Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)

This is the story of how my father was replaced. My name is raj, I'm 20 years old.

My father was a drunk. He was always running me, my sister and my mother down.

He never had anything nice to say. You see he was a traditional Indian man living in England working for a construction company. He didn't work on building sites but rather he was the assistant to the man who owned the company.

He sent emails and made him cups of tea and coffee, went to get his lunch from the town and generally did all the things he didn't have time to do. His boss was called Marcus. The way my father talked about him made him sound quite impressive. He built his company from scratch and now gets lots of big contracts around the area and earns a lot of money. He knows this because he saw all kinds of documents pass through his hands including accounts papers.

My father admired him very much because he was only 38 years and had achieved so much and worked so hard. He would often sit at the dinner table and talk about him.

"Why aren't you doing anything useful with your life like my boss has done! All you do is sit around all day playing silly games on that silly computer with your silly little sister!" he would say.

I would just look down at my dinner with a feeling of worthlessness and so did my little sister but we could always count on mother to defend us.

"That's not entirely true dear! He works at the take away shop at night every day! Even on weekends and helps me during the day and Priya is studying at the university! She'll be a nurse one-day!" She always said this with great pride on her face which would sometimes be wiped off depending on how much beer my father had drank.

"Oh yes he's a special boy isn't he! Delivering food to people in the car I paid for and the licence I paid for! All I can I say is at least he has been paying his way! I'd have thrown him out in the street other wise and as for her! She'd be better off finding a man who already has a good job! Women shouldn't work it's a man's game!" He'd reply.

And after the awkward dinner every night I'd go to work which in reality pays almost as much as my father.

My mother was 38 years old and was a 5"5 petite lady with light brown skin and an hourglass figure. she has perky tits which pressed through her traditional Indian dress. Her nipples would often be visible as she moved through the house doing the cleaning and her cleavage always bursting out.

I had been up since 10 o'clock helping my mother do the chores. I arrived home from delivering food at about 2:30 in the morning and tip toed past my parents room to mine and could hear my father's drunken efforts to make love with my mother. By the sounds of it he was just starting and almost finishing.

I would often hear them through the wall. You could hear my father position himself onto my mother by the sound of the bed creaking and begin to thrust into her causing the bed to creak some more with an occasional thump of the head board against the wall. After a few minutes you'd hear load grunt ring through the house "UUURRGHH!" Followed by the sound of him rolling back onto his side of the bed and snoring moments later.

It was 4 o'clock the next day and I was just finishing hanging the last of my mother's and sisters underwear on to the clothes rack as my sister walked in from university.

stay tuned...........
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Smita n Janki

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