Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
A little sunshine before the storms return...

3 months passed by.

Meera now had enough money to buy a house and a car. She left Emerald palace to move into her new apartment. For the first time in many days, she felt free and happy. She continued to work for Adil. Her tolerance for pain and extreme sexual acts earned her a lot of money.

Aryan received a phone call. It was Meera.

"Yes, Meera," he said, "Tell me."

"Any update on Sharon?" she asked.

"Well," Aryan said, "She is a slippery one. The news is that her mother passed away due to an illness a few days ago. Now she has 2 younger siblings to take care of. But she had fled with her siblings. My men are looking for her now. No one seems to know where exactly she may have gone, she could be anywhere in the world, that's why it is taking time. The social media profiles of her siblings are under the scanner. I am sure one of them will slip up and give up their new location. But I'll let you know as soon as I have concrete information."

"Alright..." she said, "Where are you right now?"

"At home," he said, "Why do you ask?"

"Because you are coming over for dinner tonight at my place," Meera said.

"Thanks Meera," he said politely, "But it's really not necessary."

"Drop your Aryan and get out of your house," she ordered him, "I'm waiting for you outside."

Aryan reluctantly got out of his house. He was surprised to see Meera driving a brand-new car. She looked so happy; she was grinning from ear to ear.

"How's my new car?" she asked, beaming with excitement.

"She is a beauty," he said.

"Well, then hop in!" she chirped.

Aryan got into the car and Meera drove off.

"Business has been great," Meera said jubilantly, "I've never seen so much money in my life, and now I can buy stuff that I like...Adil totally loves me! He says I've made him more money than any other girl he's had. We are like making a fortune together. I am his top girl now and he has reserved me for the most elite clients. And Adil's got this money laundering system in place for me. Technically, now I own a company that manufactures mops. Can you believe I am actually paying taxes! And I've bought this awesome car from the honest tax paid income I earned from selling mops."

"That's a lot of awesomeness happening there!" Aryan said with a bright smile.

"Wait till you see my new house," she said, barely containing her excitement, "It's amazing! It's got this beautiful view of the sea like I always wanted!"

Aryan was quietly smiling at her.

She led him to her new apartment on the 22nd floor of a skyscbangr. It was evening by then, and they could see the sun slowly set in the Arabian sea. The city lights came to life and the city began to gleam below.

"Isn't the view amazing!" she gasped holding the balcony railing.

"It is indeed," Aryan said, looking into her eyes with a smile.

Meera blushed. She walked gracefully towards him. Her eyes were moist with emotion. "Aryan, today, I have everything that I dreamed of...and I.." she choked her eyes getting tearful, "I'm just so happy, and I just wanted to share my joy with someone...and you are the only person I could think of...I just want you to stay for the evening, have dinner with me...and just hold me. You don't have to do anything that you don't want to, just be with me, it's just that I am so happy today...and I didn't want to be alone. Just tonight...and you can go in the morning...you are the closest thing I have to a friend..."

Then she took a deep breath getting a hold of her emotions, and smiled bravely. Then she lovingly touched his cheek and asked, "I hope I'm not asking for anything unreasonable."

Aryan pulled her close and gave her a warm hug, "It would be my pleasure to be with you," he said.

Meera was really happy that evening. She showed him around her new house. Her flat was furnished with exquisite furniture, and was decorated beautifully. He noticed a huge collection of books she had on all kinds of topics.

"So, you've been reading?" Aryan asked, looking at her books.

"Yeah," she said with a bright smile, "I love to read. I never got a chance to go to school or college but somehow, I can read and write. Maybe some kind-hearted person taught me, I can barely remember. So, I just try to educate myself by reading as much as I can in my free time."

Aryan noticed a photo frame with a picture of Meera and Kabir. He picked up the frame and smiled. "That's a beautiful picture," he said.

Meera smiled weakly. "It is for the nights I can't sleep, I just hold this frame to my heart, and...I just feel a little better," she said.

Aryan smiled and hugged her.

Later that evening, they had dinner together and Meera and then led him to the bedroom.

She made him sit on the bed and started running her hands on his body. She realized that he was hesitant.

"You don't have to have sex with me," she said with a smile, "I just want to hold you...if that's ok?"

"Hey Meera," he said roughly pulling her onto his lap, "Don't overthink, come here."

He locked lips with her gently running his fingers through her hair.

"I wanna show you something," she said, her eyes glowing with excitement and she slipped her dress off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor, revealing her perfect body. "The tattoos, do you see a difference?" she asked.

"Yes," Aryan said, "They look fainter."

"I've been undergoing laser treatments for tattoo removal. Mithila introduced me to a good dermatologist," Meera said, "I've had two sessions so far, and they are already so much fainter! The doctor says in another 6-7 sessions they will be gone completely! The thought itself makes me so happy...I'm going to be truly free Aryan, then...no one will look at my body and think dirty things..."

Aryan noticed both joy and sorrow in Meera's eyes. He truly admired how she had managed to fight her way through such extreme circumstances. He swept her off her feet and put her down on the bed and pulled her closer. He cozied her up with a blanket. Meera rested her head on his arms and snuggled closer.

"I never had dirty thoughts about you, you know," he said, running his fingers through her hair, "When I look at you, all I can see is a fighter."

"You know Aryan," she said, "I have nothing to hide from you. You know everything about me, my weakness, my vulnerabilities, my scars, my shame...I'm all naked, bare before you. And yet you treat me with so much respect...that's why you are so special to me."

"I don't know everything about you Meera," Aryan said, kissing her forehead, "But whatever I do know, makes me truly admire you."

Meera smiled.

"Let me please you Meera..." Aryan said as he started kissing her neck. Meera threw her head backwards, arching her neck for him.

He nibbled her ear and licked her neck with such a skill that it almost surprised her. He showered kisses on her collar bones and moved lower towards her full breasts. He flicked his tongue on her right nipple and planted deep kisses all over her breasts. Meera was moaning in pleasure. Her tender fingers clasped the bedsheet as she arched her back in arousal. Aryan gently cupped her breasts with both his hands and gently squeezed them. Suddenly Meera squealed.

Aryan noticed that her body had small bumps at several places. He gently rubbed it with his thumb and found a nasty bruise under a layer of foundation.

He shot her a sharp look and asked, "What is this Meera?"

"It's just from a client I was with three days ago..." she said trying to brush it off with a smile, "It's nothing, really...just a little...occupational hazard..."

"You just said you hid nothing from me," Aryan said, sounding upset.

"Of course, Aryan," she said lovingly touching his cheek, "You know the kinda work I do, right?"

"But why did you feel the need to cover it up?" Aryan said.

"It's just not pretty," Meera said calmly, "I didn't want to turn you off."

Aryan didn't say anything. He just rolled over and lay down on his back next to her.

Meera snuggled up close to him and ran her hand over his chest gently and said, "All kind of wierdos come to me you know. There was this client, his girlfriend left him for another guy, and he was just angry. He had this weird demand that he wanted me to dress up in her clothes, and dress my hair the way she does, and he kept calling me by her name..." Meera said.

Aryan still didn't respond.

"He asked me to apologize, beg for forgiveness for cheating on him, like he would have wanted his ex-girlfriend to do," Meera said with a chuckle, "He just wanted to vent his anger, beat and punch me to his heart's content, and then there was anal sex...there is always anal with these angry types...I don't know some kinda obsession I guess, or the think of it as some kinda punish..."

"He punched you?" Aryan said, looking straight into her eyes with a hint of anger.

"Just a couple of times," Meera said, "Not too hard, I'm OK Aryan, these bruises, they'll be gone in a few days."

"Meera! The guy has been punching you, there could be internal injuries! Why does Adil send you to such psychos?" Aryan said, now looking visibly angry.

"Adil is a sweetheart," Meera said, "He does this on my request. I asked to be a pain slut. These sadistic psychos pay a lot of money. How do you think I got so rich so soon? I am... adequately compensated for this...pain. And you know how much I need this money, don't you? And Adil takes good care of me, he has me looked at by a doctor after every session to make sure I am not seriously injured. And I'm..."

Aryan cut her off as he locked lips with her. They kissed passionately for a moment.

"Come here," he said tugging her hand and led her to the bathroom. He pulled off her panties and stripped her naked. "Let me see the real you," he said as he turned on a warm shower.

Meera stood quietly as the makeup washed off her body. Aryan sighed when he realized it wasn't just one bruise that she had tried to hide. There were a dozen of bruises and welts on her body. She lowered her gaze not wanting to look at Aryan. He placed a finger under her chin and made her look up. Her eyes were red and tearful. There was a large bruise on her right cheek as well. The shower washed off her tears, but Aryan could see so much pain on her face that she was desperately trying to hide.

"This is the Meera I want," he said cupping her face in his palms, "The girl who bravely fought a million battles and is yet so graceful."

He began to draw her a warm bath. He added soothing aromatic oils to the bath. He lifted her in his arms and gently put her into the bathtub. He could now see each and every bruise and welt on her body that she had so meticulously concealed.

Meera was in tears. "I am sorry, Aryan...I didn't mean it to be like this...I.." she said in a breaking voice as she tried to fight her tears.

"Shhhhhh it's ok," Aryan said lovingly fondling her head, "Just close your eyes and breathe."

He helped Meera rest her head back and took a bath sponge and ran it gently over her body. He could see her body relax slowly and the warm water soothed her pain. He looked at her face, she had a calm expression on her face. He ran the sponge down her shoulders onto her breasts, lightly rubbing her nipples. Meera let out a faint moan. Then he gently held her feet as he scrubbed them lightly.

Meera suddenly opened her eyes and tried to gently pull away. "Aryan please...you don't have to...I am not worthy of this..." she said.

"I will decide what you are worth. So just shut up and let me do what I am doing," Aryan said firmly enough to calm her protests.

He scrubbed her feet and ran the sponge gently up her legs and thighs and brushed lightly on her pussy sending a tingle up her belly. He drained the water from the bathtub and ran a warm shower to wash her clean. Then he wrapped her in a towel, gently lifted her and put her down on the bed.

He got on top of her without putting any weight on her and showered her with gentle kisses. He was treating her like a delicate flower. Meera felt so pampered with his soft touches and kisses.

And then he parted her legs and kissed her pussy.

"Aryan no...you really don't have to..." Meera protested weakly.

"Didn't I just tell you to shut up?" Aryan replied sharply.

Meera just lay quietly on the bed letting him do what he wanted to. She let him lick her pussy lips and his hands gently rested on her inner thighs, stroking them occasionally with the lightest of touch. She shuddered as she felt him flick his tongue on her clit. His skillful stimulation made her pussy juices gush. She moaned as she felt him gently nibble her pussy lips. She began to breathe heavily as he held her clit between his lips and sucked lightly. Her moaning assured him of how much pleasure he was giving her. Meera was floating in an erotic high. And this time, along with a sexual sensation, she had an emotional assurance that Aryan is not going to hurt her like other men did, he is not going to call her dirty names to degrade her. She knew she was safe with him, she knew he was not going to punish her for surrendering to her desires, he was not going to cause her pain. He was being so kind, so gentle...she knew he wasn't going to make her cry or scream for his pleasure. He was just trying to make her happy. As she felt him push his tongue inside her pussy and wiggle it softly, she felt waves of orgasm rush though her. This was perhaps the most intense orgasm she had as her body melted in sheer pleasure.

She just lay with her eyes closed for a moment. When she opened her eyes, Aryan was lying next to her smiling at her.

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RE: The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. - by Blue Bull - 08-01-2022, 10:53 PM

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