Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
My body relaxed after the orgasm, but I was still lying all wide open and spread out for him to continue fucking me for as long as he wanted. I just so badly wanted him to cum in me. But he decided something else. When he neared his orgasm, he withdrew his cock and came on my face. He loved the fact that it instantly made look like a slut.

The sexual pleasures died down pretty quickly and shame and humiliation took over as the men in the room had a good look at me lying naked, exposed with a cum covered face. They jeered at me and took pictures of me in humiliating positions.

"All yours now.." the leader said as he walked out of the room.

"NO! NO!...please..." I begged as all four of them ganged up on me at once.

"Relax cunt, you'll do just fine, you are a habitual slut, you just don't know it," he said with a grin.

I looked at all four of them in horror and screamed in fear.

"All right, give her another shot and be gentle," the leader ordered his men, "Don't damage her,"

One of the men then approached me with another syringe. Once the drug was in my vein, I was almost unconscious. I could just feel multiple hands over my body, my nipples being continuously played, and I was repeatedly penetrated in my pussy, ass and mouth. I don't even know how long the ordeal lasted but once it was done, I was glad that I could finally rest.

I really don't remember clearly what happened after that, but they held me captive and forced themselves on me one after the other multiple times. After a few days, I vaguely remember that they moved me to the cabin in the woods. They kept me on drugs most of the time, so I don't remember clearly but I know that I was forced to have sex with multiple men. I just have bits and pieces of memories. The most recent memory I have is of that night you found me, almost 3 nights ago.

Meera checked the call logs on her phone to check when she made the last call to Kabir. "2 weeks," she said to Mithila, "They held me captive for 2 weeks. I am sure they never meant to let me go alive, but I guess I am lucky that I could escape."

Mithila noticed that Meera had become jittery and drew her arms and legs closer. She suddenly felt very cold. She began to shiver and she felt an ache in her muscles that kept growing by the minutes.

"What's happening to me, Mithila?" she asked in a trembling voice.

"It's the withdrawal," Mithila said as she pulled over the car. She picked up a blanket from the backseat and wrapped it around the trembling girl, "We need to get you to the hospital quickly. And after that you might need rehab. The drugs they've been pumping in you were highly addictive."

"Am I going to be okay?" Meera asked.

"Of course," Mithila said handing over a pill to her with some water, "Take this, you'll feel better. Just hang in tight, while I drive you back to the hospital."

After some time Meera began to feel better. She took off the blanket, and rested her back against the car's seat, gazing the fast moving city from the car's window. There was a storm in her heart and so many things running in her head, but her expression was calm.

"Do you remember someone named Naina?" Mithila asked quickly gazing at Meera.

Meera thought for a moment and replied, "Not at the moment, why do you ask?"

"Last night after I injected you with a tranquilizer and you fell asleep in my arms, you referred to me as "Naina".

"Is it?" Meera said taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I don't remember..."

"It's alright," Mithila said with a faint smile, "Just close your eyes and try to relax. We'll be there soon."

Soon they reached the hospital. Meera was feeling weak, she could barely walk. Mithila ordered a nurse to get a wheel chair for her. As the nurse was taking Meera back to the ward, the receptionist called out to her.

"Miss. Meera," she said, "Your brother was here to see you."

Meera and Mithila shot each other a nervous look.

"My brother?" Meera asked.

"Yes," the receptionist, "Mr. Aryan Sinha, he was eager to see you. I informed him that you were taken to another hospital for a CT scan and that you would return soon. He said he'll come back and visit you in the morning."

"Can you show me how he looked like? I have a little trouble with my memory," Meera requested.

The receptionist looked and Mithila and Mithila nodded in approval. The receptionist showed her the CCTV footage of the man who claimed to be her brother.

"How did you know that he is my brother?" Meera asked.

"He had your picture, and he knew your name, and he said he was your brother," the receptionist said.

"Can I see the picture? What it a picture of me with him?" Meera asked.

"No, it was in his phone, just a picture of you..." she said nervously, "Is...there a problem?"

"Not at all," Meera said with a nervous smile, "I'll see him once he comes to visit tomorrow."

The nurse then escorted Meera to her ward and Mithila accompanied. The nurse helped Meera get onto her bed and left. Meera and Mithila were both nervous.

"Did you know him?" Mithila asked.

"No, never seen him before.." Meera said closing her eyes tightly, "He could be one of them...these men...they won't stop hunting me till I'm dead."

"Meera," Mithila said, "I think it is time we should go to the security officer."

"Are you serious?" Meera said, "I killed a man Mithila. The security officer are just going to lock me away."

"You don't know if you killed him Meera," Mithila said, "You only know that he is dead. Maybe it was someone else who..."

"It was me," Meera said calmly, "I know it was me."

"Even if you did kill him, you did that out of grave provocation Meera," Mithila argued, "He bangd you!"

"bang?" Meera scoffed, "I begged him to fuck me, did you miss that part?"

"You were drugged Meera!" Mithila said, "I have proof that there was heroin in your blood in high doses!"

"You have proof that there were high doses of drugs I my blood," Meera said with a tear rolling down her cheek, "Do you have proof that I did not inject it myself? They'll just prove that I am a junkie whore who murdered a man brutally for a hit..."

"Meera..I..." Mithila stopped mid sentence not knowing what to say...

"I've lost Kabir Mithila," Meera said, "Now I can't afford to lose my freedom..."

Mithila hugged Meera and rubbed her back. "Okay Meera, if you don't want to go to the security officer...I'm changing your room right now, you cannot stay one more minute in this room. You are not safe here. And tomorrow, I am shifting you to another hospital with a different name." Mithila said with determination.

"Can I have a smoke?" Meera requested.

"This is a hospital Meera!" Mithila said sternly.

"Please..." Meera requested.

Mithila stared at her for a minute and then her expression softened. She reached into her purse and took out a cigarette and gave it to Meera and held a lighter for her. Meera lit the cigarette and took a puff.

"Why are you doing this, Mithila?" Meera asked.

"Doing what?" Mithila asked.

"You know what you are doing," Meera said taking another puff, "You are going far out of your way to help me."

"I just care about you girl," Mithila said holding Meera's face in her palms.

"As far as I know," Meera said, "Doctors don't babysit patients. You are not just doing your job. The way you are handling this is way too personal."

"Meera!" Mithila said looking into her eyes, "You aren't just a patient for me. You didn't just walk into my clinic one fine evening and walk out with a prescription. I found you lying on the road, drugged and wounded, with no idea of who you were!"

"You are risking way too much Mithila," Meera said, "It is hard to believe it is just out of sympathy. You know I killed somebody, and you are still not turning me in. Knowing that keeping quiet about a crime as serious as murder also makes you culpable, you are still helping me. You've been spending way too much time with me, smuggling me out of a hospital, driving me around to crime scenes, and now you are trying to protect me from people who perhaps want me dead. Do you even realize how dangerous this could be for you? You are an intelligent woman and you know what's at stake, and you are doing it anyway, for someone you know for how long? 3 days?! Why?"

"Meera...I..." Mithila stopped mid-sentence. She suddenly became tearful.

Meera noticed the sudden change in Mithila's expression. Meera held Mithila's face in her palms and asked, "What happened Mithila?"

Mithila was tearful and choking in grief, "I know how it feels...many years ago...I was bangd in a moving car and thrown on the street...I lay there naked and cold...waiting for someone to help me...but no one did for hours...I thought I was going to die...I remember how helpless I was...I just wanted someone to hold me...and tell me I that I was safe...when I found you that night...I just couldn't leave you out there in the cold...and if you killed a rapist, you did the world a great favor, that bastard fucking deserved it!"

Meera's expression suddenly softened to know Mithila's reason. She gave Mithila a warm hug and comforted her. "I am sorry for what you have been through and I really appreciate your kindness Mithila," Meera said, "But my world is way too dark. I cannot put you in danger, that would be so selfish. You are a doctor; you have a loving husband and a good life. Don't risk it for some street scum like me. Let me go Mithila, I'll sort out my mess on my own, trust me."

Mithila was still in tears. "But you need to be in rehab," she said wiping her tears.

Meera smiled, "Just give me those pills that you gave me in the car, I'll be fine."

Mithila cleared Meera's discharge formalities. She gave Meera some money to help her with the transport and to find herself a place to live.

"Where will you go?" Mithila asked.

"I know a place," Meera said with a smile.

Meera left the hospital as soon as possible as the man looking for her could be back any moment. Perhaps he would return with more men, now that he had confirmed her location.

Meera covered her face with a scarf and quietly walked out of the gates of the hospital unnoticed. As she walked alone on the deserted streets, she felt a chill in the air, like the wind whispered in her ears about the impending danger. Meera had no idea for how long these men were going to hunt her and for how long she would manage to evade them. As she continued walking down a street she found a junkyard. It was very late in the night and no one was around. She found a discarded sofa in the junkyard. She curled up on it and closed her eyes, hoping that she would be safe here till morning.

As soon as the first ray of the sun gleamed over the horizon, Meera woke up. She was glad she could manage to make it through the night unharmed. She splashed some water on her face and continued her journey. She went to a supermarket and bought some canned food supplies. She spotted a large kitchen knife and bought it, hoping to protect herself from any potential attacks. Mithila had given her a backpack with a set of extra clothes, other essentials and a bottle of her maintenance medications.

After she was done shopping, she took a bus to Byculla. She walked up to a deserted factory and smiled. She walked around the mill compound wall and found a secret entrance. She entered the factory. It had been abandoned for several months and the gigantic machines were covered with a thick layer of dust. She walked around the huge factory premises till she found a small room. She pushed its metal door and it opened with a loud creak. Inside the small room was just a mattress on the floor.

She dusted it and lay down on it and closed her eyes as a memory came to life.


"What place is this Kabir?" Meera asked giggling.

"Our honeymoon suite," Kabir replied with a grin.

"Seriously?" Meera laughed, "Of all the places in the city, you bring me to a deserted factory, how romantic!"

"Of course, this is the most romantic place ever, because, no one's disturbing us here ever," he said, "See I even made our bed."

Meera laughed uncontrollably looking at the mattress Kabir had laid down in the room, "You are totally crazy, you know that?" she teased.

"I'm not crazy, I'm serious," Kabir said looking into her eyes. He knelt before her on one knee and gently held her hand and said, "Meera, will you marry me?"

Meera blushed. "Of course, you silly! Now get up..." she said with a bright smile.

Kabir tied a slender twig on her right ring finger. "Someday my love," he said kissing her hand, "I'm going to get you a diamond ring."

Meera sat down on the mattress and pulled Kabir towards her, "I don't care about diamonds, all I want is you and your love."

The couple locked lips into a passionate kiss. Their heartbeats quickened and their bodies began to melt in each other's arms.

Meera rested her back on the mattress, and Kabir crawled over her. They made an eye contact and smiled. Kabir brought his lips close to her and gently sucked her upper lip, teasing her. Meera's eyes were full of desire for him. Kabir could see her affection and he responded by gently nibbling her lower lips. A moan escaped her lips and she couldn't take his teasing anymore. Meera wrapped her arms around Kabir's neck and pulled him passionately towards her, her tongue meeting his.

She was melting in surrender as Kabir nibbled her neck. She could feel his breath, his soft lips on her neck. She arched her neck wanting to feel more of him. Meera undid' Kabir buttons and began to feel his muscular body. Kabir was nibbling her neck. He took off her top and began to rub her breasts from over her bra. Meera was breathing heavily, drowning in sexual pleasure. She herself removed her bra clasp, and slid if off her shoulders. Kabir began to gently lick her nipples. Meera began to arch her back pushing her breasts towards him. She didn't speak a word, but her expressions were screaming for his touch. Kabir undid her jeans and pulled them off her. He rubbed her pussy over her panties. Meera moaned as her panties soaked in her juices. Kabir slowly pulled them off her. Meera was now desperate, she opened her legs wide to welcome Kabir's cock deep inside her. She passionately pulled him over her, her fingernails digging into his back.

"Please...don't make me wait now...Kabir..." she begged, "I want you inside me..."

Kabir loved teasing her. He just shook his head with a naughty smile and rubbed her clit driving her to the edge. Meera had completely lost control over herself. But Kabir still wouldn't fuck her desperate pussy.

"Be a good girl and suck me first," he said.

Meera was so desperate for sex that she didn't hesitate at all. She unzipped his pants and pulled out his erect cock and put the whole length in her mouth in such a hurry that she almost gagged on it.

Kabir chuckled, and said, "Go easy sweetheart, we have all the time in the world."

Meera slowed down a bit and began to suck him. The feel of her warm and wet mouth on his hard cock was driving Kabir mad. Meera knew how to please him. With gentle strokes of her tongue and grip of her delicate fingers she began to massage his cock. Her delicate fingers ran over his balls, caressing them lovingly. She felt his cock twitch and harden even more in her grasp.

Kabir grabbed her hair and made her lie down. Meera eagerly opened her legs. She moaned in ecstasy as she felt him enter her slowly. Once he was all the way inside her, he withdrew slightly and thrust back inside sending a wave of pleasure all over her body. He began to rhythmically thrust in and out of her. Meera held him tightly and dug her teeth on to his neck and shoulders leaving several marks or passion. "I want you Kabir..." she whispered, "I want you so badly..." He smiled to see the desperation on her face as she neared orgasm.

"Kabir...I love you..." she whispered and she began to wildly thrust her hips towards him as her whole body was consumed in the bliss of orgasm. Kabir smiled to see the satisfied look on her face and quickened his pace nearing his own orgasm. Meera kept looking into his beautiful hazel eyes and locked lips with him as she felt him explode in the depths of her womb. Kabir lay panting on top of her for a while and rolled over to one side. Meera was glowing in post orgasmic bliss.

She snuggled closer to him, rested her head on his arms and began to run her hand on his body. The couple nestled in each other's embrace and cherished the warmth of each other's bodies.

Meera's gaze fell in the tattoos on her body and she suddenly became very sad.

"Why did they this to me Kabir? What did I do to deserve such a cruel punishment?" she asked touching her tattoos.

"Hey sweetheart," Kabir said hugging her tightly, "It really doesn't matter now. I promise you, as soon as we have saved up enough money, we are going to get rid of them."

"Why don't you tell me anything about our past Kabir?" Meera said, "You remember everything, don't you? These tattoos, they make me feel so dirty...they make me hate myself..."

"Meera..." he said, "I've known you since you were 18. I've watched them torture you over and over again for years. They've done things to you Meera, horrible things. And I really don't know why I should be telling you the details of any of that. How is that going to change anything? It will only cause you more pain. And that's the last thing I want, my love. This is our life now. You and me, living free and happy together. You are the strongest and the most beautiful girl I've ever known. I admire your spirit, it's like wildfire. And I love you, with all my heart. I just want you to be happy Meera."

Kabir kept showing Meera with kisses and she wept.


Back in the present Meera touched the mattress lovingly as tears filled up her eyes. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath trying to find Kabir's scent on the mattress. She couldn't even mourn properly after Kabir death. He was the only one she had close to family. Without him, her life felt empty. She lay there alone, crying for hours. Slowly, weariness took over and she drifted off to sleep.

Meera continued to live in that room, all alone, eating whatever canned food she had bought. She felt safe there. She spent her time thinking about Kabir and all the beautiful moments they spent together. For her, the world had come to a standstill. She knew she couldn't live there forever. She had to move out someday. But that was the only place she felt safe. She knew that the gang who abducted her would not rest till they find her and kill her.

After almost a week, Meera began to grow restless. Her maintenance medications had run out. Mithila had been kind enough to write prescriptions so Meera could buy the medications on her own. It was late at night. Meera sneaked out of her hiding place to a nearby medical store and bought her medicines. She took one pill that relieved her symptoms enough so she could sleep.

While Meera slept, she heard footsteps. Someone was entering the room in which she was sleeping. She opened her eyes and saw a hazy silhouette. The figure kept walking towards her and she realized it was a woman. The woman kept walking towards Meera. She appeared wounded and was walking with a limp. When the woman came close enough, Meera could see her face. She was Mithila. She was wearing a red dress, but it was torn and soiled. Mithila's eyes were red and tearful. She was bruised, her lip was bleeding and there were bite and scratch marks all over her body. Meera still wasn't completely awake. Mithila sat down next to Meera and lovingly ran a hand over her head and said, "I love you Meera. I just came to say goodbye." Mithila bent over and kissed Meera. Then she got up and started limping towards the door.

Meera felt a crawling sensation on her forearm. She opened her eyes to find a cockroach crawling on her. She brushed it off and sat up on the bed. She was suddenly feeling a chill. Meera felt those familiar aches and pains in her body. She desperately reached for the pills in her bag and consumed one pill. There were no blankets around. She drew her legs closer and wrapped her arms around herself and she trembled helplessly. Her heart was beating fast and her breath was ragged as she battled her withdrawal symptoms. 

She started hitting her head like a madwoman. Her own thoughts were ringing loud in her head. "Did I just have a dream? Or was Mithila really here? That man! The one who had come looking for me at the hospital! Did he bring more men and hurt Mithila because they couldn't find me? No! No! That can't be happening! If anything happened to Mithila, I would never forgive herself! I have to help her...I...have to...No! It can't be! No one knew I was hiding here. How could Mithila find me here? Was this even real? Am I dreaming right now? What is happening to me!!"

There was such a wild storm in Meera's head. Why did she get these visions about Mithila so often? Were these premonitions? Was Mithila in danger? Meera had no answer to all these questions. She just grabbed her arms hoping to alleviate the crippling pain she was feeling in her body. She felt the chill sharply rising and she was now visibly trembling.

And then she saw a silhouette. Someone was standing by the door. It was a man.

"The roaches not letting you sleep?" he said, "Or it is the opioid withdrawal?"

Meera was alerted and she reached for the knife under her pillow.

As the man stepped closer, Meera could see his face. He was the same man who had come looking for her at the hospital.

End of Chapter 2 .....
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RE: The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. - by Blue Bull - 06-01-2022, 10:47 AM

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