Misc. Erotica The Girl Next Door: By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
Meera used to visit Neil's house occasionally, but spent her time with Aditi and the girls mostly. She rarely ever bothered Neil, but somehow her presence in his house kinda made him uncomfortable. Though he never paid much attention to her coz she never seemed to cause trouble.

One night, after a beautiful love making, Aditi cuddled close to him.

"I'm so lucky to have a loving husband like you Neil," She said running a finger over his nose.

"No matter how many times you say that, I never get tired of hearing it...my sweet wife," he said smiling mischievously and kissed her briefly.

"Not everyone is so fortunate though," Aditi said, "Some women never get to see the good side of men...of how much a man is capable of loving and caring."

"Who are you talking about?" Neil asked his brow furrowed in confusion.

"That girl next door...Meera," Aditi said, "She seems very nice and well behaved, in fact she is very sweet with the girls, but once I noticed some scars on her body...looks like she was beaten brutally in the past."

"Hmm," Neil said still trying to process the information.

"She doesn't like to talk much about her past but once she made a fleeting mention about an abusive relationship. She is such a sweet soul but I sense deep sadness in her eyes...like there is something very dark about her past" Aditi was pouring her mind.

"It is indeed sad, honey," Neil replied.

"Perhaps she did go through something bad...I just felt it's not polite to question her about something so personal that she doesn't want to talk about. Perhaps, she'll share with me someday if she trusts me. She is a good person Neil; I'll say a prayer for her. May God heal whatever it is that is hurting her."

"That's such a sweet thought honey. May God bless you, and her," Neil said drawing Aditi even deeper in his embrace.


One afternoon, the doorbell rang and Neil was surprised to find Meera at the door.

"Aditi isn't home yet," he said.

Meera hesitated for a while and said, "I actually needed your help..." she casually stepped inside the house.

The clothes she wore were so subtle yet provocative. She wore a tight fitting blue top, that outlined her breasts beautifully, with a deep neck line giving a peek of her cleavage. She combined it with a skin tight jeans fitting her ass perfectly. Her auburn hair hanging down her shoulders made her look ravishing.

"So how can I help you?" Neil asked.

"Well, actually I'm writing an article on BDSM."

"So?" Neil said eyeing her suspiciously.

"I'm really sorry if you find the topic disturbing, I know the kind of person you are, Aditi talks so much about how sweet and loving man you are...and I can understand if you find this whole BDSM idea disturbing...but.." Meera paused for a while.

"But?" Neil asked still maintain a firm tone.

"I usually research my topic well before I write. Since you are an IT professional, can you help me access the FRAUD safely? Last time I tried someone hacked my system and I had to pay a fortune to get it fixed," she said, her face drowning in worry.

"Why do you need access to the FRAUD?" Neil asked, "I'm pretty sure, there's a lot of 'research material' available on that topic on the regular web."

"What we see on the surface is just a tip of the iceberg," she said maintaining a firm eye contact, "You'd be surprised to know how much of dark truth often stays hidden."

Neil held the eye contact trying to read her face. He realized she was hinting at something but couldn't figure out what.

Her expression softened and she bent slightly letting him see her cleavage, and threw her head back slightly exposing the smooth curve of her neck. Then she touched his hand gently and said, "Please..."

"Alright just once..." he said, "Aditi isn't fond of such stuff so try to finish soon."

"Thank you," she said as her eyes gleamed in joy.

Neil hesitantly helped her access the dark sites on the FRAUD, still wondering what exactly was on her mind. The brutality imaged on those sites was so disturbing, but Meera's expression was surprisingly calm. She made notes as she browsed, looked at him occasionally and giving a polite smile. As she browsed through pictures of women tied up or being beaten, he noticed her breathing heavily. She absent-mindedly brushed her hand across her breasts and brought it to rest on her thigh. As she moved her hand up and down her thigh, Neil moved a bit closer unable to resist his desire to see her closely in a state of arousal.

She leaned back on her chair, looked at him in the eye and whispered, "This feels so real, doesn't it?"

"Excuse me?" Neil asked sharply.

Meera quickly composed herself and said, "I meant this stuff here is real...the stuff on the regular web, all paid actors with fake emotions...THIS is the real deal."

"I guess it is," he replied shrugging casually, "Never paid attention, not my domain."

As she looked away Neil fixed his eyes on her rising and falling breasts. He was so tempted to grab them but he had a strong self-control. The more he looked at her perfect body, the stronger his desire grew.

She left after a while and returned in the evening with a plum cake.

Aditi answered to door. She welcome Meera into the house.

"I have so much to thank you for Aditi, your husband helped me a lot today. The kids told me he is particularly fond of plum cakes, so I baked one for him." Meera said.

"Sure, he likes plum cakes," Aditi smiled, "By the way what kinda help did you need?"

"About my blog..." Meera said.

"Nothing special just some technical stuff," Neil cut her off, not wanting to go into details, "And thanks for the cake," He grabbed the whole cake from her hand.

"Forgive his craziness," Aditi laughed, "He is totally crazy about coffee and plum cakes."

Meera had evening tea with them and went back home.

At night once the kids went to sleep, Neil was working on his computers as Aditi went to take a bath. He didn't realize he finished more than half of the cake. After sometime he felt a strange buzz in his head. He shut down his computers and went to the bedroom.

Aditi was still in the shower. He smiled at a thought and joined her. Aditi was pleasantly surprised and pulled him in. Once he was drenched in the hot shower from head to toe, she raised her toes to reach his lips for a kiss. Neil kissed her back passionately. Aditi then pushed him down into the bath tub. Neil relaxed back into the bath tub and Aditi straddled his hips. She leaned forward for another kiss rubbing his collar bones as she brushed her lips against his. He leaned forward to lock his lips but she pulled away her eyes twinkling with naughtiness. She bent forward again and brushed his lips. Neil lightly brushed his hands across her nipples sending a tingle down her belly. She moaned.

"You are not the only one who can tease," he said playfully.

Aditi grabbed his hair tightly and kissed him deep and passionately, her tongue meeting his. Something about the kiss triggered something in Neil.

He grabbed her hair and forced her to her knees and forced his cock into her mouth. Aditi gagged with the sudden invasion and struggled to break free. Neil kept his grip firm. Aditi had no choice but to suck her husband's cock, which she would have done gladly, had he asked nicely, but she didn't like it being forced this way. She refused to accept his forceful invasion and kept struggling to break free.

When he finally let go of her, she shouted at him, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Neil spoke in a low bitter tone, "When I want you to suck me, you suck me, is that clear?"

Aditi was angry hearing that. She pushed Neil away and walked out of the bath tub. "I am your wife, not a fucking slave that your order me like this." She said firmly.

Neil grabbed her hair and dragged her back into the bathtub.

"I think it is time you learned your place," Neil said viciously.

He pushed her roughly into the bathtub. She got on all fours to keep her balance.

Before she could recover, Neil grabbed her hips and inserted his cock in her ass in one swift motion. Aditi screamed in pain.

"NEIL, STOP IT!" she yelled.

"This is what you get," Neil said mad with lust.

"Please...it is so painful," she begged tearfully.

Neil now angry by her protests pushed her head underwater. Aditi began to struggle frantically for breath as the pain in her rear intensified with every thrust.

Neil pulled her head out of water and said, "Was the enough for you? Or would you like to take another dive?"

Aditi didn't speak a word after that. She was forced to submit to the brutal force he used. She wept silently till Neil finished. Once he came in her ass, he roughly pushed her away and walked out.

Aditi sat weeping in the bathroom for some time. She just couldn't understand what was wrong with him. When she came out, she saw Neil already asleep.

She dried herself and wore a night gown. She looked at how peacefully Neil was sleeping after fucking her so brutally she couldn't hold back her tears. She walked away to sleep alone in another room.

Neil woke up in the morning feeling lightheaded. He suddenly remembered the last nights events and felt deeply sorry. His couldn't figure out what made him go so wild. He was wondering whether it had anything to do with the images he saw on the FRAUD. He tried to apologize to his wife but she wouldn't speak to him.

Something was very wrong. Perhaps he needed medical help. He picked up his phone and dialled a number.

"There's something bothering me. Can we meet?" Neil asked.

"Sure, see you at my clinic at 1 pm?" the man on the other side answered.

After a few hours, at a pre-decided time, Neil was sitting opposite his friend Aarav. Aarav was a young successful doctor.

"Something strange has been happening lately," Neil said, "I really love my wife, and I haven't ever hurt her or the kids, but off late something kinda drives me...crazy."

"As in?" Aarav asked.

"I get kinda violent...I don't know why I do it, I felt like I aint myself...I hurt Aditi...and she has been very upset since," Neil confessed looking visibly disturbed.

Aarav was listening carefully. "Was there a trigger? Like something you read or watched?" he asked.

"No," Neil said firmly.

"Let me do a quick examination," Aarav said guiding Neil to lie down on the examination table.

Making a few notes Aarav asked, "I see subtle sign of intoxication. Have you been taking any drugs lately?"

"What kind of drugs?" Neil asked.

"Amphetamines?" Aarav suggested.

"No, not at all!" Neil protested.

"Anything you ate or drank apart from routine stuff? Anything unusual?" Aarav asked.

"Nothing that I remember," Neil said, thinking for a minutes. And suddenly his face lit up, and he said "My new neighbour has been getting these plum cakes...and...right after that I go kinda crazy!"

"Currently there is nothing to worry about. The intoxication is too subtle to be any kind of threat to your health. It's an ambiguous picture Neil. Anyway, let's run a tox screen. We'll know for sure then." Aarav said confidently, "Also get a piece of this cake next time around, yeah? We'll run a few dope tests and figure out what it is."

"Sure. Also one more thing," Neil said with hesitation placing Meera's picture on the table, "Does this girl look familiar to you?"

Aarav looked at the picture carefully and replied, "No, never seen her before. Why do you ask? Who is she?"

"She moved into the next house a month ago," Neil said, "I feel I've seen her before, but can't remember. Anyway, you say, how's life? Its been a long time since we had a chat."

Aarav smiled, "Life is pretty good, I guess. In case you didn't know, I'm going to receive an award of excellence in microsurgery."

"Congratulations!" Neil said jubilantly shaking his hand, "I am so proud of you bro. Always knew you were extraordinary. And how's Avantika and how's junior?"

"Kiaan is great, he's gonna be 5 next month." Aarav said, "And wife is, well...wife."

Both men laughed.

That evening as Neil was working on his computers, a chat window popped up Neil realized that Meera who has previously used his computer had logged in into a BDSM site in an incognito tab, and perhaps forgotten to log out.

He checked a little further and found out that her username was sweet_angel22. She had been using this website for chatting with random men for quite some time. She came across as a submissive woman. He decided to create a log in of his own and use this opportunity to communicate anonymously with her to probe into her dark side better.

He created a new log in with a username "GodFather" and sent her a message as soon as he saw her online.

GodFather: Hello.

She didn't reply.

GodFather: Are you online only to receive messages?

Sweet_angel22 is typing...

Sweet_angel22: Hello, do I know you?

GodFather: Not yet, but you'll be eager to know me very soon.

Sweet_angel22: How can you be so sure?

GodFather: Because I know what a submissive slut like you exactly needs.

Sweet_angel22: Who told you I am submissive?

GodFather: Funny, are you not? I can smell your wanting pussy from miles honey.

Sweet_angel22: Look, I need to know something about you before I can chat further. Something other than your username.

GodFather: 38/Male/Mumbai. Is that sufficient?

Sweet_angel22: That's a start. I hope I'll know you better with time. What do you want to know about me?

GodFather: Anything and everything that you want me to know. Lets start with what turns you on?

Sweet_angel22: Dominant men! I like to be controlled. And I like bondage sex, like to be tied up, and humiliated.

GodFather: That's interesting, tell me more.

Sweet_angel22: Sometimes I like pain too, not too much...but I'd do anything to please my Master.

GodFather: What kind of a man would you submit to?

Sweet_angel22: Someone who is intelligent, considerate, good looking, polite but honest. Someone who would care about me.

GodFather: Limits?

Sweet_angel22: The scat stuff, I find it disgusting.

GodFather: LOL...Alright, how good are you at keeping a secret?

Sweet_angel22: Pretty good I guess; would you like to find out?

GodFather: Soon.

Neil smiled as he logged out. He now had the information he needed.

Neil observed Meera watering the flowers on her front porch as he parked his car in the garage. He knew she was ripe for seduction by the way she bent over revealing her cleavage and smiled at him. With his wife sleeping in a different room for many days now, his sexual frustrations were rising.

He was a patient man. He knew soon Meera will approach under some of the other pretext.

He was right.

A few days later Meera showed up at his doorstep, requesting help. She was wearing a tank top and a really short denim skirt. Neil couldn't resist scanning her from head to toe.

"Hi, really sorry to disturb you but I was in the middle of something important and my laptop just stopped working. Could you please help me?" she requested with a smile.

"Sure," he said and opened the door for her.

He scanned through her laptop, trying to fix the problem. It figured out it was something minor. But he didn't want to miss the opportunity to snoop around her personal computer a bit.

"I'd like a cup of coffee while I fix this." he said.

"Of course!" she said with a smile and went to the kitchen to make him a cup of coffee. She visited his house frequently and was familiar with the kitchen of his house. He was testing how willingly she obeys commands.

"How much sugar?" she yelled over the counter.

"No sugar," he said, "I just like it black."

While she was occupied, he quickly scanned through her personal photos, her browsing history and her downloads. He realized that she was indeed a submissive woman. He now doubted her 'abusive past relationship' story that she told his sweet naïve wife. He closed all her personal files before she returned with the coffee.

As she placed the cup on the table next to him, he realized she wasn't wearing a bra.

"It is a major issue?" she asked with concern.

"It is going to take a while to be fixed," he said looking into her eyes as he sipped his coffee. "How is your blog coming along?" he asked casually.

"Quite well," she said, "I'm writing on a bold topic for the first time, its exciting!"

"Hmm," Neil said as he registered the genuine excitement on her face, "Mind if I keep your laptop for a few days? I'll return it once it is fixed."

"Sure, no problem," she said, "I'll leave then, see you around."

Just as she turned to leave, Neil grabbed her hips and pulled her roughly onto his lap. He secured both her hands within the firm grip of one hand.

Meera was taken by surprise. "Neil, what are you..."

"Shhhh" Neil silenced her, "You like dominant men, don't you?"

"Nnno, nothing like that..." Meera protested weakly.

"I'm not blind Meera, you think I don't get the hints you drop every time you see me?" he said slowly running his free hand over her breasts, he could feel them nice and soft underneath the flimsy fabric of her top. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I know everything Meera."

"What do you know?" Meera asked continuing her feeble protests.

"That you are a submissive slut," he said as he gently brushed across her now erect nipples.

A moan escaped her lips. But she still kept up her feeble protest, "No...I...we shouldn't..."

"No? Really?" he said now boldly touching her exposed thighs, "Then tell me this, why did you knock at my door dressed up like a slut?"

Meera was trembling with the sensations of his touch.

"And why aren't you wearing a bra?" he asked gently squeezing her boobs, "Is it because you want to show me your tits?"

She didn't reply, only moaned to his skillful stimulation. Neil pushed her onto the couch. Meera was barely able to recover from the shock when he suddenly grabbed her hair. Neil smiled at her weak resistance. He knew it how exactly to break it. "Let's see how for how long you will resist."

With one hand still grabbing her hair, he slipped a hand into her panties and found her well shaved smooth pussy lips. He began stroking her clit with such skill that Meera moaned uncontrollably.

He whispered seductively in her ear, "If you want me to stop, just say it, I'll stop," He kissed her lips briefly and began nibbling her neck. Meera arched her back in response. "Say it Meera," he teased her, "Say you don't want it, tell me to stop."

The way she was moaning and arching her body, he was confident she didn't want him to stop. The way he moved his fingers over her clit gave her such pleasurable sensation like she had never experienced before. She never realized when she began to sway her hips in a response. She was almost about the reach her orgasm when Neil suddenly stopped.

He waved his glistening fingers in front of her face and smiled, "Would you still say that you don't want it?"

Meera blushed. He shoved his fingers into her mouth and she sucked willingly. "I want to..." she hesitated.

"Yes?" he encouraged her to speak while boldly playing with her breasts.

"I want to.." she hesitated again.

He pinched one nipple and made her flinch. "Cat got your tongue?" and he swiftly pushed his hands back inside her panties making her moan.

"I want you do it with you," She said softly.

"Do what? he teased.

"Have sex," she said blushing.

"You mean you want to fuck?" he said humiliating her.

She nodded as he continued playing with her pussy.

Neil only smiled in response. "One thing I really hate," he said gently kneading her boobs, "Is a slut playing the shy girl act."

"I'm not a slut!" she protested.

"Is it?" Neil asked looking into her eyes, as he inserted to finger in her pussy began to rapidly rub her clit with his thumb. Meera was in no position to resist as she felt her orgasm quickly build up.

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RE: The Girl Next Door: By: Indian Princes. - by Blue Bull - 12-01-2022, 12:14 PM

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