Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
"No, I insist. And please drop the 'Boss' part. Please call me Raghu. You are family, Nina," he stressed. I blushed with the heaped adoration and being called family.....

Raghavan is about Vivek's age and was dusky, if may call him. He was in his shorts and a baggy tee-shirt. It hid his muscular frame and his flat tummy. However, the calf of his legs gave a good hint that he exercised regularly and would be good in bed. Looking at him, I was surprised to feel a tingle between my legs. Was I going moist? It must be the 3 glasses of beer I had guzzled, I thought.

I went to help him as he picked more beer and soda bottles from the fridge. Since it was a casual party amongst friends, I was wearing a loose white shirt over a knee length dark blue satin skirt. To accentuate my 5' 5" height, I was wearing 4" heels. This attire made me stand out amongst the crowd. The other ladies were wearing either salwar's or saris, which are normally worn by Indian ladies.

As he passed on the cold bottles from the fridge, I kept them on the tray to be carried out. I leant forward to pick up the tray, and that very time Raghavan reached out his arms from below to pick up the trays. Our hands criss-crossed and my right breast rested squarely in the crook of his left elbow.

An involuntary sigh of pleasure escaped my lips, as his arm pressed my boob and lingered on. Though it was an unplanned action, this fuelled my desired tingling and I could feel myself going moist there. In fact I was expecting my periods within a day or two and as a precaution I had worn a slim pad. In a short time I felt that I may have to check on the sanitary pad.

Raghavan realized it as an after- thought and hurriedly removed his arm. "I'm sorry, Nina. I didn't mean to," He apologized.

The tray fell back with a thud. At that moment Aarti came out of the toilet.

"What happened? Everything okay?" she enquire seeing us close together and clutching at the bottles.

"No problem Aarti," I replied non-ruffled. "The tray was wet and it slipped. Luckily Mr. Raghavan was there or the bottles would have crashed to the floor." I winked at Raghavan.

As Aarti left to go down, Raghavan whispered "I am really sorry. I did not mean it."

"Mean what Boss?" I teased. I wanted to flirt with him a little, as he picked up the tray and I picked up the ice-bucket and started for the door.

"Uuuh, I mean ...," He fumbled for words. I was sure that he must have been really horny with his wife away for 3 months. These thoughts were really playing on my mind, and by that time we realized that we had reached the group.

Someone had cracked a joke and they were having a good laugh. Even the ladies were behaving like the boys and having a good time. Everyone had their glasses almost empty. The rest of the guys said that they wanted to go for a pee and left with the other two ladies. Aarti went along too.

"Boss, you don't have to apologize so much. I should have been more careful. But it was a pleasure too." I was in a mood to tease him, knowing that we could flirt safely, when the guests were not around. I had decided to let my hair down for once.

"You really mean that?" he enquired. "Thanks. And remember, you may please use the upper bathrooms. We have upgraded it to the best we could make." I was not sure but I got a feeling that he was literally inviting me to go upstairs. This made me very inquisitive. Since Vivek had been with the company for a long time and there have been may visit to each others' houses and parties, the ice between us broken down a long time ago.

Between the Raghavan's and our family we were like age old friends, but the habit to call him "Boss" had not broken down.

Though we were close we had not crossed any limits of married life. However, I was sure that just like us, Raghavan & Komal too had been keeping a check on our statistics. I had seen Komal exchanging looks with Vivek, but had put that as a normal thing to happen between friends. Vivek too had never brought up this topic.

But today was different. The long absence of Komal and abstinence of sex must definitely be getting on Raghavan. Could it be that he was in a horny mood. And was he hitting on me? These thoughts were creating turmoil in me. The beer too was not helping and I let myself swim in these thoughts.

I am tall and slim, and have a 34C bust line, which has made many heads turn during college days. The pride of my boobs is that they are longish, conical, and curved upward, topped with pink areoles and a dark pink longish nipple. During our love making, Vivek spends a lot of time chewing them calling them "his Love papayas". I love it when he does that during our foreplay. My breasts are very sensitive too, and Vivek plays with them a lot when we lie together with my back to him. My legs are not flabby and I wax them regularly.

stay tuned.........
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Smita n Janki

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