the night at the resort, after a brief lovemaking session, I asked Meera about her thoughts on parenthood.
“I would say yes soon, but not at the moment,” she replied. “It would be difficult to manage both motherhood and work. One of us would have to take a long break, wouldn't we?”
I understood the dilemma. Neither of us wanted to leave our jobs, so the discussion about having kids went nowhere. A month later, I brought up the topic again, and Meera asked me if I could appoint a manager to run my company smoothly while I could babysit the child when she returned to work after the delivery.
I didn’t like the idea. “You should take a break from your job,” I suggested. “You’ll have maternity leave for sure, so you could continue the break for a couple of years. You can go back to work after that.”
This conflict never settled between us, and we couldn’t convince each other to make a decision. This issue unknowingly became a matter of disagreement, creating a gap between us. The passionate life I had dreamed of with Meera was slipping away, and our intimate moments became routine and less frequent. I was adamant that I was not going back to my old fantasies to lighten up our nights. But the emotional and physical exhaustion from work continued to bleed into our personal lives, and our nights turned into a predictable sequence of hurried sex. Within a month, our sex life had turned into a monotonous routine, without the excitement and tenderness that I wanted to define our relationship.
One day, I had a surprising encounter when I went to meet a potential client who had invited me to discuss a security contract for their new building. To my astonishment, the man turned out to be Maithrei's husband. The apartment complex was owned by them. Maithrei and I were both taken aback by the unexpected meeting.
"I'll take it from here, Anand," she told her husband, and after sending him away, she turned to me with a mischievous smile. Maithrei was dressed in a churidar without a shawl, which accentuated her figure and subtly exposed the size of her breasts. She seemed slimmer than I remembered.
"Nice seeing you here, Krish," she said, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief.
"You look great, Maithrei," I complimented, genuinely impressed. "Have you been working out?"
She laughed, "thank you, but it's actually work pressure that's helped me lose weight, not exercise."
"The world must be ending if a psychiatrist is struggling to handle work pressure." I remarked.
She laughed again, moving closer to me. "It's not my profession that's making me run like a machine. It's my new venture in real estate."
I could sense the fragrance from her. It was fresh. I could not move back.
"What about your clinic?" I asked, curious.
"I hired someone else to run it," she revealed. Then, with a sly smile, she added, "You know, before the world ends I'd love to have that dinner date you once promised."
I smiled again, trying to maintain my composure. "I thought you might have forgotten about that."
"Oh, not at all," she said, her voice dripping with flirtation. "I've reserved a special evening of my life just for you, long ago. Imagine, candlelight, fine wine, and... who knows what else."
She was flirting openly, stirring old memories and the thrill of our past interactions.
The deal for providing security services to Maithrei’s building was set, and as I left their office, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nostalgia. Meeting Maithrei again had been a pleasant surprise, and it seemed like our story was far from over.
One day, Desai surprised me with a phone call, announcing his visit to Pune for business and suggesting we have lunch together. I happily agreed. “But just with me?” I asked.
“Of course, I’d love to see Meera,” Desai replied. “But can you do me a favour? Don’t tell her about me.”
His plan to surprise Meera worked perfectly. She was stunned to see Desai waiting for us at the restaurant.
“Susheel…!” The word escaped her lips as her eyes widened with surprise. She looked radiant in her off-shoulder floral dress, which, although it didn't reveal her cleavage like some of her other dresses, subtly accentuated her graceful curves. She glanced at me and squeezed my arm.
“I had a feeling there was a surprise, but…” She paused, and I sensed she was about to thank me.
She clearly loved the surprise, thrilled to meet Desai. Her face glowed with happiness.
Desai, equally delighted, greeted us warmly. “You two define grace. Just wow!” he exclaimed as he welcomed us with a light embrace.
After exchanging pleasantries, we settled at our reserved table. The lunch was exquisite.
“Krish, you must be enjoying your beautiful wife’s company, all to yourself now,” Desai remarked with a playful wink towards the end of the meal.
I smiled in agreement, but Meera’s response was a polite smile, lacking the usual spark between us that Desai was familiar with.
After lunch, we parted ways, and later that evening, Desai called me.
“Krish, I noticed something today. You and Meera seem to be lacking the spark. Is everything alright?”
I hesitated, unable to open up. But the delay in my response revealed more than words could.
“Don’t worry, Krish. Things will be better soon,” he assured.
I felt good at the time we spoke. But later I kept wondering if that conversation was a sign of him planning to return to our life.
When Desai returned to Pune the following week, he invited us again. This time, I told Meera who had invited us.
"It doesn’t mean anything, does it?" Meera asked.
Her question was a relief for me because it meant she wasn't looking to rekindle anything related to Desai. She wanted to see it as just a casual lunch.
The past was getting buried. The thought relieved me, to be honest.
This time, lunch was at another restaurant, and Desai wasn’t alone. He was with Maithrei.
We had lunch, and although Desai and Maithrei behaved appropriately, I couldn’t help but notice moments of jealousy flicker in Meera’s eyes.
During the lunch, Desai somehow sensed that it wasn't my first meeting with Maithrei in many months. He asked, "So, how long have you two been keeping secrets from me?"
I chuckled, "It's just business, Desai. Maithrei is a client of Vickey Security Services."
Desai had a mischievous grin on his face, "Ah, business. But I wonder if Meera knows about this secret deal."
Meera looked intrigued, "What secret deal?"
Desai went on with his playful teasing, "Oh, nothing, just Krish and Maithrei here keeping secrets from both of us."
Maithrei tried to defend her, "It's all strictly professional, I can assure you guys. Though I must admit, I've had a long-standing wish for a dinner date with Krish. It’s still pending since long."
She revealed and threw her teasing eyes at me. Maithrei was unbelievably daring.
“Oh, really? Krish, are you aware of this?" Desai asked.
“Yeah,” I confessed. “I’m aware of that.”
Desai quickly turned to Meera, "Meera, what do you think? Would you mind if Krish had an innocent dinner date with Maithrei? She's been quite patient."
Meera hesitated, exchanging a glance with me, and then replied playfully, "I hate spending time alone when Krish is having fun with another woman, especially a beautiful one like Maithrei."
Desai's eyes sparkled with amusement, "What if I keep you company, Meera? We could have an innocent dinner too, just the two of us. Then I'll drop you back with Krish."
Meera smiled at him but shook her head, "Thanks, Susheel, but I think I'll pass on that dinner offer this time."
Her words simply brought joy in my mind.
Another sign of burying that past.
Desai nodded. "Alright, fair enough. Maybe another time then."
Meera laughed lightly. "Yes, another time."
“Well, I think my wait will continue then,” Maithrei joked.
We all laughed together.
One day, as I was working on my laptop, a notification popped up about a software update for the voice recorder – the device that I had hidden in my shelf many months ago. I had completely forgotten about it. Out of curiosity, I decided to check the update.
I replaced the depleted battery and tried syncing it. To my surprise, it was now working properly. However, I was sure that I had no real need for it. I considered throwing it away, not wanting Meera to ever discover it. However, on second thought, I decided to place it back in the third bedroom, which was still soundproof. But I was confident that it would never be of any use in my life again.
One evening, Piyush called me up and asked, “are you interested in enjoying a music program, Krish?”
I said, “Why not?”
The following week, when he visited Pune, we had lunch with him at a restaurant near Meera's office. Piyush handed me a small envelope. "I thought you two might enjoy this," he said. Inside were two tickets to a music concert. "It's a couple's only section ticket," Piyush explained. I accepted it gratefully, but later, Meera asked why Piyush wasn't coming along.
"It's a couple's ticket, so I can't join you," Piyush explained with a smile. "Unless three people are counted as a couple." Meera laughed at his joke.
A few days before the concert, Maithrei told me she had a couple's ticket for an event in the city. It turned out to be the same music concert for which Piyush had gifted us tickets. Maithrei was eager to invite me to join her. However, I mentioned I was already committed to Meera to go as a couple.
"Then I’ll have to find a new partner to make it to the event. Someone safe to be with, unlike you and Desai," Maithrei quipped.
"Me? What is wrong with me? In what sense am I like Desai?" I wondered.
Maithrei smiled. "Desai is someone who would take advantage of being with me. And you are someone I'd like to take advantage of. In both ways, you guys are dangerous for me. I'd like to enjoy music there."
I laughed, and then I remembered Piyush.
“I have a friend who’d like to have a partner for the event,” I told Maithrei.
When I told her about Piyush and his witty nature, she agreed. So, I spoke to Piyush about joining us for the concert. He was excited when I told him that I had found a partner for him, to be at the event.
“You are a magician, Krish!” He said.
On the eve of the event, Meera said she would be late due to a conference. She planned to freshen up and proceed to the venue directly from the office, asking me to pick up Maithrei from her house. I hired a taxi and reached Maithrei’s place, but she was also caught up in an online meeting. While waiting, I played video games with Maithrei’s twelve-year-old son. Piyush called, saying he was at the venue, waiting for us. Later, Meera called to say she had also arrived. Unsure of how much longer Maithrei would take, I directed Meera to find Piyush by sharing his number, and to proceed with him to enter the place.
Maithrei managed to free herself soon and apologized for the delay. She looked a bit stressed after the long meeting session but dressed up quickly. Wearing a dark pink crop top and zipped jacket, along with black pants, Maithrei looked different from her usual traditional avatar.
"You look different, except you look as beautiful as ever, Maithrei," I mentioned.
Maithrei smiled. "I thought my usual kurta look wouldn’t suit a music concert. And you also look dashing." She said with an admiring look.
We left soon. We sat together in the car and Maithrei thanked me for showing patience and playing with her son.
I smiled at her. As soon as the car left the street, Maithrei turned to me and then pulled me close to kiss me. It was a sudden move and I was stunned. Her soft lips pressed into mine, almost trying to push them into my mouth. Before I could open my mouth and taste them, she moved back.
“I’m sorry, but I know I wouldn’t get a chance to do this at the concert,” she whispered.
“Oh God!” I touched my lips with a smile. “But this was something.”
She bit her lip and looked away. She later noticed my pants were black and mentioned that we were wearing somewhat matching clothes.
"You should have told me earlier. I have a light pink shirt in my wardrobe," I said.
"Oh, I wonder what I missed," she replied.
"We’ll make up for it next time."
I squeezed her thigh as she spoke. I glanced at her eyes. Her eyes were flirting with me. I could not take my eyes off her either. Eventually, she pinched my cheek and pushed my face away.
"Stop looking at me like that, gentleman. I am getting embarrassed."
She smiled at me and bit her lip. Then she slowly moved closer to me. I held her arm and slowly caressed it. "You are aware that my wife is also going to be there?"
"Oh," she made a disappointed face.
"You had all the chance to do it differently," I said.
Maithrei nodded. "You know, Krish, I never thought it would be like this, like we’d be sitting so close like this, let alone be sharing a sweet kiss, until this moment. I thought about the concert and thought there would be no way I’d be flirting with you at the concert. Unlucky me."
Despite all the flirting, deep in my mind I was carrying a belief that it was just innocent flirting because I knew it would be over as soon as we arrived at the venue.
Then Maithrei asked, "If we were alone, we could have gone somewhere else instead of there, right?"
I looked at her. Her eyes were smiling. In a fraction of a second, I imagined her lying in a cosy bed and myself climbing onto that bed to take over her body with my love. I sensed a movement in my pants. I was getting aroused.
"Don’t tease me now. You’ve already messed it up, girl," I said with a coy face.
Maithrei laughed.
We arrived at the venue and entered as a couple. The music program was about to start. We saw Meera and Piyush sitting together in another row in the section. I called Meera on the phone and she walked over to us. I noticed she was dressed for the occasion. I think she had carried the dress to her office that morning. Wearing a light blue off-shoulder gown, she simply oozed beauty. The gown, though just teasing the top portion of her cleavage, was more about showcasing the shape of her body. The necklace she wore delicately framed her collarbone, drawing even more attention to her elegant neckline. She looked absolutely stunning. As she walked over to us, I could see many people struggling to pretend they weren’t affected by her, while others simply couldn’t look away.
As Meera walked toward us with a gorgeous smile, I couldn’t miss the shape of her thighs, which were pretty obvious due to the silky nature of her clothing. The neatly tied waistline only helped reveal more about the perfectness of her body. I thought Piyush would be proud to be in the company of such a beautiful woman.
As there were no seats available next to them, Maithrei and I found other seats.
“I’m leaving my heart with you, Maithrei. Be kind to him,” Meera teased as she went back to her seat.
“I’ll try my best,” Maithrei retorted.
Later I saw Meera looking at me and smiling. She even gestured that Maithrei looked beautiful and not to miss my opportunity. I gestured back for her to enjoy with Piyush.
Just before the event started, I was surprised to see Desai walking in. I instantly shouted his name and he was equally surprised to see me, especially with Maithrei. He walked over to us, and I noticed a woman accompanying him.
Desai was not alone. He introduced his new friend to us. “Meet my friend Vaikha Rose. Isn’t she beautiful?”
I watched Vaikha blush at his introduction, and the dimples on either side of her cheeks caught my attention immediately.
The man has found a match! I thought to myself.
Vaikha was an entrepreneur from Karnataka, but she had her business based in Nasik. She looked around forty years old but indeed looked beautiful. She was married, and her husband was a central government employee posted in Delhi. She had met Desai on the flight to Pune a day earlier. Vaikha’s husband was supposed to join her for the night, but when he failed to make it, Vaikha invited Desai to join her for the concert. She seemed happy to have acquainted someone like Desai. The moment she mentioned her marital status, I looked at Maithrei, and she looked at me. We knew what it meant.
The man has found a match!
After a brief chat with us, Desai and Vaikha moved on to their seats. Vaikha was wearing a sleeveless gown and looked like a slightly older version of Maithrei, except that Vaikha was heavy on makeup. She seemed to be enjoying Desai’s company immensely. They constantly exchanged jokes, and Vaikha laughed wholeheartedly at his humour. I knew she would love to get closer to him.
I couldn’t help but wonder how easily Desai attracted new women. I felt Meera must witness him being with another woman. I called Meera to turn towards us and pointed out Desai and Vaikha. I saw Meera's eyes widening with surprise. Parted by a few meters, Meera and Desai exchanged pleasantries through gestures. I noticed Desai showing surprise to meet Meera and that too, with the company of Piyush. Meera laughed, and responded that he was also with someone new. Meera messaged me later, asking who the lady with Desai was. I explained that it was someone Desai met and befriended on a flight a day ago.
The venue was packed to the maximum, and the music program started soon. The concert began with slow, melodious songs before transitioning to faster tracks. The crowd behind the VIP lounges hadn’t come to sit; they were standing and dancing, some even on the chairs. When the singer walked down the runway, bringing himself into the middle of the crowd, and switched to his signature fast-paced track, the crowd erupted in joy and ecstasy. It was pure joy. We sang and screamed with him, and even those in the VIP lounge near the runway were jumping up and dancing. We were all lost in the music, perfectly synchronized with the lighting and smoke effects. As Maithrei had mentioned earlier, it was not a place for an intimate date but a place to embrace the joy of music.
However, something unexpected happened afterward. Maithrei received a phone call from home, saying her son had fallen from the staircase and gotten injured. She was understandably worried and needed to leave.
"I’ll have to go now, Krish," she said.
I called aside Piyush and Meera to explain the situation and volunteered to accompany Maithrei. "I’ll drop her at home."
Meera nodded affirmatively as I said this. Piyush suggested that we all could go, but Maithrei stopped us.
"No, don’t embarrass me by creating a mess out of this. I’ll handle it. Please," she insisted.
I requested to be allowed to drop her at her place, and she agreed when I added that it would be tough to find a taxi at that moment. Meera asked if she could come, but Piyush volunteered to drop her at our place in an hour since the concert would be over by the time I returned from Maithrei’s place. We agreed.
Maithrei again apologized to Meera and Piyush for interrupting the fun. We exited the venue and, with some difficulty, found a taxi to head to her house. Maithrei kept apologizing to me as well. Along the way, she got a call from her husband, Anand, saying their son was okay. He had arranged for a doctor to check him, and there was nothing to worry about. Anand told her to stay back at the concert and return when it finished. Maithrei said she was already on her way.
We both felt relieved.
"Thank God," I said, squeezing Maithrei’s hand.
As we approached the road deviating towards my house, Maithrei suggested I could leave if I wanted to. I asked if she didn’t want me to come to her house.
"I’d like to have you at my place, but not when he’s there," she smiled. This time, there was no hint of flirting, but I could see in her eyes how much she wanted to be intimate with me. I felt she was not comfortable playing the role of a wife in front of me.
I alighted at the deviation towards my house. Maithrei proceeded to her home, and I waited for a taxi to get back. I wasn’t worried about Meera being with Piyush, as I knew she would be safe with him.
I decided to skip dinner as I was content with the snacks I had at the music concert. So, I went straight home. I got a phone call from Meera. She said the program was over, and she and Piyush were entering a hotel to have a light dinner. I asked about Desai and Vaikha. She said they were also with them.
By the time she hung up the phone, I had reached home. The light in the hall was still on. I felt lonely and tired, suddenly. I went to the bedroom and saw Meera's clothes thrown lazily all over the bed. I noticed her bra and panties also lying there. I guessed that she had returned from her office and left in a hurry for the concert. Out of some dirty curiosity, I picked up her panties and felt their smoothness with my hand. I scolded my perverted mind and dropped them back on the bed. I decided to take a quick nap as I figured they would take at least an hour to get back home.
I removed my shoes beside my bed, turned off the light, and fell onto the bed. I fell asleep quickly but was awakened by a phone call from Maithrei. She said she had reached home and her son was perfectly alright.
"I should have stayed back," she said.
"It's okay," I replied.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I’m lying in my bed, alone, in the darkness. And you?"
"I'm just overthinking some what-ifs."
"What what-ifs?" I asked.
"Like what if I was there with you? I would have helped you from that loneliness and darkness."
"This is not a place to receive such help anyway," I said. "Meera will be here soon."
"Meera is with Piyush. How come you're not worried about it?" she asked.
"Why would I be worried about them?"
"Are you sure he is not like Desai?"
"Now you're overthinking. I know Piyush very well." I defended. "I’m rather worried about Vaikha."
"Yeah, right! Desai's latest one-night stand. I think she is going to have a blast tonight. It’s her night."
Maithrei’s voice was filled with excitement. I laughed too.
"Yeah, someone else scored tonight."
But it was far from true. I learned it when Piyush phoned me and asked if Meera got home. I was surprised.
“Wasn’t she with you?”
“Yeah, but she left with Desai. He said he would drop her home.”
I wondered how Desai came into the picture. Wasn’t he busy seducing another married woman?
But I didn’t feel anything wrong in Meera leaving with Desai because Vaikha was supposed to be with them.
“Okay, that’s great.” I said, “What about you? Have you reached your place?”
“Yeah, Vaikha dropped me at my hotel. We were staying in nearby hotels, so we felt it would be convenient.”
His revelation set off an alarm in my head, and I stood up. But before I could worry, I heard the doorbell. They are here!
Desai and Meera are here!
My mind scrambled for action, and an instant desire to see how they would behave in my absence filled my head. I looked around for a place to hide.
Bathroom? No. Behind the curtain? Never. Shelf? Yes? Which one?
Even as I consciously and frantically searched for a hiding spot, a deep, instinctual part of my subconscious mind warned me that something terrible was about to happen. I couldn’t explain it scientifically, but from my experience of living through similar moments many times before, I knew I wasn’t wrong.
And it was terrifying.

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RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 25-11-2020, 11:45 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 15-12-2020, 10:00 AM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 15-12-2020, 11:05 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by krish_999 - 02-10-2024, 09:37 PM

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