Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)

My wife Lori is 27 and I am 34. We have been married a couple of years and she is without doubt the cutest, sexiest woman I have ever known. Her green-grey eyes, pouting lips and sparkling smile are captivating. Her long legs, slender body and firm real breasts invite exploration and she shares herself with me passionately in every way. She has a prominent pussy mound that she keeps immaculately shaved, showing off her full labia lips that flower open when she is aroused. I love to drink from her sensual pool of charms and immerse myself in her welcoming womanhood. In short, I consider myself the luckiest man alive and I worship my true love. And until six weeks ago, I thought I would be the only man to ever have that privilege!

I am a private banking consultant for a very exclusive wealth management firm, so when a high society charity ball came up recently, the managing partner in my group bought two $1000 tickets for Lori and I to attend, so I could expand my network amongst the rich and famous. He also instructed me to 'spend big' on Lori so she could look a million dollars and agreed to cover up to $10,000 on 'outfitting' her for the night because these things matter in the glamorous circles we were about to enter. Lori of course was delighted and somehow managed to burn through more than that on just a sexy little black cocktail dress, a tiny little clutch purse and a pair of shoes - I suddenly realized that I would need to win a lot of new business if Lori wants this to become her lifestyle!

We decided to stay for the weekend in the hotel where the ball was to be held. We checked in on Friday and Lori spent the whole of Saturday getting ready. Like most guys, I couldn't understand why a woman who is already so beautiful needs so much preparation but when I saw her return from the spa and salon, hair perfect, exquisitely manicured and immaculately made up, I could see she was oozing confidence. Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than knowing she is so!

Complete with erotic black lingerie hidden beneath her figure-hugging dress, Lori was ready and looked an equal to any super-model. She smelled amazing too, filling my senses and swelling my lust. My only regret (and hers too, I suspect), was that she did not have a jewelry collection to match the moment. I told her how amazing she looked, triggering a wry smile from her and the simple comment, "Watch out - I could get used to this and more!"

With my bride proudly on my arm, we entered the heady excitement of the cocktail reception preceding the ball. My boss was there with his third wife, a Ukrainian ex-model not much older than Lori. Fortunately, the girls hit it off immediately and chatted while I circulated with my boss for a round of introductions. When we returned, an elegant couple were talking with Lori and Ulya. 

It turned out they were the hosts of the sponsored table where we would be sitting. The man, a massively successful real estate developer and retail tycoon in his mid-forties was accompanied by his poised and self-confident blonde wife Gail, whose penetrating electric blue eyes sparkled in the reflection of massive diamonds that adorned every available space on her perfect creamy skin. The conversation was light and frivolous, the mood was heavy with power, money and sex.

Duke, (as I will call him), concentrated all his attention on Lori, while I was occupied with Gail and a man who I considered a great business prospect. Occasionally I glanced over at Lori and I could see how intently she was absorbed in her conversation with Duke. I thought nothing of it as our eyes met occasionally and we exchanged smiles.

When it was time for dinner, Duke placed his hand gently in the small of Lori's back and guided her into the ballroom and I courteously offered my arm to Gail. We slowly made our way to our allotted table, through a sea of greetings and small talk as Gail was recognized by almost everyone. At our table, Duke ushered Lori to the seat beside him that bore Gail's name card.

stay tuned............
 Pl read n comment 
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Smita n Janki

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