Adultery Seduction of Nisha, the happy Housewife by elder_ guy (COMPLETED)
Beyond the garden there is an area which mainly has lot of trees and bushes, more like a smaller forest. Of course all this comes with a price and that too allowed to only few select guests. The management does not want any trouble so they are choosy. 

Rohit took Nisha to this exclusive place and as they sat there Nisha wondered why her own loving hubby Avi never thinks of bringing her to such places. Rohit guided Nisha to her seat and he sat by her side. He ordered scotch as usual for himself and a Gin for her. She wanted to say no but his smile almost made her to swallow her words. 

Just as he can be tough in his professional work, he can equally be very disarming and persuasive in his private affairs. As they sipped the drinks they started chatting again and Rohit said he thoroughly enjoyed their last meeting which made Nisha to blush and her cheeks became red. He apologized for not calling her early and Nisha was taken aback and simply said it is Ok Rohit you have lots of work and issues to handle. 

He said thanks Nisha, Avi is very lucky to have a very understanding wife like you. She blushed again and Rohit said you look more beautiful as you blush and where is the need to blush as I said only the truth. He of course is wooing her gently reminding her of last fuck session and  yet reminding her he knows she is a lovely wife to her hubby. 

She said No Rohit no more of what happened and she laughed and was sipping at it. Rohit made no move to touch her at all. This kind of surprised her. She expected him to make moves and rush but here he is quietly sitting and drinking his scotch and what she did not know is he is drinking her beauty. She relaxed which means her guard has lowered. 

Rohit ordered a repeat and when she protested Rohit said drink as much you want and leave it but elt the glass be there for company. Then he said Nisha should we go over and see the garden and other beautiful areas.  He gently took her hand and guided her in to the garden. Spread over a couple of acres it has lots of flowers and the fragrance from the flowers was giving great pleasure. For the second time in the evening she wondered why Avi and she have not come to places like this, of course they did go to some gardens, famous as well not so famous but not to this kind of a resort/restaurant.

stay tuned............

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Smita n Janki

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RE: ROHIT WOOS NISHA AGAIN...Seduction of Nisha,the happy Housewife by elder guy - by twinciteeguy - 14-03-2021, 06:35 AM

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