Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
People use the word "innocent" as per their own convenience.....

This chapter contains forced incest and forced homosexuality. You might want to skip it if you are not into it.


Next morning, Adil called Meera and Aryan and asked them to meet him at the Emerald Palace.

"It's a woman," Adil said, "...who hired that assassin. He doesn't know the name though."

"Sharon," Aryan said calmly.

Meera looked at Aryan with her eyebrows raised.

"I'm not 100% sure, but that seems like the possibility, you are a threat to her, Meera," Aryan said, "I have a feeling she is around here somewhere and she is behind this."

"But Sharon..." Meera said in disbelief, "Would she really want me dead?"

"She conveniently sold you off Meera," Aryan said with a hint of anger on his face, "And destroyed everything you loved, and now you think she is going to wait around for you to kill her first?"

"Does she have the resources?" Adil asked.

"She used to be a drug peddler," Aryan said, "It is not impossible that she would have contacts with all sorts of criminals. I've asked my men to look for her. She is most likely in Mumbai currently."

"Send me her picture," Adil said, "Let me confirm this with that assassin. Also, Aryan, let me know once you find her. She needs to be dealt with."

"Adil," Meera said, "I'd like to deal with her myself."

"Sure," Adil said, "I'm assigning some men to shadow you and protect you from any attacks till this Sharon character is handled."

"Thank you," Meera said, "Adil, there's something else that I needed your help with. I need someone for a honey trap. There is a guy, and I want to view the contents of his laptop."

"I have a girl," Adil said after thinking for a while, "Her name is Alisha. She is good, very good in fact, but not so trustworthy. She'll do your job alright, but be careful with what you tell her."

"I will," Meera said, "Thanks."


Later that evening, Meera drove off and parked her car at a secluded spot and she waited for someone.

After some time, an attractive woman got into the passenger's seat.

"Adil sent me," she said.

"Hello Alisha," Meera said, passing a photograph to her.

"Reyansh Samarth," Meera said, "I need you to find his laptop. I need to access its contents."

"Sure, I'll find his device," Alisha said, "But I may not be able to access it, I am no tech expert."

"You don't need to be, just plug this in and make sure the WiFi is on," Meera said, handing over a pen drive to her, "My hacker will take care of it."

"Sure, anything else?" Alisha asked.

"Do you know how to inject into a vein?" Meera asked.

"Yeah," Alisha said, "I used to be a junkie, I've injected a lot of things into a lot of veins."

"Good then," Meera said, handing over a vial to her, "Carry this with you. Inject it into his vein only once I give you the nod. I'll let you know when and where to find this guy. Wait for my call."

"Sure," Alisha said, "Anything else?"

"Yeah...uh..." Meera spoke with hesitation, "This guy...he might be a bit of a sadist, there is no telling what he might do, but no matter what happens, keep a low profile and do not alert him, alright?"

"Whatever, I'll handle him," Alisha said nonchalantly, "You got the money?"

Meera nodded and handed over a stack of cash to Alisha. Alisha took the money and left.


After 3 days, Meera received a phone call.

"We've found Sharon, and her two siblings. She had confessed that she was behind the attack on your life," Adil said on the phone, "I'm sending you the location where my men are holding her. Do with her as you please."

"Thank you, Adil," Meera said.

She received the location on her phone. Meera had no second thoughts about what she was about to do. She was even excited at the thought. When it came to revenge, Meera knew no mercy.

She drove to the place where Sharon was held. It was an abandoned house in a deserted place. There was no other house nearby, no one who could hear their screams. Meera smiled to herself thinking about her devilish plans.

"Hello Sharon," Meera said entering the house.

Sharon and her two siblings were on their knees with their hands tied behind their back.

Sharon panicked on seeing Meera. She began to cry bitterly.

"I am sorry Meera," Sharon begged, "I really don't know what got into me that night...I needed the money for my family...and I..."

Meera just stared into her eyes without any expression.

"I felt guilty immediately...I even came back for you...I really came back to our apartment...but it was too late, the door was wide open and you were gone, I tried your phone, but it was switched off. I knew they would have taken you...I felt terrible Meera...but there was nothing I could have done..."

"How about returning the precious stuff they were after?" Meera asked with a sarcastic smile, "That didn't look like a good enough option for you?"

Sharon lowered her gaze. "I am really sorry Meera," she said

"Let me get this straight," Meera said, "You were sorry so you wanted me thrown off my balcony?

Sharon was tearful. "My informer told me that Asif's gang has disappeared, no one has heard from them for months. They were most likely murdered. No one found the bodies, but I knew they weren't a factor anymore. So, I thought it was safe to return to Mumbai. I have debts Meera," Sharon cried, "My mother's sickness drained all the money I had earned, I was just desperate...and then I saw you at a mall one day, and I knew you would be looking for me...I knew I would never be safe till you were alive...so...I am sorry..."

"Turns out you were right" Meera said with a wide grin, "You are not safe, neither is your precious family."

"Please, I am sorry...please don't hurt my family for what I did..." she begged.

Meera smiled. "Where are your manners, Sharon?" she said calmly, "Why don't you introduce your family to me?"

"Please Meera," Sharon begged, "They had nothing to do with what I did, they are innocent...please..."

"So, innocent people, what are your names?" Meera said, looking at the twins.

No one responded.

Meera was clearly annoyed and signaled one of the men. He walked up to the girl and held a knife to her throat.

"I am Emily," the girl said tearfully, "and he is my brother Chris."

"Good girl," Meera said, "How old are you both?"

"18," the girl said.

"Interesting," Meera said with a smile.

"Leave them alone Meera!" Sharon screamed, "Do whatever the fuck you want to me, but leave my family out of this! They had nothing to do with this!"

"Family...ah yes," Meera said, "Do you remember I had a family too Sharon?"

"I am really sorry about Kabir," Sharon said tearfully, "Believe me I really am."

"You are not sorry Sharon," Meera said bitterly looking at her siblings, "But you are about to be very sorry."

"No...please no," Sharon begged, "Please Meera, they are innocent."

"It is interesting how people use the word 'innocent' as per their own sweet convenience," Meera said gritting her teeth, "Do you know what happened to your innocent roommate after you threw her to the wolves?"

"I am sorry," Sharon apologized over and over again.

Meera smiled at her helplessness. "When I am done here," Meera said playfully tapping Sharon's cheek, I am going to say that I am sorry. And then we would be even, no?"

Meera had a devilish gleam in her eyes as she watched Sharon weep helplessly.

"Here's the thing, Emily and Chris," Meera said, "Your elder sister had been one hell of a bitch. I really feel like putting a bullet in her head right now. But I am a very kind hearted person, and I give you a chance to save her miserable life."

Emily and Chris looked at Meera with hope.

"I need you both to do a small task. It's not difficult, it's not violent, it is a task of...love," Meera said with an evil smile.

"Don't listen to her!" Sharon screamed, "Don't do a thing she says!"

"It is up to them to decide Sharon," Meera said, "Whether they want to save your pathetic life or not. Not that you deserve to be alive after what you did, but I am a very merciful woman, Sharon. I won't hurt your innocent siblings, and I am willing to spare your life too. Only if they are willing to perform a little act of love."

"Please...don't hurt our sister," Chris said, "We will do as you say."

"Good," Meera said, "So strip your sister naked and fuck her."

"What?!" the twins screamed in horror.

"You heard me," Meera said with a calm smile, "I want to see you both make love to each other and my men here are going to record it on camera."

"No..please..." they begged, "Anything but not this!"

"Meera you are a sick fuck!" Sharon screamed.

Meera scoffed. "Look who's talking!" she said. The she looked at one of her men and ordered, "Gag her, she doesn't need that filthy mouth for a while."

"Alright both of you," Meera said, "I'll give you 5 minutes to decide. If you don't give me an answer by the end of 5 minutes, we will just shoot the three of you and be done with it."

Meera just sat back on a chair and watched the misery of the whole family. She could see the conflict going on in the minds of the twins. They were crying helplessly, but they knew that they would have to give in to her demand eventually.

At the end of 5 minutes, one of the goons held a gun to Sharon's head.

"Alright, time's up!" Meera said.

"No!" Emily screamed, "We will do as you say. But please don't hurt her."

Meera nodded at one of the men. He poured some scotch in two glasses and dropped a pill in the glass. "Drink, it will make things easier for you," Meera said.

The twins slowly gulped down the drink. Meera's goons arranged a dirty mattress on the floor and set up cameras. By then, the drug had begun to work and the twins could feel their heads spinning. The goons pushed the twins on the mattress and signaled them to start.

"Remember, no crying," Meera said, "I want the best of your smiles in the video or we'll keep doing this over and over again."

The twins just stood in front of the camera not knowing what to do.

"Untie her hair and kiss her neck," Meera ordered Chris, "And Emily, smile!"

With a shaking hand, Chris undid Emily's braid letting her long black hair hang down her shoulders. Then he started kissing her neck as he was ordered to. Emily tried her best to smile at the camera.

"Now, take off all her clothes one by one till she is naked," Meera ordered.

Knowing they had no choice, Chris took off her top. Emily let him take it off. With a trembling hand, he reached for her jeans and pulled it down revealing her panties. Then he reached for her bra clasp and removed her bra. He was looking at his sister's breasts for the first time. He could feel a tingle in his cock. He then slid down her panties and her shaved pussy and perfect ass came into view. Emily stood completely naked in front of all the people in the room and the ruthless camera recording her humiliation.

Sharon squirmed and tried to scream through her gag. Meera just smiled as she enjoyed the plight of the family.

"Good, now get a good feel of your sister's body," Meera ordered Chris.

Chris touched her shoulders and brought his hand down to her breasts and gently cupped them. Then he moved his hands lower and touched her pussy and ass. Emily stood with her head lowered in shame. Tears escaped his eyes and he withdrew his hands.

"Cut it!" Meera said playfully as if she was a porn film director, "What did I tell you? No tears and shame, only smiles and happiness. After all, you are saving a life here! Now do it again. Feel your sweet sister's body Chris, and feel it with some passion. Maybe you guys need more drinks."

Meera's men forced the twins to have more drinks. As the twins gulped down the spiked drinks, they became more and more intoxicated.

"Good, start now all over again and remember, smiles and sunshine," Meera ordered.

Chris ran his hands over Emily's body once again. He was getting aroused by touching her soft skin. He got behind her and cupped her breasts. Her boobs were just the right size, not too small, not too large, just a handful. With great effort, Emily flashed a bright smile to the camera as her brother squeezed her breasts. A moan escaped her lips as his fingers touched her nipples. She involuntarily began to rub her body against his.

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RE: The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. - by Blue Bull - 10-01-2022, 12:22 PM

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