Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
She says, "This is what we wanted. It worked, he gave me a baby. I love you."
I ask, "How do you know?"
"I missed my period and my boobies have been real sensitive. Remember the other night when we finally made love, I couldn't stand you sucking on them."
"Yes", I say.
"Well, I was very hopeful and waited as long I as could to be sure, and bought a test kit today. It came up positive. I'm so happy", she says and rests her head on my shoulder holding me tight.
"You're going to be a good daddy. I just know you will love him or her like it was your own. You love me don't you? You're not going to leave me with Dillon's baby growing in me are you?"
"God no, I love you, I love you so very much. I'm so happy you're pregnant; I've always wanted to have a family. Dillon has given us a gift of life and I'm very thankful for him to come into our life, our love life"
Becky giggles and says "Yea, it didn't take too long did it? I just knew his sperm were strong and could make me pregnant. He apparently did it the first night because that was when I was supposed to ovulate. I hope he still likes me with a big tummy. I don't think I could live without his big dick now and then."
I tell her, he will still love you dear. "Pregnant women are the sexiest".
"You make me happy, but Dillon really makes me happy and you know that's true. I know that you like it when I've been with him. I can see your cock twitching in your panties."
"Your right, I do love your cummy pussy, and Dillon's sperm tastes and smells so good. I'm not gay, but whenever I see or smell him on you, I visualize a very active sperm wiggling towards your fertile womb. Maybe because mine aren't so active, I envy his virility."
"Hunny, don't knock yourself, I love you just the way you are, slow sperm and all. We are going to have a baby and I need you so very much to help me through this. I'm a little scared about it. You never know what can happen. We have to go to classes."
I tell her "I'll take very good care of you baby, don't you worry about any of this. Let's enjoy it."
Will you take me to bed and prove that you still love me? she asks.
I kiss her and take her to bed and ravish her like we haven't done in months. I do believe I totally eliminated any doubt she had about my love for her even though she will have Dillon's baby in less than eight months.
I think to myself as I'm drifting off to sleep, I really am a cuckold now. A feminine cuckold, that is. I admit to myself that Dillon is more a man than I am. Me being strong, intelligent, well off, having a nice home and a beautiful wife doesn't mean I'm the best man. I just couldn't impregnate her, he did. That realization has settle into my brain; just like I accepted being put in panties and hose while she makes love to Dillon and carries his sperm in her tummy. I have never admitted it to her but, when I wear panties I feel so content and stimulated at the same time. They somehow energize my senses and add sexual excitement to my brain. I'm so happy now. Becky is pregnant.
Weeks later on a Saturday morning we wake to another sunny day and hear the birds chirping outside. Becky is inches from my face and as I open my eyes, she is looking right at me and I can see the love in her eyes. She kisses me and tells me she wants to go shopping today for baby things, a crib for the nursery, and some more maternity clothes. She is showing now and needs to buy some larger outfits to grow into.
"Steve, I have a date tonight with Dillon. He is going to see my tummy and know I'm pregnant. It's been a few weeks since I've seen him and I just have to feel him inside me again."
She kisses me again and says, "You understand how I feel don't you? I mean I do love you, you know that, but he just makes me feel like a woman should feel and besides I am carrying his baby." Not letting me answer, she continues. "I need him and I want you to feel that need I have for him and experience how happy he makes me. Will you please tell me you want me to be with him?"
Hun, I know you love me; I can see it in your eyes right now. I want you to go out tonight with Dillon and tell him you are carrying his baby. You need to tell him he doesn't need to worry about child support or anything like that. Emphasize the fact that you and I want to raise the baby as ours and he can visit any time he wants. I know you're going to tell him you can't live without his cock, but just make him feel like the stud he is and tell him just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you don't want him.
"Oh God, I love you so much Steve. Can I put you in panties and stocking tonight, because you know I'll be bringing you a wet present?" Wait a minute she says. "Take a shower; I am going to dress you for shopping today. I want you to start wearing panties every day. I mean you are a true cuckold and should be reminded all the time your wife is carrying another man's baby. To feel feminine and happy knowing I'm happy you're wearing them. Please?"
"Do you really want me to wear panties all the time?"
"I really do" she says and kisses me like five times and bites my lip, then says. "I want to show you off today too. Will you do everything I tell you, you know, just for the fun of it? Tonight I will be with Dillon, but today we can play. OK?"
"What do you have in mind?"
"You'll see, just follow my lead." She says.
"Alright baby, it's a deal, for the fun of it. I trust you."
"Let's get dressed"
Becky and I go to the mall and hit a few maternity shops and after dropping the bags at the car, go into a large department store. She takes me into a changing room and unbuckles my belt and jeans. Tucking my tee shirt inside my panties she pulls up the top waist band of the panties around my shirt. The panties are a light stretch nylon and are dusty pink with "Simply Vera" printed into the band. Becky then zips me back up and buckles my belt. She grabs my hand and leads me into the lingerie dept.
"Hun, look at these panties. They're so sexy. Do you think my boyfriend would like them? She asks me not yelling, but loud enough for anyone in the area to hear.
A pretty blonde milf pushing a baby stroller looks up from a rack of bras and looks right at me. She just stares at me for 10 seconds and then looks at her baby and smiles. Becky moves over to the rack she's at and complements her on such a cute baby. The woman notices Becky is starting to show and asks are you? With a big smile she says yes, such and such and introduces me as her husband.
I smile at her and bend over to look at the baby and in so doing the woman sees my panties showing above my Levis. She whispers to Becky, "Do you know your husband is wearing panties?"
"I keep my husband in panties all the time now that I'm having my boyfriends' baby." Becky says matter of factly. "You like wearing panties, don't you dear?"
The woman is in shock, wide eyed and is smiling at me waiting for my answer. I'm so embarrassed, but heck, I thought I don't know her, why be embarrassed. Just have fun with the humiliation.
I say, "I love panties, and I especially like my wife's dirty ones after she comes home from her dates."
The woman laughs and says, "Are you guys for real?"
Becky explains to the woman how her girlfriend started dated and how her husband loved it, so she brought it up to me and I loved the idea too. She also opened right up about wanting to get pregnant and couldn't so everything just fell into place. She then tells her about the cuckold stories on the internet and how cuckold husbands need to be kept in panties to further the humiliation and allow him to enjoy his subordinate role.
The woman says she doesn't think her husband would like it very much if she knew she went on a date and continued to talk to Becky about it, and was very interested in our situation. I looked at a few racks of panties and picked out a few my size and carried them around while occasionally bending over or stooping down to look through the selection on the lower racks. I would hear a laugh now and then as a woman would walk by and see my panties showing. They would snicker and giggle as I walked around. Eventually I went to the checkout and the sales lady was clueless.
Becky show ups and drops a bra on my panty selections. The sales girl looks at the size and says, "This bra is kind of big for you miss, are you sure of the size?"

Hun, I know you love me; I can see it in your eyes right now. I want you to go out tonight with Dillon and tell him you are carrying his baby. You need to tell him he doesn't need to worry about child support or anything like that. Emphasize the fact that you and I want to raise the baby as ours and he can visit any time he wants. I know you're going to tell him you can't live without his cock, but just make him feel like the stud he is and tell him just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you don't want him.

"Oh God, I love you so much Steve. Can I put you in panties and stocking tonight, because you know I'll be bringing you a wet present?" Wait a minute she says. "Take a shower; I am going to dress you for shopping today. I want you to start wearing panties every day. I mean you are a true cuckold and should be reminded all the time your wife is carrying another man's baby. To feel feminine and happy knowing I'm happy you're wearing them. Please?"
"Do you really want me to wear panties all the time?"

stay tuned.........
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Smita n Janki

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