Misc. Erotica An open marriage in India: Autobiography of Saroj.
Me and my Hubby Rajeev:

Rajeev and I (separately) attained puberty in the late 60s and early 70s in small-town urban India. In those days, in the towns where we both grew up, there was a lot of surreptitious sex, though one kept one’s sex-life and sexual preferences private. In the huge metropolis of Mumbai of mid and late 70s, wife-swapping made its appearance, so did ‘cabaret’ joints – similar to strip joints in the West. In the name of lingerie, only functional bras and panties – essentially designed as undergarments – and simple ankle-length nighties were available. Two-piece bikinis were unknown.

This situation improved only in the late 90s. As for sex toys, absolutely nothing is available then or now. One could pick up Indian pornography – essentially of a very low grade – or pay about 5 times for smuggled American soft porn like Playboy and Penthouse, or European hard porn magazines. 8mm porn movies could be hired from shady characters, again with a very limited choice. This has not changed even today. On the whole, the Indian society is as prudish as ever, however, the vocal minority of puritans is reducing in numbers, the media has becoming much more tolerant and ‘sexy’, and the general urban population is becoming more tolerant to girls showing skin in public, homosexuals, premarital sex, and to an extent extramarital sex too.

In my narration, there may be some inconsistencies about dates, places, etc., but most of these are deliberately introduced to protect our and our friends’ identities.

We may sound too perfect and too candid to be true, and our sex-life may seem too fantastic to be real, but we are real and genuine. In fact, we have not come across anyone in India who enjoys as colourful a sex-life as us. To enjoy a rich sex life, one only has to let go of each and every inhibition, hesitation and taboo.

‘An Inclusive Marriage’ is a very long story. I suggest that you downloaded it and read it at leisure. It gets kinkier as you read on!
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RE: An open marriage in India: Autobiography of Saroj. - by Blue Bull - 06-06-2022, 12:40 AM

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