Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
I wish she had said something...anything...at least, goodbye...

When Alisha's eyes met Reyansh, she flashed an inviting smile at him as she sipped her drink.

Reyansh was having a drink with his friends. When he noticed Alisha smiling at him, he smiled back and walked up to her.

"Hey there," he said, "Would the lady like another drink?"

"Perhaps," Alisha said, taking a sip, "That depends..."

"Depends on?" he asked.

"Whether I like you or not," she said.

Reyansh raised an eyebrow and scanned Alisha from head to toe. Every curve of her body was deliciously alluring.

"Let's find out then," Reyansh said with a smile, "Would you like to take a drive?"

He loved challenges. He was now determined to fuck this woman. He started using all his charms. He led her to his expensive car and watched her expression.

"Wow!" she gasped as she saw his car.

"Well," he said as they got into the car and he drove off, "At least I know you like my car."

"She's pretty," Alisha said.

"So are you..." Reyansh said, running a hand over her exposed thigh. He smiled when she didn't resist.

"You better watch your hand," she said, "The stuff you are touching is expensive."

"Really?" Reyansh asked with a smile, "How much does this pretty set of holes cost for a night?"

He shoved his free hand up her dress and began to rub her crotch from over her panties. Alisha moaned but she still didn't push his hand away. Reyansh had a wicked smile on his lips and he pushed two fingers inside her panties and touched her pussy lips.

"50K," Alisha said.

"25," he replied as he continued rubbing her pussy.

"40," she replied, trying to control her moaning.

"25," he said, "Look at your cunt, it is dripping already, honestly, you are not even worth 5k but I have a class and 25 is a generous offer. Either that or I throw you out of my car right now."

"Okay, 25," she said in surrender.

Reyansh smiled and started driving towards his house. Once they reached, he led Alisha inside his bedroom.

"Strip whore," he ordered as he sat down on the bed.

Alisha slid the dress off her shoulders exposing her beautiful large breasts. She slid her panties down her perfectly toned thighs. Her skin was waxed, and was perfectly smooth.

"Make me a drink," Reyansh ordered.

Alisha picked up a bottle of whiskey and poured him a drink. She slipped a pill into the glass, so that he would fall asleep soon and she could complete her task. She walked towards him with the glass. He roughly grabbed her boobs and squeezed her nipples hard enough to make her squeal. He started twisting her nipples and Alisha struggled to maintain posture and hold the glass still. Reyansh relished the expression of pain on her face. He continued roughly handling her boobs till he saw tears of helplessness rolling down her cheek.

Then he took the glass from her hand and took a sip.

"Spread your legs," he ordered.

Alisha moved her feet slightly apart. Reyansh sighed in disappointment. "I should have been more specific. Spread your legs like a whore," he repeated his order.

Alisha moved her feet wider apart. Her pussy was spread open obscenely.

"Now you get the point, slut" he said with a smile as he casually inserted two fingers inside her pussy as he took another sip. Alisha moaned as she felt his fingers invade her most intimate parts.

"Drop the act slut," he said, "You are so loose, I could insert both my hands in there and clap. Show me your asshole, I hope you have some hole that is tight enough to be used."

Alisha felt very embarrassed at his humiliating remark. She quietly bent over and held her ass cheeks apart for him to see her asshole.

"Hmm, this one looks used too...whatever, just lube it up nice and good with those gushing juices," he said.

Alisha dipped her fingers in her wet pussy and started transferring her pussy juices to her asshole, preparing for anal sex. Reyansh looked at her humiliating display and smiled. He casually opened a drawer and tossed a huge vibrator at her.

"Put this inside your sloppy cunt," he said.

Alisha's eyes shot wide open seeing the size of that thing. "Please this is too big," she requested.

"It's the perfect size to fill up a loose whore like you," Reyansh said casually.

Alisha tried to obey his command. She tried to push the huge vibrator in her pussy, but it was indeed too large for her.

"Please, I can't," she begged tearfully.

"If I want it in, it goes in, you understand?" Reyansh said sternly, "Do it yourself or I'll come and give it a shove."

Alisha panicked. She knew if he were to do it, he would be very rough. She pushed it harder and slowly inch by inch her pussy began to stretch to accommodate the invading object. And finally she was able to fit the whole vibrator inside herself. She felt full and stretched like never before. Reyansh switched on the vibrator and the pain of stretching was now replaced by waves of pleasure. Alisha could barely keep her balance, and the sexual pleasure emanating from her pussy was making her lose tone. She fell to her knees panting. Her pussy juices were now running down her thighs.

"Don't cum on my floor you dirty whore," Reyansh growled, "Any of that stinking pussy juice falls on my floor, I'm going to make you lick it clean understand?"

Alisha whimpered helplessly trying to fight her orgasm.

"Look at you," he said, "How desperately you want to cum! What did I say, it would fit you just right. Why, I am sure you can take twice the size of that with just as much ease."

"No, please no," Alisha begged on her knees. Her breath was ragged as she was nearing her orgasm.

And just as she was about to cum, Reyansh turned off the vibrator. Alisha moaned in disappointment and looked at Reyansh, her eyes begging him to let her cum.

"Suck me," he ordered.

Alisha crawled towards him and undid his belt. Then she unzipped his pants and pulled them off. Then she began to kiss his cock from over his pants.

Reyansh roughly grabbed her hair and pulled her away. Then he pinched her nipple hard enough to make her scream, "No kissing, no cuddling, no romance, get it?" he said roughly, "You are a whore who is here to get her holes pounded for money so don't try to be anything more than that."

"I'm sorry," she begged tearfully.

Reyansh smiled and relaxed the grip over her hair. She pulled off his underwear and took his erect cock in her mouth. She ran her tongue over the entire length, and began to suck it gently. Reyansh threw his head back enjoying the feel of her warm mouth over his cock. She also started gently playing with his balls as his arousal grew. As more and more of his blood rushed into his cock, he became that much more animalistic.

"If I feel teeth, I'm gonna have you thrown on the street naked," he warned and he grabbed her hair and pushed his cock deep into her throat.

Alisha gagged for a moment and struggled, but eventually relaxed and accepted the invasion. He grabbed her hair and began to fuck her throat. She had no choice but to let him do what he wished. He turned on the vibrator, and Alisha began to move her hips rhythmically preparing for intercourse.

Reyansh pulled her head off his cock and ordered her to get on all fours. Alisha felt the tip of his cock pushing against her tight asshole. She felt a pain as the head of his cock made its was past her anal ring. And soon, the whole of his cock was in her ass. With the huge vibrator already in her pussy, Alisha felt so full, like she would explode. Reyansh enjoyed the silken feel of her insides as he withdrew slightly and rammed the whole length in, penetrating even deeper this time. Alisha moaned as he grabbed her hair and started moving in and out of her rhythmically. Her ass was incredibly tight. He loved how her rectal muscles gripped his invading cock. Her own orgasm was building from the subtle vibrations in the depth of the womb. Her pussy and ass were on fire.

As Reyansh pounded away in her ass, Alisha moaned loudly as her body convulsed in orgasm. Reyansh grabbed her hips and exploded deep inside her ass. Then he pulled out of her and made her lick him clean. He enjoyed the feeling of shame on her face, as he humiliated her to the core. Once she had finished licking him clean, he grabbed her hair and dragged her to the bathroom.

Reyansh cuffed her hands to a water faucet and made her kneel on the bathroom floor.

"Dirty things stay out of my bedroom. You are going to spend the night here," he said as he strapped a ball gag to the back of her head, "And this gag is because you are going to cum the whole night and I don't want your slutty moans disturbing my sleep."

Alisha's eyes shot wide open and she struggled with the restraints when she heard him. She could only make muffled sounds through her gag.

"What?" he said smiling at the miserable woman, "You think I share my bed with filthy whores like you?"

He turned off the lights and closed the door behind him, leaving Alisha handcuffed and gagged in the dark.

Alisha was utterly disgusted by the way he treated her. She sobbed helplessly for a while. He had left the vibrator on in her pussy. The gentle vibrations brought her close to another orgasm. His cum was leaking from her ass as she jerked her hips as another orgasm hit her.

She started thinking of a way to get free. She had a mission to complete and she didn't have all night. But the overwhelming sexual sensations were clouding her mind and it was difficult to think straight. Her hands were cuffed above her head and she was forced into a kneeling position. She tried to reach for the bobby pin in her hair. After some struggle, she managed to pull it out of her hair. She stuck one end of the pin the lock of the handcuffs and started picking the lock. She was an assassin trained in stealth and combat techniques, but it was dark and that didn't make her lock picking task any easier. After a lot of struggle, finally, she was free. She took off her gag and removed the vibrator from her pussy and gently placed it on the bathroom floor. She wiped herself clean with a tissue.

Then she walked towards the bathroom door and placed her ear against the door. She heard no movement. She opened the door without making a sound and entered the bedroom. Reyansh was asleep. She gently tapped his cheek to ensure that he was in deep sleep and would not wake up at the slightest sound. Then she quickly looked around to ensure that there were no pre-installed cameras.

She stealthily began to search for his laptop inside his bedroom. She made sure she doesn't disturb the objects in the room so that Reyansh doesn't get suspicious when he wakes up. Finally, she found his laptop and turned it on. She quickly removed the pen drive Meera had given her and plugged it in and ensured that the WiFi was on. Once everything was in place, she sent a coded text to Meera.


Meera was sitting in her apartment next to Aryan waiting for Alisha's text. As soon as Meera's phone chimed with Alisha's text, Meera texted the hacker and gave him the signal. The hacker got to work and within 20 minutes he had access to all the data. He started uploading the data on a cloud.

It was 2 am. Meera was visibly anxious. She lifted a cigarette and put it to her lips and lit it with her lighter. Her hands were trembling. Every minute she glanced at her laptop screen waiting for the hacker's email. As soon as her mail chimed with the hacker's link, she clicked on the download button.

Aryan gently pulled the cigarette from her lips and extinguished it in an ashtray. "You don't need that, just calm down." Aryan said.

Meera held her head between her palms trying to calm the terrible storm in her head and the videos began to download rapidly.

As soon as the download was complete, Meera anxiously opened it. There were a plethora of videos inside it. Meera clicked on the folder named Naina and found a huge collection of videos inside it.

"Are you sure you want to, Meera?" Aryan said.

Meera ignored Aryan and played all the videos one by one. Her expression was eerily cold as she watched Naina being systematically abused and degraded by Neil.

"Meera, I think you should stop..." Aryan said gently, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Meera didn't respond. She didn't even look at Aryan. She kept her eyes fixed on the video. She sharply turned up the volume till the Naina screams echoed throughout the room.

"Meera please..." Aryan implored again.

Meera gave a very angry look to Aryan. Her gaze was so piercing it made him shudder. "Shut the fuck up! This is fucking personal," She spoke bitterly.

Aryan sat quietly and let Meera finish watching each and every one of the videos. And then she reached the last, most devastating video of Neil's birthday party. The last night that Naina was alive. Meera watched without blinking the full extent of Naina's suffering that caused her to end her life. She watched her go through unbearable pain that she couldn't bear the courage to even talk about. The last evening of Naina's life that shattered her heart into a million pieces such that she didn't want to live anymore.

(The events of Neil's birthday party have been described in detail in my story The Girl Next Door Ch. 03)

Once the video ended, Meera called up Alisha and said, "Inject that vial into his vein." Meera hung up the phone.


Alisha loaded a syringe that she was carrying in her purse and found a prominent vein on Reyansh's arm. She gently injected the vial's contents into his vein. Due to the drug that she had given him, he was too fast asleep to feel the needle prick.

Then Alisha placed everything back the way it was. She went back to the bathroom and cuffed herself just like he had left her, with the ball gag in her mouth and vibrator in her pussy.


Meera was visibly upset after seeing Naina's videos.

"What was in that vial Meera?" Aryan asked, "The one that Mithila gave you? What does it do exactly?"

"You'll see Aryan," Meera said bitterly, "The whole world will see."

Aryan held her in his arms, constantly comforting her.

"She loved him Aryan," Meera said as she broke down in his arms, "My sweet Naina di, she loved Neil with all her heart...and this is what he did to her...she begged him, and he didn't listen...she didn't deserve this! She was a good person...she was so sweet and kind, and this is what Neil did to her! And Armaan knew I'd expose Neil so he ruined my life too..."

"I'm sorry Meera," Aryan said comforting her, "I can understand how it feels to lose someone you love..."

Meera sobbed in his arms. Aryan was quiet for a long time. Finally, he spoke.

"You asked about Saloni the other day," Aryan said, stroking Meera's hair, "She was the woman I loved the most in the world."

Meera looked up at Aryan. She noticed his eyes were sad, almost tearful.

"I was an orphan Meera,, and I grew up in an orphanage," Aryan said, "Life was tough, but I was happy. When I grew up, I joined college. I used to do menial jobs in the evening to pay for my fees. I hoped to have a decent job once I finished my graduation. And then, Saloni came into my life. She was a beautiful girl, simple and innocent, she was...the quiet type. She wouldn't talk much, had few friends and spent most of her time at the library. We met and became friends, and soon fell in love. We had this beautiful relationship for almost three years..."

Meera noticed a hint of happiness on Aryan's face as he continued.

"I was in my final year of college and I was soon going to finish my graduation. Next step was to meet her parents and ask for her hand in marriage. She was going to introduce me to her parents, but before that..." Aryan choked in grief for a moment and continued, "She had gone to Goa for a trip with her friend. For the first 2 days, she sent me pictures, she was so happy. And then on the third day, she disappeared...both Saloni and her friend, they were gone. There was no trace at all. Her parents filed a missing report, and one of the things that came forth during the security officer investigation was our relationship...and it turned out that I was the person closest to her."

"Saloni's parents, they were just angry, and they blamed it on me," Aryan said, "They kept accusing me that I did something to her. They got me arrested on suspicion of her murder, I was tortured in security officer custody. They had some circumstantial evidence and I spent a few months in jail as an under trial. It was not easy to...survive there, but I learned eventually. Most of the other inmates were convicted criminals, and gradually I began to understand the world of crime. I was released finally as they could neither prove murder nor my guilt."

"I never cared if the world thinks Saloni was dead," Aryan said, "I wasn't going to give up. I kept looking for her. In jail, I met some people who knew things, they did this for a living, finding out information and then selling it for a living, they were called informers or snitches. I learned this work, and over years I became good at it. My network spread across the city and eventually around the country. I was good, and I knew most of the things that were happening in the underworld. But I still had no clue where my Saloni was. Only information I had was that perhaps she was taken by an organized trafficking gang and she was most likely in another country."

"When you and Kabir arrived in Mumbai," Aryan said, "Someone informed me that you both have escaped from traffickers. I had some hope that perhaps one of you could have seen Saloni. The chances were remote, but still I decided it was worth a shot. You had no memory, so I approached Kabir. I showed him a picture of Saloni and he recognized her! He had seen her, and he knew exactly where she was kept. Perhaps you don't know this Meera but, Kabir, he knew stuff and had his resources. He always tried to keep a low profile, but his looks and his accent gave away the fact that he was an Arab. And I doubt that he was a slave there, it is hard for a slave to have that kind of resources. Kabir was certainly a man of higher standing, considering that he really...knew things. He gave me some contacts in Dubai, I went looking for her and finally, I was able to find her! I still remember the first time I saw her after 5 years...she was still so beautiful...but she didn't recognize me. They did something to her...I don't know what, and I didn't care either, I just wanted my Saloni back."

Aryan paused to wipe a tear off his cheek and continued, "I didn't have enough strength or resources to fight an organized trafficking gang or to run away with Saloni. But I had money that I had earned over the years. I spent every last rupee I owned to buy her freedom and bring her back safely. I even had to borrow money keeping my house mortgage, but Saloni was all that mattered to me. I brought her back to Mumbai. I took her to her parents, but she didn't recognize them. And they didn't want her either after knowing what happened to her. I brought her home. I took care of her. But she was completely broken. She would barely talk, she would barely eat, she just spent her time blankly gazing at a wall. Sometimes she would call out to me, and I used to see a hint of love for me in her eyes. But the very next moment, her gaze would turn blank. I was almost broke, but still I did everything I could to help her, to provide for her. I bought her gifts, cooked her food she liked, I spent time with her...I even took her to therapy, hoping to heal her. But nothing worked. She was like a living corpse. She was alive and breathing, but there was no soul in her body, no life in her eyes. I was fighting a losing battle."

"Then it was her birthday, 28th of December," Aryan said, "Almost a month after I brought her to Mumbai. I dressed her up and took her out to her favorite restaurant. For the first time in a month, I watched her smile. I was hopeful that she is going to be OK. I held her close, I told her I wanted to marry her, and that I would take care of her for the rest of my life, I put a ring on her..."

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