Misc. Erotica The Girl Next Door: By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
She signalled the men and they dragged up to her feet. She was barely conscious.

"NO! STOP!" Armaan screamed, "Where are you taking her?"

"To a bad place," Meera laughed.

"Please don't," he begged with tears in his eyes, "I'll give you all I have. All my money...everything, but please let her go."

"That's cute," she said playfully patting his cheek, "But, no thanks. What I really want is to watch you suffer. You get to keep your money and resources. You'll need it anyway to find her. And you know what, you will indeed find her someday, but all the things that would have happened to her by then, the countless number of filthy men who would have used her by then, or maybe you'll find her humping cocks with a cute baby bump, maybe she would have given birth to a couple of bastards till then ...wow, the possibilities are endless!" She grinned leaving the rest to the worst of his imagination.

The men injected something into Pankhudi's body and she collapsed. Armaan looked at the beautiful woman he loved now lying, naked, defiled unconscious on the floor. The men put her inside a crate like a lifeless object and carried her away.

"NO,NO,NO!" Armaan shouted. He could barely contain his anger and grief. But he was bound helplessly and his heart was shattered.

"Next time," Meera said pressing a knife to his cheek and grabbing his hair, "Next time you decide to watch a girl get bangd and do nothing to help her, remember this day." She made a deep cut across his cheek.

"One thing I promise you bitch, I won't die till I ruin your life properly," he spoke vengefully in a low bitter tone.

Meera laughed and shrugged, "You already did that 13 years ago," she said with a smile and ran her fingers through his hair and continued, "Besides, you are only alive because I decided to keep you alive. I want your suffering to last as long as possible."

"I'm borrowing your phone," Meera said as she picked up Armaan's phone and continued "I don't want you alerting your friends prematurely. The neurotoxin will wear off in a while and you'll regain strength but you better find a way to get out of those cuffs alive or you will die of starvation in this very room.

Armaan was still and quiet, his face clearly showing the intensity of the pain he was feeling.

She looked at him one last time, beaming at her accomplishment as she bent over and whispered in his ear, "You should have killed me when you had the chance."

She walked out of the room laughing leaving a broken Armaan to struggle helplessly with his restraints.


Neil's house felt so empty without Aditi and the kids. It had been only 2 days since they left but the emptiness was burning a hole in Neil's heart. Memories of his wife smile, hugs and kisses, his children's laughter brought tears to his eyes.

He was desperate to make things alright between them, desperate to bring his family back. But Aditi would neither answer nor return his calls. Neil sat down on the couch with his head between his hands not knowing what to do.

Suddenly he heard the doorbell. He rushed to the door hoping to find Aditi, hoping that she had changed her mind and decided to forgive him. He was shocked to find Meera standing at the door.

She smiled confidently pushed him aside and walked into his house.

"You bloody whore," Neil growled, "Get the fuck out of my house!"

Meera only smiled back at him and sat down on the couch. "How does it feel Neil?" she asked him with a broad grin, "..to lose everything you love."

"So this was your plan," Neil said, "You sent that other whore to get than video from Reyansh's laptop...why am I not surprised?"

Meera just kept smiling at his defeat. Her smile made his blood boil.

"Who do you think you are?" he shouted at her, "A bloody whore, worthless piece of flesh nothing else!"

Meera burst out laughing, "Calling me names doesn't change the fact that your life is fucked and there is nothing you can do about it."

Her laughter pierced his ears like poisoned darts.

He grabbed her hair. Meera began to struggle in his grip. "You think you are clever, don't you? You think you'll mess with my life and there is nothing I would really do about it?"

"Neil, let me go," Meera warned, "You won't like where this goes."

Neil chuckled, "Look at yourself, how pathetic you sound threatening me when you can't even break free from my grip. You think you know pain, you know what cunt, when I am done with you today, you won't even recognize yourself."

Meera struggled with all her strength. A portion of her top got ripped off exposing her cleavage. Her skin burned in humiliation. Neil smiled briefly at her condition roughly pushed her on the floor roughly.

"I'll show you what it means you have your life fucked!" Neil spoke vengefully and he grabbed a leather belt and began raining blows on Meera. She screamed in pain.

"That's right bitch! Scream all you can!" Neil said.

"NEIL!" Aditi screamed as she entered the room, "Stop, for God's sake!"

She rushed to Meera who was almost losing consciousness. Aditi helped her to her feet, made her sit down on the couch and offered her a glass of water.

Neil stood shocked as if he had seen a ghost.

"What are you doing here Aditi?" he gasped, not expecting her sudden return.

"What kind of a ridiculous question is that?" she yelled, "This is my house as much as yours. Meera called me for help and I'm so glad I could reach in time."

Aditi comforted Meera as she was still trembling and recovering from pain. "Thank you for saving me," Meera said as she tearfully hugged Aditi, "He would have killed me if you hadn't saved me."

"I can't believe I saw what I saw Neil," Aditi said, "You tried to bang her?"

"bang this piece of shit? She is the one who sells her cunt for money!" Neil defended, "Yes Aditi, she is a whore and the whole time has been plotting to rip us apart."

Aditi looked at Neil in disbelief, "What has happened to you Neil? Do you even hear yourself? She was the one being beaten here. Just look at her! Do you think calling her a whore makes everything alright? She is in so much pain, can't you see that?"

Meera curled up into a ball. She was still sobbing and trembling.

"He's hurt you before too, hasn't he Meera?" Aditi asked firmly, "Tell me the truth."

Meera gave her a sad look but didn't say anything as she wept silently.

"I need to know Meera," Aditi insisted gentle shaking her.

"I am so sorry Aditi," Meera said hugging her tightly as she sobbed, "I didn't tell you earlier because I didn't want to hurt you...I didn't want your family to fall apart."

"Since when is he been doing this to you?" Aditi asked firmly.

Meera hesitated for a while and said, "He bangd me and made a video and threatened he would spread it if I told anyone or tried to move away. He told me he'd hurt me more if I didn't do as her says."

Neil could barely contain his anger. "You lying bitch! You threw yourself and your stinking cunt over me! I fucked your worthless holes because you begged me to!" he said as he kicked the helpless girl.

"You did what!?" Aditi shouted in shock and surprise.

Neil suddenly realized that he unwittingly confessed to his infidelity.

"Show me your phone," Aditi demanded.

"What? Why...?" Neil hesitated.

"You said she is lying...prove it, prove her wrong, show me your phone," Aditi demanded.

Neil unlocked his phone and handed it over to Aditi. He knew that the only video he had recorded was Meera consenting to be beaten.

Aditi played the video on his phone. To his shock and surprise, that video of Meera's consent was replaced by another video. It was a footage from a camera hidden in Meera's bedroom. It was cleverly edited and there was no audio. It looked as if Neil had been brutally fucking Meera. Neil suddenly realized that Meera made the switch when she borrowed his phone under the pretext of making a phone call right after he had sex with her. He remembered that he had moved to another room to 'speak to her therapist' and returned a few minutes later. And Neil had been so over-confident about Meera's submission to check the video again.

Aditi looked at Neil with such hate and disgust he had never seen in her eyes before. He looked in rage at Meera who gave him a quick coy smile before she buried her head back into her arms and continued sobbing like a victim.

"I've changed, he says," Aditi said bitterly. She was feeling deeply hurt as she spoke in a low voice, "There's nothing left to talk about now." I'll send you the divorce papers. Just leave now. Please"

Neil felt utterly helpless and angry at himself that he couldn't see through Meera's plan. All he knew that Meera put him into a checkmate position and there was no escape. He left the two women and walked out of his house, a plethora of emotions clouding his mind.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize he was being followed. As he turned onto a deserted street, he was hit hard on the head. He lost consciousness.


Aarav returned home after the surgeries. He saw missed calls from Armaan and his text. He called back. Meera smiled seeing the caller's name but didn't answer.

The doorbell rang. There was a delivery boy standing with a parcel for him. Aarav received a parcel. It did not contain the details of the sender. He opened it out of curiosity. There was a note and another box inside it.

Dear Aarav,

I have to thank you for the life I've lived. I owe you a debt. You have been ever so calculative. My gift will perhaps help you calculate the possibility of survival of a person, when the very essence of their life is taken away from them.

A friend

Aarav was confused reading the note. He couldn't understand the meaning at all. He decided to open the box carefully. He was surprised to find a strange box inside it. He picked it up to inspect it. And the moment he opened the box and there was an explosion. A loud explosion.

Aarav fell to the floor screaming. His family rushed to his side. He fell to the floor unconscious.

When he woke up, he was in a hospital. His family was by his side. When he looked at the bandages on his hands, he screamed uncontrollably. He had lost both his hands.

His colleague, Dr. Varun came in trying to calm him down. He injected a sedative into his veins.

"I need to have a word with him alone," Dr. Varun requested Aarav's family.

"I understand how you are feeling Aarav," Varun said.

"NO!" Aarav screamed, "You don't understand! You will never understand! I lost EVERYTHING! Can't you see? I can never hold a scalpel again, I can never perform a surgery again. My whole career as a surgeon is over...I am worse than a beggar now!" Aarav couldn't hold back his tears.

Varun was quiet for some time. "I am really sorry," he said after a while, "But this certainly wasn't an accident. The explosives were strong enough to mutilate you, but not to kill you. Whoever did this, pretty much intended it. The security officer might want to know if you suspect somebody."

"Please do me a favour and don't let anyone in for a while," Aarav requested, "I really need some time to myself."

Dr. Varun nodded and left Aarav alone in his room for a while. The pain and the emotional trauma wouldn't let him rest. Aarav kept wondering who would it be who wanted to cripple him like that.

That note

I have to thank you for the life I've lived. I owe you a debt. You have been ever so calculative. My gift will perhaps help you calculate the possibility of survival of a person, when the very essence of their life is taken away from them.

It kept haunting his thoughts. And then a nurse carried a bouquet into his room. There was a card stuck in the flowers. That read -


You are going to be fine. You may feel a little bad now, but you'll get used to it. Maybe even learn to like it someday.



That card answered all his doubts. A memory struck him like lighting. A 13 year old memory. Tears of regret flooded his eyes. It was a dark secret of his past he hadn't shared with anyone in his family. He looked at he broken hands once again. Once the hands of an excellent surgeon were now mere stumps. He knew he couldn't survive like his. Once a renowned surgeon, now a cripple and a burden on his family.

His entire life was crumbling down before his eyes. He walked to the window of the room and observed that he was on the tenth floor. The sun had set and the city gleamed beneath like a jewel. The city where he grew up and lived his dreams, that gave him all the joys of life, and so much freedom that for one brief moment, he didn't care about the feeling of someone less fortunate. He pushed open the window and looked down one last time. There was nothing left to hold him back. He jumped and hit the ground in a few seconds. His death was swift, but it was quite some time before they collected all the pieces of his broken body.

End of Ch. 2 ....
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