Adultery Awakening of a Mother's Corrupt Side
That evening, Rehan lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. The events of the day played over in his mind, and he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He knew he needed to talk to Arjun, to clear the air before things went any further. With a deep breath, he picked up his phone and started typing. 

Rehan: "Hey Arjun, you still awake?"

A few moments later, his phone buzzed with a reply.

Arjun: "Yeah, what's up?"

Rehan: "I need to talk to you about something. It's kind of important."

Arjun: "Okay... What's going on? Kise pregnant kar diya" Arjun knew Rehan is a womanizer and most of his troubles were always about girls.

Rehan hesitated for a moment before continuing. 

Rehan: "So, you know how I’ve been coming over a lot lately, right?"

Arjun: "Yeah, we’ve been studying a lot. What about it?"

Rehan: "Well, it’s not just that. I’ve gotten to know your mom pretty well too. She’s an amazing person."

There was a pause before Arjun replied. His heart sank, "Why the fuck is he talking about my mom? Maybe just maybe he and mom.... Nah, I can't be". While this turmoil was in his head he decided to check with Rehan.

Arjun: "Yeah, she is. But why are you bringing this up?"

Rehan: "I’ve been thinking a lot, and I really like her, Arjun. I mean, I like her as more than just your mom. I was wondering how you’d feel if I asked her out."

Arjun: "WTF Behen ke laude, chutiya ho gaya hai. She is my mom. This is going too far, you idiot" Arjun was shaking with anger, his mom and his best friend. No this can't be right! But maybe just maybe it is Rehan, Priya has nothing to do with it. He was just thinking when his phone buzzed again.

Rehan: "I know, and that's why I wanted to talk to you first. I respect you, and I wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt our friendship. But she's incredible, and I think she deserves someone who appreciates her. Dekha yaar end of day mummy bhi to aurat hi hai" 

Arjun: "It’s just weird, man. You’re my best friend" It was weird, Arjun decided to call him Rehan. At first, he was shouting and abusing, and then Rehan's composure and eagerness made him a bit calm.

Rehan: "I get it. It’s a lot to take in. But think about it—your mom is amazing. She deserves to be happy and appreciated. And I really care about her. I’d treat her with the respect she deserves." 

Another pause. Rehan could almost feel Arjun wrestling with the idea.

Arjun: "I don’t know... It’s just so unexpected. And what fucking respect, I know how you respect girls. You fucker! You are a sex addict and now you want my mom"

Rehan: "I get that. But think about how happy she could be. She’s such a great person, and she deserves to be with someone who sees that. And I promise, I’d never do anything to hurt her or make things weird for you. Plus she too wants it. Dekh, we can do it without asking you, we are just respecting you on this."

Arjun: "This is just so strange. I mean, I trust you, but it’s still weird."

Rehan: "I understand, Arjun. It’s a big deal. But I just want you to know that my feelings for her are genuine. And I wanted to make sure you were okay with it before I did anything."

There was another long pause before Arjun finally replied. He was wrestling with the idea. He knew how unhappy his mother was in her marriage, he knew that she deserved someone better. And even, he knew that sometimes she seeks male attention. But this is different. Rehan is not going to date her, he will fuck her. Fuck his mom, a loving and caring mom, but Rehan always ducks them so well. He is the casanova of the college. For a moment he could picture his mom in missionary with Rehan fucking her with his 8-inch cock he is so proud of.  He got a weird hard-on. More than anger or betrayal, this time it was excitement. He started imagining these visuals he had only seen in porn

[Image: 1275550c039049116e299cfa8318ff8e.27.jpg]

Deep inside, the dark animal instincts started taking over. His mom and Rehan, she so fair, and he... such a brute sometimes. They will make a good pair. He was wondering what if she was not his mother, would he not feel the same for her, a deep desire to own and fuck her voluptuous body. His cock was hard, really hard. In that state of arousal, he made a decision.

"I guess... if it makes her happy, and you’re serious about this, I won’t stand in the way. She deserves to be happy."

Rehan felt a wave of relief wash over him.

Rehan: "Thanks, Arjun. That means a lot. I promise I’ll treat her right."

Arjun:" You better. And don’t make things weird, okay?"

Rehan: "I won’t. I promise. Thanks, man. You’re a good friend."

Arjun: "Yeah, yeah. Just... be careful. And make sure she’s happy."

Rehan: "I will make her real happy, you know what I mean" Rehan tried to make things lighter.

Arjun: "I know, rascal"

Rehan: "You know I am gonna fuck her so bad, you might get a new baby brother or sister"

Arjun laughed but deep inside he knew, and the thought of his loving mother impregnated by his '. friend's seed was something that was too much for him. A new kind of kink started to take over. A kink to see his mother being fucked, fucked like she is meant to be.

Rehan "Kuch bol na, Chutiye"

Arjun used the lines from the famous sitcom Friends "My best friend and my mother"  Both started laughing.

[Image: a05f9b9dbcc0225ac95492da1f70b192.jpg]

Rehan put down his phone, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. He knew this was just the beginning, but having Arjun's hesitant blessing made him feel more confident about pursuing his feelings for Priya.
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RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by sri7869 - 12-06-2024, 04:03 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by rp7575 - 13-06-2024, 09:50 AM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Kgngff - 13-06-2024, 12:21 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by bikiniking - 14-06-2024, 05:06 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Kgngff - 14-06-2024, 05:59 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by 160450 - 16-06-2024, 12:58 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by xbiilove - 16-06-2024, 04:06 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by raj1593 - 17-06-2024, 12:40 AM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Aragon - 17-06-2024, 09:11 AM

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