06-02-2022, 04:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2022, 04:42 PM by Blue Bull. Edited 2 times in total. Edited 2 times in total.)
I informed her that we are leaving for Izatanagar by 9.30am and to pack her luggages. She said instantly,
We moved to a hotel and by Noon the next day we were at our Mansion at Izatnagar. Rosy was also very happy to see me again after a long gap.
At night, the same repetition, after dinner Siana came to me. Without a single word she slept within no time clinging to me, placing her head on my chest and I caressed her head with love and went for a deep sleep after a long gap.
Next morning I asked her about her future programme and she was interested in joining IIM. She had invitations from different IIM and she asked me to choose the IIM for her. I chose IIM Ahmedabad as Rajat was there.
She confirmed IIM Ahmedabad about her joining and asked for necessary documentation. Next Day she got all the documents via mail and submitted those instantly along with all testimonials and requisite fees. By the evening her Admission to IIM Ahmedabad was confirmed and she has to join the campus by the last week of next month.
Now I’m 54+ and proposed Siana’s name as the new Chairperson of the Foundation to the General Body and authorised Siana to look after the work of the Foundation till the next General Body meeting. I had no more work in India and I asked my travel agent for a tourist Visa for Siana. After getting that I flew to America once again with Siana. She was then mature enough to cope up with the new foreign environment.
Nothing special then. I was busy with my work and she was busy exploring America. But at night she used to cling to me and went into a deep sleep. I felt homely again. Finally her reporting at IIM Ahmedabad reached and we flew to India.
Rajat welcomed us as he was the dean of the IIT Ahmedabad then. He was expecting me. I was a little bit embarrassed and asked,
He asked me to have my seat and asked one of the attendants to show the Campus to Siana and replied,
He pulled out the file of Siana and handed over to me,
I went through her documents and found me as her father everywhere. I was a little bit amused and thought that Siana might have entered my name as her father. To normalise my embarrassment I replied,
Rajat was very happy knowing my present position in his ex-organization and assured me not to be bothered about Siana and he will look after her as her daughter.
I smiled at him and ignored his query. He invited us for dinner and said that Siana can board with his family if she likes. But she preferred to stay in the hostel. The hostel rooms were fully furnished with all furnitures and fixtures and Rajat assured that he will supply all other her requirements or she can use his vehicle to go to the city for purchasing anything of her choice.
After the dinner I left for my hotel in Rajat’s car and was eager to have her last night with me but I restrained her as I had my early morning flight and left the campus with a deserted heart.
After reaching the hotel I analysed the entire situation. How come my name was there in Siana’s Father’s Name? The educational record was initiated at the time of first admission to formal education. I checked her birth certificate given by Puspita by mail. Another thunder! Siraj Malhotra was there as her father. How could it be possible? Is Siana my daughter? But her mother is Reshma, a divorcee. If Reshma had changed her name, how could she know my title? Naina did not know anything about me other than my name Siraj. If Reshma was Naina then why did she not meet me? But baby Siana is an exact replica of my Naina. If she was the daughter of Naina then how could she be with Reshma? No, it’s not possible. There must be another Siraj Malhotra. Mystery, mystery and mystery. Anything is possible in this world. Who will solve this mystery? Reshma? Yes, I should meet her. But, according to Siana she is not recognising anybody and unable to speak. Then how can she solve this riddle?
I went on pondering and had a sleepless night even after taking two large pegs of whisky. Now it was clear how and why Siana had her Visa and Passport so easily. The vibration in my wristwatch reminded me about my flight time and I left India leaving Siana and her past mystery unsolved.
I was alone again. My peace of mind was lost again. Memory of Naina started hunting me again. Where is she? How is she pulling with Karthik? I wanted to meet her to know her whereabouts. But I know nothing about her address. How to find her after so many days?
Oh! Naina, why did we meet? You made me useless. I had none to care but you made me care about you. I was happy, carefree and most successful in my life. I had everything. Money, power, lots of girls to enjoy.
But, what was with Naina? A naive lady with average beauty and mother of a child. But her magic made me craved for her and I am missing her. Each and every night of mine was colourful. I seldom had a lonely night. No lust, no desire, no craving for anybody. I was whole within me.
I am 54 now, still alone and craving for her. Naina, where are you? God! Make her life blissful wherever she may be?
Another year passed. Everything was routine, workaholic and alcoholic. No more visits to my baby doll Siana but she meets me daily on video call the only solace to my deserted soul.
One day I received a call from India that I had a personal letter received at New Delhi HO posted 21yrs back somewhere from Tamilnadu.I was amused and shocked how I had a personal letter from Tamilnadu as I knew none there and thanks to the Indian Posts for delivering so quickly. Anyway I requested them to send me a scanned copy of the letter as I had nothing personal to be unreveal and the hard copy to Siana at Ahmedabad.
A big surprise was waiting for me in the mail. The scanned copy of the personal letter was nothing but the photo of a baby girl of 8 or 9 months sitting with a few toys gesturing to me with her big lotus bud shaped eyes. The photo was marked…. "Your baby...Naina….."
Oh God! I can still remember that Naina and Karthik were from Tamilnadu, which means that post was from my heartthrob Naina. But that seemed not possible as she was not aware of anything of mine other than my name Siraj and with that much information it’s not possible to trace my whereabouts from crores of Indians. Then how can she? No, that’s not possible. Then what is this letter? Was this from my Naina and the baby is mine? Is Siana Naina’s daughter? Then how and why was she with Reshma? Only Reshma could answer these but according to Siana she is a hopeless case and still not recognising her and unable to speak.
- No papa. My luggage is ready. I have the clearance. I am leaving campus with you right now.
We moved to a hotel and by Noon the next day we were at our Mansion at Izatnagar. Rosy was also very happy to see me again after a long gap.
At night, the same repetition, after dinner Siana came to me. Without a single word she slept within no time clinging to me, placing her head on my chest and I caressed her head with love and went for a deep sleep after a long gap.
Next morning I asked her about her future programme and she was interested in joining IIM. She had invitations from different IIM and she asked me to choose the IIM for her. I chose IIM Ahmedabad as Rajat was there.
She confirmed IIM Ahmedabad about her joining and asked for necessary documentation. Next Day she got all the documents via mail and submitted those instantly along with all testimonials and requisite fees. By the evening her Admission to IIM Ahmedabad was confirmed and she has to join the campus by the last week of next month.
Now I’m 54+ and proposed Siana’s name as the new Chairperson of the Foundation to the General Body and authorised Siana to look after the work of the Foundation till the next General Body meeting. I had no more work in India and I asked my travel agent for a tourist Visa for Siana. After getting that I flew to America once again with Siana. She was then mature enough to cope up with the new foreign environment.
Nothing special then. I was busy with my work and she was busy exploring America. But at night she used to cling to me and went into a deep sleep. I felt homely again. Finally her reporting at IIM Ahmedabad reached and we flew to India.
Rajat welcomed us as he was the dean of the IIT Ahmedabad then. He was expecting me. I was a little bit embarrassed and asked,
- How are you expecting me?
He asked me to have my seat and asked one of the attendants to show the Campus to Siana and replied,
- Being the father of Siana, though I was not sure but I know only one Siraj Malhotra in my lifetime and that is you.
- Father of Siana? I exclaimed out of surprise.v
He pulled out the file of Siana and handed over to me,
- Yes, don't know why you had not declared about your daughter then.
I went through her documents and found me as her father everywhere. I was a little bit amused and thought that Siana might have entered my name as her father. To normalise my embarrassment I replied,
- Sorry yaar, You know she had left me with her daughter and returned her to me when she had gone for her next settlement and I was a little bit disturbed then and not comfortable to declare that. I lied to him.
Rajat was very happy knowing my present position in his ex-organization and assured me not to be bothered about Siana and he will look after her as her daughter.
- Bro, your daughter has the height of your’s but her appearance is neither of you nor her mother. He proclaimed.
I smiled at him and ignored his query. He invited us for dinner and said that Siana can board with his family if she likes. But she preferred to stay in the hostel. The hostel rooms were fully furnished with all furnitures and fixtures and Rajat assured that he will supply all other her requirements or she can use his vehicle to go to the city for purchasing anything of her choice.
After the dinner I left for my hotel in Rajat’s car and was eager to have her last night with me but I restrained her as I had my early morning flight and left the campus with a deserted heart.
After reaching the hotel I analysed the entire situation. How come my name was there in Siana’s Father’s Name? The educational record was initiated at the time of first admission to formal education. I checked her birth certificate given by Puspita by mail. Another thunder! Siraj Malhotra was there as her father. How could it be possible? Is Siana my daughter? But her mother is Reshma, a divorcee. If Reshma had changed her name, how could she know my title? Naina did not know anything about me other than my name Siraj. If Reshma was Naina then why did she not meet me? But baby Siana is an exact replica of my Naina. If she was the daughter of Naina then how could she be with Reshma? No, it’s not possible. There must be another Siraj Malhotra. Mystery, mystery and mystery. Anything is possible in this world. Who will solve this mystery? Reshma? Yes, I should meet her. But, according to Siana she is not recognising anybody and unable to speak. Then how can she solve this riddle?
I went on pondering and had a sleepless night even after taking two large pegs of whisky. Now it was clear how and why Siana had her Visa and Passport so easily. The vibration in my wristwatch reminded me about my flight time and I left India leaving Siana and her past mystery unsolved.
I was alone again. My peace of mind was lost again. Memory of Naina started hunting me again. Where is she? How is she pulling with Karthik? I wanted to meet her to know her whereabouts. But I know nothing about her address. How to find her after so many days?
Oh! Naina, why did we meet? You made me useless. I had none to care but you made me care about you. I was happy, carefree and most successful in my life. I had everything. Money, power, lots of girls to enjoy.
But, what was with Naina? A naive lady with average beauty and mother of a child. But her magic made me craved for her and I am missing her. Each and every night of mine was colourful. I seldom had a lonely night. No lust, no desire, no craving for anybody. I was whole within me.
I am 54 now, still alone and craving for her. Naina, where are you? God! Make her life blissful wherever she may be?
Another year passed. Everything was routine, workaholic and alcoholic. No more visits to my baby doll Siana but she meets me daily on video call the only solace to my deserted soul.
One day I received a call from India that I had a personal letter received at New Delhi HO posted 21yrs back somewhere from Tamilnadu.I was amused and shocked how I had a personal letter from Tamilnadu as I knew none there and thanks to the Indian Posts for delivering so quickly. Anyway I requested them to send me a scanned copy of the letter as I had nothing personal to be unreveal and the hard copy to Siana at Ahmedabad.
A big surprise was waiting for me in the mail. The scanned copy of the personal letter was nothing but the photo of a baby girl of 8 or 9 months sitting with a few toys gesturing to me with her big lotus bud shaped eyes. The photo was marked…. "Your baby...Naina….."
Oh God! I can still remember that Naina and Karthik were from Tamilnadu, which means that post was from my heartthrob Naina. But that seemed not possible as she was not aware of anything of mine other than my name Siraj and with that much information it’s not possible to trace my whereabouts from crores of Indians. Then how can she? No, that’s not possible. Then what is this letter? Was this from my Naina and the baby is mine? Is Siana Naina’s daughter? Then how and why was she with Reshma? Only Reshma could answer these but according to Siana she is a hopeless case and still not recognising her and unable to speak.