Incest Swati. By: indian_exec2000 (Completed)
"Oh, just look at those mangoes!" She exclaimed, looking up. A profusion of plump raw green mangoes could indeed be seen growing in the upper branches of the trees.

"I would love to taste them. Can I have some?" She begged.

"Of course." I said gallantly. A few well aimed stones brought down half a dozen fruit. The sharp smell of resinous sap oozing from the stems of the mangoes tickled our noses. Swati squealed in delight and gathered the fruit in her pallu.

"Wow! What perfect aim!" She gushed admiringly. I blushed & squirmed in pleasure.

"Well… oh thanks! Let me get us some salt." I stuttered.

"OK, come back soon. In the meantime, let me sit down for a while. The sun is getting to me." She said, indicating a little shelter at the edge of the field. I almost ran to my house and then hurried back, clutching some salt & chilly powder in my fist. In my hurry, I forgot to bring a knife.

There was a little rough shack off to one side, on the border of our field. It was used mainly by cattle herders to store odds and ends and as a rain shelter. It was small - around 8ft long and 6ft wide. There was a rough brick wall at the rear while the remaining three walls were made of woven bamboo mats tied to wooden posts. The corrugated tin roof was supported on posts and joists made of jungle wood. It was about 7 ft high at the rear and sloped down to 6 ft on the front. There was a long waist high wooden worktable placed against the rear wall. A little above the top of the table, the wall had a small rectangular window that had wooden bars running vertically. There was a small door, made of bamboo frame and woven bamboo mats in the front wall. The door could be held shut by a hasp made from a length of coir rope that could be secured to a stout nail driven into a wooden post. The floor was nothing more than compacted earth, about six inches higher than the surrounding ground, just enough to keep rain water from trickling in. Running along the rear wall on the outside was a trough of water for the cattle to drink from.

I had to stoop to go in through the low door. Swati was sitting on the wooden table & fanning herself. The mangoes were lying on the table. The shack was redolent with the mixed scents of stale smoke, dried cow dung patties (these are used as a fuel) and the tangy fresh smell of raw mangoes. Above all of these, my sensitive nose picked up the heady feminine scent emanating from Swati's young body.

"Let's eat mangoes!" Swati trilled. Since I had forgotten to bring a knife, I peeled the thick green skin off of a mango with my teeth, wiped it on my kurta and offered it to her. We were soon enjoying the sharp, sour, tangy raw mangoes, dipping them into the salt and red chilly powder, accompanied by loud appreciative smacks and sharp intakes of breath to cool our tongues. Swati wiped my palm with a piece of raw mango and savored the last morsel. She then leaned forward and licked up the remaining bit of salt & chilly powder off of my palm. That was an incredibly sensuous thing to do. A bolt of electricity shot through my body and I started trembling.

"Oh look, there is some mango sap on your cheek!" She said, looking up. I touched my cheek and felt something sticky on my beard. Well, although I was nineteen, my beard was actually little more than a soft fuzzy down that needed to be clipped once a month or so.

"Wait, let me clean it up. You will get a nasty rash if it rubs on your skin." She stopped me just as I was about to wipe it off myself. She then proceeded to carefully mop it with her pallu, her face just inches from mine. There was a magical moment of silence as I stood still and listened to her soft breathing.

"You may touch them if you wish." She said huskily as she caught me looking at her breasts.

"What! No… no…" I stammered.

"Oh come on, don't act so innocent! I know you have been dying to touch them for years!" She said impatiently and sat up straight, thrusting her bosom out. Almost in a trance, I raised my hands and rested them on her blouse covered breasts, pressing lightly to feel their soft springiness.

"Wait a sec." She murmured and reached behind her to unclasp her bra. She pulled the blouse & bra up and her beautiful, plump breasts popped out, topped by stiff pink nipples. I went almost berserk and grabbed her breasts, mauling them roughly.

"Not so hard! Gently, gently…" She whispered, wincing in pain. I immediately restrained myself and started caressing them lightly, feeling her stiff nipples tickle my palms. I bent and closed my lips around a nipple.

"Aah!" She sighed ecstatically and arched her back, thrusting her soft breast into my face, as I suckled. Then suddenly, she grabbed my hair and pulled me off of her breast. She threw her arms around my neck, closed her thick, full lips over mine and started sucking and nibbling at them. I embraced her and straightened up, holding her tight against me. This lifted her off the table and her feet dangled in mid air, since I am at least eight inches taller than her. Her soft, bare breasts flattened against my chest and I could feel the vibrations of her throaty moans & her rapid, irregular heartbeat. Her tongue probed my lips, then slipped in and started dueling with mine. Our kiss deepened and my hard cock poked her thigh. I leaned forward, the better to kiss her. This bent her neck back at an awkward angle. She broke the kiss and motioned to me to support her neck. I changed position slightly, supporting her neck in the crook of one arm while the other held her against my chest; thrusting my hip to pin her against the table. Her arms clung around me as I started to kiss her back and thrust my tongue into her hot mouth, savoring the sweet smell of her breath and the tangy taste of raw mango.

Without breaking our kiss and still securely supporting her neck, I slipped my other hand between our bodies, fondling and kneading her breasts, taking extra care to be gentle. My hand wandered all over her back and then cupped her full ass cheek. She kept responding to my love play with throaty moans, little jabs of her tongue against mine and thrusts of her hips against my torso. Suddenly, she disengaged and held me off at arms length.

"Let's do it!" She whispered urgently.

My legs trembled violently and I could barely stand. She reached under her sari, pulled her panties down, stepped out of them and then hopped on to the worktable, pulling her sari up to expose her thighs. I in the meantime struggled to strip off my trousers and shorts. My cock sprang out, pointing upwards and tenting my kurta. As I pulled up my kurta she feasted her eyes on my thick, throbbing, hard cock, its blunt head completely wet and drooling with sticky fluid. She hitched her sari above her hips and I could see her wet pink labia nestled in a thick bush of curly black pubic hair. She spread her thighs and placed her feet on the edge of the table.

"Come." She murmured as I stepped between her outspread thighs. I felt the firm yet gentle touch of her fingers on my shaft, as she guided my cock into her pussy. Her inflamed labia spread and enveloped the head of my cock in their wet heat. My arousal was already at such a pitch that this last bit of stimulation was enough to push me over the edge. I ejaculated, sending spurt after spurt of thick, gooey semen spraying all over her pussy and thighs, matting her pubic thatch.

At that vulnerable moment, she held the power to make me impotent for life. Her slightest expression of disappointment, let alone disapproval would have scarred me for ever. But, bless her soul, she was completely unfazed by the premature peaking of my passion. She treated it as the most natural thing in the world and continued to kiss and caress me. She held my head to her soft bosom, cooing gently and showering affection upon me. Slowly, I felt my limp cock stir to life again. She felt it too, as it poked her belly. She reached down and gently caressed my cock, and soon it was hard again, raring to go.

Once again, she guided it to the entrance of her pussy. I was now much more in control of myself. I twitched my hips and felt the welcoming heat of her pussy engulf my cock. With a couple of thrusts I buried the whole of my cock inside her.

"Aahhh…" Swati sighed as she felt my thick cock deliciously stretch her cunt. She wrapped her legs around my hips and leaned back, rested her head against the wooden bars of the window and supported her elbows on the table.

"Do it!" She urged, looking into my eyes. I pulled back a little and thrust in. It felt wonderful. I soon got into my stride and started pumping hard. There were slapping and slurping sounds as our bodies slammed together and my hard cock drove air in and out of her cunt. Her eyes became unfocussed and half closed as she felt the ecstasy of her response slowly build up.

"Harder… harder…" She intoned, her hips thrusting back against mine. Her breasts jiggled and bounced as her whole body jerked like a rag doll in time with my energetic thrusts. Both of us were completely crazed with passion and oblivious to the creaking noises the old, rotting wooden bars of the window made as her head was rhythmically forced against them.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack as one of the wooden bars broke. Splinters of wood flew in all directions; one of them ricocheted off the tin roof and embedded itself in my bare bottom. I felt a sharp jab on my posterior and stopped in mid thrust.

"MOOO!" A cow drinking from the trough outside the shack called out, startled by the sharp crack of the wooden bar. She snorted loudly and the sweet, fresh, grassy smell of cow's breath wafted in through the window.

I was still hard and buried deep inside Swati. Both of us giggled at this second interruption of our coitus. She kept stroking my back and I was about to resume my labors when her hand inadvertently nudged the wooden splinter sticking out of my buttock.

"Yeooow!" I yelled. This was something that needed immediate attention. I reluctantly pulled out of her; my cock started losing its hardness.

"Let me see!" She said examining my posterior while I bent over the table with my ass sticking out in a most undignified posture. She grasped the splinter between her fingernails and pulled at it. The wood was rotten and weak, so although most of the splinter came out, a little piece remained embedded.

"Hmm… This needs a little more work." She said. She fished around in her bag and came up with a safety pin. She then proceeded to dig out the offending little piece of wood, while I clenched my buttocks, gritted my teeth and barely suppressed the urge to yell out. She was finally done.

"Here it is." She said triumphantly, holding up the troublesome little speck on the tip of her forefinger. I didn't bother to look up and she gave a playful little slap on my rump.

There was a suspicious silence for a while. I straightened up and found her shoulders shaking, eyes watery and a fist thrust in her mouth, as she tried to prevent herself from laughing out aloud. The moment my eyes met hers, she burst out in hoots of laughter. I started giggling too; but then, all of a sudden something inside me snapped and my mood changed. All of my long repressed anger and resentment against her burst out.

"Don't you dare laugh at me, you bitch! I'm going to teach you a lesson." I yelled at her. She was taken aback at my outburst, and was completely unprepared when I grabbed her and forced her face down on the table, and gave a couple of whacks on her bottom.

"What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?" She gave an outraged shout and tried to wriggle free. But I was not done yet. I was far stronger than her and easily kept her pinned down on the table with one hand while dragging her sari up with the other, exposing her round, full, smooth buttocks. I then landed a couple of juicy whacks directly on her bare buns. She continued to scream and protest, but there was a qualitative change in her voice. A couple of more whacks, and the fight seemed to go out of her. She stopped struggling. A low moan rose from her throat and she started to tremble all over. That was a turning point in our lives. Up until then she was the one who drove our relationship; now I was in command.

I felt blood surge into my cock and it once again stood erect, pointing upwards and throbbing in time with my heartbeat. My arousal was heightened even more when I noticed that the fair skin of her ass had turned a deep shade of pink and saw pussy juices trickle down her inner thigh. There was a couple of jute sacks lying folded in a corner. I hurriedly spread them on the floor while Swati lay unmoving, bent over the table, eyes closed.

Swati had been outraged, shocked and humiliated as the first stinging slaps had landed on her bare bottom. Never in her life had she been treated thus. Her total helplessness against the continuing assault had further deepened her humiliation and rage, until an emotional dam had burst and she had suddenly felt all the fight go out of her. By a curious quirk of human psychology that I haven't understood, all that pent up emotional energy had found an outlet in an intense sexual arousal. But now, she was just a passive participant, ready to do my bidding.

"Come." I whispered, raising her gently. She opened her eyes. They were wet with tears and shone with a peculiarly intense passion as she stared at my throbbing cock while I stripped off my kurta and became stark naked. I lowered her on the sacks, making her lie on her back. I raised her thighs and spread them apart; then knelt between them. As she looked on intently, I held my thick hard cock and rubbed it along her wet slit. She raised her hips and wiggled them to welcome my cock into her pussy. Once again the blunt head of my cock nestled between her inflamed, red labia. Having already ejaculated once, I now had plenty of staying power. I grasped her hips and slowly pushed in, savoring the feel of the soft, silky walls of her cunt stretch and rub past the head of my cock. I pulled back and then thrust in deeper still.

As I pulled back and thrust in again to the hilt, it was Swati's turn to climax prematurely. I felt the ripples of her contracting pussy around my hard cock and heard her ecstatic moans. However, unlike my premature climax, hers did not signal an end. It was just the beginning of a long and glorious series of climaxes like waves rolling in one on top of the other during high tide. She tightened the hold of her legs around my hips as I pumped energetically. I felt a surge of pride, exulting in my ability to bring this sensuous, sexy, thus far unattainable creature to experience such peaks of passion. I sensed my own oncoming climax. Wanting to prolong our pleasure, I paused; allowing the critical moment to pass, playing with her breasts and licking her lips before resuming my lusty thrusts. I did this a couple of times more until finally I could no more resist the oncoming tide. My cock spurted load after load of semen deep inside her and I collapsed on top of her.

We lay entwined for many sweet minutes, savoring the dreamy intimacy of post coital release. Reluctantly, I got up and then helped her up too. She stumbled as she took a step; her legs had gone weak after all that she had gone through and it took her a while to find the strength to move. There was a large wet splotch on the sack where our love juices had dribbled out. Fortunately, there was a rusty half full bucket of water and a dented aluminum mug in one corner of the shack. Swati turned her back to me, tucked her sari around her waist, squatted on her haunches in one corner and washed herself clean. I was mesmerized by the slap-slap sound of water splashing against her pussy. I could see purple marks on her round, full buns and an impression of the coarse weave of the sack on the delicate, silky skin of her bare back, along with a few lacerations where her skin had chafed against the sack. After completing her ablutions, she turned around and spotted my cock that had incredibly enough become hard again.

"My God! You animal!" She exclaimed, a hand flying to cover her mouth. Her still naked breasts swayed deliciously from side to side as she ducked to avoid my embrace.

"Sameer, enough is enough! Do you want to kill me? I must go home now. My mom must be wondering what happened to me." She said. I agreed reluctantly.

Without a trace of coyness, she tucked her breasts back into the bra, reached behind to close the clasp, and then pulled the blouse in place. She put on her panties, loosened and re-dbangd the sari, ran a brush through her disheveled hair and tied it into a loose knot. All her movements were incredibly graceful and sexy. But more than that, it was the easy, trusting intimacy with which she allowed me to share those moments with her that I found most exciting.

"Do I look OK?" She asked.

"Perfect!" I responded.

"Liar! I have to peek into a mirror and make sure everything is OK." She said. I pulled her to me and we exchanged a long, lingering kiss. I allowed her a few minutes head start before I dressed and emerged from the shack; she had suddenly become coy about our being seen coming out of the shack together. She had already locked herself into the bathroom by the time I reached home. She was out in ten minutes, perfectly groomed once again. Only the slight inflammation of her eyelids betrayed the intensity of passion she had so recently experienced. She kick started the scooter and drove off in a swirl of dust.

That first fuck of my life was also one of the most memorable…

End of Ch. 01....
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RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-02-2022, 01:01 PM
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RE: Swati. By: indian_exec2000 - by Blue Bull - 02-03-2022, 11:43 AM

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