Romance A Game of Chess. By: Indian_Princes (Completed)
She took off his blind fold and ear plugs and looked at him. He had a satisfied look on his face due to the forced orgasm. She smiled as she has made his body respond to her will. She owned his mind as well as his body.

She released his restraints, got on top of him and kissed him.

"May I leave now?" he asked as his head was still spinning.

"Of course not!" she said as she cuddled in his arms, "I'm not done with you yet."

Armaan held his head between his palms, trying to get a hold of reality.

"You know Armaan," she said running her hands over him, and showering him with kisses, "I think, among the four of you, I mean the now three of you, you are not only the sexiest, but also the most romantic..."

"I want to sleep in your arms," she said kissing his forehead, "Hold me, cuddle me."

Armaan held her in his arms, knowing he had no other choice and kissed and cuddled her comforting her.

"You really love her, don't you?" she asked gently touching his face, "A powerful man like you letting me do what I did to you, I sense a deep love here."

Armaan didn't respond to her remark.

"Why didn't you marry her?" she asked, "If you love her so much..."

"Why do you care?" he said.

"Well, I'm just curious," she said in a gentle tone, "And when I ask you something, I expect you to answer and not counter question me, coz that really annoys me."

"I was afraid..." he said.

"Afraid of what?" she asked.

"Afraid of losing her..." he said feeling a sharp pain in his heart, "Do we really have to talk about this Meera?"

"Of course, we do! I know it hurts you and that's exactly what I want. So, tell me, how exactly did you think you'd lose her?" she questioned him deliberately causing him emotional distress.

"She is too good for me," he said, "I am a bad guy, I've hurt people...I didn't want her to get hurt ever because of me..."

"By getting hurt you mean like what I did to her?" she asked cruelly.

"Please Meera," he begged, "Please don't do this to her...She is such a sweetheart, I put her through so much and still she could find it in her heart to love a monster like me...she is the purest soul in the world! Please don't hurt her Meera...I'll let you do anything to me, anything you want, but please don't hurt her...she is my little flower who only knows how to love..."

He couldn't hold back his tears. Meera comforted him. She smiled wickedly to watch him break down emotionally in her arms.

"Shhh...It's alright," she said comforting him.

Armaan was drained, physically, mentally and emotionally. Being questioned about Pankhudi was so painful for him, he felt so helpless like he had never felt before. The emotional trauma was so much that he fainted in her arms.

When he woke up, he found that Meera was asleep next to him. Although he was still disoriented due to the drug, he knew this was his only chance to gain an edge over her. He looked at the clock it was 4 am. He touched her gently, she didn't respond. He was now sure that she was in a deep sleep. He found her phone lying on the table next to the bed. He tried to access if. It was locked with a password, but he also found a fingerprint scanner. He gently touched the scanner to the sleeping woman's index finger and the phone was unlocked.

He sent a text to Neil's number "bert bin hutch" Neil received the text and understood Armaan's code as an anagram for "burn the bitch". Neil instantly replied with a link to a malware. Armaan clicked on the link and installed a malware on her phone. He knew Neil would take care of the rest.

He kept the phone back exactly the way it was. He wanted to look around the room for anything that could help him find Pankhudi, but just then he watched Meera stir. He couldn't risk alerting her and his head was still spinning due to the drug so he went back to sleep next to her. When he woke up again, she wasn't there next to him. He walked quietly out of the room and glanced in the kitchen and found her making breakfast.

He realized she was going to be busy a while so he could use to opportunity to search Meera's bedroom for anything useful. He quickly looked around her room. Nothing interesting was coming into view. He opened her closet and looked through her clothes and other things. There were a couple of traditional Indian sarees in the closet that didn't go with the sexy western dresses that she usually wore. One of the sarees in the closet looked familiar to him, but he really wasn't interested in her clothes. In one of the drawers, he found her second cell phone, the one she had been using to make all communications regarding Pankhudi. He tried to access it but it was password protected.

He heard footsteps and he knew Meera was approaching. He quickly closed the closet and got back onto the bed.

"Oh, you are awake!" she said smiling at him, "I was hoping to kiss and wake you up."

She placed the breakfast tray in front of him. "I hope you didn't do anything naughty, because the walls have eyes in this room," she said.

Armaan just shook his head.

"Eat something," she said.

"No thanks," he replied, "I am not hungry."

"Doesn't matter," she said smiling and looking into his eyes, "When I tell you to do something, you do it, without question."

Armaan quietly ate the food she offered. She smiled at how he was forced to obey everything she said.

"Good, now get out of my house. I'll call you when I feel like having your tongue on my asshole again," she said giggling. She touched his healing brand and said, "Congratulations! You are my personal bitch now."

Armaan eagerly got out of her house. He called a cab and reached the rented house. Neil and Reyansh were waiting for him.

"Did it work?" he anxiously asked Neil.

"Pretty much," Neil said, "We've got something solid here. Not only did I manage to recover our videos, I also got that thing she has on Alisha. There is evidence here that can incriminate her for multiple murders."

"That's good to hear," Armaan said as he rested his back, "I've bugged her car, let's hope that's fruitful."

"That's great," Neil said, "I've also found something interesting. Meera had blackmail material against some really influential men. I guess that is where all the money and power came from."

"Well, she has certainly lost her leverage now," Armaan said as he calmly lit a cigarette, "That is what happens when you get overconfident."

Neil nodded. "There's something else...a bunch of videos of Pankhudi..." he said in a sad tone, "I don't know if you wanna watch..."

"I will," Armaan said gritting his teeth, "I will watch each and every one of them. I want to know everything about what she is doing to her!" Then he got a hold of himself and asked Neil, "Is there anything in the videos, any clue as to where she is?"

"Come on brother!" Neil said, "I haven't watched any of those videos, neither has Reyansh. We respect you Armaan, I just found a folder with her name on it and some videos in that, that's all I know."

"I really appreciate that, thanks guys," Armaan said.

Reyansh sat down next to him and tried to comfort him. "Could she have more copies?" he asked Neil.

"I've managed to hack and erase her phone and cloud account too" Neil said "I cleaned up the whole system she doesn't have anything on that laptop, phone or cloud now. But it is possible that she could have a backup hard drive somewhere."

"Yeah I was looking for a hard drive," Armaan said, "But there wasn't much time. I found her second cell phone, but I couldn't access it. And then she asked me to get out. She said she'll call me again; I hope I can search her house more thoroughly then."

"What is that Armaan?" Reyansh asked observing the wound on Armaan's neck.

Armaan took of his coat so that Neil and Reyansh could see the letter M burned into his skin.

"That filthy cunt branded you!" Reyansh shouted, "How dare she!?"

"I don't really care what she does to me," Armaan said calmly taking a puff and leaning back on the couch, "I just wanna find Pankh."

"We will brother," Neil said patting his shoulder to comfort him, "Are you OK?"

Armaan nodded wordlessly.

The silence was interrupted by a phone call.

Raghav: I've got a lead on Alisha. She has an appointment with her doctor at Healthline Hospital at 2 pm today.

Armaan: About time. Thank you.

Armaan quickly made another phone call and said, "2 pm, Healthline hospital. Remember I want her alive and unhurt."

End of Ch. 3....
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RE: A Game of Chess. By: Indian_Princes - by Blue Bull - 19-01-2022, 07:22 PM

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