Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
"Seriously, who did it?"

"Well I shouldn't say but shit, it's going to be all over the news by tomorrow anyway. It was Mrs. Malden and her brother."

"Damn how did she find out?"

The same way you did. He told her what he was going to do. Apparently, this was the third time he pulled this trick. He loved to rub her nose in his infidelities for some perverted reason. And I guess she just couldn't take it anymore. So she told her brother, who has a rather lengthy rap sheet of violent-type crimes, and together they came up with the plan."

"I guess Malden didn't have a hall pass. Hey, out of morbid curiosity can you tell me about his condition?"

"Nope, sorry I can't do that. The only thing I can tell you is that it was the brother's job to work over the mister and Mrs. Malden was to take care of your wife. The brother is much bigger and stronger than the missus. Although to be fair the wife used a heavier bat than her brother. Anyway, I am truly sorry for your troubles. I won't bother you anymore. Good afternoon."

The sense of relief Nevada felt was immeasurable. He collapsed into his recliner to catch his breath. He was actually shaking all over. He wondered what his life would have been like over the next several weeks if he hadn't had his wife followed. It was too frightening to dwell on.

His relief at no longer being a suspect did nothing to assuage his anger at Pilar though.

The next few weeks were a blur. Detective Cipriano was right. The story was all over the local news and it played for days. Nevada returned to work and the kids to school, which was close to ending for the summer break. It was about the same time that he received a call from the hospital that his wife had regained consciousness and that she was asking about her family and wanted to see everyone. The charge nurse said she could have one visitor at a time. They also warned him that she would have confusion and probably a lot of memory gaps too.

Nevada went to see her alone without telling the kids. He did this for two reasons. First and foremost he wanted to talk with her alone and secondly, he wanted to make sure that the sight of their mother's physical condition wouldn't traumatize them too badly.

When he arrived at the hospital even he was shocked at Pilar's condition. There were machines, tubes, casts, and bandages all over her. The parts of her he could see including her face were still pretty much covered in bruises. He wasn't sure if the bruising was from the beating or the three surgeries she had now undergone. But she could talk.

Even though he had been prepped by the nurses, when he stepped into Pilar's room it took his breath away. Never mind the injuries, Pilar who was always a voluptuous woman now looked emaciated. It was quite disturbing and he wasn't sure the kids should see her like this. Screw it, they were old enough. It would serve her right anyway.

She heard him come in and turned her head slightly towards him. She didn't speak but had tears in her eyes. She could only wipe them away with her left hand as her right was still immobilized.

"Damn Pilar, you look like shit. The next time you use a hall pass you better make sure your lover has one too!" He knew he was being petty but it made him feel better and he just didn't care. At any rate, his number one emotion was still anger.

She croaked out, "I'm sorry" in a barely audible voice.

stay tuned.................
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Smita n Janki

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