Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
"Listen Mr. Smith to cut to the chase, yes they were having sex together. Hell we have video of them in a motel parking lot Friday night fuc... ah, having sex on the hood of Malden's car. Not very subtle at all for supposedly first time cheaters.

"But that's really not my reason for trying to reach you. I have excellent footage of the whole attack from my team following them at the time. In fact I think we can provide clues to the identity of the attackers to the security officer. I am obligated by law to turn everything I have over to the security officer ASAP, but I wanted you to know in advance."................

"Shit, I forgot to mention you guys to the detective that spoke to me at the hospital. Damn it, that won't look good. Listen Bart let me reach Detective Cipriano and give him your contact info. I will do it as soon as we hang up."

"Ok but if I don't hear from him shortly I'm going to the security officer myself with everything I have. I'm not losing my license for you, so make the call now. My first statement still stands Mr. Smith." And he disconnected.

"Shit, shit, shit this just keeps getting worse."

Nevada fished Cipriano's business card out of his pocket and called the cell number listed on it expecting to get his voice mail. Cipriano answered right away.

"Detective, this is Nevada Smith, we talked earlier tonight at the hospital...."

"I know who you are Mr. Smith, why are you calling?" Cipriano had been on the job a long time and he figured another guilty person would be trying to offer up some other lame excuse as to their innocence.

"I have to tell you something and give you some information. I'm afraid it won't look good for me but it is the truth."

"I'm a busy man Smith, what is it?"

"I, uh I forgot to tell you something important. I hired a PI firm to follow my wife this weekend."

Cipriano audibly exhaled and uttered something Nevada couldn't decipher. "Yes, well I just got off the phone with Bart Hudson..."

"I know Bart."

"Well, he told me that he had video, audio, and eyewitness information to the attack on my wife and her...friend. He said it would probably help identify the attackers. Do you need his number?"

"No, I have it. Good night Mr. Smith." 

Well, that was different. And he ended the call. That had surprised him but it wasn't shocking. Anyone on the job for any length of time really can't be shocked anymore.

Sunday was spent with Nevada and his children in a semi-conscious state of mind. He called the hospital a few times to get updates. They finally told him not to call anymore and that they would call him with any changes to her condition. They also said there was no point in coming to visit because they wouldn't even be allowed into Pilar's room.

First thing Monday morning Nevada called Nessa Sand to update his attorney on what was going on. Bad news must travel fast because before he began to explain the reason for his call...

"God damn it, Mr. Smith, I told you not to do anything stupid. If you had anything to do with this, so help me..."

stay tuned...................
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Smita n Janki

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