Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
When it was time for dinner, Duke placed his hand gently in the small of Lori's back and guided her into the ballroom and I courteously offered my arm to Gail. We slowly made our way to our allotted table, through a sea of greetings and small talk as Gail was recognized by almost everyone. At our table, Duke ushered Lori to the seat beside him that bore Gail's name card............

"I hope you don't mind me borrowing your wife", he said with gracious charm, "we're having such a delightful conversation. Besides, poor Gail has heard all of my stories and I am sure she would enjoy a break!"

I didn't object and Lori flashed me a huge smile. She was loving the attention and sat happily next to Duke, immediately locked again in conversation with him. Gail joined me on the other side of the table and we sipped champagne, settling in for the evening. The seating was boy-girl and I was flanked by Gail and a Brazilian woman with the longest sensual fingers I have ever seen, tipped with wickedly long crimson nails, married to my prospect customer Allan, who was a soccer promoter and sports agent. 

More than half an hour must have passed and I had been so busy talking to my two beautiful neighbors that I hardly even glanced at Lori. Now that I looked at her, Duke was pressed close to her. Lori was mesmerized by whatever he was saying and occasionally threw her head back laughing or looked at him intently with wide incredulous eyes.

Gail could see me watching Lori and placed her hand over mine.

"You know that he's trying to seduce her, don't you?" she said shockingly. I couldn't believe her matter-of-fact tone and was lost for an answer.

"And he will probably succeed too", she added, "he almost always does!"

Gail squeezed my hand as she felt me tense up. My first reaction was anger.

"Stay calm and think about it a little", she said. "Don't get upset. Every woman finds a powerful wealthy man like Duke attractive".

I couldn't believe she was talking about her husband this way, watching him pay all his attention to my lovely wife. At that moment Duke pulled Lori close to him and whispered in her ear. A wicked smile flashed across her face - then after a moment's hesitation, she shook her head as if to say 'no' and looked over to me

She looked radiant, excited and a little confused. I wondered about the subject of their last exchange and wished I could eavesdrop on every word. What did he ask? What did she say 'no' to? Strangely, with mixed emotions, I was becoming fascinated watching this unfold. I was slightly reassured when Lori blew me a kiss across the table, although I recognized the horny look in her eyes.

I turned to Gail.

"How come you don't have a problem with Duke flirting with other women?" I asked innocently.

"I don't have a problem with anything he does. I'm not stupid - I know things will happen with other women, if I like it or not. That's just who he is. Honestly, I'm turned on by the same things as Lori. He's charming and sexy. When you're with him you feel like you're the only person in his world. That intensity is a very powerful aphrodisiac to a woman!"

"So, you're OK that he has other women?" I asked incredulously.

"I'm more than OK. I even encourage him. He needs more sex than I can give him. He comes to me for love".
This was a whole new world for me. Gail could see that I was confused.

"Look at her", said Gail, motioning towards Lori, "see how alive and excited she is talking to him. Right now, she will be flush with lust for him. She can sense his power and dominance. She wants to submit. I know how that feels - it's what he does for me too. Let her enjoy herself".

While I was shocked to hear Gail's candor, I was even more surprised that despite my stomach churning with jealousy, I was getting aroused and my cock was beginning to stir.

"Do you have affairs too?" I asked. Gail laughed and squeezed my hand again.

"Of course not!" she burst out, "he would never let me do that. We've had some pretty wild parties at our ranch, with lots of swinging and I do fuck his friends and business associates whenever he wants me to. He loves me to do that while he watches!"

I looked over at Lori again and by now the signs were unmistakable that she was getting aroused, making eyes at Duke and slowly falling under his spell. I was even more surprised at myself - I had decided not to intervene. I just wanted to see if he would succeed.

stay tuned.............
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Smita n Janki

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