Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)
Mithila's smile suddenly faded. She held Meera's hand gently and guided her to sit down on the bed.

"I need you to listen to me very calmly," Mithila said to Meera, "I'm going to tell you something that may be disturbing to you, but I need you to know that I am here for you no matter what."

Meera was now suddenly very worried.

"Do you have any kind of memory about any kind of tattoos that you may have had?" Mithila asked calmly.

"Tattoos?" Meera asked, as her expression suddenly became very grave. Her eyes were tearful and she suddenly looked very afraid. "I've been having these nightmares about...some very bad things written on my body...I thought it was just a bad dream..."

Mithila closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Meera..." Mithila spoke calmly, "There are some words written on your body...with permanent ink. But I've already spoken to a dermatologist, there are treatments available, it takes time, but we will get them off you completely."

"You put up these bandages just to cover them up?" Meera asked, touching the bandages on her body.

Mithila closed her eyes and nodded.

"I want to see them, Mithila," Meera said, "Could you take them off?"

"I will," Mithila said. Then she cupped Meera's face and said, "I just want you to remember that you are a very strong girl, ok?"

Meera nodded. Mithila gently peeled off the bandages from her body, revealing the degrading words to Meera. Meera tried to hold back her tears, but broke down eventually. She buried her face in her palms and wept bitterly.

"How could they do this to me?" Meera cried. She felt shattered from within.

"Perhaps they were trying to break you," Mithila said rubbing her back, "But you are way too strong Meera."

Meera suddenly got aggressive and pushed Mithila away, "Don't touch me! I am dirty! I am a whore!"

Meera began to scream loudly and throw things around in the room. Her eyes were red with rage. Her aggression rapidly spiraled out of control as she screamed hysterically. Shattered glass was everywhere, and Meera had become a threat to herself and others around her if not quickly controlled. Mithila quickly rang the call bell and two nurses entered the room.

"Hold her down," Mithila ordered as she loaded a syringe.

"NO!" Meera screamed, "NOT THE NEEDLE! NOT THE NEEDLE!"

The nurses held Meera down on the bed as she struggled violently.

"Easy, easy girl," Mithila said as she injected a tranquilizer into her, "You are ok, you are ok..."

Within seconds Meera was subdued. Mithila asked the nurses to leave the room. She sat down on the bed next to Meera and cradled her head and lovingly ran her fingers through her hair.

Meera was barely conscious. But she felt the warmth of Mithila's body and her loving touch. She responded by snuggling deeper into Mithila arms. "I love you Naina di," Meera whispered before she drifted off to sleep.

Mithila realized that Meera just referred to her by the name 'Naina'. She guessed that perhaps Naina was someone close to Meera. Mithila made a mental note that she would ask Meera about Naina when her condition stabilizes. But at the moment, she just held Meera in her arms, gently fondling her head till she fell asleep.

Mithila rested her back against the bed's headboard, still holding Meera in her arms. She closed her eyes. She wasn't sure how much time had passed but she was suddenly awakened by Meera's scream. Meera was sitting up on her bed trembling in fear. Her eyes were red and tearful and her lips trembled. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

"Shhhh" Mithila said comforting her, "Calm down sweetie..."

"I saw something Mithila..." Meera said in a trembling voice.

"What did you see?" Mithila asked, "Another nightmare?"

Meera was silent for one whole minute. Then she slowly turned her head towards Mithila and started narrating,

"I was in a room...its walls were wooden...

I was lying on the floor, on some kind of a rug. I was wearing a white dress, but it was torn obscenely and it barely covered my body...and my head was spinning...and I couldn't see clearly...

Then there was a man...he was naked...he was wearing this mask...with holes cut out for his eyes and lips...I recognize his eyes, I recognize his voice...I've certainly seen him before...

He started touching me...he touched my breasts...started playing with my nipples...

He disgusts me, I wanted his hands off me, I wanted him to stop touching me, but I was helpless...

I felt a pleasurable sensation in my nipples, I couldn't stop him from pleasuring me...

I wanted him to go away...but he kept playing with my breasts...and I felt heat growing between my legs...my legs slowly opened up...I felt ashamed, I didn't want any of this...

"When I first saw you at Queen's Heart, you used to be such a prude, bitch," he whispered in my ears, "Now look at you...a shameless slut with her legs wide open all wet and horny ready to be fucked..."

My body betrayed me...I felt a tingle in my pussy hearing his degrading words...

He ordered me to get on fours...and I obeyed...

He got on top of me and I feel his cock enter my pussy...and started fucking me...

"You...are...nothing...but...a...cock...hungry...hole" He said this over and over again!

Over and over again!

Over and over again!

Over and over again!

Over and over again!

Over and over again!

And then something happened..."

Meera was frozen with fear as she finished her narration.

Mithila hugged her and gently rubbed her back.

"Mithila," Meera said calmly, "We need to go back to the place where you first found me."

"Hey girl," Mithila tried to comfort her, "You are safe now. You don't need to go anywhere. Those bad guys can't hurt you anymore."

"No, you don't understand," Meera said looking straight into her eyes, "That wasn't a nightmare. It was a memory from the night you first found me. The blood you had seen on my clothes, it wasn't mine."

"Meera," Mithila said looking at her in disbelief, "What are you...NO...it can't be.."

"We will never know for sure unless we get there," Meera said, "And we need to leave NOW!"

"No, I'm not doing this!" Mithila said.

"Fine," Meera said with determination, "Then I'll go on my own."

Meera got up and began to leave.

"Wait, you can't leave," Mithila said, blocking her way.

"Are you really going to do this to me Mithila?" Meera asked tearfully.

Mithila didn't reply. Meera slumped down on the bed and wept bitterly.

"Hey sweetheart," Mithila said, fondling her head, "I really care about you and I know you've been through a lot. I just don't want you to suffer anymore."

"And how exactly do you plan to do that? By keeping me in la-la land forever? By making me believe everything is perfect and beautiful?" Meera said sternly, "If something happened to me, I deserve to know!"

Mithila wasn't convinced but the desperate look on Meera's face made her reconsider.

"Okay," she said, "I'll take you there. But you have been admitted to this hospital and I can't just take an inpatient out for a stroll. You've got to do as I say."

Meera nodded eagerly.

Mithila picked up the phone in the ward and made a call. "Hello, this is Dr. Mithila Rai. Patient in 406 needs a CT scan urgently. She needs to be taken to the Malad branch for the same. I've already called an ambulance, I need you to arrange for the patient to be shifted."

Then she looked at Meera and said, "Once the nurse arrives, just sit in the wheelchair. She will escort you till the gate of the hospital. Then get inside the ambulance."

Meera nodded. Mithila then left the room.

She did as she was told. She was escorted by a nurse up to the gate. An ambulance arrived and Meera got into the ambulance. She was anxious. After some time, the ambulance pulled over in a secluded spot. The driver opened the door for Meera.

"That car," he said, pointing towards a car.

Meera slowly walked towards the car and was relieved to see Mithila in the driver's seat. She quickly got in the car. They drove on the dark road for quite some time. Both women were silent throughout.

"I'm not sure where exactly I found you, I just remember there was a gas station somewhere here...yes that one!" Mithila said looking at the gas station, "approximately 5 minutes' drive from here..."

Mithila drove a little further and stopped at a secluded spot and looked at Meera. She had been quiet the whole time.

"I need a flashlight," Meera said calmly.

Mithila looked at Meera anxiously for a moment and handed over a flashlight to her

"Turn off the headlights, stay in the car," Meera said, "If you sense danger, leave immediately. Don't wait for me."

"Are you sure about this Meera?" Mithila asked nervously.

"I'll never be ok till I face my demons," Meera said calmly and stepped out of the car and walked into the dark forest.

Memories of that night kept flashing before her eyes. She knew she was held in some kind of a wooden cabin. She kept walking through the woods. The night was brighter than the night she had escaped. The moon was brighter, and she could see better. At a distance she found a ruined wooden structure. There was a small pond nearby. A memory flash hit her.


Meera was naked and intoxicated and a man was holding her.

"She's starting to stink now," another man said, "Don't you ever wash her?"

"Yeah, we were so busy using her thoroughly, we never had the time," the man holding her said, "Besides, the slut loves a cum bath more than anything else."

"Bring her over here," another man said, "We'll wash the dirty slut real good and make her dirty again."

All the men laughed as they dragged her into the pond.

"Care for a swim slut?" a man said as he pushed her head under water. Meera struggled violently for breath.


Meera snapped out of the memory flash and fell down on her knees trying to catch her breath. She rested her back against a tree for a while, trying to compose herself. Once she felt better, she gazed at the wooden cabin.

With trembling steps, she walked towards the cabin. As she pushed open the door, she could smell the revolting stench of a rotting body. She shone the flashlight across the room. She found a man's decomposing body, with a head wound that had bled profusely. He was wearing a mask. She pulled up a part of the mask to have a look at his face but the stab wounds were so deep, his face was smashed beyond recognition. There were wounds on his neck too, possibly deep wounds, cutting through his carotids that made him bleed to death. She found the man's clothes lying nearby. She searched his pockets and found his wallet. Along with his credit cards, she found an ID in it. She always had a strong feeling that she knew him.

She continued searching the room. She found the man's phone fallen on the floor. The moment she touched the phone, she had a sudden memory flash.


Meera was lying intoxicated on the rug. The front of her dress was torn exposing her breasts completely. He had raised her dress above her waist and she wasn't wearing any panties. Both of her degrading tattoos were clearly visible.

"Look here and smile for the camera," the man said with a grin as he clicked the picture.

Meera was barely oriented to what was happening around her. She flinched due to the camera flash.

"I'm going to record a video while I fuck you and I'm gonna show it to all the people who know you back at Queen's Heart so that everyone knows what a slut you are!" he said as he adjusted the phone camera to focus on the helplessly exposed Meera and pressed the record button.


Meera snapped out of the flashback and picked up the man's phone. Its battery was dead. She put the phone in her pocket.

The room was a complete mess and the stink was unbearable. Meera found a broken glass bottle near the corpse with blood stains on it. She looked around and found a kerosene stove. Perhaps it was being used to cook the simple meals that she was given while she was kept there. There was a large can of kerosene nearby.

Meera doused each and every object in the room in kerosene. She found the man's cigarette lighter lying nearby. She set the whole cabin ablaze.

She stood at a distance for some time watching the fire consume the whole cabin. She watched the wooden framework crumble and fall. She didn't know why, but she felt peaceful watching the place burn.

She started walking back towards the spot where Mithila had dropped her. The cabin was quite off the road, it took Meera almost an hour to find Mithila's car. She quickly got into the passenger's seat and said, "Drive, be quick."

Mithila had a lot of questions for Meera. "Thank God you are OK! I was starting to get worried; you've been gone for more than 2 hours. What happened back there?" she asked.

Meera didn't answer her right away. She took the man's phone and connected it to a charging post in Mithila car. The phone began to charge.

"His name was Ajeet Rathod, he was a manager at Queen's Heart Bar," Meera said, handing over the man's ID and to Mithila for her to have a quick look, "I remember having had an argument with him at Queen's heart bar. He had misbehaved with me and Kabir had roughed him up."

Mithila suddenly stopped the car and looked at Meera in horror. "You mean...he's...?"

"He's dead," Meera said.

"Did you kill him?" Mithila asked.

"I don't know," Meera said, "I don't remember...maybe I did, maybe I didn't..."

Mithila could barely process the shock. But she started the car and drove ahead.

"So, what did you find in that cabin?" Mithila asked.

"The man's body, it had started decomposing already. Apart from that some usual things, like the rug on which I was lying, his clothes, some of his other belongings, some used condoms, some needles, some drugs, some food, the usual stuff." Meera said casually, "It doesn't matter though, I burned everything down."

"You did what?" Mithila asked in shock.

"I burned the place down," Meera said calmly, "What else did you expect me to do? My fingerprints and DNA were all over the place. And, I hope you do realize that you need to get your car thoroughly cleaned up."

Mithila could barely speak after that. She just kept driving quietly.

"I understand you are curious Mithila," Meera said serenely, "But now, I am feeling a sense of calm...like I'm not afraid anymore."

Meera then turned on the man's phone that has enough charge now, "Let's see if we find something interesting in the gentleman's phone...hmmm, it's locked!"

Mithila was still in shock. She just kept driving as Meera tried the usual passwords, like the man's name, his date of birth but nothing seemed to work.

Meera examined his wallet carefully with her flashlight. The man had a family photo in his wallet with his wife and a teenage daughter. On looking closely, Meera found an inscription on the wallet, "To the best dad in the world - Love Tara."

Meera typed in "Tara" and the phone unlocked. "The sweet love of a child," she said as she began to access the man's phone.
She found the video she had expected.

"Find a good place to park," Meera said to Mithila, "This is something I think you should see."

Mithila pulled over at a secluded spot and Meera played the video.


Meera was lying intoxicated on the rug, obscenely exposed.

The man set up the video and walked towards Meera. He was wearing a mask to hide his identity. He grabbed her hair and dragged her towards the camera.

"Let's show that pretty face to the camera first," he said, forcing her to face the camera, "Tell everyone, what's your name?"

Meera was so intoxicated she barely knew what was going on. The man tapped her cheeks roughly and shouted, "Say your name slut!"

"Meera..." she muttered. Her body hardly had any tone, she was on the verge of collapsing any moment.

"Now show everyone your boobs," he ordered as he pulled away the rags of clothes covering her breasts and made her arch her back obscenely thrusting her ample breasts forwards. "Now read what is written on your boobs," he said with a grin.

Sensing her hesitation, he roughly pulled her hair making her squeal. "You can read, can't you, dumb slut? Read the damn word aloud for everyone!"

"Whore..." she gasped.

"Is that what you are? You would fuck any man for money, won't you?" he asked as he cupped her breasts and gently began playing with her nipples. "You would let any man touch you anywhere on your slut body, even your most intimate parts, won't you?" he said, adding to her humiliation.

Meera's body began to respond to the stimulation. She began to moan and breathe heavily, making her breasts rise and fall. The masked man now began to squeeze her breasts, heightening her arousal. He smiled as he observed the camera capture Meera's pleasurable expressions and moans. She even began to move her hips rhythmically as her body prepared for intercourse. He knew that he could control and humiliate her for the rest of her life with his video.

"Do you like my hand on your boobs?" he asked as he began to sensually stroke her nipples, "Do you like me touching your nipples like...this?

"Yes.." Meera gasped.

"Do you know me, Meera?" the man asked, continuously teasing her nipples making her moan in pleasure, "Do you know my name?"

"No.." she said.

"So, you would let any man play with your boobs like that and enjoy it like a slut?" he asked, lightly twisting her nipples.

Meera just moaned in response.

"Now lift your dress and show your pussy to everyone," he ordered.

Meera now had no control over herself. The drug in her veins and the sexual pleasure made her completely lose touch with reality. She lifted her dress and exposed her crotch for the camera.

"So desperate now," the man said with a laugh, "At least, in the beginning you had some shame, now you are showing everyone what a desperate whore you are."

He picked up his phone and focused the camera again in her face to capture her wanting expression. He took a close up of her exposed breasts and brought the camera down between her legs. He gently parted her cunt lips to expose her pussy and asshole to the camera. Hey pussy was dripping wet and her clit was engorged. He rubbed her clit with his thumb, making her moan wildly.

"You are willingly showing off your most private parts to the camera," he said sensually rubbing her clit, "You want everyone to know what a slut you are, don't you?"

Meera could barely comprehend what he was saying. All she could feel was the skillful stimulation of her clit, driving her crazy with pleasure. "Yes..I want this.." she gasped.

The man slipped a finger inside her wet pussy and it slipped in easily. "Not so tight I see," he said sensually moving his finger in and out of her, "How many men have fucked your pussy?"

"I don't know..." she gasped as she moaned in pleasure of the sensual finger fuck.

"What about your ass?" he said as he inserted his lubricated finger in her ass.

"I don't know..." she said again.

"Lost count already?" the man laughed, "Such a whore!"

"Read this..." the man ordered her pointing towards her pussy tattoo.

When Meera hesitated, he sharply pinched her clit making her groan. "Cock..hungry..hole.." she gasped.

"Care to show me where exactly this hole is?" the man said with a smile.

Meera was now desperate and she began fingering her pussy. The man captured every moment of her degradation on camera. He smiled at the thought of showing the video to all the people who knew her and humiliating her thoroughly.

He roughly pulled her finger out of her pussy and slapped her boobs. "Shameless slut," he said, "Get on all fours like a bitch and beg to be fucked."

Meera got on all fours. The man began to rub the tip of his hard cock against her desperate pussy. He positioned the camera right in front of her face so that her desperate expressions could be captured. He teased her by continuously rubbing his cock against her pussy but never penetrating it. He teased her till she could take it no more.

"Please fuck me..." she begged.

"What was that?" the man said, "I couldn't hear you. Louder please."

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she screamed.

Satisfied at her humiliation, the man rammed the entire length of his cock inside her and began to fuck her hard. Meera had an orgasm within seconds. She grunted like an animal and wildly thrust her hips backwards, meeting his thrusts.

"Wow!" he said as he continued fucking her, "You look so beautiful when you cum. What's your boyfriend's name again? Ah yes, Kabir! Does he know how many men you are fucking here? I'm definitely gonna show this to him. Can you imagine how he is going to feel when he finds out that his sweetheart Meera is actually just a cock hungry whore."

Something about the mention of Kabir triggered Meera. She began to get agitated trying to move away from the man, but he grabbed her hips as he fucked her hard and deep.

"I'm gonna tell him," he said as he neared his orgasm, "How good this pussy feels and how willingly you let me fuck you. Why, Kabir can actually see it himself how you desperately begged me to fuck you...and your beautiful expressions when you came on my cock..."

Meera's eyes shot open. It was like she jolted out of a trance. The camera still recording the act, now recorded the feeling of shame and guilt on her face. But those feelings were quickly replaced with anger. The kind of anger that would make her explode. The man continued to fuck her roughly calling her degrading names.

"STOP! STOP!!" she screamed.

"Shut up bitch," the man growled, "You've had your fun already. This will stop only when I am done."

Meera was extremely frantic and struggled violently. Her hand hit the phone that was recording the video.


The video ended abruptly.

End of Chapter 1......
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