Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
Chris then ran his hands on her waist and cupped her pussy with one hand and grabbed her ass with another. He felt the wetness of her pussy and they both blushed a shade of deep red in embarrassment.

"Good," Meera said, "Now Emily, strip you brother naked. Chris, keep playing with your sister's nipples as she removes your clothes. And smile once again, both of you."

Emily unbuttoned her brother's shirt with trembling hands as he continuously teased her nipples arousing her. She removed his shirt and reached for his jeans. She unbuttoned the jeans and slid the zip down. She pulled the pants down. Everyone in the room could see Chris's erection tenting through his briefs. Emily pulled it down revealing a decent sized cock.

Now the twins stood naked before everyone in the room. A forced smile was plastered on their faces.

"Go ahead, Emily, feel your brother's cock," Meera said, "I am sure you want to kiss it too."

Emily understood the order and knelt before her brother. She started gently stroking her brother's cock and felt it harden more. She started kissing and licking his shaft, but her skin burned in shame.

"Wow, Chris, you are already hard," Meera said, "Looks like you really what to fuck your sister, don't you?"

Chris broke down in tears. He was losing the battle against his body arousal reinforced by the drugs.

"Wipe of you fucking tears and look into the camera with a smile, and tell everyone how badly you want to fuck your sister," Meera growled, "And you, Emily, beg him to fuck you."

Chris couldn't stop crying. But then he looked at the man holding a gun to Sharon's head and wiped his tears. He put on a smile and groped Emily's breasts and said, "I want to fuck you sister."

Emily too tried her best to smile and said, "I took want your cock deep inside me brother."

"Naaa...too plain," Meera said, "Say it again, with some more...passion. Be more descriptive, you know, and play with her boobs as you say it."

Chris understood that Meera wanted to hear a more vulgar remark. Chris grabbed Emily boobs and began to play with her nipples with his thumb. Emily's breathing became heaving and she moaned. "I want to put my hard cock inside your wet cunt and fuck you like that slut you are sister. You would like that, won't you? You loved to feel your brother's cock inside you, don't you slut?"

Emily grabbed his cock and begged, "Yes, please...fuck me with this, I want you to cum inside me..."

"Nice," Meera said, "Now make her lie down and have a good look at her holes before you fuck her."

"Are you virgins?"

"No," they said.

"Good," Meera said, "That makes it easier."

Chris made Emily lie down and opened her legs. One of the men zoomed the camera on her pussy capturing her engorged clit, and dripping wet pussy. Chris spread apart her pussy lips exposing her holes to the camera. He touched her clitoris and she moaned loudly.

Chris positioned his cock at the entrance of her pussy and pushed slowly in. One camera captured a close view of the invasion and another camera captured Emily's expressions as she felt her brother enter her. Chris was highly aroused and started fucking her right away.

"Wait," Meera said with a chuckle, "What's such a hurry to thrust away your cum in her twat?"

Chris blushed and held still with his cock nestled in his sister's warm pussy. Emily was lying with her legs wide open with her brother's hard cock deep inside her.

"Play with her nipples as you describe to us how your sister's pussy feels," Meera ordered.

"She is..ahh.." Chris struggled to contain his arousal, "warm and tight, and extremely wet, I can feel her pussy gently squeezing my cock, I think her pussy really wants my seed."

"Isn't this the best pussy you have ever fucked?" Meera asked.

"Yes, my sister's pussy is the best and tightest pussy I have ever fucked," Chris replied humiliating himself.

"Your turn, Emily," Meera said, "Tell everyone how you are feeling to have your brother's cock inside your cunt."

"Good...aahh," she moaned as Chris played with her nipples driving her ecstatic with pleasure, "His cock is so hard...I want to be fucked please. I love how my brother's cock feels inside me." She began to thrust her hips upwards.

"Fine," Meera said, "If you both so desperately want to cum in each other, go ahead, and show us how happy you are with your smiles."

The twins again forced a smile on their faces and started fucking each other. Chris's cock going in and out of her wet pussy made Emily cum within seconds. She dug her fingernails in his back and heels in his buttocks and she instinctively pulled him closer, wanting him to penetrate deeper. Chris ejaculated deep inside her and fell aside panting due to the most needed release. Once the twins recovered from their orgasms, they sat up, their faces looked miserable in humiliation.

Meera smiled at their plight.

"Party's not over yet," she said, "Open your legs, Emily. And you, Chris, play with her clit."

Emily opened her legs and everyone could see the trail of cum leaking from her pussy.

"What is that thing coming out of your pussy, Emily?" Meera asked.

"It is my brother's cum," Emily said with a forced smile, although her eyes were visibly tearful.

"How did you feel using your sister as you cum dump?" she asked Chris.

"It felt good," Chris answered with a forced smile.

"Would you both like to do this more often?" Meera asked with a wicked grin.

"Yes," both of them replied, as they knew that was the answer Meera wanted.

"Good," Meera said, "You can keep fucking each other for the rest of your lives and keep sending us the videos."

The twins looked nervously at each other.

"What?" Meera said, "It's no big deal, you did it right now and enjoyed it, I am sure you will enjoy it again too. So now I keep my word and I let you both go."

The twins looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"Of course, I am going to let you go," she said, "I'm not a monster. I just wanted a little entertainment. But there's a problem...my men here have been watching your wonderful performance and now you gotta take care of those hard-ons they've been having. After all it was you fault that you wanted to fuck in front of all of us."

The twins felt deeply humiliated. Meera had forced them to fuck each other and now she was talking like they wanted this. They began to cry and beg Meera to let them go.

"I said I'll let you go right after all my men have ejaculated," she said, "Now stop whining or I change my mind."

The twins suddenly became quiet.

"Two men will cum in your mouth and two in your asses," Meera ordered.

Sharon tried to scream through her gag.

"Oh my," Meera said looking at Sharon, "You've been feeling ignored, haven't you darling? I'll let you be of some help to your siblings. Take his and lube up their asses while they suck cocks,"

Meera asked her men to untie Sharon and handed over a lube to her.

"You'll never make me do this bitch!" Sharon screamed.

"Cocks in their asses or bullets in their heads, what is it going to be?" Meera asked with a demonic grin.

"Please stop Meera," Sharon begged.

"Right after they get fucked in the ass," Meera said.

Sharon was completely helpless. She walked towards Emily and Chris. Both of them were on their knees with a cock stuffed in their face. Sharon took some lube and started applying it on Emily's ass.

"Put a finger or two inside and open it up nice and good," Meera said.

Sharon was in tears as she inserted one finger in her sister's asshole and wiggled it to open it up. Then she managed to put another finger inside and applied the lube inside her ass. Then she moved to Chris and applied some lube in his ass. She began to finger him too for a while to prepare for the inevitable invasion.

Meanwhile the men fucking their mouths ejaculated on their faces and laughed at how filthy they looked.

"Are their asses ready to be fucked?" Meera asked Sharon.

Sharon nodded tearfully.

"Then who the fuck is going to tell that to the men?" Meera shouted.

"The asses of my brother and sister are ready to be fucked," Sharon said tearfully.

"Good then make them get on all fours and hold their ass cheeks apart for the gentlemen to fuck them," Meera gave a cruel order.

Sharon first opened Emily's ass for one of the men. His cock was particularly big. Sharon helped Emily take it slowly till the whole length fit inside her. Emily felt so full like she had never felt before. Then Sharon moved towards Chris. She held his ass cheeks apart as another man slowly invaded him. Chris was emotionally devastated by his bang. He knew he would never be the same again after this. Both the men began thrusting inside the twins tight asses and Meera kept forcing them to keep a smile on their cum covered faces for camera that was capturing their anal bang.

"It's not fair!" Meera said with an evil giggle, "That Emily gets a big cock up her ass and Chris gets a smaller one. I think you should beg the men to interchange places so that you get a big cock too, don't you Chris? Don't you want a big cock up your ass?"

Chris broke down in tears.

"You know what happens when you cry, don't you Chris?" Meera said, "We do the whole thing over and over again till you can do this gracefully with a smile."

Chris quickly wiped his tears and begged with a smile, "Please I want a big cock too in my ass."

"Wiggle your ass to be a bit more convincing Chris," Meera said gleefully.

Chris felt crushed. But he knew he had no choice. He wiggled his ass and begged to be fucked.

The men laughed and interchanged places and now Chris and Emily were getting a good pounding in his ass. The men fucked their asses till they ejaculated and the cameras cruelly recorded the thorough degradation of the twins. Both of them knew that their lives were never going to be the same again.

"Now relax for a while both of you," Meera said, "Bask in the cum shower you've received."

"Come here Sharon," Meera ordered, "Crawl to me like a bitch."

Sharon crawled helplessly towards Meera hoping that she'd let her family go.

Meera held her lighter and heated a safety pin till it became red hot. "Do you agree that you've been a bitch, Sharon?" Meera asked.

"Yes, I have, I have wronged you Meera," Sharon said, "But please let my family go. Punish me as you please, but please don't hurt them anymore."

"Scream all you want but be very still," Meera said as she grabbed Sharon's hair.

Sharon closed her eyes as she realized what Meera was about to do. Meera touched the red-hot pin to her forehead and began writing. Sharon groaned in pain but didn't resist. Meera wrote the word BITCH across Sharon's forehead and smiled at her art. She knew that the skin burned by the hot metal was going to scar leaving a permanent mark.

"Come, smile for a selfie just like old times," Meera said, holding her close.

Sharon could see the degrading word written on her forehead and broke into tears. Meera happily captured her broken expression in the selfie.

"Alright," Meera said looking at Chris and Emily, "Party is over. I'm sending you back to your hostel as promised. You know what will happen if you talk, I suppose."

"We won't say anything to anyone," the twins begged, "Please let us go."

"Take them both back safely," Meera said to one of her men.

Sharon was relieved that Meera was finally letting her family go.

"What about Sharon?" Emily asked.

"She is going to be our guest for a while," Meera said.

Then she walked towards Sharon and looked into her eyes and smiled. "I am so sorry for everything I did to you and your family Sharon," Meera said in a teasing tone with a wide grin.

Sharon screamed and tried to pounce on Meera as two men grabbed her and took her away.

Meera took the camcorder and got into her car. She drove back to Emerald palace. Adil saw Meera and smiled.

"So, did you have fun?' Adil asked Meera with a wicked smile.

"You bet I did," Meera chirped, "Thank you Adil, thanks for everything."

"You are welcome darling," Adil said, "It was nothing really."

"Sharon...she is all yours now," Meera said.

"Ah well," Adil said, "My men told me you ruined her face so she ain't much use to me now. But yeah I know people who could use her. It's just...you've just ensured a double hell for her."

"Well," Meera said with a bright smile, "I don't have the slightest regret."

"I'm just glad you got what you wanted," Adil said.

Meera smiled and suddenly became very quiet.

"So hey..." she spoke after a brief silence, "I...uh...gotta quit the job like I discussed. I am sorry."

Adil cupped her face lovingly in his palms and kissed her forehead, "Don't be sorry, Meera. I promised you I'd let you go whenever you wish. You've risked your life for me so many times, taken so much pain and you've always been so graceful. If you want to quit, all I have to say is, I wish you all the best for your life. Go girl, live and be happy."

"I don't know if I'll ever be truly happy," Meera said, "It's just that, since I've found out about my childhood and some horrible things that some people did to someone I loved, it's not letting me sleep."

"I understand Meera," Adil said, "Do what you need to."

"So...I'll see you around," she said, hugging Adil. He hugged her back.

"Hey, I almost forgot," Meera said, handing over the camcorder to Adil, "A parting gift."

Adil played the video of the twins having sex that she had recorded and smiled. "You are a little she-devil, you know that?" he said.

"I know," she said as she winked at him.

"These two are what, 18?" Adil said as he enjoyed the contents of the video, "I could control them for their entire life with this."

"That's exactly the plan," Meera said with a smile.

"This boy with that cute ass," Adil said, "I have clients who love that kind of stuff."

"I'm sure these twins are going to love working with you," Meera said with a wicked grin, "That video is quite persuasive."

"Sure, it is," Adil said with a smile, "Thanks Meera."

Meera bent over and kissed his cheek.

"Call if you ever need anything," Adil said smiling at her, "And if you ever want your old job back, you know I'd love to have you back."

"Thanks, Adil," Meera said, waving at him and blowing him a goodbye kiss, "You are a darling."


Almost a week later, Aryan called Meera.

"Reyansh is going to attend a friend's birthday party tonight at Mariott, at around 10 pm," Aryan said.

"Thank you," Meera said, "Aryan...uh...could you come over tonight, please...I need you."

"Everything OK, Meera?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm just getting a bad feeling about tonight," she said.

"I'll be there, don't worry," he said.

Meera hung up and called Alisha, "Mariott, at 10pm"

Alisha reached the party. She looked ravishing in a shimmering evening gown.

She walked up to the bar counter and ordered a drink. As she sipped her drink, scanned the bar for her target. And finally, she spotted Reyansh.

End of Chapter 8....
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