Incest Swati. By: indian_exec2000 (Completed)
Swati & Sameer attend a Mehendi ceremony........

I lay Swati down in bed and wiped her mouth, thighs and pussy with a damp towel. A shiver ran through her frame, so I covered her naked body with a sheet and lay down on my side next to her, my head propped up on one hand.

"My God, Swati! That was the most incredible thing that ever happened to me. Where did you learn to do that?" I asked, running my fingers through her tresses that had worked loose and spilled around her face in a dark halo.

"I am so glad I was able to please you. I didn't know what I was going to do until I did it. I think you inspired me." She responded with a shy, rather wan smile.

She looked like a happy but tired schoolgirl, ready to go to sleep after a vigorous evening romp. Her face was devoid of makeup, unlined, serene and innocent. Tenderness welled up in my heart and I kept stroking her face gently with my fingers while my lips pecked her forehead and closed eyelids until she slipped into a light sleep. I drew back a little and lay looking at her admiringly in the soft light filtering in through the curtains. She woke up with a start perhaps fifteen minutes later; she groped until she found me and then hugged me hard.

"Ohh Sameer, please hold me tight!" She whispered. Her voice was almost panicky. I felt rapid heart beat hammer through her ribcage as I drew her into my embrace.

"Shhh... shhh..." I soothed her until she quieted down.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. I suddenly felt you had gone & I was left all alone in the world, in this strange room!" She responded, sounding scared.

"Shhh... I'm still here." I murmured.

"Promise you'll never leave me." She begged.

"My darling Swati, I'll always be there for you." I promised sincerely. She heaved a sigh of relief and snuggled closer; her tense body slowly relaxed against mine as I continued to stroke her soothingly.

Gradually, I became conscious of the warmth of her body that lay in my loose embrace, covered only by a thin sheet. Without conscious effort, my caresses slowly became more erotic. I sensed a change in the rhythm of her breathing. When her eyes opened, they were certainly not those of an innocent schoolgirl; they were heavy lidded and the fire of arousal smoldered in them. Her lips were half open and her pink tongue peeped out. I grabbed a handful of her thick, lustrous hair and turned her face towards me. As I lowered my face towards hers, her lips opened, waiting for my mouth to claim them. We exchanged a long, lingering French kiss; my tongue exploring the warm recesses of her sweet mouth. We were both breathless when we reluctantly ended the kiss. Her hand crept between our bodies, seeking my crotch. I caught her wrist and stopped her.

"Wait. Hold still!" I commanded. She lay unmoving, wondering what was coming next.

I peered closely at her face. I spotted a pock mark high on her cheek. It was barely visible; one would not have noticed it unless one was looking for it. I pecked at it, gave it a lick and then lightly nipped it. I spotted another one near the corner of her mouth and repeated the process. I languidly continued my exploration until I had covered all the pock marks on her face.

"Sameer, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Don't you like it?" I replied with a question.

"Yes I do, but I still want to know what it is." She responded. I then told her about my childhood fascination with the chicken-pox marks on her face.

"I have dreamt of kissing them ever since!" I concluded.

"Oh my darling! That's so romantic! You are such a wonderful man. Are you done now?" She asked contentedly.

"Not at all. I have just begun! Today I am going to see each and every mark on your body." I responded.

I slowly pulled down the sheet and uncovered her smooth creamy shoulders. I found a pock mark on her left shoulder and gave it my special treatment. I continued my slow exploration of her silken soft, fair, fragrant skin, uncovering it a few inches at a time. In addition to the few scattered pock marks that I discovered on her torso, I paid loving attention to her nipples; to the fine, almost transparent down growing on her breasts; to her navel and most of all to the stretch marks that adorned her belly, looking like clotted cream. Finally, her triangular pubic thatch was uncovered. I buried my nose in it and sniffed her sweet, exciting feminine odor.

By now, my cock had become fully erect and wet with slippery pre-cum. Swati too had become breathless with arousal. I pulled the sheet off completely and straddled Swati's naked body on my hands and knees in a '69' position. I nudged her thighs apart and started kissing her pubic thatch, slowly moving towards her slit. My cock hovered over her face while I spread her outer lips with my fingers and my tongue boldly licked her juicy, wet slit.

"Hnhh..." She grunted and her body jerked in response. Her fingers gripped my shaft and she tried to lick my cock head. But somehow, we could not manage to simultaneously manipulate each other's genitals with our mouths. I motioned to her to lie still and then started licking up and down her wet slit. I had never directly tasted her pussy till then, although I had quite liked its second hand odor on my fingers and on her mouth, transferred there by my cock. I found the real stuff to be much earthier, richer and more exciting. I also liked the salty taste and slippery consistency, rather like egg white. I uncovered her stiff, red nub and ran my tongue over it.

"Aieeeeee..." Her body jerked with a hair trigger response and her thighs closed around my head as she climaxed hard.

"Oh... oh... oh..." She continued to pant for some time. After allowing her to recover, I spread her thighs open again. My tongue circled her clitoris gently and my lips closed over it.

"Aaaahh..." She hit another climax as soon as I started to suck her clitoris. Her hands held my head pressed against her pussy while her hips jerked against my face as she worked through her second orgasm. When I felt that she had relaxed, I started flicking my tongue across her clitoris, licking up her salty secretions.

"Unhh... unhh... unhh..." She responded to the flicks of my tongue, jerking her hips so hard that I had to hold her thighs down to retain control over her thrashing body.

"Ooohhh... God..." She bucked violently as she climaxed hard again. It had taken her just a wee bit longer to climax a third time. When I tried to start again after a while, she grabbed my hair and pulled my head off of her pussy and clamped her thighs shut. She had had enough.

"Sameer, no more please. I'll die!" She whispered.

My mouth and cheeks were completely wet and smeared with her sticky, fragrant juices. I turned around and kissed her mouth, then allowed her to lick off all her secretions from my face. My cock had softened a bit, but was still erect. After a while I felt her fingers on my shaft.

"Let me do it now." She begged.

I again moved into a '69' position above her and lowered my cock into her mouth. Her lips closed around my shaft and her tongue licked the crown. I started shallowly fucking her mouth, but soon discovered that she couldn't take it in much beyond the crown.

"Just a minute. Let's try another position." I told her. I got up and positioned her so that her head hung over the edge while she lay on her back on the mattress. In this position, her throat was aligned with her lips. I then knelt on the floor and lined up my cock with her open mouth.

"Alright. Let's try this slowly. Take in as much as you can without gagging. OK?" I asked. She nodded.

She held my shaft with her fingers and guided my cock into her mouth as I twitched my hips and thrust in. We soon got the hang of the technique. She matched my thrusts with sucking and swallowing motions of her mouth and throat; her hand firmly gripped my shaft and controlled the depth of penetration. She was able to take much more of my cock in than earlier. Once I was sure that she was comfortable and could control the depth of my thrusts, I started fucking her mouth in right earnest; concentrating my attention on getting my own pleasure. Swati was soon letting my crown to go past her glottis without gagging or choking. As the endgame approached, I grabbed her swaying breasts and pounded her mouth until I finally went over the edge and had a hard, intense climax, spurting semen in her mouth.

The quantity of semen this time was much less than my earlier orgasms. My gonads hadn't had enough time to fully recharge my fluid reservoir. Swati swallowed all the semen I produced and then daintily licked her lips, looking like a cat licking up cream. I rose from the floor and flopped on bed, exhausted. But Swati was not yet finished. I felt her nudging my thighs apart and then felt her hot wet tongue lick my cock clean, starting from the base and finishing at the crown, even pulling back the foreskin and cleaning up the area under it. So exhausted was I that my cock had no strength to respond to this stimulation. She finally wiped my entire body clean with a damp towel, paying close attention to my crotch. She covered me with a sheet and disappeared into the bathroom. I drifted off to sleep. I woke up perhaps half an hour later to find Swati curled up next to me, looking at me with a half smile playing on her lips. She had showered again and brushed her hair. She wore a fresh nightie. It was around four o'clock in the afternoon. We still had two or three hours in hand. We were in no mood for any more hanky panky. We slipped into an easy, intimate conversation, sharing our secret thoughts and feelings. I was shocked and saddened by things Swati told me about her marriage...


Although her father had ensured that Swati was made an equal partner in her husband's business, she had been happy to let Satish manage it. Initially it ran well but unfortunately, the business had soon started facing difficulties. Those were the days of the "license-quota-permit" Raj. There was no competition worth the name and once the necessary permissions were in place, huge profits were almost guaranteed. Although running the business should have been easy enough, Satish had proved to be unequal to the task. One of the prime requirements of the business was discretion and an ability to keep important clients as well as powers that be in good humor. Unfortunately, Satish's false pride tended to raise its head at the most inopportune moments. He was also prone to blabber under the influence of alcohol. A combination of hubris and alcohol had led him to commit several highly embarrassing & damaging gaffes.

When it became apparent that he needed help, Swati had started providing discreet, behind the scenes support to her husband. She had proved herself to be a natural at it. Her astute handling of several delicate situations had made a deep impression on her father-in-law Santosh Kumar. Although Satish nominally remained the boss, effective control of the business had soon passed into Swati's hands. She had started doing double duty, managing the house & raising the kids as well as running the business.

The business had soon recovered; Satish had not. Swati's success juxtaposed against his own failures had been too much for his fragile male ego to handle. He had perversely started blaming Swati for all his troubles. Had they been living with Satish's parents, things might not have gotten out of hand. But unconstrained by the fear of inviting parental displeasure and intervention, heated arguments had started breaking out more and more often between the couple. Satish's problem with alcohol had become worse. He had started spending more & more time with "friends". Most of them in fact were hangers on and sycophants intent on having a good time at Satish's expense. With his looks, wealth and family name, he had never had a problem finding pretty girls willing to warm his bed. With his marriage to Swati stretched almost to breaking point, he had started womanizing in right earnest. That was his way of reaffirming his masculinity. Even worse, he had stopped making an effort at hiding his many affairs.

The marriage had been reduced to a sham and the couple now slept in separate rooms. Her two young kids and the business needed her. Divorce was not an option: in those days that would have left her without her kids, without a roof over her head and in all likelihood without an income. Her pride would never have let her return to her parents.

Swati knew she was trapped. She carried a heavy burden on her shoulders. She was facing the situation with fortitude and courage, determined never to accept defeat. Satish's elder sister Pratibha was the only one in the family with whom Swati could share her troubles.

"Without PratibhaDidi(elder sister), I would long ago have broken down." She concluded.

I voiced my sympathy and offered to do whatever I could to help her. But we both knew there was precious little that I could have done...

"Tell me about your sister-in-law. She seems to be a very nice person. Isn't it rather unusual for her to sympathize with you rather than side with her brother?" I asked.

"PratibhaDidiissokind hearted! Sometimes she understands things even without my telling her. It's almost as if she feels my pain in her own heart. I am really lucky to have her as my friend. And she is so beautiful!" Swati responded.

"Hasn't she tried to talk some sense into her brother?" I asked.

"She tried a few times but she just doesn't seem to be able to get through to Satish; nobody does." Swati said with a sad shake of her head.

"Anyways, enough of myrona dhona(whining). Let's talk about something else." She said.

I enquired after her sister. Kirti had always wanted to become a doctor like her mother. She had succeeded in scoring well enough to gain admission to the medical college and was in the final year of her course in medicine.

"Wow, that's fantastic. There is one more scholar in the family after you!" I said.

"Oh, I am no scholar and you know it." She replied modestly.

"Well, you certainly are very smart and very artistic too!" I said sincerely.

"Thank you!" She blushed prettily at my compliment and slapped my thigh playfully.

"By the way, your paper is safe with me." I said; referring to the sketch she had made of my penis. She stuck her tongue out at me as I laughed out loud.

"Anyways, tell me more about Kirti. With her looks she must be having plenty of boys chasing after her!" I commented.

"WithBaba's(Dad's) name & reputation boys in our city dare not flirt with her. But once she leaves our city for her post graduation, I don't know what might happen. Oh, she is such abholi bhali(innocent) babe in the woods. I sometimes worry that she will fall for some rogue one day and ruin her life." She responded, with sisterly concern on her face and a touch of exasperation in her voice.

"I'm sure you will be able to give her good advice when she needs it." I commented.

"Ha! Look at the mess I've made of my own life. I dare not give advice to anybody, least of all to Kirti." She said with an angry toss of her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Come on, Swati! Don't be so hard on yourself. These things could happen to anybody. And your life is not in a mess. You have two beautiful children who adore you, you have married into a greatkhandaan, you have all the comforts that money can buy, and your parents love you. Besides, you are doing a great job running the business. Even Satish, maybe he will change one day." I soothed her.

"Thanks for cheering me up! Most of all, I am lucky to have friends like Pratibha Didi & you." She responded, brightening up as she looked at the positive side of the situation.

"Swati my darling, I'll always be there for you." I said, tenderly running my fingers through her hair. She gave me an almost sisterly peck on my cheek.

"So, tell me about yourself. Have you found a nice girlfriend yet? What happened to that Bengali beauty in Kharagpur?" Swati asked.

"No... I haven't had any luck so far. I don't know what happened to that Bengali girl. I think she moved to Kolkata." I responded.

"No pretty girls in your office?" Swati persisted.

"Well, actually the receptionist cum telephone operator is quite pretty; very sexy in fact." I said.

"Wow! What's the problem then?" Swati asked, wide eyed.

"She is already married." I told her.

"God, Sameer! You seem to have a talent for falling for married girls!" Swati laughed out.

"Of course not! I haven't fallen for her and I didn't fall for you either. It's you who fell for me." I retorted.

"Oh yeah? Swear to God you didn't fall for me!" Swati challenged.

"Well, actually when I fell for you, you weren't married; so that doesn't count." I explained.

"Ah, so you admit you did fall for me! Anyway, I always knew." She said smugly.

"Hm! And what about you, when did you fall for me, may I ask?" I enquired.

"What makes you think I ever fell for you?" She asked, naughtily arching an eyebrow.

"No? Then why did you kiss me during the scooter riding lesson? And what about the time you seduced me, an innocent nineteen year old virgin boy on a visit to my farm, hey? Why, you almost bangd me!" I retorted.

"I didn't! In fact it is you who spanked me and forced me to submit to your lust." Said Swati.

"You did too! Swear to God you didn't fall for me." I whispered; my face was close to hers. The mood had changed again; the air once again crackled with sexual tension.

"Well... yes! Honestly, I think I fell for you the moment I set my eyes on you when you returned to our city & came to dinner at our place. I noticed how tall you had grown and how strong & manly you were. I used to try to imagine what it would be like to be crushed in your embrace... You know Sameer, I used to get wet, just daydreaming about you... about us together." She confessed in a barely audible voice.

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her open, softly yielding lips. Her body melted in my embrace. I could feel the heat of her moist pussy through the thin fabric of her nightie. My hands crept downwards, stroking her buns. Then, her hands pushed against my chest and she reluctantly disengaged from my embrace.

"Sameer! Do you know how sore I am down there? I don't think I can do it for another month! Besides, if I don't start dressing, I will be late for my friend'smehendiceremony." She said.

"Oh, OK. Actually I am feeling sore too. I think you might have nicked my cock with your teeth." I said.

"Don't use dirty language with me!" She said, blushing upon hearing the word 'cock' and slapping my rump playfully.

"Can I watch while you get dressed?" I begged her.

"Oh God, haven't you seen enough of me yet? Besides, you will get in my way and delay me further. I think you better go." She said firmly.

"Alright, if you say so." I responded, a bit crestfallen.

"Sameer, I have an idea. Why don't you come to themehendiceremony too? I'll introduce you to my friends as my cousin. After all, our mothers are almost like sisters, aren't they?" Swati said with a gleam in her eyes.

I was reluctant at first but then agreed after a bit of persuasion and a promise of being introduced to some pretty girls. We decided to get to the ceremony separately, since going together might have raised eyebrows, both at the MLA's Hostel as well as at themehendiceremony. Besides, I urgently needed a shower and a change of clothes...

End of Ch.05 ....
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RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-02-2022, 01:01 PM
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RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-02-2022, 10:21 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-02-2022, 10:22 PM
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RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 03-02-2022, 09:58 PM
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RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 09-02-2022, 10:25 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 12-02-2022, 09:20 AM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 22-02-2022, 08:37 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 27-02-2022, 12:34 AM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 28-02-2022, 11:42 PM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-03-2022, 11:39 AM
RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-03-2022, 11:43 AM

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