Incest Swati. By: indian_exec2000 (Completed)
Swati & Sameer have a rendezvous at the coffee shop.........

I woke up late on Sunday morning. The medicinal cream had done some good to me too. The soreness and inflammation on my penis had disappeared. After having a late breakfast and spending a lazy morning lolling around and reading the newspaper, I got ready. I reached the coffee shop at around one o'clock in the afternoon. Swati was nowhere to be seen.

I chose a small square table for four in a shielded nook. The table was located in a corner formed by two walls. There was an angled sofa along the walls and two dining chairs along the two opposite sides of the table. A large tablecloth hung down at least a couple of feet from the table top. I seated myself on the sofa with my back against a wall. Although the table was located in an unobtrusive nook, I had a clear view across the restaurant from my seat. I explained to the maitré that I was expecting a lady friend and asked him to guide her to my table when she arrived. I was ravenously hungry again and ordered a ham & cheese omelet and toast. Swati appeared just when I had polished off the omelet and was about to order coffee.

"Hello! Boy, you look gorgeous!" I exclaimed, taking her in as she stood, waiting to be seated.

She was wearing a special wedding outfit; a heavy Benares brocade sari and a matching blouse. She wore beautiful, intricately crafted gold ornaments around her neck, in her ears, on her wrists almost up to the elbows and also around her upper arms. There was a tiny diamond stud in her nose. A tinkling sound accompanying her movements indicated that she also wore anklets with tiny bells. Her flowing sari almost swept the floor. The pallu of the sari was wrapped securely around her shoulders. Not an inch of skin was visible except for her face, neck and forearms; quite a contrast with the daringghagra-cholishe had worn the previous night. And yet, she looked as attractive and sexy as ever.

"Thank you!" She beamed at my compliment as she sat down next to me on the adjoining seat, on the sofa along the other wall. We sat quite close to each other; her knees brushed mine and we could look at each other without craning our necks.

"How did the wedding go?" I asked.

"Oh it was wonderful! Priyanka looked so happy & beautiful!" She exclaimed.

"Have you had lunch yet?" I enquired.

"Actually, the wedding feast is right now going on. But I am not hungry. I sneaked out to be with you here!" She said.

"Good! Let's order something for you then." I offered. We decided to order a fresh lime juice for her; she would perhaps eat something a bit later.

"So, what's your schedule?" I asked.

"There is going to be a reception in the evening. Later in the night, there will be thebidaai(farewell to the bride) and Priyanka will leave for hersasural(her in-laws' home). She & her husband will be flying out on their honeymoon tomorrow." Swati told me.

"That means you are going to be busy till late in the night." I said.

"That's the original plan." She said. Did that mean she was thinking of changing the plan? A faint hope arose in my heart.

"Swati, could you not excuse yourself from the evening revelries? Maybe you could say you are unwell or that something important has come up." I suggested hopefully.

"And why should I do that?" She enquired, arching a naughty brow.

"So that you could curl up with a nice book and go early to bed, like a good girl." I said sarcastically. She responded with peals of laughter.

"And when are you returning to Delhi?" I enquired.

"Actually I have to meet a big client tomorrow. After the meeting I am catching the early evening flight." She replied.

"Where is the meeting going to be?" I asked. She named an address not very far from the airport.

"That's great! Let's check you out of the crummy MLA's Hostel and move to a nice hotel in Juhu. That will be most convenient for you. Please say yes, Swati! I want to spend the night with you." I pleaded with her.

"Hmm... Let me think about it. What happens if the hotels in Juhu are all full? Will you take me to your room then?" She asked.

"Well, I am sure that won't happen. But just to be certain, I'll right away go to Juhu and book a room in a good hotel." I said.

In those days, telephones in Mumbai were notoriously unreliable and besides I wasn't even sure whether a hotel would accept a telephonic request for reservation from an unknown person. I was about to signal the waiter to bring our check when Swati stopped me.

"Relax, Sameer. I've already arranged everything." Swati said with a naughty smile.

"My God, you mean you already thought of all that?" I exclaimed.

"Great people think alike, you know!" She responded.

"And fools seldom differ!" I completed the proverb. Both of us burst into laughter.

"By the way, where is that driver of yours? I don't want him to see us together; otherwise your Dad will soon come to know." I said.

"Oh my God, I hadn't thought of that! I'll release him as soon as we've eaten." She said, biting her tongue.

Her face was flushed. I felt her hand creeping into mine & holding it tight. It was warm and moist. I responded by holding it between both my hands and squeezing it. I then opened her hand and ran my thumb in circles around her palm. I immediately sensed a change in her breathing and she quickly withdrew her hand.

"Sameer, how are you today? Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Oh yes! I'm feeling on top of the world. I slept very well!" I announced cheerfully.

"And what about you? Are you feeling better now?" I asked, referring obliquely to the itch she was suffering from yesterday.

"Oh... that... that is fine now." She said, coloring at the memory of our little run-in on the previous evening.

"Great! That cream did some good to me too!" I responded. Her blush deepened and she pinched my thigh.

"Did you get a good night's sleep too?" I enquired.

"No... actually I didn't sleep too well. In fact I kept tossing and turning all the time." She responded, looking at the tablecloth. I noticed dark circles under her eyes, camouflaged by the expertly done makeup.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me there are bedbugs in this hotel!" I joked.

"Of course not, silly! Can't you guess the reason?" She asked archly.

"Ah! I see!" I exclaimed as the penny dropped.

"I missed you..." She whispered, looking into my eyes and then quickly averting her gaze.

"I wanted to be in your arms..." She continued, staring at the tablecloth.

"Yes..." I prompted her, my cock stirring to life.

"Wanted your lips on mine..." She went on in a barely audible whisper.

"Go on!" I said hoarsely. I felt her hand on my thigh.

"I wanted your arms to crush me in your embrace... make me breathless..." She continued.

"And?" I encouraged her. I felt her hand creep up my thigh towards my crotch.

"My... my ni... nipples ached for your touch." She said, a blush spreading on her face, her eyes still staring at the tablecloth. I grabbed her hand, opened it and placed it on my crotch. Her palm must have felt the heat of my erect cock through my trousers.

"Look at me! Are your nipples aching now?" I asked hoarsely, pressing her hand against my crotch.

"Yes!" She responded, looking directly into my eyes.

"Is your cunt wet?" I asked in a low whisper.

"Unh... yes." She said, unable to suppress a small moan. She made no objection to my explicit language.

"Are you ready to take my cock right now?" I provoked her. She silently nodded her assent.

"Will you let me fuck you now, on this table, with all these people looking on?" I challenged her, looking around us. The coffee shop was quite crowded, though not full. Nobody seemed to be paying attention to us.

"Yes!" She whispered boldly. Her eyes glittered, her face was flushed and the eyelids were inflamed. Her hand continued to stroke my crotch.

"Are you sure? You won't back down?" I egged her on, trying to test how far she would go.

"I... I'm sure!" She answered. Both of were completely crazed with lust at that point.

"Let's do it then!" I moved as if to get up.

"I am ready!" She responded. Her hand braced itself on my thigh and she moved to get up too. It was clear that she meant what she said.

"Swati, Let's sit down!" I was forced to back down. She had won the test of nerves. Even so, I could actually see disappointment on her face.

"But I am going to do you later today, come hell or high water. That's a promise." I said.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Do you know what I want to do right now?" I asked.

"What?" She queried.

"I want to smell your cunt! And I want to smell your breasts too!" I said.

"What!" She exclaimed, astonished.

"Just wait here a minute." I told her.

I got up and went to the pastry counter. I explained to the girl at the counter that I needed a small paper bag to hold a little gift for my lady friend. I returned with a paper bag printed with the hotel monogram. The waiter had just arrived with our order of coffee and fresh lime juice.

"Swati, listen. Please go to the ladies room, take off your panties & bra and bring them back for me in this bag." I instructed her.

"Sameer, we shouldn't!" She demurred rather unconvincingly.

"Why not?" I demanded.

"Oh...I don't know. But please don't make me take off my bra. My nipples are so tender; they will get bruised by the brocade blouse." She said.

"Alright. In that case, stuff this handkerchief in your blouse and return it to me after a while." I told her, proffering my handkerchief.

She stuffed the handkerchief between her breasts after taking a quick look around. She securely wrapped her pallu around her shoulders and went to the ladies room. She returned perhaps ten minutes later. There was a half smile on her flushed face. Her eyes were heavy lidded and she was panting as if she had just climbed a couple of flights of stairs. She sat down heavily beside me, wiped her brow and took a sip of juice. She then placed the paper bag in my outstretched hand. I opened it, buried my nose in it and sniffed deeply. Her hot, rousing feminine scent overwhelmed my senses; more blood flooded into my cock and it felt painfully confined in my trousers. I reached down, unzipped my fly and freed my cock. It immediately sprang out, the tip almost touching the under side of the table.

"Stroke my cock!" I whispered an order.

She sat on my left, so her right hand could easily reach my cock. I felt her moist, warm hand close lightly around my shaft and start stroking it slowly up and down, sending intensely pleasurable feelings down my spine. The large tablecloth hid everything that was happening underneath. Only tell-tale movements of her arm & shoulder and the expressions on our faces could have betrayed us to an attentive observer. My hips involuntarily jerked up and I bit back a moan. The goldenkanganson her wrist clinked as he hand worked up and down my shaft.

"Take yourkangansoff!" I whispered. She paused to slip them off and put them in her handbag. Her hand was back on my shaft again, slowly stroking it up and down.

"Ah... That's good!" I whispered; my eyes glassy.

Her thumb ran across the crown of my cock, smearing my secretions all over it. Her grip tightened a bit as she continued to stroke up and down my shaft. Her touch was delicate yet sure & firm. She knew exactly how to pleasure a man's cock. I tried to maintain my composure by studiously looking out the window, while she pretended to concentrate her attention on the glass of juice. There was a barely discernible movement of her shoulder under the cover of her pallu as she continued to pleasure me with her hand. Her thumb running over my crown became wetter with additional secretions dribbling out of my pee slit. She looked surreptitiously around her, drew her hand out, licked up her thumb and then continued with pleasuring me. Once in a while, she stopped & disengaged completely, allowing both of us to cool off a bit and then resumed her ministrations again. This must have gone on for at least twenty minutes when I sensed the beginning of my orgasm.

"Stop! Just hold me tight at the base. Don't move!" I said; my face contorted in lust. She complied. For good measure, I clamped my fist over her hand, making sure that my oncoming orgasm was choked off. We were just lucky that at that moment there was nobody near us; otherwise we would surely have been exposed.

Although I successfully avoided climaxing, my cock remained defiantly hard and erect. Swati took a break to visit the ladies room. While she was gone, I slid into her place on the table. When she returned, I motioned to her to sit on my right. It was now my turn to pleasure her. She mouthed a silent "no" and sat down on the chair opposite me. She returned my handkerchief that had nestled between her breasts for quite some time now. I appreciatively sniffed the aroma before putting it in my pocket.

"Can I have my panties back now?" She asked shyly.

"No." I said rather petulantly, disappointed with her refusal to sit by my side.

"C'mon, don't behave like a little boy! I still have some goodies for you." She said. Her mood had changed. Her arousal seemed to have subsided and she had become playful.

"Would you like to order something for the lady to eat, sir?" The waiter appeared.

I heard a tinkling of her anklets and felt her foot touch my leg, even as the waiter hovered over us. I ignored it, thinking that it was accidental. Her foot started rubbing my leg and moved up slowly while she studied the menu. Her anklets continued to tinkle gently. She kept a studiously neutral expression on her face while she kept her foot in contact with my leg even as she discussed the various choices with the waiter. She in fact deliberately shook her leg several times to make her anklet tinkle as the waiter noted down her order.

"Swati, why are you doing this?" I asked after the waiter left.

"Why am I doing what?" She asked innocently.

"You know what." I queried.

"Don't you like it?" She said, lasciviously running her tongue over her lips. Her big toe was now stroking the inside of my thigh.

"I do, but there is a problem." I said. I explained that my erection refused to subside and that I couldn't stuff my cock back in my trousers until it became at least a little softer.

"Why don't you just let me relieve you? Your problem will be solved in a jiffy." She said reasonably.

"No no! Not here in this restaurant." I exclaimed. The idea was preposterous.

"Why? Just a while back you wanted to do me on the table!" She reminded me.

"I don't want to waste my juice like this. I'd rather pump it inside you!" I explained lamely.

"Yes! I remember your promise and I am going to hold you to it. But still, you didn't do me when I needed it so bad! Now you have to suffer for it." She said.

Her eyes glinted evilly and color appeared on her cheek. Her mood had shifted mercurially and she had again become aroused; but still she wanted to torment me some more. She withdrew her foot and straightened up. She looked around. The restaurant was almost empty now. Nobody was paying any attention to us. She rearranged her pallu so that it securely covered her neck, shoulders and torso.

"Look!" She said.

Her hands slowly drew the edges of her pallu apart to reveal the low neckline of her brocade blouse. Only I, sitting directly in front of her could see the tops of her breasts and her cleavage. Her pallu covered her modestly in all other directions.

"You like?" She whispered, looking at me.

"Yess!" I hissed.

She pushed her breasts up & together so that they were almost ready to burst out of her blouse. My cock throbbed painfully and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Holding her breasts up with one hand, she slowly undid the topmost hook of the blouse. Her fingers lazily caressed the creamy expanse of her skin and then undid the next hook. I spotted the waiter coming to our table with our order. She sensed his arrival from the mere movement of my eyes and covered herself up quickly.

As soon as the waiter had served our food and left, Swati was up to her tricks again. With great effort I refrained from touching my hard cock. I was at the tipping point; the slightest touch could have resulted in a massive ejaculation. By the time she finally undid the last but one hook of her blouse, the edges of the pallu had closed in again. Working under the cover of her pallu, she drew the two halves of her blouse as far apart as she could with the last hook still engaged and tucked them in so that they couldn't close.

"Look here!" She whispered.

In the background behind Swati was the expanse of the large restaurant, lit by the diffuse light of the late afternoon sun. A few guests sat scattered across the restaurant and a couple of waiters flitted about on their errands. Our corner table was in a shaded area, lit by a small spotlight shining overhead. Swati drew apart the edges of her pallu and revealed her twin treasures to my hypnotized gaze, lit by the overhead light. Her full, beautifully smooth and fair globes were almost fully exposed. They were framed by the heavy gold necklace from above, the edges of her brocade blouse from the sides and the lacy bra from below. The dark pink aureoles and nipples were visible through the translucent fabric of her bra.

"Oh God, Swati... I... I...!" I was rendered speechless.

Her fingers pulled a breast out of the cup and played with the nipple. Only after allowing me almost a full minute to feast my eyes on the display did she finally tuck in her breast again and her nimble fingers quickly refastened her blouse. It was one of the most erotic sights I've ever seen. I don't think any of the strip shows that I have seen anywhere in the world come even close to the sheer eroticism of the display that Swati, thebahu(daughter-in-law) of a noble, wealthykhandaan(family), mother of two kids and a successful businesswoman in her own right put on for me in an open restaurant, in broad daylight, knowing fully well that the danger of exposure was possibly just a footstep away.

"I don't think I can get up for another hour!" I whispered hoarsely.

"Let me help you!" She whispered back.

Her anklet tinkled as she leaned back and extended her foot up my leg until her toe brushed my hard cock. I couldn't help grabbing her ankle and pressing the sole of her foot on the underside of my cock. It was an extraordinary feeling as the tough, thick, smooth skin of the sole of her foot rubbed on the sensitive skin of my cock.

"Swati no! Don't move!" I warned her.

I was as determined as ever to not ejaculate there. She held her foot steady while I kept it pressed against my cock for a long moment. I willed myself to push it back so that it no longer touched my cock. I started to knead and massage her foot. Her lust filled eyes became almost slits as her eyelids swelled. She couldn't prevent a moan from escaping her lips as my hands wandered over her smooth calf.

"Will there be anything else, Sir?" The waiter materialized suddenly. Swati's food lay untouched on the table.

"No... I don't think so. Could you please pack this for us?" I responded, pointing to the food.

"Certainly, Sir." The waiter replied.

"Umm... On second thoughts, could you please get me another coffee?" I said.

"Most certainly, Sir!" The waiter said, then collected all the plates and disappeared. It was past five o'clock in the evening.

"I'll have to wait a long time after you've gone, before I can move from here. But you are going to pay for what you just did!" I promised Swati, indicating my crotch with a glance.

"Let's see who pays for what!" She responded breathlessly to my challenge.

It was agreed that she would return to the MLA's Hostel, pack and wait for me, while I would return to my room, pack a few essentials and pick her up. I am sure that her face would have betrayed her state of arousal to anybody who cared to look at her closely enough as she left to say her goodbyes.

Half an hour passed before I was able to tuck my cock in and leave the restaurant without drawing attention to myself...

End of Ch.06 ....
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RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-02-2022, 01:01 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by utkrusta - 02-02-2022, 04:02 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-02-2022, 10:21 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-02-2022, 10:22 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-02-2022, 10:24 PM
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RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 03-02-2022, 09:58 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Eswar P - 09-02-2022, 12:03 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 09-02-2022, 10:15 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 09-02-2022, 10:25 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 12-02-2022, 09:20 AM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 22-02-2022, 08:37 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 27-02-2022, 12:34 AM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 28-02-2022, 11:42 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-03-2022, 11:39 AM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-03-2022, 11:43 AM

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