Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
They both sat there in shock, obviously not expecting this turn of events.

"George, let me tell you how this is going to play out. Ten years ago, I would have put a bullet in your head and made you disappear, but the years have mellowed me a little. So you get to live but under my conditions.

As you have already indicated my wife's pussy now belongs to you. So you will be taking my whore wife back to your place tonight. She will be moving in with you, and you will take care of her."

George sat there with his mouth open in shock. He saw that Dan was getting upset as he started waving his gun as he spoke. He understood the emotions in the room and tried to sit calmly as Dan continued to speak.

With an evil grin, Dan turned to his wife and said, "Matilda, while you were on your business trip fucking your boss, I packed up all your clothes, emptied your closet, drawers, all of your cosmetics, along with your personal belongings, and loaded up your Escalade. All your crap is in your car.

In a few minutes, you will get in your car and follow George back to his place, your new home. Now that you belong to him, I never want to see or speak to you again. I've already started the divorce paperwork, and because of our prenuptial agreements, we should be able to get the marriage dissolved in 4 to 6 weeks."

Matilda was now inconsolable, "Dan, No! Please don't do this," she pleaded. She never expected me to be upset, and for some reason thought I was on board with being her cuckold. It was surreal as I listened to her pleading and looking at her half-naked, with her lipstick smeared from her make-out session. I felt my anger rise as she begged for my forgiveness.

"Fuck You! You're nothing to me anymore. You took me for granted, crushed my love for you, and then put it in my face. I still can't believe you treated me like a beta-male, a cuckold, and expected me to be OK with you becoming a whore for your boss." Under the circumstances, I believe that I'm being fair and level-headed about all of this."

George again tried to get in touch. "Come on Dan, be reasonable! Matilda's your wife, and this was all just a mistake. It was just sex, come on calm down!"

"Fuck You, George! You flirted and went after my wife at your workplace and took advantage of the situation. A married woman! My Wife! Why George? Did you want to destroy my marriage? Did you think I'd be cool with this? What did you think I would say? 'Oh, please George, fuck my wife. Please let my wonderful wife suck your cock. Thank you George for fucking my wife.' Is that what the two of you expected?" I said in a thundering voice.

"Look George, you've won. You've got what you want. Now just take this cheating whore away."

I picked up the phone and stopped the video recording, looked at George, and said, "You have a great job and make a lot of money in your position. And Matilda, you also enjoy a great salary and a nice position at work. If the two of you want to continue your career, you will do what I say. There will be no negotiation.

I've copied all of your text messages, and taken a video of this entire event tonight, with an admission that you've been fucking your subordinate on business trips, and at work. I'm sure both of you would not do well if your management saw these things. I'm also certain that both of you would not want me to email these things to your friends and family, but I'm prepared to do just that.

Please understand, I have no intention of using this unless you fail to obey my wishes. Here's what I want. I will give you 10 minutes to get your things, and then both of you will drive away from here and back to your home George. You'll take the slut into your home and live with her until you figure out what you both want."
"Matilda, I'll have the divorce papers sent over to your office, and I'll expect you to immediately sign the agreement."
"I hope you enjoy living with my cheating, slut wife. And Matilda, I hope you're happy with your choices. Now do both of you agree to my demands?"
George knew he was defeated and could not risk that video or the photos getting out. He lowered his head and said, "Yes I understand."
Matilda cried as she sat at my feet, grabbed my legs, and pleaded. "Please No! Please take me back. I love you Dan. I don't want to lose you baby. Please give me another chance. This was all a mistake."
It hurt and made me sad to see her this way. She truly believed this was going to work out. She believed that she could have a lover and I'd be happy for her. I realized I could have stopped this, but I never would have known if she would ever act on her desires, which is why I allowed this to happen. I had to find out and let everything play out. Unfortunately, the ending was not what I was praying for.
I tried to control my emotions and pity and said, "Matilda, I need a yes answer. I swear I'll send this video out tonight and destroy both of you. You enthusiastically gave yourself to another man. You belong to him now. Tell me understand!" I said pushing her away and watched as she fell back onto the hard wood floor. George rushed over to her and helped her up and tried to reason with her.

"Matilda, you need to answer him. He can ruin both of us. Tell him yes and maybe you can reason with him later." Through her tears and George's encouragement, she looked at Dan and nodded.

"I need to hear you say that you understand."

stay tuned...............
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Smita n Janki

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