Misc. Erotica The Girl Next Door: By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
"What's her name again?" Armaan asked as he browsed a social media site.

"Meera," Neil said.

Armaan opened her profile trying to scan the details.

"What the...!" Reyansh commented as he observed her social media page, "You guys blind or what?"

The other three men looked at him questioningly.

"Look at the difference in lighting in the object and background, these impossible lighting angles, resolution mismatch..." Reyansh said as he grabbed the laptop and scanned the pictures using various graphic tools that he used for his work.

"ALL these images are fake," he said confidently, "The ones with friends and family...this girl's picture has been merged into some random pictures of other people...now to do a reverse search.." he continued running his fingers rapidly over the keyboard, "All of these were taken from different social media profiles. Someone took the effort to create a fake profile with so many fake images. They wanted you to believe something that isn't. So bottom line is...Neil you are in deep shit!" Reyansh commented.

"If the pictures are fake," Aarav said, "I am sure the name and other details mentioned here are fake too. So now there are two girls we need to find out about."

Neil was visibly upset. "I really don't understand why she would..." he said.

"If she's been visiting the hospital and seeing a psychiatrist" Aarav said, "I could pull out her case file. It will help us get a better insight."

"Sounds good," Armaan said, "Let's disperse for now. There's work to do. And watch your step, all of you."

The men dispersed without further word.

Next day Armaan drove to a known red-light area.

"Long time Sir!" a man greeted him, "How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for her," Armaan said showing him a picture in his phone.

The man looked at it for a long time and said, "It is only a side view pic, but I really don't think I have seen this girl around here."

"Are you sure? I need to find her, help me and I'll pay double the usual tip," Armaan said.

"Forward me the pic, Sir, I'll have my best men look for her," the man said.

Armaan forwarded the pic, paid him a token of cash in advance and turned to leave. But a thought occurred to him. He stopped and turned back, "One more thing..." he said calling out to the man.

"Seen her around here?" he said showing a pic of Meera.

The man's face lit up seeing Meera's pic. "Oh yes! I know her," he said, "She is

Natasha, she is one of the most special girls here, works for special clients only...this one is your type sir, she would take anything if you pay the right price. Trust me, 'anything'," he insisted.

Armaan smiled that his shot in the dark hit the bull's eye. "Are you certain?" he confirmed once more.

"100 percent. No one can forget a girl like her, the most expensive piece of ass around town." The man confirmed with a smile.

"Fine, fix her up with me, will ya?" Armaan said, "No matter the price,"

"I am sorry," the man said as his expression dropped, "She doesn't work around here anymore. She disappeared like a year ago."

"Never mind," Armaan said, "Find me this other girl."

The man nodded

Armaan got back into his car and made a few phone calls to confirm what he had just heard. Once he was certain that the information is true, he called up Neil.

Neil: Hey, I could use some good news bro.

Armaan: I have news, not sure if it is good.

Neil: Hell, tell me anyway

Armaan: This Meera character of yours, she is no writer or a businessman's daughter. She is a whore. Goes by the name Natasha, and God knows how many other names!

Neil: WHAT?!!

Armaan: Yeah, a pain slut precisely. She caters to needs of specific men. Word is that she has a high tolerance for pain, and she takes all S&M requests, and that's why she is priced much higher than regular whores. That is where all that money comes from. Its that why she looks familiar to you Neil?

Neil: Hell no! I would have remembered! Have you?

Armaan: No. But I have certainly seen her before, once with Pankhudi and she looked familiar even then.

Neil: Why the hell was she with your girl Armaan?

Armaan: I don't know yet Neil, and that really worries me. Not sure if Pankh even knows the truth about her. This girl seems to be up to something Neil. Be careful. I'm trying to dig further into her history. There has to be a reason why she looks familiar to both of us. I'll call you back as soon as I have more information.

Neil: Alright, the sooner the better.

Armaan hung up the phone.

Next Armaan drove to Aarav's hospital. He asked for Sister Mary. A middle-aged woman appeared before him.

He showed her a pic of Meera and asked, "Sister Mary" he asked firmly, "What was this woman really doing here?"

"Why is everyone after her?" the nurse replied.

Armaan slipped some cash into her hand and asked again with a stern gaze, "The truth."

The nurse looked around for anyone listening and leaned in closer, "She wanted access to the employee records."

Armaan was alarmed, "What for?" he asked.

"I don't know," the nurse said, "She paid me for a little piece of information. I just told her where the records are kept."

Armaan immediately called up Aarav to alert him. But he didn't answer.

He stopped a nurse passing nearby. "I need to speak to Dr. Aarav urgently," he demanded.

"I am sorry Sir, but he is in the operation theatre. He is not to be disturbed till the end of the surgery," she informed.

"How long would it take?" Armaan asked.

"Four hours, at least," she replied.

He quickly dropped Aarav a text to call him back as soon as possible.

He got back into his car. His phone buzzed with a text message.

Pankhudi: Missing you sweetheart. Come over for dinner?

Armaan smiled reading the message. He wanted to talk to Pankhudi about Meera anyway but he felt it is best to do so in person rather than over the phone. Besides, it had been a while since they were together. He had been too busy to spend time with his love Pankhudi, and he loved the food she cooked.

He replied "All right, I'll be there in 30 minutes," and drove off to her place.

When he reached Pankhudi's place, he found the door ajar. He got a little suspicious, but was wondering if Pankh had planned some surprise for him.

He looked for her in the living room, called out her name but there was no response. He glanced quickly in the kitchen and when he found no fresh food cooked, he was alerted.

He cautiously entered the bedroom and found a man holding a knife to her throat. And before he could realize, he felt a sharp pain in the left side of his neck. He turned around to find Meera standing there smiling at him. She held an empty syringe in her left hand, the contents of which she had already injected in Armaan's body.

"What the fuck?" Armaan scream in pain, "What the hell are you doing here? What is going on here?"

Armaan felt the toxin work. He felt weak, his muscles losing tone slowly, he fell to his knees.

Meera walked around him smiling at his condition, watching him writhe helplessly in pain and his movements cease as the neurotoxin paralysed his muscles deeper with every passing minute.

"Who are you?" Armaan asked.

"I'm surprised you remember so little...but I was so little when we first met," Meera said stroking his hair fondly.

Armaan could barely respond. With the toxin paralyzing his muscles, he fell to the floor. His breathing became laboured as he struggled to breathe as his respiratory muscles were losing tone.

"That's a neurotoxin I just injected in you. It is going to paralyze your muscles for a while so that you can enjoy the show. You won't be able to move around much but you'll be fully conscious. You'll feel, hear and remember everything that happened here. That's the fun part."

"Please don't hurt Pankhudi," he gasped with all the voice he had left.

"I'm afraid that's exactly what we are going to do," Meera chuckled and signalled the man. Two other men entered the room.

One of them cuffed his hands and feet together so he was forced into a kneeling position. Meera sat down on a chair next to him and grabbed his hair to remind him that she was in control.

The three men then walked towards Pankhudi.

"No please no," Armaan begged as he realized what they were about to do.

The man holding the knife began to tear of Pankhudi's clothes. She screamed and tried to resist but the men holding her were too strong.

"Why are you doing this to me Meera? I thought we were friends. I trusted you." Pankhudi pleaded.

"That was the whole point," Meera shrugged and spoke nonchalantly, "To get you to trust me, so I can do this to both of you."

"But why? I have never hurt you...I've been good to you, I've helped you," Pankhudi pleaded, "Don't you have a heart at all?"

"I did have a heart once, until he tore it out of me," she said glaring at Armaan,

"Pankhudi, you don't deserve any of this, but you are all he cares about and some men don't learn till it happens to the people they care about."

The men continued tearing away her clothes relentlessly. Soon she was completely naked.

"Listen, Meera, Natasha, whatever the fuck your name is..." Armaan growled, "Stop it this instant or..."

"Or what?" Meera laughed, "You wanna do something about it?"

Armaan struggled wildly with his restraints. But he was too weak. Meera laughed at his hopeless struggle. He could barely watch. He closed his eyes out of helplessness.

He suddenly felt a sharp pain on his neck. Meera had poked a knife into his neck and drew out blood. "Next time you close your eyes, I will cut her. One cut for each time you close your eyes. Do you really want to make this more painful for her?" she warned.

The goons pushed the helpless naked woman on the floor a few feet away from Armaan. He felt his blood boil, but he couldn't even move.

"So nice of them to arrange such a close-up view, no?" She teased Armaan grabbing his hair and forcing him to watch the bang of the woman he loved.

"Please," he begged, "Whatever grudge it is that you have against me, take it out on me, do whatever you want to me, but please let her go...she is innocent."

"Innocent, is she?" Meera spoke calmly, "Well, there many who prey on the innocent, I am sure, you, among all people, would agree."

Meera smiled as one of the goons spread her legs and mounted her. Pankhudi cried, begged and screamed but the man showed no mercy.

"You son of a bitch," Armaan shouted at the man who was about the bang her. "If you touch her, I'm gonna cut you into a thousand pieces."

"Tsk-tsk," Meera shook her head in disappointment. She started stroking Armaan's head gently, teasing him and said, "You need to be alive in order to do that. You know, the good man here can slit your throat this instant and fuck her anyway. There's no need to be rude. I am keeping you alive for a reason. Respect that."

The man started gnawing at her helpless naked body. She tried resisting him with all her strength but he rammed his cock inside her. She screamed hysterically, but the filthy looking goon forced a kiss in her as he continued fucking her unwilling pussy.

Armaan's eyes were tearful. He struggled with all his strength against his restraints but was helpless.

"Stop it please," he begged over and over again. "Take whatever you want, do whatever you want to me."

"Really?" Meera asked with a devilish smile.

"Just let her go," he pleaded.

The man banging Pankhudi grunted obscenely as her came in her pussy. Meera smiled at her accomplishment. "There, look," she said grabbing a chunk of Armaan's hair, "Your precious Pankhudi defiled by a filthy thug right in front of your eyes."

Armaan couldn't bear to watch anymore, he closed his eyes. And suddenly he heard Pankhudi scream loudly. Meera had made a deep cut in her skin. "What did I tell you about closing your eyes?" she said looking straight at Armaan.

"No, please don't hurt her," he said.

"I won't," she replied, "All you have to do is keep your eyes open and enjoy the show."

Armaan could no longer hold back his tears. Meera made him look at her defiled pussy with another man's cum flowing out of it. His heart shattered to see the woman he loved the most in such a condition.

Another man mounted her next and he was forced to watch again.

The ordeal went on for quite some time, the three goons taking turns to bang her over and over again. Meera had a look of pleasure and satisfaction as she watched the couple suffer.

"Who are you?" Armaan asked in a defeated tone, "And why are you doing this to us?"

"Now that's an interesting question" Meera replied, "I am a...you could say, cockroach. I was born in a stinky dump and lived an equally stinky life. And then there came this angel, who thought I deserved better, who thought I deserved love and she gave it to me. And she gave me hope that perhaps my life would not be so shitty after all. I loved her, more than anyone else, just like you love your precious Pankhudi. You never realize how much it hurts until it happens to you right? Then this cockroach comes looking for her sunshine, and guess what, you decide that I am a problem and you flush me down into a gutter hoping you'd never see me again. But you know what cockroaches can survive the darkest, filthiest places. Not sure if this flower of yours can."

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RE: The Girl Next Door: By: Indian Princes. - by Blue Bull - 13-01-2022, 03:27 PM

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