Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
Just run them around the edges and they will stand out. Looks like they are already out. " He said as if he were discussing her shoes or something.

It was true, they were quite excited looking already. She was beautiful in the naked state. She walked up to her husband and said,

"You look like your tongue is going to fall out. Do you have anything to say?" She asked Shekhar.

Shekhar shook his head. Dave was ready again and he asked her if she would be offended by anything.

"Come on, Dave. I am already nude. I can't take off anything more. What do you have in mind?" Anita asked.

"Just a few erotic poses. Nothing more. I repeat, if at all you feel uncomfortable, I will leave right away. "Dave said.
"OK. Tell me. "she said.

"Look, Anita. A girl can be nude but the lips of her pussy can remain hidden if she does not open her legs because nature has covered it beautifully with the pubic hair. So, I would just like you to open the legs slightly so that the eye of the camera can see the lovely labia. Which only shekhar has been seeing till now. "Dave said, winking at Shekhar.

With that, she kneeled on the floor in front of the camera and spread out her knees and bent backwards, exposing delicate pink labia and black pubic hair to the camera. Dave remained passive and kept shooting.

As time passed, Shekhar could see that she was a natural for anything exhibitionistic and modeling was for indeed for her. He just watched her and got more turned on.

"Now just a minute. " Shekhar said after a few more poses. "You didn't think you would get away Scot free did you? Dave, you said that you were the unjudging eye of the camera. Would you be offended if we got a bit more romantic?"

Dave said no and began to reload again. Shekhar undressed quickly to Anita's consternation. This was very weird and she was quite uncomfortable about seeing her husband naked with his friend from work. Dave must have read her mind because he said,

"Anita, don't be shy or nervous. Just be you. I am only an instrument and I will not be taking any of this film with me tonight. Just do what you do and we will see what develops. Pardon the pun... "

Both Anita and Shekhar laughed at the shop worn pun but it broke the tension. They were to consider Dave only as an entity connected to the camera and not as another human being in the room.

Shekhar lay back on the floor and asked Anita to rub his penis back to full awakening. She was feeling uncomfortable but only a little bit. The excitement of playing with Shekhar's cock replaced the discomfiture. She then took his cock into her mouth and began a slow sucking that started to drive him crazy. Dave's heavy breathing could be heard but he was remaining professional as two nude people were interacting in front of him.

As things got hotter, Shekhar remained on his back and on his prodding she mounted him. It was a very special moment for her. She was totally nude and while a stranger watched her she directed her husband's cock into the luscious folds of her pussy all the while maintaining eye contact with Dave who despite the bulge in his pants remained a professional to the core and kept on clicking. She could feel the firm grip in which her vaginal lips held her husband and they made wild love, seemingly oblivious to the older man with the camera that was recording their lives. Her braests moved freely with the strokes but she just them. They both finished in a splendid simultaneous orgasm and he caught the whole thing on film.

When they caught our breath they noted that Dave had put the camera down.

stay tuned.........
 Pl read n comment 
All Pic r copied fm NET and will be removed if anyone has any objection
Smita n Janki

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