Adultery Awakening of a Mother's Corrupt Side
Thanks and gratitude for the support and DMs  Namaskar
Time for another update my lovelies 

The LUST - The Oberoi New Delhi 

The next day Rahul visits the same mall again and picks up one of the dresses that he had really liked the previous day but it was expensive. This morning he had asked his mother under different pretexts for extra allowance so that he could buy the same dress for Priya.

In the night, Rehan shows up at 9 PM to pick Priya up in his car. He rings the doorbell and Arjun opens the door. 

"Hi", Rehan says with a big gin on his face. Arjun stares at him for a laugh and both friends break into a big hearty laugh.

"Behen ka lauda!" Arjun says with a mocking expression.

Rehan laughs "Sorry" and both laugh again. This is the laughter of youth, the careless laugh, the one that goes beyond reason, logic, and adulthood. Somewhere deep inside them, the childish humor and fantasies were still alive.

Just then Priya comes down from her bedroom, she looks at the two friends and blushes, realizing that by now Arjun might have learned everything from Rehan. Arjun stares at her and laughs "Your date is here".

She punches him playfully "Shut up"
. All three of them smiled, there was a deep sexual tension in the room.

After a while, Arjun breaks the silence and hands Priya a packet "Get ready, Priii" She takes it with a blush. 

Arjun raised eyebrows at Rehan "Oh! so now you have nicknames for her" Rehan grins "Wait till you hear the other ones".

"Shut-up"  Priya pushes Rehan and all 3 of them laugh. Priya goes up to her bedroom and opens up the package, from the first look it appears to be a normal jumper kind of dress, she wonders why Rehan would pick this one up and not some other more revealing and slutty ones. 

But once she puts the dress on she realizes why. The stretchable fabric squeezed her voluptuous mass into a lustful delight. Her boobs were prominently showing tightly perking up. the material was airtight on her waist and once she turned there was the most amazing view - The fabric was stretched over her big round ass so perfectly that she felt almost naked.

[Image: GQTJs4kXQAAL3gv?format=jpg&name=large][Image: GQTJs4zXkAAfFdv?format=jpg&name=large]

She put on some makeup and came down, smiling. Both the boys were dumbstruck at the sight of her sexy, full body in the dress. Rehan whistled, and Arjun retorted "You two behave, and don't do anything stupid"

Priya giggles "It's just a date with some dance and dinner." 
Rehan makes a sad pouting face "Really? I thought we were gonna do more than that" 

They all laugh. Arjun ogles his mother's hot body and remarks "If I were you, I would definitely do something more"

They laugh, and Priya and Rehan leaves for the Club. Rehan’s breath caught in his throat as he watched her walk towards the car. She moved with a blend of shyness and confidence, her hips swaying slightly with each step. He quickly goes to the car and opens the door for her, trying to mask his awe.


Priya is a bit shy but confident and both go to the club. When they arrived at the club, Rehan parked the car and offered his hand to help Priya out. They walked in together, drawing the attention of nearly everyone in the room. Heads turned, conversations paused, and eyes widened in appreciation and admiration. Priya’s beauty and the way she carried herself commanded attention effortlessly. If Arjun was to describe here in one word, it would be "Sexpot!"

In the club everyone is mesmerized by her beauty. Her hair was styled in loose waves, cascading down her back, and her makeup was flawless, highlighting her natural beauty. While they were seated at a table that Rehan had pre-booked, Rehan said with a voice filled with genuine admiration, “Wow, Priya, you look absolutely stunning.”

“Thank you, Rehan,” she replied, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. “You look quite handsome yourself.” After some light snacks and chitchat Rehan asks her for a dance.

They made their way to the dance floor, the music pulsing around them. Rehan led Priya into the crowd, finding a spot where they could move to the rhythm. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, mesmerized by the way the dress hugged her body. 

As they danced, Rehan’s hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer. He could feel the warmth of her body through the thin fabric, and his heart raced. Priya smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling with excitement and desire.

“You’re quite the dancer, Rehan,” she said, her voice low and sultry.

“Only because I have such an amazing partner,” he replied, his hands sliding slightly lower, resting just above her hips.

Priya leaned in closer, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, “Don’t be afraid to touch me, Rehan. I want to feel your hands on me.”

Encouraged by her words, Rehan’s hands roamed more boldly, caressing the curve of her hips and the small of her back. Priya’s body responded to his touch, moving in sync with him, her confidence and sensuality radiating with each movement.

[Image: GQTXTl6XIAAVoQq?format=jpg&name=large]

They lost themselves in the music, the heat between them growing. Other club-goers watched them, some with admiration, others with envy. Priya’s beauty and the chemistry she shared with Rehan were undeniable, creating an electric atmosphere around them.

As the night progressed, Rehan’s touch became more intimate, his hands exploring the contours of her body. Priya responded with equal fervor, her hands running through his hair, over his shoulders, and down his chest. She pressed herself closer to him, their bodies moving as one.

During a slower song, Rehan held Priya close, his lips brushing against her ear. “You’re incredible, Priya. I can’t take my eyes off you.”

Priya smiled, her breath hot against his neck. “I’m glad you like what you see. You make me feel so alive, Rehan.”

Rehan slowly took his hands on Priya's back and started to move in slow Rythm while caressing her ass. He slowly kneaded her ass, Priya moaned in a husky manner "Mmmmshhh, like it?"

"Love it. Priya Aunty, you are so fuckable"  She smiled and pressed her body into him and kept dancing.

Their connection deepened with each passing moment, the intensity of their attraction evident in every glance and touch. Priya’s boldness and confidence shone through, captivating Rehan and everyone around them. She was a vision of passion and allure, enjoying every second of their date with an abandon that was both thrilling and intoxicating.

Rehan was counting on being much more adventurous as the night progressed but some boys created a brawl after getting drunk and cops came and had to shut the place for the night.

By the time they left the club at 1 a.m., they were both breathless and exhilarated, the promise of more adventures hanging in the air between them. Priya’s hand was firmly in Rehan’s as they walked back to the car, their eyes locking with a shared understanding of the exciting journey that lay ahead.

As Rehan and Priya walked towards the parking lot, the cool night air did little to cool the heat between them. They were still buzzing from the excitement of the club, their hands entwined. Just as they were nearing the car, a group of guys approached, their eyes widening as they took in Priya’s stunning appearance.

“Wow, look at her! She’s smoking hot!” one of the guys said, his eyes lingering on Priya’s figure.

Another one whistled appreciatively. “Hey gorgeous, you’re the sexiest woman we’ve seen tonight!”

Priya, instead of feeling uncomfortable, smiled confidently. She turned to Rehan, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Looks like we have some admirers,” she said, her voice low and sultry.

Rehan grinned, enjoying the moment. “Seems like it. What do you think, Priya? Should we give them a little show? Thoda satao, thoda tadpao” 

Priya’s laughed at Rehan's comment, her laughter was light and carefree. She turned to the group of guys, her posture bold and inviting. “What do you boys think? How much do you appreciate a beautiful woman?”

The guys exchanged surprised and excited glances. “We appreciate you a lot, miss. You’re a goddess Sex goddess!” one of them exclaimed.

Another one said "Saali dekh ke hi chudakkad lag rahi hai"

"Chutad dekh! Aaj to bhai ki aish kar degi ye" THe drunk boys made some lewd remarks.

Priya stepped closer to Rehan, her eyes never leaving the group. “Well, appreciation is nice, but actions speak louder than words, don’t you think?” She looked up at Rehan with a daring look. “What do you want them to do, Rehan?”

Rehan’s grin widened. “How about a round of compliments? Let’s see how creative they can get. And after that up to you”

The guys eagerly agreed, their voices overlapping as they showered Priya with compliments. “You’re stunning!” “That dress is incredible on you!” “Ye boobs kahan se laayi ho!”

Priya soaked it all in, her confidence growing with each word. She leaned closer to Rehan, her lips brushing his ear. “This is fun,” she whispered. “You want to join them?"

Rehan grinned as the group came a little closer "Mere dost ki maa hai, chikni hai na?"

"Arrey bhai, katayi zeher hai, chodo to moksha mil jaaye" said one. Another one added "Ek raat ke liye de de yaar"
"Dost ki to kya, meri apni maa aisi hoti to kabhi ka chodd deta"

Rehan grinned "Haha! Thank you, but it's my turn to fuck her. Ghar le jake pelta hun aaj ise"

Priya's panties were soaking wet with this cheap thrill. She was loving every moment of the sleazy commentary on her. She was afraid that it might go a bit out of hand given that they were drunk. She pulled Rehan from his arm, and gave him a look of seriousness. “I think we should leave.” Rehan got the cue and they started walking to their car.

From behind they kept making comments "Bhai chudwane ko mari ja rahi hai",  "fuck her in the ass", "call me if you need help"

Rehan smiled looking at Priya “You are absolutely the hottest, Priya. Everyone saw it. You know, if you want you can rule the world.”

Priya’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “It felt amazing. The way people looked at me, the way you touched me... it’s like I was the center of the universe.”

“You were,” Rehan said, his voice filled with sincerity. “And you still are. I love seeing you like this, so bold and confident.”

Priya leaned in closer, her lips brushing against his. “I love feeling like this. And I love that you’re here to enjoy it with me.”

Rehan "Bas! stop now, else I might bang you" Priya giggled and teased "Pel doge?" 

Rehan: "Like a bitch" Priya giggled and made puppy sounds "wuff wuff" 

Rehan came close held her by her waist and pulled her to his body, and put his lips on hers. Priya was already hot, she opened her pink luscious lips and took hip lips in... They were kissing softly... rubbing their lips into each other. Rehan was kneading her ass, and Pria thrust her pelvis forward into him. She was wet, so wet and excited... She felt like she might orgasm and inserted her tongue into his mouth. After a bit of initial shock, Rehan started to kiss her wildly, he put his saliva in her mouth. ravaged her mouth with her tongue... 

Priya held him tightly by his shoulders and dug her nails in... She was breathing hard and pushed her pelvis into him... He pulled her hard from her all and too dry humped her in that parking lot, next to their car. Their grunts were getting a bit loud... And with one hard, hoarse moan, Priya orgasmed... In that parking lot, standing, clinging to her son's best friend. For a second she felt shame!!

"Saali randi, ghar tak to chali jaati (Bloddy whore couldn't wait to reach home)"  shouted one of the guards from a distance.

Priya giggled, all shame washed away and she laughed, another one of her hearty laughs, a laugh of freedom.

Rehan took her hand and started leading her to the car. “Ready to go, my confident goddess?”

“Absolutely,” Priya said, her eyes shining. 

As they drove off, the excitement of the night lingered, the promise of more bold and thrilling moments hanging in the air between them. Priya’s boldness and exhibitionism brought a new dimension to their relationship, one filled with passion, confidence, and a shared sense of adventure. 

Priya looked at her Phone, it was 2.00 a.m. There were 4 missed calls from Arjun and 6 from her husband. She smiled to herself "Priya! you are such a Randi"

To be continued....
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RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by sri7869 - 12-06-2024, 04:03 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by rp7575 - 13-06-2024, 09:50 AM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Kgngff - 13-06-2024, 12:21 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Kgngff - 14-06-2024, 05:59 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by 160450 - 16-06-2024, 12:58 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by xbiilove - 16-06-2024, 04:06 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by raj1593 - 17-06-2024, 12:40 AM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Aragon - 17-06-2024, 09:11 AM
RE: Awakening of a Mother's Corrupt Side - by bikiniking - 18-06-2024, 02:07 AM

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