Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
And then Marcus's eyes lit up and then said "Well then! You'd do a great job to help your son Raj fit in and get used to the type of work he'll be doing! Since you know what the score is you'll be able to correct him on any mistakes!".
Father looked stunned and so did mother. Priya was smiling at her brother's luck and patted him on the back as to say take the job.
Father sunk back into his chair and said "What? Him? He's a pizza boy! He's hardly qualified for the job! Besides he's a lazy bum! He's not good enough!"
Marcus leant forward towards me and said "You didn't say had a job Raj!"
I felt guilty for not telling him "Sorry sir! I just didn't want to disappoint you!"
He looked at me with total disbelief "listen here lad! when first started the company it was just me on my own! I didn't get much work to start with so I did pizza deliveries to pay the bills and some other stuff not appropriate for talking about at the table! It was easy money so there's nothing wrong with that and anyone who says otherwise is a worthless fuckwit!"
My father's face went red with anger and Marcus asked "Who told you that would disappoint me!"
I replied sheepishly "Err my father sir!" And then he said something which no one expected "Let me tell you something about your father! His job is to do the things that I don't have time for! the things that I can't be bothered with! I tell him to do something and he does it because it's he's not good for anything else!"
Everyone was astounded at what he just said, father most of all as he thought he was admired by this important man but in actual fact he thought he was useless. I looked to my mother and she was biting her bottom lip and her back was arched in her chair looking at him out of the corner of her eyes.
I looked at my father and he was looking at his empty plate fiddling with his beer bottle and something told me he was going to be very drunk tonight. I looked at my little sister and she had a compressed grin on her face from all the times he said how worthless we were and now this strong handsome man has come in to his home flirted with his wife, praised his daughter on her ambitions, gave his son the job he wanted ultimately making him his boss and calling him a worthless fuckwit. Things could not get worse for him surely.
My mother changed the subject to the job offer "So! Err! How much exactly will Raj be earning! Just out of curiosity of course!"
Marcus calmly answers "Well it will start at 25,000 for the first year and then it should rise to 30,000 after a year when he's trained in the job and gained experience in the field! after that the possibility is endless for him!"
Mother was very impressed, she said "Wow! That's just amazing! it would be so nice to have a real income into the household! Oh dear I'm so proud of you!" She said leaning over to stroke my hand.
My sister joined in with the praise "Yes Raj! This is a great opportunity! You must take it really you should!"
Then Marcus turned to me and said "I won't take no for an answer Raj!"
At that moment my father barked an order at mother "Get me another beer will you!"
And then Marcus growled back "Why don't you get it yourself?"
My father's eyes widened, he'd never been talked to like that in his own home before and so they two men stared at each other as if two dogs staring each other down and sure enough father backed down and got up to the fridge.
 Pl read n comment 
All Pic r copied fm NET and will be removed if anyone has any objection
Smita n Janki

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