Adultery Awakening of a Mother's Corrupt Side
Later that night Rehan lay on his bed, replaying the day's events in his mind. He couldn't shake the image of Priya's warm smile and radiant presence. Her sexy ass swaying in front of him and the nonchalant free flowing nature. After a few minutes of contemplation, he grabbed his phone and typed out a message, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Rehan: Hi, Aunty. Just wanted to say thank you for the smoothie today. It was great!

A few moments later, his phone buzzed with a response. His heart was beating hard, 150 beats per minute.

Priya: Hi Rehan! You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it. How's the exam prep going?

Rehan: It's going okay. Arjun is a great study partner. But honestly, At this moment I can't stop thinking about how you manage to stay so fit and healthy. You look amazing for your age! Matlab aap jaisa to koi dekha hi nahi kabhi. 

Priya smiled as she read the message, enjoying the compliment.

Priya: Thank you, Rehan! That's very kind of you to say. I work hard to stay in shape.

Rehan:  Well, whatever you're doing, it’s definitely working. You’re really pretty, Mrs. Mehra. I hope you don’t mind me saying that.

Priya: I don’t mind at all, Rehan. It’s always nice to hear a compliment. And ye Mrs. Mehra sahi nahi lagta just call me Aunty or My name is Priya, but you can call me Priiii... :D 

Rehan: Okay, Priii Aunty :*  I really admire how dedicated you are to your yoga and fitness. It’s inspiring.

Priya: It’s something I’m very passionate about. But aaj zyada hi tareefein nahi kar rahe ho tum? Sab theek hai na?

Rehan thought to himself if only everything was 'theek'. He had already masturbated twice on her facebook profile pic.

Rehan: Well you always look so graceful and calm.

Priya felt a warm glow from the attention. She appreciated the youthful admiration and decided to play along a little.

Priya: You’re very sweet, Rehan. It’s nice to be appreciated. And it’s great to have someone notice the effort I put into staying fit. But 'graceful' and 'calm' kuch zyada hi dull nahi ho gaya? Ab buddhi bhi nahi hun main :D Big Grin/i]

Rehan:[i] Noted my lady. You deserve all the praise, Priiii.... You’re probably the fittest and hottest mom I know. You could easily be a filmstar.

Priya: That’s very flattering, Rehan. I think you’re making me blush! Smile

Rehan: Well, it’s the truth. You should hear it more often... Priiii

Priya: Thank you, Rehan. Keep up the good work with your studies, and remember, if you ever want to join my yoga class, the invitation is always open.

Rehan: I might just take you up on that. It would be great to learn from the best. Thanks again, Aunty. Have a good night!

Priya:  You too, Rehan!

Rehan put his phone down, feeling a rush of excitement. He had never felt this way before, and the attention from Priya made his heart race.  Meanwhile, Priya felt a small thrill from the exchange, appreciating the youthful admiration and the validation of her efforts. It was a harmless indulgence, she told herself, and it brought a bit of lightness to her evening.

The next morning, Rehan was still basking in the glow of his conversation with Priya when his phone buzzed with a new message. He was surprised to see Priya’s name on the screen.

Priya: Good morning, Rehan! All the best for the exam.

Rehan felt a flutter of excitement as he read the message.

Rehan: Good morning, Aunty! Will rock it for you...

Priya: That’s good to hear. You boys are working hard. Smile

Rehan: Trying our best!

There was a pause before the next message came through, and Rehan felt his heart rate pick up.

Priya: I was thinking about our conversation last night. It’s nice to have someone appreciate the effort I put into staying fit. Makes me feel good. Aaj kuch zyada hi exercise bhi kar li josh johs me. My legs are hurting!

Rehan: You deserve the appreciation, Anunty. You’re amazing at what you do, and it shows.

Priya: Where does it show you, silly charmer? Smile

Rehan: Just being honest. You really do look incredible - EVERYWHERE 

Priya: You know, compliments like that are always welcome. Especially coming from someone as handsome and respectful as you.

Rehan's heart raced at the unexpected turn in the conversation.

Rehan: Wow, thank you, Aunty. That means a lot coming from my Priiiiiii Aunty

Priya: It’s true. You’re a very attractive young man. And it’s nice to know you think so highly of me. ;)

Rehan: I do, Aunty. You’re stunning, and not just for your age. You’re just... beautiful and god so sexy! Aap t hardly 30 years ki lagti ho

Priya: Sexy? Kuch lines cross nahi ho rahi? 

She just teased him a bit. She loved being called sexy by a 22 year old stud.

Rehan: You are special, Aunty. More than you know. Boys know it... you are one hell of a sexy woman! 

Priya smiled at the screen, feeling a mix of excitement and validation. She decided to push the boundaries a little more, enjoying the attention.

Priya: You know, if you ever need a break from studying, you’re always welcome to come over. Maybe we can have another chat... or something. ;)

Rehan: I’d like that. A lot of 'something'

Priya: Haha silly, just teasing you. 

Rehan: I know! Sexy! 

Priya: Flattery will get you everywhere, young man. ;)

Rehan: Is that so? Then I guess I’ll have to keep it up.

Priya: I wouldn’t mind that at all. You know, it’s nice to feel desired... even if just a little.

Rehan: You are, Aunty. By more people than you probably realize. Apne college friends me to everyone is just so crazy about you. Sabki fantasy woman aap hi ho.

Priya: Well, your attention is very flattering. Makes me feel a bit... naughty. ;)

Rehan's breath caught in his throat as he read the message. He knew this was crossing a line, but he couldn’t help himself.

Rehan: I like making you feel that way. You deserve to feel special and... desired and naughty :* (this is the 2nd time he is using the kiss emoji)

Priya: And you’re very good at it. Maybe we should keep this our little secret. What do you think?

Rehan: I think that sounds perfect, Priiii. Our little secret.

Priya: I like that. Looking forward to our next chat, Rehan. Just don't tell Arjun, I don't want him to make a big deal out of it. It's just light weight fun

Rehan was shouting inside - I will let him know that her pious mom is fucking sexting with me. And once I fuck you, I will make him watch and lick my cum from your pussy. You just wait Chikni.

Rehan: I won’t be. Have a great day, Priya. Can’t wait to talk again.

Priya: You too, Rehan. Take care my Chikni :* 
Rehan put down his phone, his mind racing with excitement and anticipation. Priya's messages left him feeling a mix of thrill and curiosity. For Priya, the exchange was a welcome diversion from her routine, adding a bit of excitement to her day. Both knew the boundaries they were pushing, but for now, it was a secret they both enjoyed keeping.

[Image: woman-with-phone.jpg]
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RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by sri7869 - 12-06-2024, 04:03 PM
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RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Aragon - 17-06-2024, 09:11 AM

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