Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
You really should check out the family law statutes in our state. Adultery isn't even grounds for divorce. Our assets will be split fifty-fifty and once Pat finishes school and turns eighteen the house will be sold and the equity split between us. So now that you know what the monetary cost of divorce is, never mind the psychological cost to your children, is that what you want to do us? I mean for me spending one weekend with another man, that's the cost you are willing to pay?"

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm willing to do, you stupid bitch!" He growled in response to her ultimatum................

"Nevada, don't ever call me another name. Listen very carefully to me. I could file for divorce tomorrow just because I don't like the color of the shirt you are wearing, and all the things that I just explained to you would come to pass anyway. And there isn't a damned thing you could do to stop it, so keep a civil tongue in your mouth. This is going to happen, so you better get on board with the program real quick."

"So do I get to have a 'hall pass' too?"

"Of course not Nevada. First of all I never promised you one and secondly if I catch you so much as looking at another woman I will cut your dick off and then divorce you so fast you won't know what hit you."

He was speechless. He looked at the woman who used to be his loving wife now standing there with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face. There was nothing more to be said so he just got up and walked away.

The children could tell something was seriously wrong between their parents that evening. They were acutely aware that their mom and dad hadn't said a single word to each other the whole night. Heck they hadn't even made eye contact.

As bedtime approached Nevada sat in the family room with a full glass of Jim Beam in his hand staring blankly at the television that wasn't even on, trying to contemplate what had happened to his marriage and his life in the last couple of hours. Pilar walked by on her way upstairs and sweetly informed him that she was going to bed.

Nevada followed about an hour later after finishing off his bourbon, out of habit he headed for the master bedroom. The door was closed and locked. In over twenty-one years together, that had never happened before. His first instinct was to kick the door down and throw Pilar out the window. Fortunately he came to his senses and simply turned around and headed back to the family room and the pull out bed in the couch.

The next morning he awoke from a troubled sleep. He had a pounding headache, his throat was dry and scratchy, and he was still wearing his now very wrinkled clothes from the day before. He trudged like a condemned man upstairs. When he reached the master bedroom the door was open. That's when he realized that the house was empty. Of course, it was Monday, the kids were at school, his wife was at work, and a quick look at his watch told him he was already an hour late for work. He quickly sent a text to his boss telling him he wouldn't be for a couple of days because of a family issue.

Nevada spent over thirty minutes in a scalding hot shower trying unsuccessfully to wash yesterday off of him. It took him another hour and a half to finish dressing because he would involuntarily stop every few minutes to try and make sense out of what had happened. He pretty much spent the rest of the morning and afternoon in that same state. The only productive things he accomplished all day were to make an appointment with an attorney for the next day and place a call to the owner of the investigative company they used at work for their pre-employment and annual fiduciary background checks.

As the kids got home they asked him what was going on and he brushed them off by saying that their mom and he just had a fight and everything would be fine. He told them to go do their homework and not worry about it. They were teenagers though and they didn't buy it for a second. Suzanne just stared hard at him then shook her head and walked away.

About four o'clock he got a call on his cell phone from Pilar. He decided to let it go to voice mail. When he listened to it he was astounded.

"Hi honey it's me. If you get home before I do don't start dinner. I will bring pizza from Antonio's on my way home. I love you bye, bye." She had a pleasant lilt to her voice. She sounded like a woman without a care in the world.

Contrary to his wife, Nevada had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He spent the remainder of the afternoon in his recliner again with his good friend JB. He didn't want to be drunk because in that state there was no telling what he could do to Pilar. On the other hand he didn't want to face her sober either. He settled for a slight buzz and a warm glow in his stomach.

He was trying without much success to understand his emotions. He was alternating between rage, shock, disbelief, and an incredibly heavy sadness. In the end he decided to act corresponding to Pilar's demeanor. At least until after he spoke with the attorney in the morning. Besides the kids were already jumpy and there was no point in furthering that issue.

When Pilar burst into the house carrying the pizza she was all smiles and happiness. She carried it through dinner and the rest of the evening. So Nevada acted accordingly. They carried on their usually pleasant conversations like yesterday never happened.

It appeared as if Steve and Pat accepted that everything was alright, but Nevada didn't think Suzanne did. She would alternately stare at both her mother and father as if looking for underlying signs of discord.

Once the kids were upstairs in their rooms for the night doing god knows what on their various electronic devices Nevada retreated to his chair with another glass of bourbon. When the kids were little he and Pilar were practically security officer-like in their control of the kid's internet access, but now they figured for the most part they were better off not knowing what their teenagers were doing.

Besides He was the account holder on their bundled services and had a feature where he could tell what everyone's activity was. Wait, he had access to EVERYTHING everyone was doing! Just as he was going to jump out of his chair and race to his computer Pilar practically bounced into the family room and jumped onto his lap. She gave him a peck on his lips.

"See that wasn't that hard was it Nevada?"

stay tuned..................
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Smita n Janki

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