Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
It was 4 o'clock the next day and I was just finishing hanging the last of my mother's and sisters underwear on to the clothes rack as my sister walked in from university.

"Hello mother!" She said and hugged our mother and moved over to me "Hello Raj!" As she hugged me.

My sister was also petite like my mother with smaller tits and firm body. She was a pretty girl. I would hear that a lot from my friends who all fancied her incidentally they also said that about my mother but to be fair they weren't wrong. I used to go through my mother's and sisters underwear drawer when they weren't around so I liked doing the washing.

The house was a terraced house in an average area of town. It was a little cramped with us all there. The hallways where narrow and the bedrooms where cramped with all of our stuff in them. I could hear my sister walking through the halls upstairs and my mother in the kitchen/dining room preparing the table for when father returns.

All the noise was soon drowned out by the sound of my father returning from work shouting.

"Good news everyone! Tomorrow night my boss Marcus is coming round for dinner! I want to impress him so I can get a new position in the company so I want you all on your best behaviour and dressed proper as he's a very important man!"

My mother responded with "Oh yes that is wonderful! I'll go shopping tomorrow and prepare! What does he like?"
"He said not to go to any trouble but I think we must! Get plenty of beers from the shop!" My father said getting all excited.

But little did he know tomorrow night was a night that will change things very dramatically.

The next day my father came through the door with a million questions.

"Is the food cooking? Is everyone dressed proper? Is there enough beer?"

We were still putting things away trying to make the house presentable while mother was starting the food as father was getting a beer out of the fridge as he said "Mr dent will be here about six! he's gone home to get changed so he'll be here in an hour!"

He looked at me and said "Don't you say anything about delivering those damn pizzas or whatever it is! I don't want him to think you're a foolish waste of a boy!"

I replied with a sheepish "Yes father!" As my sister walked in wearing a traditional Indian dress the same as my mothers.

It was a turquoise colour and her boobs were bursting out as was my sisters. My father turned to my sister and said "And you don't be asking many questions! Just sit there and smile!"

"Yes father!" My sister replied.

Then he turned to my mother and said "And for heaven's sake make sure you keep his beer glass full! He's our guest and we must treat him with utmost respect!"

"Yes dear!" My mother responded as she was gliding across the kitchen.

An hour later at exactly six o'clock there was a knock on door. I looked out the window and saw a nice shiny new car and just in front could see the shadow of a man in the darkness.

I heard my father say "Quick everyone in the kitchen!"
We rushed into the kitchen to stand in a line waiting to greet Mr Dent as father had us rehearsing. My father stumbled over towards door as he had been drinking so his speech was slightly slurred.

He opens the door "Ah Mr Dent! it's good to see you! May I take your coat?"

"Yes thank you very much!" He said in a very strong northern accent.

My father took his leather coat hung it on the hook and lead him in to the kitchen. I found it strange how he called him Mr Dent when normally he would refer to him as Marcus at the dinner table but assumed he was just being respectful

"Welcome to my home! This is my wife Sinita! My son Raj and my daughter Priya!"

We all responded with synchronized hello Mr Dent and my mother reached in to shake his hand and as their hands connected he pulled her towards him and kissed her on the cheek and she slowly stepped back with a grin on her face staring at him. He then leant in to shake my hand and as he grabbed it, he put his left hand on my shoulder and both my shoulder and my hand were crushed with his masculine strength.

He was six foot tall with broad shoulders strong arms and his torso was visible through his tight t-shirt. His hair was longer than most men's hair. It was jet black and curly. He had a beard that started thin and got thicker as it reached his chin and he had a deep northern voice as he said "Hello!".

He reached in to kiss my sister on the cheek and she gave the same reaction as my mother but a little more embarrassed after and went all red in the face.

I realised my sister has probably never been kissed before and my mother has probably never had any affection for a long time. My mother offered him a seat at the table and he sat down as we all did.

stay tuned...............
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Smita n Janki

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