Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
Aryan, who is Saloni......?

Once Aryan had all the information Meera had requested, he knocked on her door.

Meera was dressed in a loose T shirt and denim shorts. Even in this casual outfit, she looked stunningly beautiful. Her confidence was making her glow.

She smiled on seeing Aryan and welcomed him inside.

"Care for a coffee?" she asked warmly.

"No, thanks," he said, "I'm good."

"So cold as always!" Meera sighed as she held his hand and led him to the couch gesturing him to sit down. Then she walked towards the coffee machine and said with a playful smile, "I don't know what your problem is Aryan, but you are in my house now and I order you to have a coffee with me. It'll warm your cold cold heart."

Aryan smiled back. "I'm a tea person Meera, but, if you insist, I'll have a coffee," he said with a smile.

Meera returned with two cups of coffee and placed them on the table before Aryan. Taking a sip from her cup, she asked, "So tell me what you've got."

"About Neil Pereira, age 38 years, he's the usual filthy rich guy. He lives with his wife Aditi and two daughters, Avni, age 8 years and Pihu, age 5 years. Parents both dead, no siblings.. He is an IT professional, working for a tech giant. He works from home most of the time though. He has enough riches to lead a comfortable life. Past looks clean, no criminal record, was quite the chocolate boy in college, a lot of girls were interested in him. He was known for a good singing voice and was a part of some band back in college days. But then he decided to marry Aditi, his college sweetheart. She belongs to one of the city's most reputed business families, this guy just got richer after marriage. Overall impression is pretty clean," he said. He placed pictures of his wife and 2 daughters on the table before Meera.

"Any idea about the properties he owns?" Meera asked.

"One bungalow in Juhu, the same address on which his BMW is registered, and he has one villa he inherited, it is located at Vasai. He has 2 other cars, one Mercedes and one Jeep compass. These are the pictures and the registration numbers of his cars," Aryan said, placing more photos on the table, "And this is the picture of the villa. The address is written behind the picture."

"His friends?" Meera asked.

"This guy is pretty social and has a lot of friends, people from college or workplace, or from club memberships. He attends many social events. But apart from the usual stuff he has 3 other close friends, but there is something strange about them..." Aryan said, "These friends seem to be nowhere connected to his life, apart from the fact that they hang out together quite often. They are a group of 4 guys, from totally different professional backgrounds. Not only that, neither are their families connected, nor do they live close to one another, it is just strange that 4 random guys just met and got along really well. I'm still trying to find a common connection between these four, but their friendship appears quite old and has run strong for over 15 years."

"Those three are precisely the people I am interested in. Tell me about them," Meera said.

"Aarav Mehra, age 38 years" he said, placing a picture on the table, "He is a surgeon, working at the Healthcare Hospital. He is quite skilled at his job, and has a practice that runs pretty well. His wife Avantika is a housewife, son Kiaan, age 4. Seems like a regular doctor on the outside. His medical record is also pretty clean."

"Isn't this the same hospital where Mithila works?" Meera asked.

"Yes," Aryan confirmed.

"Reyansh Samarth," Aryan said, placing another picture on the table, "Age 35 years, graphics designer, single, and quite the reckless party animal. He is into booze, drugs, and women, a lot of women actually."

"And the fourth one?" Meera asked.

"Armaan Mathur," Aryan said, handing over his picture to Meera, "He is the eldest in the group. Age 41 years, he runs a construction business, and actually the shadiest among the four. He's got...connections, with politicians, security officer, and criminals. Maybe it is what his work requires, but the other three, they don't have these kinds of resources."

When Meera saw Armaan's picture, her expression darkened. Aryan could see it. She suddenly remembered the dreams in which she had seen Neil. The other man who appeared alongside Neil in her dreams was Armaan.

"He is the one, he is the one who sold me off to the trafficking gang!" Meera spoke with intense rage in her eyes, "Tell me more about this guy Aryan."

"He belongs to a business family. His father has married twice, and worked abroad and earned a fortune. Armaan lived with his mother for most of this early life, till one day she mysteriously disappeared. Armaan himself was married to a woman named Shalini, and had a daughter, Priya. The daughter died of leukemia and the wife died in an accident. He remained single for a long time. This guy is just shady, he is often seen dealing with influential men as well as criminals. His bungalow at Pali Hill is no less than a fortress. I mean the other three, their houses have a security CCTV camera at the most, but this guy has some high-tech security systems, his house is practically impenetrable. He has a thing for girls like...you, Meera, I mean, he is quite the sadist. There is a prostitute named Anya, she used to be his regular, and the sex used to be quite...rough. Few other women that he was seen with just disappeared and no one's ever heard from them again. Women just disappear around this man, or just meet with accidents. He has a very dark aura about him. And then one day, this girl entered his life..." Aryan said, showing her the picture of a young girl.

Meera took the picture and observed it carefully. She was a beautiful young girl, with dark innocent eyes and a dusky complexion.

"Her name is Pankhudi," Aryan said, "Age 27, she hails from Raigad village in Maharashtra. She's been living and working in Mumbai to support her family. Works as a receptionist by the day, and studies commerce in night college. She aspires to be a chartered accountant and has been preparing for her exams. I really don't know how Armaan and Pankhudi met, but they have been seen hanging out often. Armaan takes her to fancy places in his expensive cars, and invites her over to his bungalow at Pali Hill, but he also visits her humble apartment quite often. They've known each other for the last 3 years. I really don't know if they are in a relationship, they are just a very odd couple. He is like 13 years elder to her, and they come from such different backgrounds..."

"So...sugar daddy, huh?" Meera asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Even I thought so for a while," Aryan said, "But this girl...she didn't get any richer after she met him. Her humble lifestyle continues, and she doesn't seem to accept any gifts. I mean, it is no big deal for Armaan to buy her a fancy car, but she still drives a second hand scooty that she most probably bought out of her own savings. I did a background check on her character as well. She is spotless and has never been seen with any man other than Armaan. And another notable thing is that Armaan is not interested in any other woman since he's been seeing her."

Meera looked at Pankhudi's picture again and smiled with a devilish spark in her eyes, "It looks like the big bad guy has fallen in love."

"Seems like it," Aryan said.

"Send me her address," Meera said, "I'm gonna have to meet this girl."

"Sure," Aryan said, "But, you know, these four, they have secrets, pretty dark secrets, I'm sure about it. Those secrets can be known only if we could infiltrate their personal lives, and get access to their devices, maybe read their messages..."

"Are you suggesting some kind of a honey trap?" Meera asked.

"Precisely," Aryan said, "And I think among the four, Reyansh is most susceptible. This guy, he is too proud of his looks, thinks of himself as some kind of chick magnet and can barely keep his dick in his pants."

"I'll speak to Adil, he'll have just the right person for the job," Meera said.

"Basically Meera," Aryan said, taking a sip of coffee, "These guys are unlike any you've encountered before. They are filthy rich sophisticated men from powerful families, and none of them have a criminal record. These guys play the game with different rules, they are intelligent and manipulative. You can't just deal with them with a couple of hitmen like the previous gang."

"I intend to do no such thing," Meera said with a smile, "I know these men, and I know how they play. And I am going to beat them in their own game. I've already met Neil and Armaan once. I know how crafty both of them are, and I am sure the other two are no less. Naina had mentioned Reyansh and Aarav in her diary. You know what these men have in common? All four of them are sick sadistic bastards! But they have no idea what nightmare is coming for them."

"I would never doubt what you are capable of Meera," Aryan said, giving her a hug.

"I am also capable of cooking dinner," she said, running her fingers through his hair, "And you are going to have dinner with me and spend the night. You are not accepting money for your awesome work, let me show you some hospitality. And it is not a request."

Aryan smiled at how authoritatively she ordered him to stay. He remembered the time when he had first seen her. She was a helpless girl who had managed to escape from her captors, just trying to survive under a poor shelter. And now she looked so much stronger, so much more confident.

"Come here," she said gently tugging on his arm, "I have a surprise for you."

He followed her into her bedroom and he ropes attached on all four corners.

"Meera.." he asked inquisitively, "What are you up to?"

Meera flashed him the brightest smile and pulled off his jacket and began to feel him. She hugged him, her hands feeling his back she reached for his belt. She found his gun and playfully pulled it out.

"You carry a gun to my house?" she said playfully aiming the firearm at him.

"I carry it all the time," Aryan said with a smile, "I am in a risky profession. But, would you put it down please? That thing is dangerous."

"No," Meera said with a playful smile, "Now do as I say or I'll shoot you."

"Okay," Aryan said with a smile as he tried to play along, "What would the lady have me do?"

"I want you to take off all your clothes and lie down on the bed," Meera said, smiling mischievously.

"What are you going to do to me Meera?," Aryan asked, as he smiled, flashing his dimples.

"Oh you'll love every bit of what I am about to do, so much that you'll beg for more," Meera said as Aryan slowly began to take off his clothes. He removed his shirt and jeans, but chose to keep his underwear on.

Meera pushed him onto the bed and began to tie his hands and feet in a spread-eagle position. She tied the ropes really tight.

"Ouch, you are serious!" he gasped when he noticed how strong the ropes were.

Meera just smiled at him and took off her denim shorts and T shirt and climbed on top of him in just her bra and panties and began to dry hump him. She bent over and locked lips with him and her beautiful silken locks tickled his cheek. He moaned as she began nibbling his neck.

Aryan closed his eyes and enjoyed the pampering she was giving. He felt his cock harden as her pussy covered with satin panties rubbed over his crotch. Meera kissed his lips and moved lower and began to lick his neck, she bit his neck hard enough to leave a mark.

Suddenly he felt a metal object touch his neck. He opened his eyes to see that Meera was holding his gun.

"Meera.." he said sternly, "Enough with the gun please, put it away."

"I'll be the only one giving orders here," Meera said, smiling confidently at him.

"Put. The. Gun. Away!" Aryan said sternly.

"Make me," she said, pointing the gun at his forehead.

Aryan struggled violently against his restraints. But the ropes were strong and held him in place. Meera smiled to see him panic and struggle violently as she still teased him by rubbing her crotch on his cock. Her eyes were gleaming with devilish pleasure as she had absolute control over Aryan.

"That thing is fucking loaded!" Aryan screamed, "If you don't know how to handle guns, don't play with it!"

"Loaded huh?" Meera said as she playfully cocked the gun.

Aryan was now sweating in fear. He was completely at her mercy. Meera placed her finger on the trigger. Aryan's heart skipped a beat as she pulled the trigger and the gun clicked. Meera rolled over to one side laughing uncontrollably. "Look at your face Aryan," she said as she laughed, "You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"Okay Meera," Aryan said, breathing heavily, "This is not funny anymore. Untie me."

"I know how to handle guns Aryan," Meera said with a twinkle in her eyes as she showed him the magazine of his gun that she had removed before pulling the trigger, "I looked it up on YouTube."

"YouTube? Seriously?" he said, sounding pretty annoyed, "You could have killed me!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll put it away," Meera said, placing his gun on the table and holding his face in her arms, "But I won't let you go till I'm done with you today."

Aryan just looked away.

"Do you trust me Aryan?" she asked, looking straight into his eyes. She then pecked his lips as asked again, "Do you trust me? If you don't, I'll let you go right now."

Aryan took a deep breath and looked into her eyes and said, "I trust you, Meera."

"Then surrender yourself," Meera said, "Let me take control."

Aryan closed his eyes and stopped struggling. Meera began to shower him with kisses. She took off her bra and bent forward. She pressed her breasts against his face, burying his face in her soft flesh. She felt him breathing in her scent and trying to lick her nipples. She lowered one nipple into his mouth and let him suck it and she fondled his hair. She moaned as she felt her arousal building.

She ran her hands on his chest, lightly brushing his nipples. Aryan smiled. Meera poked both her index fingers into his dimples and laughed. "I always wanted to do this," she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Aryan laughed. She licked every inch of his skin, on his chest and down his abdomen all the way up to his crotch. Then she ran to the kitchen and returned with a large kitchen knife. Aryan got apprehensive for a moment, but Meera smiled at him and started cutting off his underwear.

"What the hell, Meera!" he protested.

"You should have taken it off when you had the chance," she said with a wide grin, "I'm in a savage mood today. No one is going to save you from me today.."

She started playing with his cock. She held it in her gently between her fingers and started licking it. She coated it with her saliva and took the tip of his cock in her mouth. She swirled her tongue over the head of his cock, and nibbled the glans softly, making him moan. With her free hand, she gently cupped his balls. She heard him moan as she could taste his precum. She sucked with soft movements, while she fondled his balls. She could feel him shudder. She then held his cock in both her hands and began to rub it as she took his balls in her mouth and began sucking them lightly. She stole a glance at Aryan's face, he was panting with closed eyes clearly wanting more.

She now took his cock in her mouth again and looked straight up at him and made eye contact. Aryan could see an emotion in her eyes he couldn't correctly read. Perhaps it was gratitude, fondness or love, but she was sucking him with complete devotion. She just wanted to make him feel good. She smiled as much as she could with his cock in her mouth and took the entire length inside her mouth. Meera was an expert cock sucker, she knew how to take it deep throat.

Aryan could feel the tip of his cock touch the back of her throat. If it wasn't for his amazing self-control, he would have exploded in the back of her throat. But he held on feeling the warmth of her throat and the ring of her lips sucking the base of his cock as she continuously played with his balls. Meera began to bob her head back and forth on his shaft, he could feel the softness of her tongue and lips and the warmth of the insides of her throat. As she moved back and forth, the throat muscles sensually gripped the head of his cock, bringing him close to orgasm. Meera could see it on this face that he was about to cum. With his cock still in her mouth, she winked at him and suddenly withdrew it from her mouth.

She heard him moan in disappointment. Then she straddled his waist and stripped off her bra and panty. Her body looked beautiful, well toned and her degrading tattoos were now completely gone. Her skin had a healthy glow. She smiled and positioned her pussy over his cock and began to rub the tip of his cock against her waxed and polished pussy. Meera rubbed her wet pussy on his cock, coating his cock with her juices. She straddled his hips, made eye contact and smiled as she slid her pussy over his shaft impaling herself. She cherished the look of satisfaction on his face, only to take it away the next minute as she raised her hips till his cock was out of her pussy. She smiled at his frustration.

"Meera!" Aryan screamed, "Why do you have to be such a bitch?!"

She smiled at the desperate look in his eyes. She looked at his cock as it glistened with the coating of her juices. Aryan was thrusting his hips desperately trying to get back inside her pussy but she dodged him each time. She bent over gently, running a hand on his chest and stroking his nipples. She teased him for a long time till he got really desperate. She could see it in his eyes, they were begging her to let him fuck her.

"What would you do if I untied you right now Aryan?" she asked playfully rubbing her wet pussy on his cock.

"I'll fuck your brains out," he said desperately.

"Good," she said as she reached for the knife, "Remember that."

She crawled towards his feet and placed the knife between his foot and the rope. Before she cut off the rope, she wiggled her ass at him watching him get more and more desperate by the minute. Then with one swift movement, she cut off all the four ropes binding him. As soon as Aryan was free, he pounced on her and got on top of her. He rammed the entire length of his cock in her pussy and began to fuck her hard and deep. He roughly started biting into her flesh, leaving marks on her skin. Meera had never seen him so wild before. She felt triumphant, at how she had managed to make him drop his calm and composed demeanor and brought out the beast within him. She grabbed his neck to exercise her control over him as he continued fucking her like a hungry animal.

Aryan didn't last very long after that. He had lost control over himself, and all he wanted was to cum inside her. He closed his eyes and held on to Meera tightly as an orgasm hit him. It was the most intense orgasm he had in a long time. Meera could feel him explode inside her, his grip was so tight and passionate, she couldn't breathe for a while. She could hear his heavy breathing and felt his breath on her shoulder. And then she heard a name. He said, "Saloni..." and became very quiet. He collapsed onto her and lay motionless for a while with his eyes closed.

Then he rolled over to one side and lay on his back. His eyes were still closed and he was breathing quietly. Meera saw an expression on his face that she couldn't read. The name Saloni had upset her. So many questions started running in her mind. Aryan never mentioned that name before. He never talked about himself or the people in his life.

"Why am I feeling so upset?" she thought to herself, "He never committed to me. He never said he loves me. He was just being kind to me. But who is Saloni? Why did he never mention about her before? I am so upset...I feel something for him...I don't know...he could at least tell me...if there was someone else..."

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RE: The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. - by Blue Bull - 09-01-2022, 11:26 PM

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