Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
After round two we went downstairs to fix a little something to eat. She wore one of my t-shirts and it was just short enough for me to see a little bit of that beautiful bottom the whole way back up the stairs.
"Like what you see?"
"Oh, yes, very much!"..............

It was hours before we finally slept. True to her word, I didn't have a drop left to give.

In the morning I woke and watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful and I worried if when she awoke she would regret our decision. I'd loved her as a friend for a decade. My heart was aching for her now, but my feelings for her were entangled with my feelings for the two cheaters. I knew I was confused, but I'm a man, and sex cures everything. It doesn't work that way for women. I was hoping that she'd wake up smiling. I didn't need to worry so much. She did.

"How long have you been staring at me?"

"About a decade, but I tried not to get caught."

She smiled. "I mean this morning."

"About 20 minutes. You're beautiful when you sleep and I feel at peace just watching you."

"After you fell asleep last night I did some more thinking. Do they want a divorce? Let's give them what they want! Why should we fight them? If that's what they want, and if they've been fucking behind our backs for a year, let's give them their divorce today and not wait."

OK, now I was confused.

She placed her hand on my chest. "Henry, I don't want to crowd you or make you feel trapped; but here is what I want to do, and you can think about it for as long as you need." She hesitated to gather her thoughts. "I want to move out of my house today and move in here with you. They want to live together, let them live together starting now. I'll give you a monogamous girlfriend until the divorces are final. Then, you are free to reconsider. No holds, no claims, no regrets. We help each other get through this together, I fuck you into early senility, and then if we want to go the separate ways we can."

I thought about it. Yeah, right! I thought about it for about a half second. "I'd have to be senile already to turn down an offer like that." She was laughing.

 "There is just one catch and you have to promise me something."

"OK, what is it?"

"If you move in, you owe me just one thing and that's the truth."

"OK, what is it?"

I had to laugh. "I just told you. It's the truth. You have to be 100% truthful with me. You don't owe me sex if you're not in the mood. If I annoy you, you have to tell me. If you're not getting enough attention, or if I'm giving you too much attention, you have to tell me. Most of all, if I tell you the same joke more than twice, you have to tell me!"

Now she was really laughing. "So you mean like a real marriage? You have a deal!" She was looking at me with real affection in her eyes.

 "Now, here's the first bit of truth and I'm not sure how you're going to take it, but you asked for the truth and I'm telling you."

"OK, I can take it."

"I like morning wood." She was playing coy. "Call me crazy, but I like getting fucked in the morning. It makes the whole day better."

stay tuned.............
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Smita n Janki

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