Adultery Awakening of a Mother's Corrupt Side
Hi friends, I've been a secret admirer of the forum for a very long time, but trying out my first story today. First time writer so please do share feedback and be supportive  Shy

This is going to be a tale of the slow burn of a son witnessing the dark side of his mother. Mostly English, but will be using some Hindi conversations for effect. 

The Beginning - Chikna Maal

The morning sun filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a golden glow across the room. Arjun, a lanky twenty-year-old boy with tousled hair and a curiosity for life, stretched lazily on his bed, feeling the warmth of the new day seep into his bones. He lived in a posh neighborhood in New Delhi, a bustling metropolis where tradition and modernity coexisted in an intricate dance.

Their home, a spacious apartment adorned with elegant decor and splashes of vibrant colors, was a sanctuary amidst the city's chaotic rhythm. The walls were lined with paintings and artifacts collected from their travels, a testament to their love for art and culture.

Arjun's father, Rajesh, was already up and buried in his work. He was a dedicated man, often lost in the labyrinth of business deals and corporate meetings. His relentless drive had earned him a respected position in the corporate world, but it also meant he was often absent, both physically and emotionally. The sound of his rapid typing on the laptop was a constant background score to their mornings.

In contrast, Arjun's mother, Priya, was the embodiment of vitality and grace. At forty-two, she exuded a youthful energy that was both inspiring and magnetic. As a renowned yoga instructor, she was a beacon of health and tranquility. Her daily routine began with a series of sun salutations on their balcony, overlooking a meticulously maintained garden. The morning light accentuated her toned physique and serene expression, making her seem almost ethereal.

Priya's beauty was not just in her appearance, though she was undeniably striking with her almond-shaped eyes, radiant skin, and long, flowing hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall of silk. It was her aura of calm confidence and inner peace that truly set her apart. She moved with a fluid grace, her every motion a testament to years of disciplined practice and a deep connection to her inner self.

Arjun admired his mother immensely. He often found himself mesmerized by the way she could transform a simple yoga session into a profound experience of mindfulness and balance. Her presence had a way of grounding him, reminding him of the importance of staying centered amidst life's unpredictability.

This particular morning, as Arjun watched Priya move through her yoga poses, he felt a sense of pride and wonder. She was more than just his mother; she was a symbol of strength and serenity in their lives. Even in the absence of his father's attention, Priya's unwavering support and boundless love filled their home with warmth and stability.

As Arjun prepared for another day at College, he couldn't help but reflect on the duality of his world. The fast-paced, ambitious drive of his father contrasted sharply with the mindful, peaceful existence his mother embodied. It was a balance he was still learning to navigate, but with Priya's guidance, he felt equipped to find his own path.

Arjun sat at the dining table, flipping through his math textbook, when the doorbell rang. He glanced up, knowing it could only be one person.

"Hey, Rehan!" Arjun greeted his best friend as he swung the door open.

"Hey, man! Ready for some serious study time?" Rehan replied, a mischievous glint in his eye. He was tall and athletic, with a charm that made him popular among their classmates.

"Yeah, come on in," Arjun said, leading Rehan to the living room. As they walked in, Priya emerged from the kitchen, carrying a tray with freshly made smoothies.

"Hi, Rehan," Priya greeted warmly. "It's nice to see you again."

Rehan's eyes widened slightly as he took in Priya's appearance. She was dressed in her usual yoga attire, which accentuated her toned figure. Her long hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail, and her skin glowed with health and vitality.

"Hello Priya Aunty," Rehan said, trying to keep his voice steady. "You look... I mean, it's nice to see you too."

Priya laughed lightly, catching the hint of admiration in his eyes. "Thank you, Rehan. Would you like a smoothie? I just made them."

"Sure, that would be great," Rehan replied, accepting the glass from her. "You always make the best smoothies."

"Well, thank you," Priya said, smiling as she took a seat at the table with them. "So, what are you boys studying today?"

"Math," Arjun replied, rolling his eyes. "We have mid sems coming up."

"Math can be challenging, but I'm sure you both will do great," Priya encouraged. "Just stay focused."

Rehan nodded, but his eyes lingered on Priya for a moment longer. "If only maths is as interesting as you are?"

"Haha," Priya replied, pleased by his comment. "Maybe it's the yoga. It's a great way to stay fit and balanced. Have you ever tried it?"

"A little bit," Rehan admitted. "But I'm not very flexible." He was getting a bit carried away.

"It takes time and practice," Priya said, her eyes twinkling. "If you ever want to join one of my classes, you're more than welcome."

"Really?" Rehan's face lit up. "I'd love to. Maybe I could learn a few things. Kehte hain na - Yoga se hoga" he grinned.

"I'm sure you would," Priya said with a playful smile. "Yoga is not just about flexibility; it's about finding inner peace and strength."

"Well, you definitely seem to have mastered it," Rehan said, a touch of admiration in his voice.

Arjun watched the exchange, a bit amused. He knew his mother enjoyed the harmless attention. She was always friendly and engaging, and it was clear she appreciated the light-hearted conversation.

"Alright, Rehan, enough flirting with my mom," Arjun teased, breaking the moment. "We've got math problems to solve."

Rehan laughed, slightly embarrassed. "Sorry, Arjun. I just got distracted. Aunty hain hi aisi personality ki man behek jata hai. Hope you don't mind Aunty, main kabhi kabhi zyada bol jata hun"

"It's fine," Priya said, standing up. "I'll leave you boys to your studies. If you need anything, just let me know."

As she walked away, Rehan couldn't help but watch her with a hint of admiration, ogling her wide and fit ass in her saree. Arjun nudged him, bringing his attention back to the books.

"Dude, seriously," Arjun said, shaking his head. "Focus."

"Sorry, man," Rehan said, grinning. "Your mom's just really cool."

Arjun "Bhosdike Cool to mujhe bol raha hai, college me kuch aur word hi use karega"

Rehan "Maal, Chiknna maal"

Arjun chuckled. "Yeah, she is. But right now, we've got math to conquer." He too felt a bit odd and excited saying that her mom is a 'Chikna maal'

With that, the two friends settled into their studies, though Rehan couldn't quite shake the image of Priya's radiant smile from his mind.

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RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by sri7869 - 12-06-2024, 04:03 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by rp7575 - 13-06-2024, 09:50 AM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Kgngff - 13-06-2024, 12:21 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Kgngff - 14-06-2024, 05:59 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by 160450 - 16-06-2024, 12:58 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by xbiilove - 16-06-2024, 04:06 PM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by raj1593 - 17-06-2024, 12:40 AM
RE: Awakening my Mom's corrupt side - by Aragon - 17-06-2024, 09:11 AM
Awakening the corrupt side of my mother - by bikiniking - 11-06-2024, 11:32 PM

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