Romance The accident - by krish_999 (Completed)
Hi friends "the accident " story one short and sweet story

22nd September 2016

Written by "krish_999"

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The accident
Dear readers, here comes my new story. I know most of the people here may be expecting and looking for full fledged erotica here. Though I don't want to disappoint you with this story, I want to make one thing clear. My story is a slow paced one which may not contain sexual encounters as often and quick as you may find in other stories here. Basically it's a romantic story. I hope it will turn out to be an enjoyable one. One thing I can promise is, this story will end in four or five long updates, one update per day.
Please enjoy, and do encourage/criticise me with your valuable comments.
Thank you.
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It had been raining very heavily on the previous night. The road was slippery as well as congested with traffic. It seemed like everyone except me out there was late for their work or whatever.

The driver of the taxi I hired was a careful man and he refused to drive fast. Then we witnessed a tragic accident. It all happened very quickly, as most accidents do. A car had made a left turn without signaling and as a result a bus crashed into it. A few cars behind the bus rammed into the bus as they could not brake in time and soon it became a pile up, halting the whole traffic. As it turned out, the driver of the bus fled from the scene and it even looked like he might have fled even before the accident. He vanished so quickly. Mine wasn't the nearest vehicle stopped, but I was the first one to reach the spot. The impact of the accident had left the driver lifeless on the steering wheel. His passenger, a lady in her forties, was seriously hurt and bleeding profusely from the head and hands. She was conscious although too weak to realize what had happened. Door was jammed and I couldn't pull it open. As I was trying to open it with all my strength, she looked at me with her weak eyes and extended her hand to me, before falling unconscious. She was dying in front of my eyes. I felt I shouldn't wait for any assistance. I kicked the door a few times and fortunately it worked. I pulled her out of the car and my driver helped me to lay her on the backseat of his car. A few men had by then intervened and were trying to pull out the driver. It was very tough and they suggested me to take the lady to the hospital at the earliest. I got in, and the driver rushed us to a hospital.

We reached the hospital just in time I guess, the lady was saved. But she was critically injured. Two security officermen came to take statements from eye-witnesses and my driver had vanished by then. He might not wanted to involve in this at all. The driver of the collided car was brought to the same hospital, and declared dead on arrival. I later gave an account to the security officer on what had happened. They told me to stay in touch. I had enough time and I didn't have any problem to obey.

I was in Gujarat for a few days. It was my first visit to Vadodara.

I walked through the corridors of the hospital, watching the Gujarati lives. Everyone was struggling, in the hospital. Everyone's in pain. I had my own pains, but at those moments, I felt at ease, because none of them was my closest. Wearing a small backpack bag, I walked around like a tourist.

One of the strugglers I witnessed there was Deepika. She was wearing a blue saree and looked a twenty five year old. She was crying silently, sitting out side the operation theatre. What turned my attention to her was her child, a one year old boy child, crying incessantly due to lack of attention from his mother on whose lap he was lying. At first I was irritated at the child's cry and angry at mother's insensitivity. But as soon as I saw the mother's face, and the tears she's been shedding silently, I felt sorry. It was easy to guess that she was alone there, and the person inside the operation theatre was the closest to her.

I tried to ignore her at first. Then I walked to her.

"If you don't mind, let me handle the child..."

I extended my hand to her. She looked at me like she was seeing me for the first time. I had been around that place for quite a few hours by then and I was unconsciously hoping she would have seen me, but the look on her face suggested otherwise. She hesitated to trust me. However, after holding back for a moment, she gave in.

I received the child in my both hands. After a few moments of walking and singing, I calmed down the boy. But it seemed his mother was watching me, as she was also calmed down by seeing my efforts.
The boy had slept by the time I walked back to her. It turned out his mother had also fallen asleep. She was sitting in the steel chair by resting her head onto the wall behind her.
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She looked very tired and I thought I shouldn't wake her up. I stood there holding the child close to my chest.

I didn't know her name. I actually didn't care. It wasn't a place to care for such things. But I eventually found out her name when a nurse came and called her.


But nurse's voice didn't wake her up. She had to raise her voice.


Many people were looking at her. But none of them dared to wake her up. Maybe they all were lost in their own tough world.
I took a step forward and the nurse quickly noticed me.

"Are you with Karthik?"

I nodded, hoping Karthik to be Deepika's husband.
The nurse gave me a prescription.

"You need to bring this. Ask for the special edition. It's written."

I nodded, and took the paper, though I didn't understand a thing.
The nurse disappeared in a second, closing the door.
I looked at the paper in my hand. I could see the writing and it looked an alien language to me. Nothing new, for a medical prescription.
Only the doctor and a pharmacist can read those writings.
Will the God be able to read it? I wondered. I'm merely a mortal, so don't even try.

I looked at Deepika's face. And looked like she was passed out.
I held the boy onto my shoulder and walked out. There was a number of drug stores outside the hospital. The first one I approached didn't have the special one. I couldn't understand what's this special one meant. Luckily the next store had it. It was a shoulder stabiliser pad. And the special one meant one with Velcro on it. I suddenly got the picture. Deepika's husband, Mr. Karthik had a dislocated shoulder, means some mishap has caused his upper hand joint to dislocate from his shoulder.

It's not life threatening disease. It's not a disease at all! Then why so much drama and tears? I laughed at the thought.

For me, it sounded no big deal, especially because of what I had witnessed in the morning. People die, in accidents.

The pad cost me four hundred rupees. I paid the amount and walked back to the hospital.
I had just entered the corridor, when I saw Deepika coming in a hurry. She looked very panicky.
What the hell has gone wrong? I thought and stopped there.
She noticed me and ran towards me. Before I could say a word, she snatched the boy from my shoulder and held him to her chest.

"What happened?"

I asked. I noticed faces noticing us.

"Where were you gone?"

She frowned.

"What? What happened...?"

I asked again.
This woman was so mysterious and I was starting to feel anger.
She was silent and I raised my voice.

"You were sleeping there and they asked me to bring this...."

I showed the packet as I spoke.


She was taken aback. She bit her lips once.

"What oh..? Are you going to tell me if you need this or I should go and get a refund for this?"

I was shaking the packet as I spoke.

"No. I need.. I need this. I'm sorry, please forgive me..."

She looked into my eyes as she spoke.

"When I woke up I couldn't see you and I thought..."

She stopped.
It was enough. I was offended.

"... And you thought I have taken your child, didn't you?"

I didn't hide my anger.

"Sorry... Sorry..."

She quickly said. She looked and sounded helpless.
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I started to walk, dismissing her presence completely.
She walked with me, a few steps behind me, until I reached the operation theatre.

The nurse came soon and I gave her the packet. It took half an hour for the doctor to come out. He seemed a junior doctor. He spoke to me directly while Deepika stood next to me.

"We're still trying to put the joints back... It's really tough. But not hopeless. And if it works, we can put it back, we'll then use the stabiliser. Otherwise we'll have to stick with surgery, but we don't know if it'll be same like it was earlier.."

I nodded my head for all and he went back. Deepika was still standing next to me.

"What happened?"

I asked her in a low voice.

"He slipped and fell on the staircase.."


I saw her looking at the floor. She was going to cry again.

"Come on... It'll be okay. He'll be alright.."

I said, in a low voice again.
She looked up, and her eyes was wet.

An hour might have passed, a security officerman came and called my name.


I turned to him.


"You're with the accident case, aren't you?"


"Come with me."

I went with him. He sat me with him for the next one hour. Writing all the things about me as well as the accident. I wondered if the earlier report had gone missing.

I said I was there for a friend's marriage and would leave in two days. He recorded that as well. I thought he would say I cant go just like that, but he didn't. He didn't care much. He did his primary job and left me, asking me to be available until I leave. I said okay.

At first I thought I should go back to operation theatre. But then I decided to have lunch. It was 3 O'clock. I was very hungry. When I was crossing the medical stores I saw her again.
Deepika. She approached me.


I stopped and looked at her. She had her child in one hand and once piece of paper in other hand.

"Sir.. I need to buy some medicine. But that ATM there isn't working. Both of them are not working. I don't know what..what to do. Please help me."

It was a genuine problem. Half of the ATM machines in our country stops working when it matters the most.
I took the paper from her hand and walked to the store. She silently followed me. As the pharmacist got busy searching the medicines I asked her about her husband.

"Doctor said they've done it. They put the joints back in position.."

"Oh really? That's really good news. You should speak with a smile now."

I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Have you seen him?"

"Yes, but he's sleeping."

"They must have sedated him."


"Yes. How long are they asking to keep him?"

"Two more hours."


The medicine was ready. I paid the bill and collected it.
I walked with her to the hospital, again.
A nurse collected the medicines from me and disappeared. Five minutes later she came back.
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"He will be kept inside here only for next two hours. Then, after one more scanning, doctor will say what next. Mostly you can take him home."

This time Deepika's face really lit up.
The kid had waken up again. He straightaway started crying.
She walked away with him and I could guess where she was going. She sat on a lonely bench and dbangd the child with her saree flare to breast feed him. The child immediately stopped crying.

She came back after fifteen minutes. I asked her if she had had lunch. She shook her head no.

"Come on, let's go have some food. Even I'm hungry."

She nodded immediately. She was really hungry, I guess.
We walked outside again and found a hotel. I suggested I'll handle the kid if she needed to wash her face. She agreed and handed me the kid as well as her small shoulder bag. She thanked me after washing her face.
As we waited for food I asked her about her.

She was from Tamil Nadu. Her husband Karthik works in Gujarat. Seventy kilometres away from Vadodara. They both were in Vadodara for some shopping as they're planning to visit hometown next week.

The food had arrived by then. From the way she ate it just made me realise how hungry she was.
She noticed me watching her. She was embarrassed.

"I was very hungry..."

"Yeah that I can see.."

I smiled.

"Stop smiling.. You're not allowing me to eat.."

She complained.

"Okay... Okay. You eat."


After the lunch I paid the bill. She said she will pay me all the amount once she get the access to a working ATM.
While walking back she asked me why I was there.
I told her the whole story about the accident.

"Oh so you're not helping only me..."

"Yeah.. actually my train is on day after tomorrow. So I have time to help..."

"So what are you going to do until then?"

"Mmm... No plans. I'll stay until I see any relatives of that lady. Then I'll leave."

"What if you don't get to see any of her relatives?"

"Why should we think so negatively? What if I hadn't spot you there?"

"Oh. That's true."

She turned her head to me and smiled. First time since our meeting I noticed her smile. It was beautiful.
Actually, she was beautiful. Very beautiful.

"If you hadn't spot me, oh God! I don't know. May be it's God who sent you to me."

"Yeah God sent me to you.. And for that he had to kill one person and injure another one..."

I said without thinking much.
She was taken aback at my response to her praise.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean that."

We had reached the operation theatre. We stayed there only for the next two hours. We sat together and I held the child.

"What's his name?"

I asked.

"Vignesh. Vinnee."

"Vinnee is nice name. Vignesh is an old name."

I commented.

"It's his father's choice. I didn't like it either."

"What was your choice?"

"Mmm...Don't tease me okay?"

"What? I mean... Was it such a bad name?"

She laughed a little.

"I don't know that. But my choice was Krish."

I smiled.



"No. You're saying this to please me, aren't you?"

"I told you, don't..."

"Oh.. Okay..I believe."

She nodded.

"So, have you informed anyone else from your family?"

"Yeah. I've informed. Karthik's uncle is in Mumbai. He'll come soon, means day after tomorrow."

"No one else is coming?"

"Aunty will also come."

"No, I mean no one's coming today?"

"We don't have anyone here."

"Oh, so I can leave only when your uncle arrives day after tomorrow.."

"No! You can leave as soon as he's discharged. I mean, you can go anytime if you want, but I want to give you the money first."

"You want to return the money. That's it? You don't need any help?"

"I need, honestly. But you've already done so much for me, I think it's not nice to ask more."

I smiled.

"Don't worry. I will stay with you. Today is already gone for me. I'll stay with you until he gets discharged and then I'll send you to your place, in a taxi."
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"Thank you so much, Krish."

"You always welcome, Deepika.."

"How did you know my name?"

"It's written on your face."

She smirked at me.
I smiled back.

"So how was your marriage? Was it love marriage?"

"No, it was an arranged marriage. Actually he's my uncle's son."

"Oh marriage within the family."


"So it was love cum arrange marriage."

"No. Not at all. Actually I didn't like it. But you know, the family pressure..."

"Oh so sad. But not so sad as well. See, how cute is your Vinnee...!"

She smiled.

"Yeah, now I love him."

"Yeah I saw that. A few hours ago. I'm so sorry to tell this, that when I saw you crying so badly, I thought something terrible might have happened.."

She seemed trying to recollect it.

"Yeah actually I was crying from the moment I saw him falling. I was so scared. Shocked.."

"Now you're okay?"


By evening, the lady I had brought was able to wake up. I got contact numbers from her and contacted her family. They reached the hospital within an hour. Soon there were a crowd. Her husband, two sons and a daughter, her father and so on.
All of them thanked me. Her name was Alka, and she worked in an advertising agency.
Deepika was watching as the people were hugging me and shaking my hands.

"You're really a good person. You got blessings from eleven persons."


I looked at her and corrected her.

"Yes. Twelve. No. Twelve and a half."

She smiled gesturing to Vinnee.
Again hers was a beautiful smile. On a beautiful face. Of a beautiful woman.

Once Alka's family was there, I was free to go. But as I had promised to Deepika, I stayed.
The doctor came again to Karthik. He checked the scanning result and was disappointed.
And he said Karthik needs to be admitted. For few days. He was awake by then.
I went out and bought some food for him. Deepika fed him as I stood outside holding Vinnee.
As soon as the sedation ended, Karthik was in pain. He was given pain killer as well as sleeping pills.
It was 8 o'clock by then and came the night staff. They said nobody are allowed inside during the night.
Deepika was shocked.
I was with her and I argued with the staff saying it's his wife and child.
But the staff said she can go to the medical wards and look for some space there, but nobody is allowed to stay with the patients under observation.
We went to the medical wards and soon found out it wasn't safe for a lady. Maybe it was safe but we both were outsiders and we didn't feel safe.

"What will do now?"

Deepika worried.

"We'll have to look for some hotel rooms."

I said.

"Hotel room? No!"

She said quickly. And stopped walking as well.

"What no? We don't have a choice."

"No. I can't."

She shook her head.
I now got her problem.

"Are you worried that I'm going to stay with you?"

She looked at me. Without saying a word, she said it all.

"Oh, come on!"

I couldn't believe it.

"Look, Deepika! I'm not a moron to jump on you at every...."

I stopped talking as I saw someone walking towards us. I waited him to walk past us.

"Look... Deepika, I'm here with you because of my sympathy. Not my lust. By renting a hotel room I meant one room for you and another room for me. Now I'll stay in one hotel and you'll stay in another one. Is that okay?"

She had a very embarrassed look on her face.


"Oh please, don't!"

"I'm sorry Krish. I'm so sorry. I've never been like this..."

She almost cried.


I said.

"Trust me first. Else you're just pissing me off."

She nodded and walked behind me. Then I thought about it. Though her response had almost pissed me off, she was correct. If she had agreed instantly to my hotel room suggestion with a smile on her face, what would I have thought about her? She was correct and indeed, had made a strong positive image about herself in my mind.
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She was struggling with the child and the bag in her both hands.

"Give me the kid. I'll hold him."

"Oh it's okay."

"Oh come on, look at you Deepika, you're gonna faint soon. You're so tired. Forget the formalities, please."

She gave in and handed me the child.

"Thank you."

I just nodded to acknowledge her and walked.

I hired a taxi and asked him to take us to a good restaurant.

"We can have food here also, can't we?"

She asked.
I looked outside. There were many small dhaabas.

"Oh these dhaabas? Please, I don't want to go there. I'm really tired, I need a big fat dinner today. Please allow me.."

I replied, looking through the mirror. I saw her smiling. It was tired, yet beautiful indeed.

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When I saw an ATM I asked the taxi driver to stop and asked her to withdraw some money. She went in, and came out dejectedly.
Something was wrong.

"What happened? This one's also not working?"

"No. It's working..."

"Then what?"

I raised my voice a bit.

"Please. Please don't be angry. I think Karthik has changed the password."

"Oh. Shit."

She looked down and stood like a student who mislaid her textbook at home. I suddenly felt kindness.

"It's okay. Did you block it?"

"No, I used it only twice."

She sounded a bit better, having done at least one thing correctly.
I laughed.

"You're looking like I'm your boss or something. Relax, Deepika."

I walked into the ATM and withdrew a couple of thousands with my card.

The taxi later stopped in front of a nice restaurant. I wanted to have a shower but I restricted myself to just washing my face. I then held both the child and her bag while she went to washroom. By the time she was back, I had ordered the food.
When she came, I got up and pulled the chair for her. She thanked me and sat down.

"I'm vegetarian."

She said.

"Oh, no! You can't be."

"What? What have you ordered?"

"Chilly chicken and butter rotty."

"Ayyo! I don't eat those stuff... No"

"No, we can't cancel our order. You'll have to eat.."

"Oh my God. We should ask them at least.."

"Come on. It's not Tamil Nadu."

She was worried. Eating chicken seemed the most heinous act in her life at that moment. She watched horrifyingly as the waiter brought the food. She glanced at each item he put on the table like it contained a live snake.

Well, the food was some paneer mssala and butter rotty. She looked at me and bit her lips.

"You liar!"

"It's a pure vegetarian restaurant, madam!"

I laughed. She smiled shyly. It was fun.

The food was awesome. We both felt our energy replenished. But she wanted to feed Vinnee as well. He was awake. I suggested she can do it in hotel room. She agreed.

"By the way, where's your shopping materials?"

"Shopping! Oh, we couldn't buy even a single item. Karthik had fallen down in the morning itself.."

"Oh, I see. Do you then have clothes to change these?"

I gestured to all of her. She looked at herself once. Her saree was a complete mess.
She shook her head sideways.

"I don't know really."

The bill had arrived. I paid it and we walked out.
There was no taxis available there. I hired an auto. I asked him to take us to a lodge.
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"A good, standard one."

I mentioned.
I saw Deepika smiling at nothing.


She looked at me.


"I saw you smiling. Share with me too..."

"No, I was thinking about you.."

"Oh really? May I know what was it about?"

"Mmm.. It was like... You're so caring. About everything.."

She lent me those black eyes for a moment to cherish.

"Oh. Is that a compliment?"

"It's a fact."

"And it's not a compliment?"

"No, I mean yes. It's a compliment and a fact. Happy?"

We both laughed together. Light moments were coming.
I saw a clothe store still open and asked the auto driver to stop.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm buying something for you."

"No. It's okay. I'll manage with these."

She tried to stop me, in vain.
I asked the auto driver to wait and took her inside the shop. It was a small shop. They were closing but relented to my request.
I chose her white churidar with orange flowers in it and an orange leggings.


"Yeah, enough!"

"Nothing else?"

She looked at me in confusion.

"Should I select your inner wears also?"

I asked in a very low voice. She was embarrassed. And her embarrassment was cute. She looked at me like I said something I shouldn't have. But I looked at her like I meant it.


She said and walked to the side where such clothes were kept. I stood near the bill counter only. She selected a pair of bra and panty before returning.
I paid the bill and she collected the packet.

"I'll pay you all the money tomorrow."

She said once we were back in the auto.

"As you like. But not for these clothes. Take it as a gift from me."

"No, no. I'll pay you."

"Oh come on... At least the churidar?"

"No, thanks."

We looked into each other's eyes. I saw the dignity of a married woman in hers. I could sense she wouldn't relent no matter how much I force her.

"Okay. It's okay."

"Sorry, if I hurt you, Krish."

She said. I felt like it came directly from her heart.

"It's okay, I told you."

The auto stopped near a big hotel. Hotel Sri Raghav. The driver said rooms will be available in that hotel.
I gave Deepika four thousand rupees.

"Okay, now you go and take any room you'd like. I'll go search another hotel."

I said.

She started to say something but paused. Then said okay and got down.

Then turned to me.

"We will see again, right?"

"Of course we will. Tomorrow, in the hospital. I want my money back, madam!"

"Oh! Yeah really! I forgot!"

She laughed at her stupidity and walked away, towards the hotel reception.
I just wanted her to gain some courage by doing things herself. I waited outside the gate as she went in.
But soon I saw Deepika walking out, in a hurry, with an even more worried face. She was thinking I might have gone. On seeing me, she relaxed a bit.

"What happened now?"

I asked.

"No rooms available."

"Oh. Very nice."

We sat back inside the auto.

"Let's try another one, bhayya."

I told the driver.

"I thought you would have left. I was worried."

She looked at me.

"How can I leave you like that? You just complimented me that I'm caring and how can I?"

She smiled at me again.

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The auto reached another hotel and we both went to the reception this time. But the result was still negative.

"Most of the hotels here will be full. You should have booked earlier. In Vadodara, you won't get rooms without booking."

The receptionist commented.

"I wanted to punch into his face. Who the hell is he to tell we won't get any rooms here?"

I said when we were back in the auto.

"Me too."

Deepika added.

I looked at the watch. It was 11.10pm.
The night was supposed to be very long.


We checked two more hotels but rooms were not available. Then the auto driver suggested he knew of a hotel which is not so good but will definitely have rooms available.
I asked him to take us there.
In twenty minutes we reached place that was a filthy mess. However, the hotel had rooms available. I asked for two single rooms.
The old man at the reception gave the keys to a boy and he lead us to the rooms. But it was really disappointing. Filthy rooms, untidy bedsheets, smelling bedbugs and leaking taps. The toilet looked like it wasn't cleaned for long.

"Fuck! No!"

I said and walked out. Deepika said nothing and followed me.
We were soon back in the auto.

"What now?"

She asked.
I rubbed my face with my hand.

"Let's try another. What else?"

I asked the auto driver not to take us to such places.
Next one was hotel Prem Sagar and luckily, it had a room. Only one room. A double room.
I asked her to take it for her.

"What will you do?"

"I'll keep searching."
She thought for a moment.

"Are you thinking about taking me in?"

I asked.

"Mmm... Yes."

"Are you gone mad? It's very dangerous... You know, just you and me in a room. Oh God, no!"

I had a playful smile on my face. She knew I was teasing her.
She pinched on my wrist.

"Come on."

"Are you sure? Think again."

"Yes. It'll have a double bed. We can split the beds and sleep, can't we?"

That was really logical. Most of the hotels do this trick. They attach two single beds to make a double bed.

"Yeah we can. But why so much risk?"

"Because I'm also caring. Learnt from you."

She smiled. It was very pleasing.

So we took the room. I paid two thousand rupees advance. I relieved the auto as well.
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Soon we were in the room. It was a spacious one. Large mirror, shelf, TV, towels, centre table, western style bathroom, hot and cold water, telephone, nice bedsheets and all. But only one problem.
The bed wasn't splittable. Actually, the bed frame was two piece, but the mattress was single piece.

"Oh shit."

I said first. And I laughed very high.

"I'll take a shower first. You split the bed. Okay?"

She looked at me helplessly.
I took some clothes from my bag and walked to bathroom. I took a grant shower and I felt really relaxing. It was a long day. Must have crossed midnight.
I wore the T-shirt and trousers from the bathroom. And I washed my shirt hung it on the hangar.
As I stepped out, Deepika was milk feeding Vinnee and I looked directly to her. She had her saree pallu removed and her blouse open, and indeed, a part of her milky white breast was visible. I saw it and she saw me seeing it.
It was a huge embarrassment for both of us.

"Oh shit! Sorry!"

I blurted and quickly looked away.
She tried to hide her open skin with her hand. She was sitting in the chair, facing me, so she couldn't turn away.

"I'm sorry, Krish!"

I heard her say. I didn't look at her.

"What sorry? I saw it."

I said.

"Yeah I know. Please forget it."

"Yeah i know I should. But I don't think I can."


"Oh come on, let's better not talk about it."


I heard her giggling.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"No, nothing.."

I was standing in front of the mirror. She finished feeding the child and got up. He seemed at sleep. She lay him on the bed. Her saree pallu fell open and I saw it again.
She had hooked her blouse back but it betrayed it's purpose of hiding her secrets. Her nicely shaped round breasts, the white and silky skin cleavage between them, and, when she got up, her stomach and it's flaps and navel. Just for a moment, and she covered it all with her pallu.
I stood watching it all and like a statue. My mouth was left open.

"Stop staring."

She said.
And I regained my consciousness.

"Oh, yeah."

"You're caring, but you're shameless also."

"That's a really, really nice compliment."

She laughed. What a beauty!
I felt like her beauty was increasing to have an effect in my mind by each passing moment.

"I have one more compliment for you."

She said.

"Oh please, please stop talking now and go take a bath. You badly need one. It's already past twelve thirty."

I pleaded.

"Yeah. Sure."

She walked off to the bathroom and returned after a quick shower. She wore the clothes I had bought her. She looked gorgeous as well as hot. The churidar was indeed made for her. It made no attempt to conceal her curves. Starting from the low cut neck with orange coloured border that highlighted her glowing skin, through the breast which were not so large but were definitely round, to the flat belly that led to the broadening hip, her curves made quite a view and I again ended up staring.

"Stop staring, Kreeesh!"

She scolded me in a funny tone.
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"You look really beautiful, Deepika."

I commented, without looking away.

"That's really, really nice to hear but you're still staring at me."

"And the churidar, it looks really great on you."

"Oh thanks, but I guess you have no plans to look away..."

"Especially orange flowers, it seems they're made for you."

"Stop trying to make me blush.."

"But you're already blushing.."

"Stop it, whatever you're doing.."

"Whatever I'm doing, you'll have to blame yourself..."


We both were standing where we were, and both were staring at each other, and we both were living it. It was fun.
We both laughed. It was a bit high, I guess, Vinnee woke up. I quickly sat down on the edge of the bed and patted on his hand, trying to put him back on sleep.
Deepika watched me a moment and came close.

"I told you I have one more compliment for you, and you know what it is?"

"You didn't tell me what it was, then how would I know?"

"That is; you'd make a good husband."

I raised my head suddenly, and looked at her eyes. She sat on the bed, and a scintillating aroma filled my nose and spread into other senses. I couldn't make out whether it was from her body or her hair which was still wet...

"I never thought that soap could be this much effective..."

She ignored my comment with a mischievous smile on her lips.

"Did you hear me?"


I didn't.

"I said you'd make a good husband."

Now I heard it and I was brought down to earth. Into reality.

"No I wouldn't, Deepika. I mean I have proved it already because I'm divorced."

I said into her eyes.
She kept looking at me as if she was trying to see something in me to catch me lying. But she couldn't. I wasn't lying. She got it.

"I'm sorry, Krish."

She said softly and looked away.

She got up silently and started wiping her hairs with towel.
Once she was done with her hair, she came back to me.

"Did i hurt you, Krish?"

"Oh come on don't be silly. She's the one hurt me, not you."

"What did she do?"

"Come on, leave it."

"Okay. Sure. But one more question. Kids?"


She stopped there. Later she said it's her loss.

"Now that's really, really a great compliment."

"I seriously said it. I envy her. And I'm angry at her."

"That's great. I'm feeling better now."

She laughed. I too did.

"You're very fun, Krish."

"And you're... You're..."

I paused and she looked at me, expecting some nice comment but I didn't say anything. She pulled on my hairs.


"You know you're actually far from what I thought when I saw you. I thought you'd be a very serious man. You know, you were like very angry.. but now you're very funny."

"No, you're wrong. I'm very serious, very very serious.."

She laughed.
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That's the moment Vinnee woke up again and this time he straightaway resorted to crying mode.

"You stop laughing please. It looks really stunning to me but it always wakes him up..."

I said.
She picked him up from the bed and tried to calm him down, only in vain.

"Okay.. Okay give him what he wants. I won't look."

"I gave him enough already."

She said.

"He's a boy, he'll never stop asking for it..."

I joked. She mocked an angry face to me. Then turned the chair away from me and sat down. I switched on the TV and Deepika immediately made a 'ssshhhh!' voice and I turned it off.
Vinnee wasn't satisfied with that solution. He kept troubling his mom. She walked, sat, swung and swayed him with her hands, sang a tune and patted on his hands; but nothing really worked.
Eventually he started crying nonstop.
Deepika looked at me helplessly. I didn't have a clue.

"What now? Shall we see any doctor?"

I thought there's some serious problem.

"No. He needs a baby bed. That's it. But I don't know how."

She meant a cradle for the kid.
I suddenly worked an idea. It was not my idea anyway. I've seen it in many homes. I took her saree and climbed onto the bed. I was planning to tie it with the ceiling fan and make a temporary baby cradle. But Deepika stopped me saying it's dangerous.

"What if the fan falls down?"

I looked at the fan. It was quite an old one. She had a valid point. The fan would fall down over the child and over us.
There was another hook on the ceiling, left vacant. But it was too high. I was sure I can't reach there.
I put the chair under it and climbed on top of it. It was still out of reach.
Vinnee was still crying and it was irritating a bit. But I managed to control myself.

"Come on, give him something. Please. I need to think."

Her face was apologetic and I felt sad for her. What a nonsense. I thought. It was almost 1.30am and we were still restless.
I looked at the ceiling, holding her saree and sat down on the chair.
She turned her head to me and tried to smile.

"I'm so sorry Krish..."

I ignored her apologies. I was still thinking how to tie the saree through the hook on the ceiling.

"Can you tie this, I mean, if I hold you up there?"

She didn't say anything. She looked up and down a couple of times. And nodded slowly.
Vinnee seemed at ease a few moments later.
Deepika lay him on the bed, very slowly, and then came to me. She didn't speak but her eyes were glued to me.
I handed her one end of the saree and asked her to stand on the chair. She held onto my shoulder for support and rose on to the chair.

"Try not to move much. Otherwise, we'll collapse. I will lift you slowly and once you put it through the hook i will put you down. But you don't try to move. Okay?"

I explained.


She nodded.
I bent down a bit and held both her knees tight onto my chest with my hands. Then lifted her up slowly. Though she felt a bit off balance, she managed to hold her body erect by grabbing on to my head. I then slowly rose on top of the chair. She didn't weigh heavy but it was a heavy job. Somehow she managed to hook the saree on the ceiling and pulled the other end down.
She said okay.
Job was done. Then I felt a bit naughty. Instead of climbing down with her weight, I slowly glided her downward, feeling my hands along her thighs first, then to her bum. I could feel the softness in my hands, and I could feel her breast pressing against my face. I instantly had a hard on. I could feel my dick swelling in the confines of my underwear.
Her body fragrance mesmerised my nose again and as I put her feet back on the chair, we came face to face.
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"You're deliberately doing this, ain't you?"

She asked.
She had a naughty smile on her lips.

"Yes, I'm."

Her smile grew even wider.

"Okay, I'm on the chair now. You can leave me."

"Yeah sure."

I said and climbed down.

"Chinna rascal!"

She pushed me away while she got down.
I tied both ends of the saree together and the baby bed was ready. She lay Vinnee inside it and swing it back and forth, slowly. In no time, he fell asleep.
I let out a sigh. And I mocked a silent clap.

But then the bigger problem arrived.
Vinnee wasn't there to be the barrier between us.
However, I was done with the struggles. I lay on the bed, occupying one edge.

"You can sleep here, Deepika."

I gestured her to the other side of the bed.
She hesitantly sat on to that edge.

"We'll just do it once, then I will let you sleep, I promise."

I said.
She knew I was teasing her. She smiled and lay on her back next to me.

"Which style do you like? Missionary?"

I pushed it further.
She looked up and kept smiling.

"Tell me, which is your favourite...."

"Stop it.."

She interrupted without looking at me.

"No, not missionary. It could be doggy style. I can see that.."

"Stop it!"

She looked at me and punched me. I laughed.

"Oh my god. What a day!"

I heard her saying.

"Yeah really."

I said and turned to her. She turned to me too.
I could now see her perfectly shaped hip. The curve from her flat belly goes up and forms a hill shape to the thighs. Her cleavage and the breasts were making quite a view as well.

"You're staring at me again..."

She bit her lips.

"I'm staring you to make you feel comfortable about it."

"Of really?"

"No, I'm just kidding. I'm staring because you're so beautiful."

She smiled.

"Don't smile like that. It's killing me."

I complained.

"You're not planning anything on me, are you?"

"Stop talking like this, you pervert!"

She scolded me. But her smile never ceased. And she kept staring me back.

"Let's switch off the lights. Otherwise we'll never sleep tonight."

I suggested.

"No, no. please."

She said quickly.
I knew why she didn't prefer darkness.

"Oh come on, the room won't go too dark."

I said and switched off the lights. Like I said, there was light coming through the window from the street. The room had sufficient lights.


I asked.


She said.

"Then goodnight, Deepika."

"Goodnight, Krish."

I turned to opposite side. I knew if I keep looking at her, I would neither sleep nor let her sleep.
Well it worked. I slept soon. We both were tired alike and I don't know who slept earlier.

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When I woke up, I felt it wasn't morning yet. But I had slept long enough to wake up. Deepika was still sleeping. But a lot of things had happened in our sleep. Deepika had her left hand and her left leg over me. She had embraced me, well, almost. We were lying so close and as I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was her face. Just a few inches away from mine. Her eyes were closed, lips very slightly open. Her facial skin had an undescribable glow that I could see very well in the morning light. Her adorable face seemed at peace.
I thought I'd wake her up if I move an inch, and I made no attempt to move. Then my eyes wandered downward and I saw her cleavage. It was a beauty. I had to close my eyes for a few moments to restraint myself. Then I looked at her face again. I felt like falling in love with her.
That's when she woke up.
And it was one of the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. I've heard a lot of things about the beauty of morning. But at that moment, I realised it; the most beautiful thing in a morning is to wake up. I saw her eyes opening slowly, and I saw each and every inch of her face waking up. It was very natural, until her eyes met mine. Then I saw a sudden change, a sense of reality, taking over her. She started to move and pull back her hand.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

I whispered. And she stopped moving back. Everything was back at me. Her eyes, her hands, her legs. And I hoped her heart too.

"It feels like a dream... Are you in my dream?"

I whispered. She smiled, slightly.
I slowly brought my right palm to her face and touched her cheek. It was so soft.

"No... It's real."

I said.
Her smile was intact. I moved my face forward and landed a quick peck on her forehead.

"You're so beautiful, Deepika..."

I whispered.
I saw her eyes growing big for once and then came back to normal. Then she pulled her hand and leg back to her. But I didn't want to let her go.


I said, and I reached out with my right arm and held her around her hand. She didn't move.



"Come closer, please..."

I was living a dream. She move closer an inch I guess, and I embraced her with my one hand. I also pulled her toward me, closer to me. I heard her heartbeats. Our chests were touching each other.
I kissed on her forehead again. She closed her eyes. She was loving it. I then brought my lips to her left eye. Then right. She then slowly moved her face upward, and I saw a smile on her lips. She was inviting me.
I tightened my hand around her and her breast were now pressing against my chest. I could feel the softness. My lips were moving along her nose, and it almost touched her lips. I doubted a second, whether I should go or not. It was morning, and having not brushed my teeth, I doubted if I would piss her off. But I also remembered the fact that she was also in the same state, and it actually excited me. I also hoped that she would find it pleasing when I do it now. It didn't took more than a couple of seconds, and before I could loss my nerve, I put my hand up to the back of her head and pulled her face to me, and kissed her.

Our lips met very softly at first, almost tentatively. I kissed her, licking and nibbling on her lower lip. I parted my lips and took her lower lip inside mine at the first go itself. It was warm. After a moment, I heard a slight moan from her and I sensed her body stiffening a bit. It was a good sign. She opened her eyes but didn't stop me. I hugged her tightly, caressing her back and I suddenly felt her arm around me. She was hugging me back.
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She was liking it.
I slowly but deliberately grew in confidence and I opened her mouth with my tongue. Then I felt her tongue touching mine. It was warmer than mine. The kiss grew even more passionate and I slowly raised my right leg over her and locked her within it, until a deep moaning groan coming into the kiss. It forced me stop and we parted.
She was still lying comfortable in my arms. We both kept looking into each other's eyes as I ran my hand up and down her back.

"You're seducing me..."

She said in a low voice.
I smiled.

"Can't help.. feels like I've fallen in love with you..."

"It's dangerous, Krish."

"But it was awesome..."

"Yeah that's why it's dangerous.."

"You know what I like in you?"

"No, tell me.."


I saw love in her eyes. They were growing bigger.

"What do you like in me?"

I asked.

"Don't ask, please. There're a lot of them."

She said and tried to turn away from me. I let her go. She got up immediately and checked Vinnee before going to bathroom.
I still had her warm taste in my lips.

What a lovely morning. I smiled at myself.

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She wore the same churidar in the morning. We skipped breakfast and went to hospital directly. On the way she said she don't want Karthik to know that we stayed in the same room. I understood it immediately. No husband could bear it.

"Yeah. I understand."

I said.

"And if possible, can you stay away in the morning?"

I looked at her confusingly.

"Actually... Karthik is...he gets doubtful too easily. If we show up together, he'd make out things no matter what we tell him..."

"Oh. That's not really a good thing about a husband."

I said.
She just kept her eyes on the road.

We reached the hospital by seven thirty. I left her alone and stayed outside. I didn't have anything to do. So I decided to see Alka. She was awake and very happy to see me again. Her husband invited me to their house and I said I'll consider it on my next visit.
After that I went to have breakfast. It was really boring. My heart tempted me to go to Deepika but my brain stopping me. But eventually I decided to go.
I went to the place and luckily the nurse allowed me to go in. She had believed me to be someone very closer to Karthik. I wondered if she had thought of me as her husband and Karthik's brother. I really liked that thought.

Inside the observation section I saw Deepika sitting next to his bed. That's the first time I saw Karthik. It was such a shame. A let down. He looked ugly. I felt he must be an angel inside to make up for his looks, otherwise he wouldn't deserve a wife like Deepika. I suddenly remembered about the previous day; when I saw Deepika crying for him. And without even speaking a word I was convinced that this man earned those tears and her love only because of his good nature and love for her. I respected him. I envied him. I smiled at him with all my heart.

"How are you feeling now, Karthik?"

He didn't smile back.

"I'm okay."

He said very seriously. Deepika turned to me but she also didn't smile. I could see she was upset.
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"Hi, did you stay here last night? You know, they didn't let me. They told me it's not allowed. And when I hired an auto, he took me to a hotel far away from here. See, all because of an accident."

I said and looked at Karthik again. He was listening.

"I'm here because of an accident I witnessed. I don't know who she is but she's safe now."

He just nodded. Deepika was looking away from me.

"Madam, I actually came to get the money that I paid for the pad yesterday.. If you have.."

I said. She now looked up.

"Oh sorry, I forgot. I have the money."

She took her bag and gave me a thousand rupees note. Same note that I had lent her. I gave six hundred rupees back.
I thanked her and immediately walked away. I knew she hadn't had breakfast. I felt bad that I made her skip it. I wanted to help her but I thought it would put her in trouble. Something wasn't right about Karthik.
I sat on the corridor and waited for Deepika. She came half an hour later, holding Vinnee and a small purse.
She was expecting me there.

"I'm hungry, Krish."

She said.

"And Karthik?"

"He too."

We started walking.

"Thanks Krish."

She said.

"For what?"

"Mmm.. For coming there and helping me with...those lies. And you're a good actor."

"What did I do?"

"He was questioning me... He was mad at me for leaving without telling him."

"But he was sedated. How was it possible to tell him?"

"He doesn't understand. He wanted me to wake him up and tell him. And he was expecting me to stay here.. but when you said what happened with you, he was convinced. And if you hadn't asked for the money, he would have doubted us.. Would have made up stories..."

"Oh really? He's such an idiot?"

She looked very surprised at my open comment. May be I was too open.

"You know, I was expecting him to be a very nice guy..."

I said.


"Because he didn't look like he deserved you. I thought there must be something special in him..."

"There's nothing special in him.. Except that he's my husband. And Vinnee's dad. But he's not all bad. He's good when he's happy."

No wife in India dismisses her husband completely, I sighed.
After the breakfast she went back to him with his food. I didn't have anything to do. So I found a salon and got my shaving done. I also received a nice massage. At lunch I was again back with Deepika. I suggested her to ask Karthik if she can leave early for some shopping, because she was running out of options with her clothes. She said she don't dare to ask that to him. I was left irritated.
But I got her call by 4 o'clock.
She said she asked, and he let her buy one saree.
I hired a taxi and picked her up soon.
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"Where are we going?"

She asked.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know."

I took her to a coffee shop and she was surprised.

"Coffee? I was expecting some shopping place."

I laughed.

"Ladies will be ladies. Shopping... Shopping..."

She pinched my hand.
We sat in a table and she was impressed with the décor of the shop.

"It's first time in my life.. Like this.. In a coffee shop with someone..."

She said biting her lips.

"How much does a coffee cost here?"

"May be a hundred."

I said.

"Oh no!"

She bit her lip again.

"Stop biting your lip, Deepika."

She was embarrassed and bit again.

"Again, you..."

"What is wrong with this?"

She mocked like frowning.

"You're reminding me of something.."

She was embarrassed even more.

"It's a coffee shop..."

"That's why I'm telling you... Stop it..."

She put her palm across her mouth. But I could hear her giggling.
After the coffee we took an auto to a clothing store. It was a big one. More options and more time. She bought a saree. I bought a churidar for her. She refused a lot but I insisted and bought it.
She was silent since we left the shop.

"What happened?"

I asked.

"Karthik doesn't like me wearing churidar."


"It's his choice. He believes married ladies should wear saree only."

How pathetic.

"But how can you wear saree now? You don't have a blouse, do you?"

"He doesn't care."

"You can tell him that this was the only option left.."

She nodded.

"That's the only option left, now."

We went to the hospital from there. She bought dinner for Karthik and I waited outside as she went to him. Once he finished his dinner and she was relieved by him, we headed straight to our hotel room. We had shower first. Though she asked for my clothes for washing, I refused. I washed it myself.

By the time I was out from the shower, she had worn the new churidar. It was same pattern in different colours; creamy coloured top with thick maroon borders at neck and sleeves, and a matching maroon leggings. Every curves and shapes remained the same to attract my stare. This time however, she was comfortable with my eyes.
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