Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
On the way home dad dozed off. I could hear him snooze. Seeing that an opportunity, I asked mom about their time in the bar earlier.
"So, mom, you had a good time in the bar?" I could not help a cheeky smile..........

Mom didn't notice it in the dark.

"Yes, I had. Your dad had too many drinks, so I had to do most of the talking". She gave a look of mock anger to my snoozing dad.

"Allan is a real gentleman. He didn't mind giving me company." Mom said.
"What did you talk about?"

"He wanted to know about me. My life in India before coming here. My dream, family, what I want in life. you know all those stuffs. He knows how to make others feel good." Mom replied.

"Ok, then..." I was curious.

"He told me a lot of things about himself. He has divorced his ex-wife two years ago. They have a 10 years old son and a 8 years old daughter together. His ex-wife got their custody after divorce. And he is just 34, can you believe it?"

"Wow...really" I was amused but not surprised. My guess was right. Allan was indeed younger than mom.

"Now he lives alone and sometimes feels lonely. But he likes to make new friends and spend time with them" Mom added.

I saw where it was going. Allan knew how to charm a woman.

"He also offered to take me out if I ever feel lonely." I sensed a tinge of embarrassment while mom said the last sentence.

"What did you say?" My curiosity peaked.
"Well.. I didn't commit anything...." Mom acted coy.

That weird fantasy flashed on me again like a thunderbolt. Allan's cock inside mom's pussy. Blood rushed through my veins; my heart raged. Instantly I decided to make that fantasy come true. I wanted to be a part of this and help them mate. That thought gave me a massive hard on in my jeans. Fortunately, mom couldn't see that in the darkness inside the taxi.

"You should take the offer mom. See dad is always busy with his work and tours. I am getting busy too in my studies. You need someone to give you company. You need a friend. And in a new country it's not easy to get a friend like Allan." I blurted out in a single breath.

Mom gave me kind of a confused look. Didn't know what to make of it.

"Ok, I don't mind. Beside he is a gentleman and fun guy to be around. I'll take that offer". Mom smiled.

My heart sank a bit. Although I fantasised for Allan and mom to copulate, I also tried to protect mom from being the object of lust of another man who is not my dad. After all she was my mom and I loved my dad. Therefore, I expected her to denounce me and politely refuse Allan's offer as I was sure she knew where it was going. She was not stupid.

But immediately that thought was overpowered by my fantasy. My rational mind lost to my dick.
When we arrived at home it was almost midnight.

Summer gave way to fall, and the new term had started at college. Dad was out again on a tour to their Arizona office. I kept myself busy in college, study, friends etc.

About a fortnight after the mall incident, one evening I came home from college to find a big SUV parked in our driveway. Since dad was not home, I wondered who could it be at this time.

I rang the doorbell. Couple of seconds later mom opened the door and as soon I stepped in, I heard Allan was calling my name.

"Hey Sandeep. How are ya doing man?".
He was sitting on the sofa in the living room drinking coffee.
"Hey Allan, nice to see you. How have you been? When did you come?"
"Literally 15 mins ago. Was in the neighbourhood so thought of swinging by. Your mom has been a good host. She made me coffee." Allan chuckled.

Do you need anything?" Mom asked looking at me.

I didn't want to interrupt them to whatever they were doing. I recalled what happened last time when Allan was here.

"You guys continue. Let me make myself a coffee" I gingerly walked towards the kitchen.

Mom went back to the sofa and sat beside Allan.
From the kitchen, the sofa was clearly visible. One could even hear what's going on in there if paying enough attention.

I started making coffee, but my ear was alert. I heard them talking about regular stuffs.

Then suddenly Allan jumped onto more personal matters. He asked mom when did she got married, whether she had a boyfriend before marriage, when was I born - things like that. Mom was answering them diligently one by one. She had no boyfriend before married to my dad and theirs was an arranged marriage which was typical in India. Hearing that Allan raised his eyebrow. I saw a smirk on his face.

stay tuned.....
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Smita n Janki

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