Adultery Awakening of a Mother's Corrupt Side
Time for next update (lol, I better focus on my Job) 

[Image: Sakshi-Agarwal-Hot-in-Black-Saree_11-918x1024.jpg]

The afternoon sun hung high in the sky as Rehan made his way to Arjun’s house after their last exam. His heart thumped in anticipation, replaying the flirty messages from Priya in his mind. As he approached the front door, he took a deep breath and rang the bell.

Priya opened the door, and Rehan’s breath caught in his throat. She was wearing a stunning black saree, the fabric sheer enough to hint at the curves underneath. The delicate dbanging and intricate patterns accentuated her figure, making her look even more mesmerizing than usual.

“Hi, Rehan,” Priya greeted him with a warm smile. “Come on in. Arjun’s in his room.”

“Hi, Aunty,” Rehan managed, his eyes lingering on her longer than he intended. “You look... wow, you look amazing.” 

He looked at the clear cleavage Priya's blouse was offering. They were not good boobs, they were GREAT boobs. Milky white, big and firm. Clear white skin. He kept ogling for a few moments.

Priya’s smile widened, pleased by his reaction. “Thank you, Rehan. You’re too sweet. What's the plan now that the last exam is over?”

“Really excited,” he replied, a playful tone in his voice. “I think I would've done better had I not been distracted by you”

Priya "Now what did I do"

Rehan "Dress like a goddess"

Priya laughed lightly, a twinkle in her eye. “Maybe just a little. It’s nice to dress up sometimes, don’t you think?”

“Definitely,” Rehan said, his eyes meeting hers. “You should dress up more often. It suits you. Priya Aunty se Priiiii the Chikni ho jaati ho”

Priya tilted her head slightly, enjoying the attention. “Well, I’m glad you like it. Actually, I was thinking of going out for some shopping later. Would you mind helping me? Arjun said he wants to sleep in the evening”

Rehan’s heart skipped a beat. “I’d love to help. What do you need to shop for?”

Priya: “Oh, just a few things. Some new clothes, maybe some accessories. It’s always nice to have a second opinion. Someone with a good eye,” she said, her voice low and inviting. 

Rehan: "What's good about my eye?"

Priya: "The way you look at me, I will say you have a good eye" She teased the 22 year old a bit.

“I think I can manage that,” Rehan said, his voice equally low. “Anything for you, Priiii.”

“Great,” Priya replied, her gaze lingering on him for a moment longer. “Why don’t you go and see Arjun first? We can head out after.”

For a moment she felt like he is not interested. She kept looking at his face, Rehan was a bit embarrassed, confused about whether to look at her face or her cleavage. He finally realized she is waiting for an answer. 

“Sure thing,” Rehan said, reluctantly tearing his eyes away from her. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

He made his way to Arjun’s room, trying to steady his racing heart. Arjun greeted him with a grin, oblivious to the charged atmosphere between Rehan and Priya.

“Hey, man! Ready for some more Playstation?” Arjun asked.

“Yeah, let’s do it,” Rehan said, though his mind was already on the shopping trip he’d be taking with Priya. In his head,  Rehan was just thinking "This idiot has no idea how hot his mom is. Saali jitni maal hai, ladka utna hi Chutiya"

As the boys played FIFA, Priya busied herself around the house, occasionally crossing paths with Rehan and exchanging lingering glances. Each time, Rehan’s resolve grew stronger. 

After an hour, Priya knocked on Arjun’s door. “Arjun, I’m heading out for a bit. Rehan’s going to help me with some shopping. You’ll be okay here?”

“Yeah, Mom, that’s fine,” Arjun replied, absorbed in his game. “Have fun.”

Rehan said grinning "With your mom, of course she is hot" 

Arjun playfully punched him... "Be careful mom"

Priya smiled. “Thanks, sweetheart. Ready, Rehan?”

“Ready,” Rehan said, standing up and following her out. As they walked to her car, he couldn’t help but admire how the saree moved with her, the fabric clinging to her curves. Priya had tied her saree a bit lower than usual and knowing that someone was watching her, she walked with extra sexiness. She looked back and noticed Rehan ogling her ass.

Priya glanced at him, catching his gaze. “Like what you see?”

Rehan blushed slightly but held her gaze. “Very much. You look stunning, Priiii.”

"But you are not looking at me"

Rehan looked her in the eyes and said with a whisper "Well it look stunning" and pointed to her ass.

Priya blushed, she knew that this is going beyond her control. She has started enjoying the flirting and showing off herself to his son's childhood friend. 

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” she teased, unlocking the car. “Hop in.”

Rehan was in the complete mood to flirt "Without lube?"

Priya giggled and punched him "I meant hop in THE CAR, Chalo baitho"

As they drove to the shopping district, the air between them was charged with unspoken tension. Priya parked the car and turned to Rehan, her eyes sparkling.

“Let’s have some fun, shall we?”

Rehan grinned. “Absolutely.”

They walked through the bustling marketplace, Priya occasionally brushing against Rehan as they moved through the crowd. They entered a boutique, and Priya began picking out various outfits, holding them up for Rehan’s opinion.

“What do you think of this?” she asked, holding up a sleek red dress.

“I think you’d look amazing in it,” Rehan said, his voice husky.

“Let’s see,” Priya said, disappearing into the dressing room. A few minutes later, she emerged, the dress hugging her figure perfectly.

“Wow,” Rehan breathed. “You look incredible.”

[Image: 61ACAt+oM1L._AC_UY1000_.jpg][Image: 61SRNBcwt4L._AC_SY606_.jpg]

Priya twirled, letting the dress flare out slightly. “You really think so?”

“I know so,” Rehan said, stepping closer. “You’re Sexy, and this shows the right amount of cleavage” He came close to the changing room and whispered "Other men are also looking at you"

Priya blushed, enjoying the attention. “Well, I only care about one person’s opinion right now,” she said, her voice soft.

“And he thinks you’re perfect,” Rehan said, his eyes locking onto hers.

Priya held his gaze for a moment before smiling. “Let’s try a few more things. I want to make sure I look my best.”

As they continued shopping, the playful flirting and lingering touches grew bolder. Priya enjoyed teasing Rehan, and Rehan relished the attention. The shopping trip turned into a series of intimate moments, each one pushing the boundaries a little further.

By the time they returned to the car, Priya had a few new outfits and a shared secret with Rehan. A secret that she is not going to tell her son, that she is getting aroused by the company of his friend, that she is getting wet in her panty, and that she wished for Rehan to grope her in the elevator. She will go home and play the role of a perfect mother.

They drove back in comfortable silence, both savoring the thrill of their afternoon together.

“Thank you for coming with me, Rehan,” Priya said as they pulled into the driveway.

“Anytime, Priiii,” Rehan replied, his eyes lingering on hers. “I had a great time.”

“Me too,” Priya said softly. “Let’s do this again sometime.”

“I’d love that, your body in those tight dresses and making the final decision. Well, I can do it every day” Rehan said, smiling.

Priya grinned and realized that everything Reham said is correct. Why would a man not be with her, want her, or lust for her. She is hot and she knows it.

They stepped out of the car, and Priya brushed a hand against his arm. “See you soon, Rehan.”

“See you, Priii,” Rehan said, watching as she walked back into the house, her saree flowing elegantly behind her. He stood there for a moment, replaying the day in his mind before heading home, already looking forward to their next encounter.
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RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by sri7869 - 12-06-2024, 04:03 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by bikiniking - 13-06-2024, 12:51 AM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by rp7575 - 13-06-2024, 09:50 AM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Kgngff - 13-06-2024, 12:21 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Kgngff - 14-06-2024, 05:59 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by 160450 - 16-06-2024, 12:58 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by xbiilove - 16-06-2024, 04:06 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by raj1593 - 17-06-2024, 12:40 AM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Aragon - 17-06-2024, 09:11 AM

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