Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
I saw the blue-eyed man from my dreams today...he is real...

Meera snuggled close to Kabir and they watched the sunset, sitting by the sea at Marine Drive. Kabir passed on some salted peanuts to Meera and he held her close.

"This is my favorite part of the city," Meera said, "The sea and the sunset, it's just so beautiful. The sun looks like this golden ball of fire that just drops into the sea painting it crimson!"

"You should try writing poetry," Kabir said, kissing her cheeks, "You've got a beautiful imagination."

"The sea...it's water is so surreal," Meera said, "Sometimes it is beautifully azure, like the enticing blue of someone's eyes...and when the sun sets in it, the water turns red, the color of blood...like something bad has happened...like someone died..."

Kabir hugged Meera as he noticed a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"I really don't remember anything about my family, Kabir," Meera said, "But whenever I look at the sea...I feel deeply connected to it, I feel it holds all secrets, it holds the secrets of my happiest moments, and it also holds a heart wrenching pain...it's just a feeling I get and I...feel this cool evening breeze, it's like whispering something in my ear, it is trying to tell me something..." she said with her eyes closed.

"It is saying that you are the most amazing girl in the world," Kabir said, "And no matter what may have happened before, you are free now and you deserve all the happiness in the world."

Meera blushed.

"You look so beautiful when you blush..." Kabir said, "You mean so much more to me than I could ever express. I have dreams, you know, of pampering you like the princess that you are."

"And what pampering am I about to receive?" she asked playfully.

"Look at that building there," Kabir said pointing to a 5 star hotel, "On its roof top is one of the city's most luxurious restaurants. You'll get this same view that you love, your golden sunset and crimson sea, but we'll be just so higher up in life. And then you could have your favorite prawn salad, and maybe we'll have champagne too, coz we will be celebrating!"

"And what would we be celebrating?" she asked.

"You," he said, kissing her forehead, "We will be celebrating you."

"That's so sweet of you Kabir," Meera said touching his cheek, "But I think. I'd rather celebrate 'us', our freedom and our new life."

"4th of November," Kabir said, "That was the day we first set foot in this city, the day that blessed us with our new lives. Like a new birthday for both of us."

"Amen," Meera said, placing her shoulder on Kabir's head and gazing at the crimson sea.


Meera smiled as she was driving her car along Marine Drive, thinking of one of the best moments of her life. She entered the gates of The Intercontinental Hotel and handed over her car keys to the valet. She then proceeded to the rooftop.

It was late evening and she was mesmerized by the view. It was just like Kabir had described, just so much better from that height. She had reserved a table for herself.

She was greeted warmly by the server who led her to her table.

"I'll have a prawn salad and a champagne," she said with a smile.

"If I may ask, is it a special occasion?" the server asked with a smile.

"It's our birthday, mine and my husband's," Meera said cheerfully.

"Will he be joining you shortly?" the server asked.

"No, he is dead," Meera said.

The server was taken aback. "I'm so sorry ma'am," he said.

"It's alright," Meera said with a gentle smile, "He was a wonderful man, and I'm just here to celebrate him, and us."

The server bowed and left. He returned with the order after some time. Meera enjoyed the meal, remembering all conversations she had with Kabir, and all the beautiful moments. She imagined Kabir's spirit around her, and felt a sense of calm.

She just sat at her table for a long time, till the sun set into the sea, and the water now looked a frightening shade of black. The waves roared like a hungry monster threatening to consume all that is beautiful. Meera decided to go back home.

She walked back to the lobby and waited for the valet to get her car. A family of four was also waiting for their car. A couple and two cute daughters. Meera smiled looking at the children. But her smile quickly faded when she saw the face of their father. He was the same blue-eyed man she had seen multiple times in her dreams. She just couldn't forget his face. The world seemed to freeze around her as she could barely process the shock. Was she dreaming again? Or was he really there? Meera felt a pounding pain in her heart as she struggled to breathe. She wanted to pounce upon him. She wanted to grab him and ask why he haunted her like that. She wanted to know if he had any connection with Mithila as she had repeatedly seen in her dreams.

The valet handed over the man's car keys to him and the family started walking towards their car. Meera followed them and made a note of the car's license plate. Shorty after, the valet gave her the keys to her car. She waited for the blue-eyed man to drive ahead and quietly followed him. Keeping her eyes fixed on the man's car, she called up Aryan.

"I'm sending you a license plate number. I want the owner's details asap," she said.

"On it," Aryan said, "Call you back as soon as I have the info."

Meera continued following the man's car. Her heart was pounding in her chest in anticipation of what horror fate was now going to uncover for her. The car moved into a posh locality in Juhu and finally entered the gates of a bungalow. Meera noted down the address - J 21, city road, Juhu

Her phone began to ring. It was Aryan. "The license plate number is of a BMW 8 series 840i Gran Coupe owned by Mr. Neil Pereira residing at - J 21, city road, Juhu," he said.

The name "Neil" hit Meera like lightning. Her brain was suddenly flooded with a fresh wave of suppressed memories. The feeling was so overwhelming, she wanted to scream! But she instead just wept silently remembering the day when she had last seen Neil.

"Meera?" Aryan said over the phone, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," Meera said trying to control her sobs, "I want to know everything about Neil - what he does, the places he goes, who his friends are, everything! I especially want to know about his friends. Some very old scores need to be settled."

"Sure," he said.

Meera cried alone in her car for a long time. Memories of the person she loved the most that were buried deep in her damaged mind were now flowing freely out of her eyes like a river of poison. There was a sharp pain in her heart as everything around her seemed to fade. The city around her changed to an older version of itself. Everything suddenly looked familiar to her as she started driving. She was in a state of trance, like a divine light was guiding her. She knew exactly where to turn, how far to drive, and she kept driving till she reached her destination. The house that stood before her brought back haunting memories. She brushed off the dust on the stone that read the name of that house - "Patil Niwas"

She stepped out of her car and touched the rusted iron gate. A tear fell from her eyes as she recognized the house. She had seen this house in her dreams. There was a padlock on it, secured with an iron chain. The house looked deserted, like no one had lived there for years. There was a sign board that read "for sale" but it was covered with a thick layer of dust. It looked as if it was put up many years ago.

"Yes? Do you need something?" a middle-aged lady from the next house called out to Meera, eyeing her suspiciously.

"This house..." Meera said, "Does anyone live here?"

"No," the woman said in a rough tone, "And it would be better if you stop lurking around and go away."

"Please..." Meera said walking towards the woman, "I lived in this neighborhood many years ago, I knew the Patil family who lived here...I'm looking for them...where can I find them?"

"They are dead," the woman said, "All of them. And you would be dead too if you enter that gate."

Meera was shocked at her reply.

"What's so shocking? If you really lived here, that must have been several years ago," the woman said, "Everyone around here knows this goddamn house is haunted. There was a girl who lived here...what's her name...ah...yes, Naina! One day she disappeared, and the house rapidly fell into ruin. The next day, the servant girl disappeared too, and the family members fell sick one by one and died. The neighbors complained they often heard crying and screaming from the house. Only the eldest man of the house survived and he was wise enough to leave this place. He put the house on sale, but who would want to buy a haunted house?"

Her words hit Meera like a lightning bolt. She took a moment to process the shock.

"Where can I find him? The owner of this house I mean..." Meera asked.

"I have his contact number...but why are you looking for him?" the woman asked.

"I'd like to buy this house," Meera said with determination.

"Have you suddenly lost your desire to live?" the woman said.

"You let me worry about that," Meera said with a smile, "Do you have a key to this place? I'd like to have a look."

The woman now suddenly felt afraid of Meera as she walked confidently towards her.

"Hey, stop there!" the woman warned in a scared voice, "Don't take another step. I'll bring you the key."

The woman went inside her house and got a key and handed it over to Meera.

"How come you have the key to this so-called haunted house?" Meera asked, "The ghosts don't bother you?"

"Not that it is any of your business," the woman said rudely, "But the owner practically begged me to keep the key. He kept having these nightmares which disappeared only after he got rid of the key."

"Hmmm...interesting," Meera said as she took the key from her hand.

Meera opened the lock and pushed open the gate. It took quite an effort to move the rusted heavy gate. Meera walked up to the front door and opened it. Everything inside was covered with a thick layer of dust. It appeared as if the house had been locked for several years. Meera continued exploring the deserted house. Everything was lying around as she remembered, as if the house had been frozen in time. It stayed in its past while everything around it changed.

She opened the almirahs and found clothes, books, and everything else abandoned as it is. She found an old album with a few family photos. She finally had a glimpse of her childhood that she so badly craved to know about. She found her birth certificate and she found a picture of herself with her mother. A tear fell from her eye as all her memories came to life.

She remembered how she played as a child within the walls of this house, and how she had her little dreams about her life. Her father died when she was very young, she had no memory of her father. Her mother worked as a servant in this house. She remembered how she slept in her mother's arms on a rug on the kitchen floor.

She then entered Naina's room. Naina was like an elder sister to Meera. Naina's room brought so many memories to life. It was the same room where Naina used to teach her to read and write, and give her all the lessons she would have got at school. She wanted to educate Meera so that one day Meera would have a decent job, and could live a good life. Sometimes Naina would play songs on her radio. Some other times Naina stole food for Meera and let her eat secretly hiding in her closet. Meera opened the closet and smiled as she remembered how she fit inside it when she was little. Naina's things were lying around just the way she had left it. Her books, her clothes, her teddy bear, Meera touched all her things fondly.

On the table, she found Naina's diary. She knew Naina wrote a diary, but she never read it out of respect for her privacy. But now that Naina was gone, Meera picked up her diary with a trembling hand. It was moldy as the seepage from the ceiling had destroyed most of its pages. But there were still a few pages that Meera could read.


It's so hard to take my eyes off Neil. He's so handsome, with those beautiful blue eyes, he is like the superstar of the college and all girls love him. The song he sang at the festival today, he almost took my breath away. He saw me looking at him, and I felt so shy, I must have blushed like a shade of crimson. Oh, am I falling in love? But I don't...

The rest was illegible as the molds had destroyed the page. Meera turned over a few pages to find something else she could read.


You won't believe what happened today! Me and Neil, we were at the library, and he was sitting right opposite to me. He looked up at me and smiled! He's so irresistible!


It's like the universe has heard me. Me and Neil, we actually had a real conversation today. He asked me about myself, what I like, about my family. Oh God please please please I hope he asks me out, that would be like a dream come true.


Neil actually asked me out! My God, I was like on cloud 9! Is this really happening? The place he took me to was so awesome, I've never been to such a fancy restaurant before. The dress I wore...


...at Neil's villa for valentine's day. Just me and him, and I had my first kiss today! It felt so beautiful! And he touched me, so sensually...but I was not comfortable proceeding further, and he respected that. He is such a gentleman.


We made out in his car. He requested me...that he wanted to see me topless. I was very shy at first, but then I slowly took off my top. He was mesmerized and told me how beautiful I was. I let him feel my breasts from over my bra...his touch was...soft like roses. I felt a tingle between my legs, but I was too shy to tell him.


Neil invited me to spend the weekend at his villa. It was perhaps the most beautiful weekend of my life. He told me how much he loved me and sang a song for me. His angel kissed singing voice and that guitar...it just made my heart melt. And then we made love...I gave him my virginity; I just love him so much.


I found out Neil's dark secret today. After we made sweet love, I rolled over and tried to sleep, but Neil just walked out of the room. I followed him. He was watching a video on his phone, it was like some kind of a bondage sex video. He looked really excited. When he saw me, he put his phone away. He looked embarrassed. He thought I'd think that he is a pervert. I just hugged him and told him how much I loved him, and that I would never judge him.


Today I insisted that we try the bondage thing. I thought it would really make him happy, but he was reluctant. He said he didn't want to hurt me. But I convinced him that I was going to be fine. Neil was so excited! He was rough and I feel a little hurt...but I'll be okay I guess. He says he just feels so much stronger love for me now.


We had another bondage session. Neil recorded a video of it this time. I was nervous at first, but he assured me he would never show that video to anyone, it was only for his own memories. I trust Neil completely, he'll never hurt me.


...it was painful this time. I screamed and almost cried. But when it was done, Neil held me in his arms and showered me with kisses and told me he loves me. His love is all I need and I can take anything for his happiness.


...recorded the whole thing. Anal sex was painful, but not as much as I had feared. Neil says it hurts the first time and that I'll get used to it. I hope I do.


Today was a weird day. Me and Neil, we went to a friend's party, and after a few drinks, Neil took me in a room and we started making out. And then suddenly one of his friends barged into the room and began to hug Neil. "Neil Bro, here you are! Come let's party man!" the guy said. Neil pushed him onto the couch in the room and said, "Sit down for a while Rey, they are getting more booze for the party." The guy just sat there with closed eyes. He was extremely handsome but he looked intoxicated. Then Neil came back to me and started kissing me and groping my breasts. I stopped him. I was uncomfortable doing this in front of his friend. "It's alright honey," Neil said, "Reyansh is drunk, and he has no idea where he is or even who he is at the moment. He won't remember anything by morning." Neil then stripped me bare and made love to me in front of his friend. Although Reyansh looked intoxicated, I felt he was watching us. It was a weird experience, but I saw that Neil really enjoyed it. As long as he is happy, I am happy.


Neil tried something with nipple clamps today. My breasts are sore. This is getting more painful by the day, but...I am sure I'll get used to this. Sometimes I wish he'd take me out more often, but Neil is always so hushed up about our relationship. He told me to keep it a secret till he can convince his folks for our marriage. I think he is right.


I'm feeling deeply ashamed of myself today. I disappointed Neil...after everything he did for me, all I did was upset him. He had asked me to take the pill regularly as we made love quite often. But I guess I missed it sometime and I got pregnant. Neil was so angry when I told him. He punished me, and I deserved every bit of it. There is a dog cage in the basement of his villa, he put me there for 3 days. I begged him to let me out, but he said I deserved the punishment. I wanted this baby, but he didn't. Finally, I understood that he was right. It was my mistake that I got pregnant, and I should fix it. I agreed to take the abortion pill and he let me out. But there was this other man in the room. Neil told me that Aarav was his friend and a doctor and he was here to examine me before I took the pill. The doctor guy, he was quite stern and ordered me to lie down and open my legs. I was feeling ashamed as I was naked and exposed, but I trusted this guy is a doctor and he won't hurt me.

He felt my breasts and touched my nipples and he wasn't even wearing gloves. Doctors wear gloves while examining patients, don't they? But Neil was standing right there and I didn't say anything. I was afraid it'll only upset him more. I didn't want to lose Neil at any cost. This doctor guy made me pull my pussy lips apart and show him my most intimate parts. I felt like I'd die in shame. He then inserted two fingers inside my pussy and began to move them in and out. I was very uncomfortable as he was arousing me, and I felt very ashamed to be enjoying another man's touch in front of Neil. I let out a moan and Neil just gave me another look of disappointment and my heart almost broke. I am so shameless and I deserve to be punished.


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