Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
I inspected the crotch area. There was little bit of dampness with her usual smell but nothing suspicious. I put the panty back in the basket and came out of the room.

They hadn't had sex that evening was my conclusion.

This became a regular thing for the next couple of months. Whenever dad was out on tour, Allan used to come our home and chat for hours with mom. I often found him home when came back from college. Sometimes they went to "shopping date", "dinner date", "movie date" together leaving me at home. Needless to say, I never told a word about this to dad neither did mom. I was quietly enjoying their shenanigans.

I was not sure if they already had sex but going by their body language, I thought that was the only missing bit in the puzzle. They had still not slept together. Also, I noticed a gradual impatience creeping in Allan. That suggested me he had not achieved his holy grail yet. He had yet to sink his manhood in the divine nectar in mom's honey pot. Mom was playing the game well, perhaps better. She knew once Allan had this, she would have no power on Allan or herself.

Fall gave way to winter. Mercury was dipping every passing day. We already had first snow of the season. We had never experienced snow in Mumbai. So it was a novelty to us. Everything around looked so beautiful. Everyone around looked happy.

It was just before Christmas. My college was already closed until after new year. Dad just came back from another tour. He had taken holidays from Christmas until New Year's Day. We were making plan about things to do during that time off and for my mom's impending birthday which was on the 31st.

The three of us were discussing that sitting on the sofa, suddenly the phone rang. I was closest to the phone, so I picked up. It was Allan on the other side. He asked me if everyone was there and to put the phone on speaker. He sounded kind of ominous.

"It's Allan." I said to mom and dad and put the speaker on.
"Hey Allan" Dad said.
"Hey Sridhar, hi Anjali. Apologies first. I know it's not the right time to call but there is something urgent I need to say."

There was pin drop silence in the room.

"Go on" Dad broke the silence.

"I just received a report from John in our Phoenix office that they found several serious flaws in one of our client's accounts. This account was supposed to be settled by end of the year. They are one of our biggest clients so we can't go lax on them." Allan paused.

"Now Michael was in charge of the client, but he is on holiday in Europe. And you know John can't handle this alone. He is simply not qualified to make amendments to that account. So, I'm afraid you are the only person I could think of who can take care of this mess. You are in the know. You have to go to Phoenix after Christmas, do whatever it takes, settle the account before we deliver to our client after New Year's Day. I know it's a lot to ask for especially you have taken holidays too, but you know you're the only one I could trust in this situation."'s my wife's birthday on..." Dad couldn't complete his sentence.

"That's why I asked Sandeep to put the phone on speaker. I have to apologise to Anjali and Sandeep profoundly for taking you away on her birthday. But I'll make sure that her birthday is not ruined. Sandeep and I will make every effort to make her feel special on the day. Sandeep are you with me?" Allan knew about mom's birthday.

That was the moment. I knew if I wanted my fantasy to materialize that was the perfect opportunity. That birthday she was perhaps going to get the best gift of her life. A brand new cock. Allan's cock. And I was the last frontier stood between them. I had to say yes.

"Of course I'm with you Allan. Dad, you need not worry about mom's birthday. Allan and I will take care of everything. You finish your work there and come back. We will not make her complaint about anything." I tried to hide my excitement.

"There you go. Anjali, are you okay with that?" Allan asked.

"If he has to go, I can't stop him. Work always come in the way." Mom pulled a sad face with disappointment in her voice.

stay tuned.............
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Smita n Janki

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