Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
He started to finger her pussy again, bringing her to the edge or orgasm. Just as she felt she was about to orgasm, he hit her hard with the belt. The impact stung her skin and made her scream. Meera cried helplessly. She had no control over what was happening to her. She couldn't stop him from pleasuring her, she couldn't stop him from hurting her. She had no choice but to take his torture for as long as he wanted to.

The man edged her over and over again, and brought her sexual excitement down by a sharp blow with his belt. Soon enough her entire body was covered with welts.

"Please stop Daddy!" Meera begged.

"Stop what? Fingering you or beating you?" he asked.

"Please stop the beating..." Meera said, groaning in pain. Her eyes were tearful.

"So you still want me to continue fingering you so that you can cum like a slut?" he asked.

Meera didn't reply. She just closed her eyes and cried.

"Let's see if you have learned your lesson," he said, "I'll keep fingering you, but don't you dare cum. If you can't control your orgasm, I'll fuck your ass."

He started moving his finger in and out of her pussy real fast. With his other hand he twisted her nipples making her scream real loud. Then he played softly with her nipples bringing her close to an orgasm. Meera tried her best to not cum, but the relentless finger fucking made her lose control completely. She ultimately lost the battle and her whole body involuntarily convulsed in orgasm.

As she opened her eyes after the orgasm, she saw the man smiling at her.

"You couldn't control yourself could you, slut?" he said, "Or perhaps you want me to fuck your ass, don't you?"

Meera just tearfully shook her head.

"What no?" the man yelled, "Tell me that you want me to fuck your ass, slut!"

"Please fuck my ass, daddy," Meera begged tearfully.

"Get on all fours," he ordered.

Meera obeyed. The man inspected her asshole and commented, "Surely you have taken cocks up here before, haven't you?"

"Yes daddy," Meera replied.

He lubed up her ass with her overflowing pussy juices and rammed the entire length of his cock in her ass at once making her scream. He grabbed her hair and fucked her ass deeper with every thrust. Meera screamed continuously as the pain intensified with each thrust. She bit the back of her wrist to muffle her own screams. His hard meat pounded away into her ass. He was enjoying the feeling of her tight ass gripping his hard cock. He loved how she squealed and mewled with every thrust.

And suddenly she felt something around her neck. The man had put his belt around her neck and yanked it as he fucked her ass. She felt the buckle tighten with each thrust and she began to struggle for breath. And then came a point when her vision started to blur and her mind floated into a blank space. And then she had a vision.


She was standing in front of a house. Mithila was there too. And then a man drove a fancy car to the gates of the house. He was the same blue eyed man Meera had seen in her dreams before. He smiled at her and Mithila. Mithila got onto the passenger seat and smiled at Meera.

"Come on Meera," Mithila said smiling brightly, "Get in!"

Meera got into the car's backseat and watched Mithila kiss the blue-eyed man. The man then looked at Meera and smiled at her. He offered her chocolate.

"Take it Meera," Mithila said, "And say thank you."

Meera took the chocolate and thanked the man.

He then drove off and took them to the beach. Mithila and the man got out of the car while Meera stayed in the back seat.

Meera watched them from the car. They looked happy together. And then suddenly the man slapped Mithila. He hit her over and over again. Meera screamed and tried to get out of the car to help Mithila. But she was locked in the car. The man then grabbed Mithila's hair and dragged her into the sea and pushed her head under water. Meera watched Mithila struggle for her life. The man held her underwater till she drowned and disappeared in the sea. The blue-eyed man started walking back towards the car. Meera screamed hysterically wanting to attack the man but she could not get out of the car.

And then she found something in the car's seat. It was Mithila's broken shoe. She kept banging the window glass with all her strength and then everything went blank.


The man fucking Meera's ass finally ejaculated inside her and let go of the belt.

"Get up you whore," he said, spanking Meera's ass, "Come lick my shit covered cock."

Meera was lying unconscious. She didn't respond, she didn't move.

"Hey, you whore, wake up," the man said vigorously, shaking Meera. She still didn't respond.

Even after repeated attempts when Meera didn't respond, the man called up Adil. "What the hell is wrong with your girl? Why is she creating such a scene?" he shouted.

"What did she do?" Adil asked.

"She isn't waking up, some kinda drama this bitch is pulling, ask her to get her act straight or..." the man said yelling furiously.

"Calm down," Adil said, "I'll be there."

Soon enough, Adil reached there with some of his men and Shabnam.

"What the hell?" Adil glared at the client, seeing the welts on Meera's body.

"She has a pulse," Shabnam said, cradling Meera's head in her arms.

"Hey," Adil said gently, tapping her cheek, "Wake up girl!"

Meera still didn't respond. Shabnam sprinkled some water on her face and Adil kept tapping her gently. She weakly opened her eyes.

"Hey girl!" Adil said, "Are you ok?"

Meera nodded weakly. Shabnam signaled Adil to notice the strangulation marks on Meera's neck. Adil got furious and grabbed the client's neck.

"You son of a bitch," he growled, "What the hell do you think you were doing? I supply girls for sex not for slaughter."

The man panicked at his sudden aggression.

"Sajid, take the girl away," Adil said, ordering one of his men. Then he turned his furious gaze back to the man.

"Look I am sorry," the man said, "I didn't mean to..."

"You'll pay double the agreed rate," Adil said, "Or my men here break every bone in your body."

"What double?!" the man shrieked, "But I don't have that much money."

"Figure it out!" Adil growled, and nodded at one of his men who grabbed the client's arms and twisted it behind his back.

The man began trembling in fear.

"Make sure he doesn't leave this room till he pays up," Adil ordered his men and walked out of the room.

He went straight towards the room where Shabnam was nursing Meera. Meera was awake and she smiled weakly on seeing Adil.

"The doctor will be here soon," Shabnam said.

"I hope I didn't disappoint," she said softly.

"No, you didn't sweetheart, you've been very brave," he said, running a hand through her hair, "I'm sorry I put you in danger, I should have known that pervert was no good."

"I am okay Adil," she said with a smile, "I just passed out. But I'm okay now."

"Next time, I'll make sure I don't send you to such psychos," Adil assured.

"I was thinking the opposite actually," Meera said, "I want to be your pain slut. You can send me to all kinds of sadistic clients who enjoy inflicting pain and degradation, or want to do some extreme stuff."

"What? No!" Adil gasped, "You are too young Meera!"

"Even better," Meera said, "They'll have to pay that much more."

Adil couldn't believe what she was requesting. "Meera, you don't realize how dangerous this can be," he said, "You could have died today!"

"I understand this sounds crazy...but I am doing this for Kabir," Meera said as a tear rolled down her cheek, "Losing Kabir was the most painful moment of my life and nothing can be more painful. He was my world and I lost him. The guys who murdered him and bangd me over and over again walk free and fearless. I want them dead! And for that I need money, a lot of money...and I am willing to do whatever it takes. And if I die trying...It's ok...I'll just be with my Kabir..."

"I'll think about it," Adil said, "You get some rest."

Adil left the room. After sometime a doctor visited Meera and treated her for her injuries. Shabnam gave her the medicines and put a blanket on her so she could rest.

When everyone left the room, Meera began to think about the vision she had. The blue-eyed man appeared so many times in her dreams and visions that she was now sure he had something to do with her past. Mithila was still a puzzle though, Meera couldn't figure out why she sees Mithila so often in her visions with the blue-eyed man. She just hoped to figure it out with time.


It took almost a week for Meera to completely recover from her injuries.

"I'm ready for the next client," Meera said to Adil.

Adil smiled at her. "This time there are two men who want you at once," he said, "Would that be okay?"

Meera smiled and nodded.

"They have a special condition," he said, "They want you blindfolded and gagged with earplugs, and want you suspended from the ceiling."

"Wow!" Meera said in a dry sarcastic tone. Then she smiled and said, "I'll be fine, Adil."

Shabnam took her to a room where a hook had been arranged from the ceiling. There were scented candles burning in the room setting an erotic mood. Shabnam asked Meera to put on sexy lingerie. Once Meera was dressed up, Shabnam cuffed her hands above her head and locked the cuff into the hook so Meera couldn't break free. Then she put a ball gag onto her and locked it behind her head. Then she put on the earplugs, cutting off any sound that would reach Meera. And finally, she tied a blindfold on her, drowning Meera into darkness.

Meera felt completely cut off from the world. There was no way she would know what was happening around her, there was no way she could communicate with anyone around her. The sense of touch was the only sense left with her. She could feel the cool breeze caress her, but apart from that nothing. Only darkness. Silence. She had no idea how much time had passed since she had been hanging in oblivion. She was beginning to feel afraid now. With every passing minute her craving for human contact was rising. She made whatever incomprehensible sounds she could make through the gag, hoping that someone would hear and respond. But no one did.

And finally, she felt a touch. Two human hands cupped her breasts and rubbed her nipples from over her bra. Then she felt another set of hands grabbing her ass. Meera moaned through her gag. Then she felt a hand unclasp her bra letting her breasts hang free. And then someone pulled off her panties and she felt the cool breeze caress her most intimate parts. She felt fingers run lightly over her nipples. Her breasts were rising and falling rhythmically as she was breathing heavily. Then she felt someone lick her nipples, two tongues flicking on both her nipples at once. Meera felt a tingle in her pussy and closed her legs tightly trying to self-stimulate her pussy.

Two men were now sucking her breasts. She felt one of them slide a finger between her pussy lips feeling her wetness. Soon he inserted one finger inside and began to slide it in and out. Then another finger slipped inside her pussy. Meera realized that both the men had inserted one finger inside her pussy, and then she felt two more fingers inside her. Her pussy was being stretched by four fingers going in and out of her. And then the men added another finger each. Her pussy was now stretching painfully with 6 male fingers inside her. They continued sucking her nipples to keep her aroused as their ruthless fingering stretched her pussy. Meera was only praying for them to stop adding more fingers, but two more fingers were added, and now a total of 8 fingers were obscenely stretching her pussy. Meera screamed in pain but no one heard her. They continued with their cruel torture.

With all 8 fingers still inside her pussy, she now felt them insert one finger in her ass. They had used the lubrication of her pussy to coat the finger before inserting it in her ass. One more finger entered her ass. Meera was jerking wildly in pain, but her desperate movements to get away from them only caused her to impale herself into the invading fingers driving them deeper into her pussy and ass. Two more fingers entered her ass and Meera felt full and stretched like she had never felt before. The finger continued moving in and out of her brutally abusing her most intimate orifices.

And then suddenly all fingers were withdrawn. Meera was relieved for a moment, but her joy was transient. She felt two hands pinch and twist her nipples as she felt some hard object hit her ass. The twisting and pulling of her nipples caused painful and pleasurable sensations at the same time. Her pussy juices now began to run down her thighs. The spanking continued for a long time. At first, she counted the number of hits, but after sometime she lost count. Her ass had become red and sore.

She suddenly felt like her cuffs were being removed. And immediately her hands were cuffed behind her back. Her feet were now on the floor, and she was relieved that the pain in her wrists due to prolonged handing was gone. She felt two sets of hands caress her naked body boldly. Then she was dragged and pushed onto the bed. She felt two men crawl on either side of her. They made her open her legs and pinned her legs under the weight of their own. They started feeling her again, lightly touching her nipples till they became hard. And then she felt something. Some kind of drops, hot wax dripping on her breasts. The next moment she felt the same sensation in her pussy and yelped. But the men held her down and continued dripping hot wax onto her boobs and pussy and watching her scream and writhe in pain. Meera had no choice but to take the torture for as long as they wanted to.

Finally, they stopped. One of the men lifted her and separated her ass cheeks so that the other man could insert the tip of his cock inside her. Then he suddenly let go of her and caused her to impale herself on his cock. Meera screamed at the sudden invasion. She was only grateful to the fingering they had done earlier that he opened up her ass a little. And the other man then entered her pussy and both of them began to fuck her roughly. Meera had a sensory overload as she had two men in her at once. She couldn't see, she couldn't hear, she could only feel two cocks going roughly in and out of her. To add to her misery, the men began to roughly play with her nipples. The sensations were too much for her. She couldn't take anymore, she tried to scream through her gag, she tired to push them away but she was too weak. But she kept struggling anyway, with all her strength till she felt lightheaded. The darkness in front of her eyes that she was drowning in suddenly turned to a bright light and she had another vision


There was a newborn baby is Meera's arms. The baby's eyes were hazel, the same shade as that of Kabir. The baby smiled at Meera. Meera held the child to her bosom and felt a sense of calm.

And then some men barged into the room and snatched the baby from her arms. Meera tried to fight them, but they were too strong. They locked Meera in a room and left with the child. Meera screamed and banged the door but no one listened. There was a small window in the room. Meera could see an arid desert from the window.

Suddenly an old woman appeared behind her. She grabbed Meera with both her hands and spoke with a sense of urgency, "Your daughter is alive! She is a blessed angel!"


And suddenly Meera jolted out of her vision. Shabnam undid her blindfold and removed her earplugs and gag.

"You OK, Meera?" she asked.

Meera looked around. The men were gone. Their cum was dripping from her pussy and ass.

Meera was shaken, more due to the vision than the extreme sexual acts she had just been through. She just nodded at Shabnam.

Shabnam gave her a warm bath to soothe her body. Then she took Meera to her room where she could relax. A doctor was called to examine Meera to make sure that she is not seriously injured. The doctor prescribed some painkillers and advised her to rest.

Shabnam left the room leaving Meera alone. Meera just lay awake on her bed. She couldn't sleep. The child and the woman's words kept ringing in her ears.

Meera decided to visit Mithila. She just hoped that a psychiatrist would perhaps help her understand these visions and dreams she had been getting.

She booked a formal appointment and reached the hospital waiting to be called. When it was her turn, she was led into Mithila's cabin.

"Hey Meera!" Mithila chirped in excitement on seeing Meera, "How have you been? It's been days since I heard from you. I was so worried about you sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm fine Mithila," Meera said with a faint smile, "I've found myself a home."

"That's great!" Mithila said, "Where are you staying then?"

"Well..." Meera spoke with hesitation, "It is actually a brothel."

Mithila's smile suddenly faded. "Hey girl," Mithila said hugging Meera, "You don't have to do this, you are so young, you have your whole life ahead of you...you could come stay with me."

"This is the only real option I have, Mithila," Meera said, "I don't have a family, no formal education and there are a bunch of criminals after my blood. Staying with you would mean putting your life in danger, and that's the last thing I want. I have my reasons for doing what I am doing. I'll be okay..."

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RE: The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. - by Blue Bull - 06-01-2022, 08:13 PM

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