Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
"Damn Pilar, you look like shit. The next time you use a hall pass you better make sure your lover has one too!" He knew he was being petty but it made him feel better and he just didn't care. At any rate, his number one emotion is still anger.

She croaked out, "I'm sorry" in a barely audible voice.

"Yes, you are. Listen Pilar I don't want to be here any longer than I have to. As soon as you are out of ICU I am having you served for divorce. I'd do it sooner, but the hospital won't allow it. I'll have the kids come by, they are anxious to see you. Right now I am too busy thinking about how to avoid financial ruin to worry about your health. Somehow I'll figure it out though.

"You know thanks to you, Suzanne won't be able to go to USC now because of all the damn hospital bills. You did this Pilar. You destroyed your marriage and the financial security of your family. So no, I don't feel one bit sorry for you, so fuck you!"

"Couldn't you be a little more understanding Nevada? I'm hurting and I'm sorry and I want to find a way to put our marriage back together. I love you." She could only speak in a hoarse whisper.

"Too little too late dear. That's never going to happen. I'm so pissed off at you for what you've done to us that it's taking all my restraint to remain civil. Good bye Pilar." He turned and walked out. He never returned to the hospital.

At the dinner table several days later Nevada spoke up. "Kids time for a family meeting. Your mom is being moved out of ICU tomorrow and I am having the divorce papers served on her.

"Dad you can't be serious, you are going to have the divorce papers served on Mom in the hospital! You cannot be that cruel."

"It has nothing to do with cruelty Suzanne; it has to do with timing and trying to keep from filing bankruptcy. You all want to keep living in this house right. Do you want to go to college? Well, we have to make some serious sacrifices to make those things possible.

"You see, I've checked with lawyers and the hospital and this is the way it is. Your mom has her own insurance but it doesn't matter if we are getting divorced. Because we were married when the bills were incurred, I am still as much responsible for what her insurance won't cover as she is. And trust me the uncovered portion will be huge. That won't change until the divorce is finalized. In addition, we do not have any long-term care insurance so that is where her real expenses will be incurred, so I need to get the divorce done as soon as possible to minimize the long-term financial impact on our family. I'm sorry, but that is the hard truth of the matter.

"I have one attorney looking into the possibility of suing your mother's boyfriend to recover costs, but I suspect it won't go very far. His medical expenses will far exceed your mom's so that's probably a nonstarter. Plus his wife is divorcing him anyway, although I'm not sure how she will accomplish that from prison?

"Another thing though, I have been meeting with your mom's medical staff and we have to have a serious talk about your mom's condition." He had all three of their undivided attention at this point.

"There is a distinct possibility that your mother will be wheelchair-bound for a long time if not the rest of her life. Because of damage to her brain, she will probably never be able to fully care for herself again. At the very least she will need home nursing for several years. She is in for months of rehab and years of physical therapy and other procedures."

The children were horrified but not shocked all that much. They had after all been to visit her and they saw firsthand how bad she had been hurt.

"So anyway this is what we are going to do," Nevada spoke for about twenty minutes as to what were his plans. In the end, the kids agreed it was probably the only reasonable course of action.

When he was finished Suzanne sadly spoke. "I guess USC isn't in my future is it Dad?"

"No honey it isn't, but I promise you will go to State. It's a lot cheaper and there are more grants and scholarships you can apply for to offset the cost. Also, I know you want to help your mom so instead of being a thousand miles away, you will only be thirty minutes away. You can stay at home so there are no dorm costs either."

stay tuned..............
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